

Monday, February 15, 2010

Australia’s “safest city” on the brink, following Labor’s gift to Australia of the UN’s Mad Dog of Multiculturalism


See more golden threads of some of the worlds great cultures woven into Australia’s rich tapestry of Multiculturalism

The Occupied Territories of Australia, Melbourne, according to it’s socialist state Labor Government is the “safest city in Australia”, and it’s leader has “never seen a gang”

Maybe the Government should have some more “Harmony Days” or more Multicultural Community BBQ’s.

Mr Twentyman must feel uncomfortable playing the role of a “fireman” after so many years advocating social policies that have caused so much of the environment he now finds so unacceptable.

Kevin 07’s Australia: “Dhimmi Cop / Community Cop”, to ensure the facilitation of Rudd’s “Fresh Thinking” aka. Muslim Colonization of Australia.

Australia: Five Mass Murder Muslim Terrorist conspirators sentenced.

$10 Million for Muslim Terrorists

Lu Kewen aka. Australian PM Kevin Rudd CALLS FOR more Sharia Banks in Australia

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