

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lu Kwewen’s Australia, where everybody is equal and some are far more equal than others


comrade rudd

 Beijings highest ranking official in Australia,

Australian PM Lu Kewen aka, Kevin Rudd and his peoples government members Comrade Garrett, Comrade Swan and Madame Gillard.

“Another equal opportunity employer”

Andrew Bolt Blog

Andrew Bolt
Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 10:27am

The Australian Public Service tells Aborigines it will give them extra help to get a government job, and introduces you to the Aborigines it’s hired already:


I’ve already introduced you to some of the ABC’s Aborigines:


If you have any questions about whether people should receive extra government help for insisting on a racial identity almost undetectable to the naked eye, put them to the Aboriginal heads of the Rudd Government’s new National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples:


(Thanks to reader Steve.) “

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