

Thursday, December 27, 2012

John Howards Anti Muslim Terror Hotline Praised in "Pigs Might Fly moment" by it's former opponents

The present Australian Attorney General, (yes its true, she is the Madame Gillard Green Loon Independent appointed Australian Governments affirmative action Attorney General) Nicola Roxon in a stunning about face is praising the Anti (Muslim) Terrorism Hotline established by the Liberal * Government of John Howard ten years ago.

Nicola Roxon's Labor Party / Green Loon Coalition / Independents and their financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions and GetUp, along with their Multicultural Industry Peace Partners ran a concerted Parliamentery and media campaign via their ABC, SBS and Fairfax  media public relations / media divisions, ridiculing the Hotline and demanding it be dismantled and indeed sabotaged by Australians at every opportunity to ensure that it had no chance of been an effective weapon against Islamic Insurgents on Australian soil.

Easy to see that Madame Nicola's minority "Co Party" Government is facing an election in 2013, time to praise Anti Terrorism not ridicule or mock or sabotage Anti Terrorism, at least not until after the election in 2013 no matter the result.

Less than half the Australians that vote in the upcoming Federal Election would have any idea of what I am talking about, they would not remember that this woman oops sorry person, and her Party had nothing but contempt and ridicule for John Howard when he introduced his Liberal Governments Anti (Muslim) Terrorism Hotline.

To those who remember do not forget this and so many other deceptions of the Progressives and their Islamic Harmony Day Multicultural Peace Partners and B /VOTE PEOPLE.

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