

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sydney's Muslim Insurgent Riots Who's Responsible?

Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots Aftermath: Spin Doctors and apologists still performing CPR on Multiculturalism.


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    So we are to blame yet again!?

  2. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Boy, Ms Kay has issues. But good on Mr Hildebrand.

  3. Stay tuned for more on the Pious Muslim Ms Kay.
    Cheers Aussie

  4. "So we are to blame yet again!?"

    More than likely those entrusted with our security will continue to appease and pander to the perpetrators and eventually along with their media sycophants and apologists conclude that the perpetrators are in fact the "REAL victims" and we as a community must do more to appease their Godless savagery lest they engage in even more acts of savagery.
    In short, it will be business as usual in no time at all........... until next time.

    The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology. ~ Ayn Rand
    Cheers Aussie
