

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Trooper Jason Brown, Home.

Another Australian Soldier is killed in Afghanistan,Trooper Jason Brown, 29, a member of the Perth-based Special Air Service Regiment.
While he was fighting for Australia the disgraceful anti Australian pro UN, Labor Gillard government is busy importing into Australia its 150th plus, boatload of mainly Afghani Muslim males of fighting age into Australia,who knows how many of these "asylum seekers" are in fact responsible for the deaths of Australian and coalition forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.

They will be placed on social security for life, provided with free housing, medical and dental and they will be naturally lifetime Labor voters, after all they are not likely to bite the hand that feeds them and their yet to arrive first cousin child brides,boyfriends and extended families under the family reunion scam. 

Madame Gillard we know who is paying you, but please tell us, who are you are working for ?

Trooper Jason Brown,Another Australian killed in Afghanistan, whilst Australian Government continues to import into Australia Muslim “asylum seekers”

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