

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Richard Rodwell "I personally hold no hope at all for being released." .. by Muslim Terrorist group.

Video released of Aussie Richard Rodwell kidnapped in Philippines

Daily Telegraph
December 27, 2012 12:59PM

AN AUSTRALIAN man held hostage by militants in the southern Philippines for more than a year has appeared in a video as proof that he is alive.

Warren Richard Rodwell said on the video that he is being held in isolation. He said he understands there are negotiations for his release under way but added, "I personally hold no hope at all for being released."

He said he was kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf, a notorious al-Qaida-linked group.

Philippine intelligence officials said on Wednesday they believe the video, which has been circulated on YouTube, is authentic.

Foreign Minister Bob Carr has welcomed the news Rodwell is still alive, but says his prolonged captivity is of major concern.

Senator Carr said the Philippines government was leading the response to the case and had devoted significant resources to securing Mr Rodwell's release.

"`We are also in regular communication with Mr Rodwell's family,'' Senator Carr said in a statement on Thursday.

"It would not be helpful to Mr Rodwell to comment further.''

A spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade also said it would not be in Mr Rodwell's interests to elaborate on details of the case of its handling.

Rodwell appeared thinner than in a previous video posted in January. He held a copy of a local newspaper dated December 15 and said the recording was made the following day.

Rodwell was abducted by six gunmen on December 5 last year in southern Zamboanga Sibugay province by several armed men who are believed to have fled in speedboats.

Bloodstains were found at the coastal home from which he was taken. A search of nearby islands failed to find any trace of him.

The kidnappers demanded an initial ransom of $US23,000 from his wife, with whom he runs a store in the seaside town of Ipil on Mindanao island.

According to police, Rodwell's wife said she had no way of raising the ransom.

This Australian is in trouble, he is not a journalist / photographer or aid worker in other words, he is not on the same side or perceived to be on the same side as his captors and as such the Australian LABOR Government or any of its celebrity millionaire supporters and or financiers will not lift a finger to ensure his release from their ideological soul mates Muslim Terrorist grasp.

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