

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sydney's Muslim Insurgent Riots More SPIN as apologists for Islam and Multiculturalism refuse to stop CPR on it's Stinking Rotting Dead Corpse

Grand mufti warns Muslim community: 'Don't turn from victims to criminals'

....people who celebrate 911 and the death of Australian Soldiers are CRIMINALS already 

Evelyn Yamine 
The Daily Telegraph
September 20, 2012 4:14PM

AUSTRALIA'S most prominent Muslim leader has warned people of his community they are in danger of turning from "victims to criminals" if they stage violent protests again.

Australia's grand mufti Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed and other Muslim community leaders came to together in a show of support for police today

Nick Nick Nick WTF? 

The Reality

Australians do not have a "Grand Mufti" there is no "Grand Mufti" of Australia, talk about the Emporors new clothes,it's a title self imposed by Muslim insurgents, Australians do not recognize this subversive insurgent arse clown and his apologists and followers.

"The people who did the protest last week and if they're thinking of doing a protest this week, that we're in danger of turning from victims to criminals," Dr Mohamed said through his interpreter.

"We were victims two weeks ago when everything that is holy to us was insulted in that movie.

Victims ? Victims of what this time ? The Islamic state of perpetual victimhood, will it ever end ?

"We have then ventured into criminals for what we did. We could have protested, we could have conveyed our opinions peacefully but some of us chose to take these criminal or these illegal actions so this is something we are against," he said.

Police deputy commissioner Nick Kaldas said they had not received any tip-offs about an upcoming protest but police were ready just in case.
"We're not aware of any specific plans for demonstrations this weekend ... but we are absolutely ready for whatever may happen this weekend," he said.

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