

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why would any Normal Human Being Fly Emirates?


Why would anybody fly Emirates ? or any other MUSLIM airline, Knowing that this is what your air fares are going towards, Stone Age Neanderthals,who drop to the floor five times a day and rub their snotty noses in the dirt to worship some ancient long forgotten Egyptian Moon God.

Next time any member of the MAJORITY of the Earths population need to fly anywhere,ask your self do you want to fly with those who want to ensure you will get to your destination safely or fly with those who share the ideology of those who want to ensure you never reach it?

God Help (no not the moon god allah,the real GOD) the passengers should the Pilot be a member of the Religion of Peace and decide to exterminate some infidels by crashing the plane so as to get his immediate entry to the Muslim “Heaven” so as to take advantage of his 72 Virgins as a reward for his elimination of NON Muslims from the Planet.  

Cabin crew in Dubai jailed for sexy texting: report

March 18, 2010

Two Emirates Airline cabin crew members in Dubai were given three-month jail terms for exchanging sexy text messages.

The then-married flight attendant, 42, and her male supervisor, 47, were convicted of "coercion to commit sin", the National daily reported court documents as saying on Wednesday.

It said the pair - both Indian - were earlier sentenced to six months in prison to be followed by deportation, but an appeals court last week reduced the jail time and dropped the expulsion penalty.

The court concluded there was not enough evidence to prove that the unidentified pair had actually been sexually involved, the paper added.

The messages were exposed during a bitter divorce battle between the attendant and her husband that began in 2007, the daily said.

It said the divorce court had ordered Dubai's telecommunications company, Etisalat, to produce the text messages after the husband accused his wife of an affair.

Etisalat provided copies of SMS messages in October 2008, allowing the husband to file a "criminal complaint" against his wife, the paper said.

The court also handed a three-month jail term to the attendant's sister for perjury, after she claimed she had been having the affair and had been using her sister's telephone.

The attendant's husband has since gained custody of the couple's four-year-old son after the divorce was finalised, the paper reported.

Dubai, a regional tourist hub with a large non-Muslim expatriate population and the Gulf's most liberal social policies, nevertheless continues to apply strict rules based on Islamic Sharia law. A British pair await a final verdict from Dubai's appeals court next month to find out if they will serve a one-month jail sentence over charges of kissing in public.

A British mother of two lost custody of her children and was jailed for three months last year on adultery charges filed by her then Egyptian husband.

Normal People must simply ONLY fly NON Muslim Airlines.I have NEVER understood why any Normal person would choose to fly with any Muslim Airline anywhere, regardless of the inconvenience for choosing to fly with a NON Muslim western friendly airline.

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