

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

" Progressive Moderate Islam" strikes again: Anger over scantily clad foreigners grows in UAE

A campaign against foreigners revealing too much flesh in public is gaining momentum in the United Arab Emirates.

"A guy might not rape a woman who is dressed like that but it will make him sexually charged and he might rape another," 
A Twitter campaign that links foreigners dressing in skimpy clothing to sexual assault is stirring controversy in Abu Dhabi, as a proposed law to enforce a dress code in public places in the United Arab Emirates gains momentum.Two Emirati women started an online campaign, UAE Dress Code, last month, but came under criticism after linking revealing clothing and sexual assault.

One of the women behind the campaign, Asma Al Muhairi, 23, told Abu Dhabi newspaper The National she regretted the tweet, but stood by her views.
"A guy might not rape a woman who is dressed like that but it will make him sexually charged and he might rape another," she said.The campaign calls on visitors to respect the culture of the Muslim country by not dressing provocatively in public places.“Travelling around the world let u experience the diff cultures. #UAE has its own & no one has the right to change it,” read one recent tweet.

"#UAE has its own & no one has the right to change it,”  

So no "Harmony Days" no "Strength through Diversity Weeks" propaganda,no "All Cultures / Religions / Behaviors are equal " laws ? no "women have a right to choose what they wear" in this Islamic Utopia, this Progressive Moderate Islamic example to the infidel world,of paradise on earth, where Every Day is a Harmony Day ? 
Oh that's right, only Islamic nations have the right to preserve their culture and destroy everyone else's.
No wonder Islam is so ideologically aligned with the Socialist Green Nazi's that are, the "Progressive Left" they have so much in common.

Islam the ideology of choice of  the Sociopath.

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