

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Australia : Rev.Fred Nile’s bill to ban Muslims wearing Disguises in Public introduced to NSW upper house


Fred Nile's bill to ban the burqa to be debated

Daily Telegraph
June 23, 2010

CHRISTIAN Democratic Party MP Fred Nile  has succeeded in introducing a bill to ban the wearing of the burqa in the NSW Upper House.

Mr Nile introduced his private member's bill, seeking to ban the wearing of the burqa and other face veils in public, shortly after 8pm on Tuesday.

23 6 2010 Burka Ban Fred Nile 

Last month, a debate on the same bill was voted down by the NSW Upper House.

Greens MP John Kaye said only the four Greens MPs and Family First MP Gordon Moyes voted against introducing the bill on Tuesday.

"Last month the coalition and the government did the right thing and said no, they would not allow the Upper House to be home to this kind of racist dog whistling," Mr Kaye said.

"This time they caved in."

23 6 2010 Fred Nile Burka Ban 2

Mr Kaye said Mr Nile's bill has opened the door to a "dangerous and divisive attack on one of NSW's communities".

"Letting loose the ugly bigotry that lies behind this bill will only encourage hostility to the Muslim community," he said.

"While no woman should be forced to wear a burqa or any other form of clothing, this absurd bill will do nothing to enhance the rights of women."

Mr Nile has denied the bill is racist, saying his concern lay with issues of security and women's rights.

The bill has been adjourned until September 2010.


  1. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I'm always in a state of disbelief when I read about this. They are in Australia and it is expected that they behave like Australians as required which entails assimilation to our customs and culture. That means, NO damn burqa!

    Damn liberals and leftists for constantly bending over backwards when Muslims cry. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Well, that mile hasn't stopped stretching as they will stretch it till they dominate and submit the West which they OPENLY ADMIT! Damn it, enough is enough!!

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