

Sunday, June 17, 2012

$200 K for foreign soldiers - Aussies lose Christmas reunions

slouch hat
"Our government has been surreptitiously bringing in foreign soldiers sailors and airmen. 

And they're giving them bonuses. Up to $200,000. 

Meanwhile single Australian soldiers are to lose being reunited with their families at Christmas.

A once a year reunion.

And unlike government ministers and top bureaucrats, they had to fly economy class.

This is a government which has left the country next to defenceless. As a proportion of the Gross National product, we're back to spending about the same as we were in the 1930s.
Before the disastrous Collins class submarines are replaced there's going to be another enquiry. This has the advantage of taking any replacement out of the budget for this year. You get it- a saving."
I have nothing against bringing in foreign soldiers to bolster the ranks of Australia's dwindling military forces however, Australian soldiers conditions and benefits should not be cut to fund the incentives to lure these foreign defense personnel here

I have a better idea, how about we NOT  lure a boatload of  illegal, predominantly single Muslim men 18 to 26 years of age, a DAY into Australia, with the promise of  free housing, free medical , free dental , free internet, free schooling, free legal aid, FREE  insert demand here.
Oh and then there is life long social security payments in lieu of gainful employment to them and their wives and children and then there is the $10,000 "settlement" payment for white goods and furniture to furnish their FREE house all of the above hand outs or incentives to illegally enter Australia add up to around 3 to 4 billion A$ per year and increasing by the hundreds of thousands DAILY.

The Union GetUp funded Labor Green Loon, "Independent" minority Socialist Australian "Co Party" governments Australia 2012

Radio 's Ray Hadley discusses the Australian Governments latest tax payer funded  web site that touts for people smugglers and illegal entrants, with opposition shadow immigration minister Scott Morrison.

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