

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Australia: Hassan Nagi HIV Positive Muslim Taxi Driver & Multiple Rapist sentenced as Hags in Bags leap to his defense outside Court.

                                                                                                                              Hassan Nagi Hag in  bag

The court errupted as Nagi's mother also began yelling in defence of her son, and one the victims present retorted: "You weren't there!"
Judge James Bennett found Nagi had shown no remorse, had been predatory, and "demonstrated a disrespect for the female gender and a willingness to pursue his own (sexual) gratification regardless of them and their interests."

You Rape three women (that we know of) and are sentenced to a little over 4 years for each one and your relatives think you are hard done by, Oh that’s right, I forgot the Rapist is a Muslim, and his victims are Australians.

Hassan Nagi


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Don't you just love their dirty Arab Muslim culture, or at least the one that is so prevalent here in Australia? He is caught out committing a despicable act AND admits that he is a male nymph and has been frequenting brothels since he was 20(!!) but his braindead mother (she must be to defend him under such circumstances) cries out in his defense. What great people they are.

    The guy even looks like a sleazy slime bag. God forbid that any female would actually fall for this guy, surely they must have standards?

    Anyhow, the sentence seems appropiate enough so justice was served!

  2. Aussie7:46 PM

    Hello Anon and welcome to ANV.

    I agree with everything you say except for you comments on the sentence, I think he should get 13 years for each conviction.
    But hey call me crazy.

    Thanks again for taking the time to post a comment please do so again.
    Yours faithfully,

  3. fuckislam2:20 AM

    Cost of incarceration approx $100,000
    cost of 1 bullet approx $1.50
    cost of noose {can be used hundreds of times} approx $5
    .....any questions?

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    U racist Aussie dogs go sleep with ur daughters lmao
