

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Alan Jones: Delingpole,Coal Seam Gas,Shut the Gate,Terry McCrann,

Australia's # 1 Talkback Radio Host, Alan Jones of Radio 2GB 873 Sydney

Terry McCrann

Carbon tax to make its mark on the economy, Alan Jones is joined by economics commentator Terry McCrann to discuss the carbon tax. 

Shut the Gate

The fight against CSG mining continues Alan Jones is joined by Brian Monk, Lawrence Springborg and Drew Hutton of the Lock The Gate Alliance. 

James Delingpole

Alan Jones speaks with British commentator James Delingpole on Prime Minister Gillard's recent visit to Rio. 

 Donna LaFramboise

Climate change: the debate continues Alan Jones speaks with visiting climate change sceptic and author Donna LaFramboise

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