

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Australia's "First Bludger" at it AGAIN.

Tim Mathieson pressured Richmond to snub Tony Abbott

The Australian
March 09, 2013 12:00AM

AN email obtained exclusively by The Weekend Australian reveals Julia Gillard's partner, Tim Mathieson, sought to involve her office in pressuring a major sporting club to freeze out Tony Abbott.

After attending an AFL clash at the MCG as a guest of the Richmond Football Club, Mr Mathieson emailed its chief executive, Brendon Gale, copying in the Prime Minister's office, to complain about the Opposition Leader's access to the team's inner sanctum and his prominent seating at a pre-game function.

Mr Mathieson demanded that Mr Gale raise the matter with the Prime Minister's chief of staff, Ben Hubbard.

His fiery outburst occurred on a Sunday evening after the Dreamtime AFL match between Essendon and Richmond on May 19 last year. The Dreamtime game is one of the highlights of the AFL calendar for its social and cultural significance in promoting reconciliation.

"Mate u need to speak with Ben Hubbard on why abboott was taken down to the rooms ... " Mr Mathieson fumed. " ... it's just not on Who authorised it < it was a shocker it was a Don's function and he should not have gone down there

That same weekend Ms Gillard was travelling to Chicago for top-level security talks with Barack Obama and other NATO leaders to plan the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Ms Gillard's office declined to respond to questions about Mr Mathieson's complaint.

Mr Mathieson is a fanatical supporter of the Richmond "Tigers" while the PM barracks for the Western Bulldogs. They are often seen at games together in their respective club colours.

Richmond has accommodated Mr Mathieson's requests for tickets, hospitality and memorabilia since his move into The Lodge.

At the Dreamtime game in Melbourne, the first bloke invited ABC Insiders host Barrie Cassidy to join him on the Richmond table. Both men visited the Richmond room before the contest, where they crossed paths with Mr Abbott, who was a guest of Essendon's chairman David Evans.

Essendon was hosting the pre-game function for the Dreamtime game and in charge of protocol. The Opposition Leader was accompanied to the event by two of his three daughters and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin.

The rooms for rival teams at the MCG are not far apart and after visiting Essendon players, Mr Abbott was escorted across to the Richmond bunker.

Clubs embrace politicians from all sides of politics and dignitaries who are invited to pre-game functions usually get taken to visit players in the room before the match.

The Weekend Australian understands that Mr Gale responded politely to Mr Mathieson's email protest, explaining that Richmond was staunchly bipartisan and happy to accord Mr Abbott the very same privileges that the Prime Minister's partner enjoyed on a regular basis. He signed off by confirming Mr Mathieson's attendance at an upcoming pre-game cocktail, party in Sydney.

Mr Gale would not comment on the email exchange. "He will not discuss private communications," his spokesman said.

Government sources say Mr Mathieson has a habit of firing off emails and texts to Ms Gillard's personal staff when he senses a perceived injustice. His email to Mr Gale was copied to a senior public servant working in Ms Gillard's office at the time.

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