

Monday, February 15, 2010

Australia: Five Mass Murder Muslim Terrorist conspirators sentenced.


Check out the “Hag in a Bag” sister to one of the Muslim Sociopaths,

explaining to us all that its all a big miscarriage of justice… well of course it is.

and this from 7 network


Family members of five Sydney jailed for plotting terrorist attack criticise length of sentences

Doug Conway
Daily Telegraph
February 15, 2010

FAMILY members have criticised the sentences handed out in Sydney's terrorism trial, saying murderers get less.

"That's a very big sentence," said the sister of the youngest of five Muslim men sentenced to maximum terms of between 23 and 28 years.

"Not even murderers get sentenced that much.

"Twenty-three years, that's half of his life," she said of the sentence imposed on her 25-year-old brother.

"It's not fair to him, our community or our religion."

Relatives of some of the other men yelled out expletives as they heard the sentences via closed-circuit TV outside the court room at Parramatta.

One woman began sobbing as two men shouted "f#^<" and left the building.

The sister, who said she attended every day of the 10-month trial, said she believed her brother was innocent.

"He was not planning any mass murder or terrorist attack," she said.

"He is no extremist; the only extremists are people like ASIO, they go way deep."

She said the jail sentences would only serve to strengthen the faith of the convicted men.

They would not cause a divide between Muslims and non-Muslims in the Australian community, or incite any other Muslims to take extremist action.

She read out a poem dedicated to her brother that said in part: "They handcuffed your spirit, they stole your freedom, they locked you up for a crime you didn't commit, they locked you up because you fit the script."

She said her brother would have "the last laugh" because the truth would come out before God on judgment day.

$10 Million for Muslim Terrorists

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