

Monday, May 24, 2010

Australia :Burqa ban, Muslim woman dressed like an idiot Arse Clown declares “……I'm an Australian more than anyone else here.”


“ ANJEM CHOUDARY: A Muslim will always be superior to a non-Muslim, absolutely.”

“NOOR ALI: They're playing a game. They don't realise how dangerous it is.
LIZ HAYES: And how dangerous is it?
NOOR ALI: It's dangerous because we know that Europe has a very sad history with what they did to the Jewish people
when they started to discriminate against them. They're repeating history. They don't see what they're going to do.”

So banning the Burqa is the same as slaughtering 6 million Jews? 

So much could be said but , where do you start ? these Muslim colonialists have an answer for everything no matter how illogical or absurd.

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