

Saturday, July 14, 2012

QSociety Sergio Redegalli, Kirralie Smith public information night "Creeping Sharia"

From the QSociety

GDay and Hello;

I hope this email finds you well. 

We are holding our next public information night in Melbourne on Wednesday 18 July and
I am hoping this will not only interest you; but that you are kind enough to pass on this email 
and the attached information to your connections in Victoria.

Our two presenters for the night are:

Sergio Redegalli: How Free is Freedom of Expression under Multiculturalism?
Is criticism of discriminatory and divisive religious practices racist?
How the “Say No To Burqas” mural brings out the true colours of divisive
multiculturalism and cultural Marxism.

Kirralie Smith: Halal Certification Schemes
Are Australian shoppers forced to fund Islamic supremacist and terrorism? 
The founders of share insights into the Islamisation of 
Australian supply chains.

Brave woman stands against Halal Creeping Sharia

We would like to reach out and network across all concerned citizens; no matter which ethnicity, political view or religious belief -- we all have nothing to gain from further impositions by Islamic supremacists and the introduction of sharia by stealth in Australia. 

Admission is free, we only ask those who wish to attend to email their name(s) to or to the fax number listed below, and we shall send the venue details in Caulfield South late Monday or Tuesday. There is a tram stop right in front of the venue.

Best Regards

Ralf Schumann

Q Society of Australia Inc  
Telephone 1300 361 200
Intl callers dial +61 2 8006 1525 
Facsimile 02 8008 1529 

Letters to: PO Box 1228
Altona Gate - VIC - 3025


  1. The contents and video's both are outstanding in this blog..I just loved it..I feel glad to read this blog..

  2. Many Thanks for your Kind words.
    Yours faithfully,
