

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Labor comes clean with contempt for Australian Military

Former Labor Party Leader, Mark Latham, comes clean with the Australian public regarding his and Labor's contempt for Australia's Military forces.
The Australian Labor Party (ALP)and its Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)bankers and financiers have a long tradition of hatred for and undermining of Australia's military forces during WW2, however this hatred and contempt was most publicly displayed  during the Vietnam War during which the ALP & ACTU financially supported the Communist North Vietnamese army, along with withholding weapons and supplies from Australian troops via the ACTU'S Maritime, Building and Postal Unions.
No one will ever know how many Australian troops were killed with weapons and supplies donated by the ALP / ACTU and their  "Peace  Movement" Groupies and ‘Students” however these Labor Party vermin are still allowed to walk on hallowed ground every ANZAC Day weeping crocodile tears courtesy of an Onion hidden in their handkerchief's.

The Communist / Socialist mindset is not burdened by conscience, because to be a Communist / Socialist you must first jettison your conscience otherwise the Communist / Socialist manifesto, is, just like the Koran, repulsive to all but the lowest of the low.

Trooper Jason Brown,Another Australian killed in Afghanistan, whilst Australian Government continues to import into Australia Muslim “asylum seekers”
Aussie soldiers families to be evicted to make way for illegal immigrants

Who IS Madame / Comrade Julia Gillard ?Gillard Australian Story Great Wall China

Australian Federal Election: Labor Party censors Union appointed PM’s website,What the Labor Party did not want you to read about Julia Gillard. hear what they did not want you to read.

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