

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Australian Surfer snatched from Surfboard by monster Great White

Surfer killed by shark north of Perth

Emily Moulton 
July 14, 2012 1:00PM
A MALE surfer has been killed by a shark off Wedge Island, about 180km north of Perth.
The surfer was attacked while out with a mate about 4km east of the the island, north of the coastal fishing town of Lancelin, at about 9am.
Surf Life Saving WA said Water Police had confirmed the attack was fatal.

In April, WA Fisheries senior shark research scientist Rory McAuley said the state was the deadliest place in the world for shark attacks, after the death of 33-year-old diver Peter
Kurmann off the southwest coast, the fourth death in seven months.

Mr McAuley said there had been an "unprecedented'' number of fatal shark attacks off WA in the past two years.
Last month, 62-year-old surf life saver Martin Kane was rescued by one of his fellow paddlers when a shark attacked his surf ski at Mullaloo beach.
A world-first acoustic tagging program introduced last year has shown sharks are lingering off the metropolitan coast for months at a time.

WA Fisheries Minister Norman Moore recently said the state had pre-emptively banned shark tourism.A WA police spokesman said the extent of the man's injuries was not clear but there are unconfirmed the attack was fatal.

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