

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Speaking of Racists "La Raza".......How about all the Presidents Men

"Why is "La Raza" the one Spanish term that is NEVER translated in the American mass media? Because translating it would make it a lot less respectable. It means "THE RACE" -- The mixed Hispanic "race" of Mexico. Racism is fine South of the Rio Grande only, apparently."

And for the Free thinking Progressive Liberals that inhabit academe dribbling their all cultures religions and ideologies are equal crap... so long as you say and believe in what they allow you to.

And more of what the "Peace Loving " members of, what they, and their 'Progressive" leftist apologists, laughingly call the "Religion of Peace" and "Islam means Peace"

Even Obama's "Love Media" are not safe 

Islam : International Socialism's Rabid Mad Dog, let off the leash with immunity to roam at will throughout the civilized world under the HOAX / excuse of  Diversity,Tolerance, and Multiculturalism and if you object YOU are a racist.

The bestselling "Unholy Alliance" is now in paperback! Former Leftist radical David Horowitz blows the lid off the dangerous liaison between U.S. liberals and Islamic radicals. With America's battle against the disastrous force of terrorism at hand, Horowitz takes us behind the curtain of the unholy alliance between liberals and the enemy - a force with malevolent intentions, and one that Americans can no longer ignore.

Multiculturalism the gift from Socialism that keeps on giving.

Vet outraged by ritually slaughtered meat served at National Conference.
"Dr. Melville-Smith said he had three areas of concern about ritually slaughtered (halal) meat. “Firstly, halal meat has nothing to do with the quality of the meat, its fat content or hygiene.” He said.“Halal is about religious ritual and observance in relation to meat products.“To be halal, the Koran says an animal must have its throat slit whilst still alive and conscious (not stunned) to ensure it ‘properly’ bleeds to death."
Full Story  Here  
Halal aka. Godless cruelty to Gods creatures,by the followers of Islam.

American Immigration Council: ‘Dream Come True’
The American Immigration Council, a group supposedly dedicated to “Insisting that our immigration laws be enacted and implemented in a way that honors fundamental constitutional and human rights,” is cheering President Obama’s unilateral decision to refuse enforcement of immigration law for young illegal immigrants.

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