

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Islamic Sociopaths Inc. 95,000 descendants of the most infamous Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader known as Mohammed are sueing ten news papers for publishing pictures of their beloved Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader.


95,000 descendants of Mohammed to sue over 'blasphemous' cartoons

By staff writers
Daily Telegraph
March 21, 2010

NEARLY 95,000 descendants of Mohammed are going to sue ten newspapers for publishing "blasphemous" cartoons of the Prophet.

Copy of 21 3 2010 95,000 descendants of Mohammed to sue over 'blasphemous' cartoons Members of the cult they call “Islam” founded by their beloved and revered seventh century Paedophile,Slave Trading Pirate,Mohammed,seen here gathered together in a spontaneous display of “Peace and Tolerance” such displays are typical throughout Europe and the western world,and have earned the followers of “Islam” the much revered title of,“Members of the Religion of Peace” or “Islam means Peace” awarded to them by their ideological soul mates and apologists on the left.

Faisal Yamani, a Saudi lawyer acting for the descendants, claims that the cartoons - which first appeared in 2005 and caused violent protests by Muslims around the world - are libellous.

mohammed-and-aisha  Depiction of Islam’s founder,Paedophile Slave Trader and Pirate with his 9 year old wife Aisha on their wedding day


Copy of Mohammed hard on

Depiction of Islam’s founder,Paedophile Slave Trader and Pirate, with Aisha on their first date Aisha was then six years of age.

One of the 12 cartoons is of Mohammed wearing a bomb-shaped turban.

The Sunday Times said that although the cartoons were published by Danish newspapers, Mr Yamani plans to pursue his legal action in England, where libel laws are weighted towards the plaintiff.

English lawyers expect that he will agrue that the cartoons were published in Britain via the internet and are a direct slur on his clients, who live in the Middle East, north Africa and even Australia.

jyllands-posten-mohammed A selection of the cartoons that have outraged the descendants of the Paedophile Slave Trading Pirate “mohammed”

Mark Stephens, a British lawyer who Mr Yamani's missive to the newspapers, told The Sunday Times: “Direct descendants of the prophet have a particular place within Muslim society ... By effectively criticizing and making fun of the prophet you are, by implication, holding them up to scandal, contempt and public ridicule.

“The question is, is that defamatory in English law?




Members of the “Religion of Peace “ in a spontaneous show of support for their Paedophile Slave Trading Pirate “mohammed”

He said that although many judges would dismiss such a case, "it is obviously a very highly charged issue and if they do throw it out, it becomes political”.

Mr Yamani has already won an apology from the Danish newspaper Politiken for printing the cartoons.

The cartoons first appeared in Jyllands-Posten as part of its campaign to promote freedom of expression.

However, the paper's offices have been evacuated several times after security threats and the artist behind the bomb cartoon, Kurt Westergaard, was forced to go into hiding. In January this year a man was shot trying to get into his home.

Sane,decent, moral people’s all over the world,would not want to confess,however true,to been related to a Seventh Century Paedophile Slave Trading Sociopathic Pirate, it astounds me that there are 95,000 people who are prepared to admit that they share the same defective perverted genes of this “mohammed” chap.

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