

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

They don't like you either Comrade !!!! Gillard turns free marketeer at G20

Julia Gillard Mexico

Prime Minister Julia Gillard shares a laugh with other world leaders before the family photo shoot / Pic: David Caird Source: The Daily Telegraph

Europe furious at Julia Gillard's nagging

Julia Gillard
SPEECH urging world leaders to follow "Australian way" in economies put Julia Gillard at the centre of a global diplomatic spat at the G20.

Paaaayyyeeee attention down the baaaaaaaack pleeeeez, I am speeeking

Save the world? it's easy,see this is all ya do, and then the  Dumb Shits will vote for ya for another three years. 

TREASURER leaps to the PM's defence after she was slammed for lecturing Europe on how to solve its economic crisis.

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