

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Four arrested following Patrick Crowe Murder

Four arrested over the fatal stabbing of apprentice chef Patrick Crowe at Parramatta

Tim Vollmer 
The Daily Telegraph 
July 11, 2012 7:01PM 

FOUR young men have been arrested over the fatal stabbing of apprentice chef Patrick Crowe in Parramatta early on Sunday morning.

The popular 22-year-old died on the operating table while undergoing emergency surgery for a punctured left lung suffered when he was stabbed during the brawl near the Argyle Street bus interchange at the end of a night out with friends. 

Police this evening arrested three men - aged 21, 18, and 16 - after carrying out a search warrant on a house in Parramatta. Another 16-year-old boy faced Parramatta Children's Court this afternoon, where he was granted bail after being charged with affray over his alleged involvement in the altercation. 

Officers last night said the investigation into the stabbing was ongoing, with more arrests expected. Emergency services were called at about 2am on Sunday following reports of a stabbing on Argyle Street, with NSW Ambulance paramedics transferring Mr Crowe to Westmead Hospital where he died shortly before 7am. During the fatal attack, which involved up to four men, a male offender is also alleged to have held a knife to the throat of one of Mr Crowe's friends. Police are still investigating the motive for the attack, including any possible link to a small run-in between Mr Crowe and his friends with some women in a club earlier in the night.

"Somewhere in Sydney these Godless Monsters are lurking,probably smirking about their act of cowardice and someone knows who they are, the killers biggest problem is that his accomplices know who he is,and that factor alone has doubled his chances of been apprehended sooner than later." ANV July 8 2012

Sydney's Occupied Territories Stabbing: Patrick Crowe, 22, attacked and stabbed to death..

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