

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Funeral Service for one of Australia's finest,Sergeant Blaine Diddams

Farewell to Sergeant Blaine Diddams, Special Air Service Regiment

Hundreds of family, friends and fellow soldiers have commemorated the life of Sergeant Blaine Diddams, in a moving military funeral service held at Karrakatta, Perth. 

Forty year-old Sergeant Diddams was killed during an engagement with insurgents on operations in southern Afghanistan on 2 July, 2012.

Local residents, dignitaries and Defence Force members stood shoulder to shoulder to pay respects to Sergeant Diddams as his coffin was marched into the cemetery by his Regimental mates.

Commanding Officer of the Special Air Service Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel J paid homage to Sergeant Blaine Diddams.

“Didds was at the top of his game in terms of command, leadership and tactical acumen, yet he was humble, loyal to the end and respectful of all who contributed to the delivery of operational capability,” Lieutenant Colonel J said.

“His pursuit of professional excellence, his devotion to his family, his dedication to his mates and to his country will always be remembered by an eternally grateful Regiment, Defence Force and nation.”

Sergeant Diddams is survived by his wife Toni-Ann, his two children, Elle-Lou and Henry, his parents Peter and Cate, and four brothers and sisters.

The family of Sergeant Diddams receive his 'Sandy' Beret during the service at Karrakatta Cemetery. Special Operations Commander Australia Major General 'Gus' Gilmore looks on. Mid Caption: SGT Blaine Diddams of the Special Air Service Regiment was farewelled by his family and friends in a sombre ceremony at Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth, Western Australia, on 14 July 2012. SGT Blaine Diddams was killed in action in Afghanistan during a mission targeting an insurgent commander in Chorah region of Uruzgan Province on 2 July 2012. Dignitaries in attendance included the Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable Julia Gillard, the Minister for Defence, the Honourable Steven Smith, Honourable Warren Truss MP, the Chief of Defence Force, General David Hurley AC, DSC, Chief of Army, Lieutenant General David Morrison AO and Special Operations Commander Australia, Major General "Gus" Gilmore, DSC, AM. Photo By CPL Chris Moore

Sergeant Blaine Diddams:SGT Blaine Diddams returned home to his family and friends today.

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