

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Muslims attack Police after shooting woman...

New South Wales Police Middle Eastern Crime Squad is investigating...

Woman severely injured in shooting in Auburn

Caroline Marcus 
The Daily Telegraph
March 09, 2013 6:14PM

A WOMAN was shot in the suffered gunshot wounds to her eg - seven months after her teenage son almost died in a shooting at the same address in Auburn.

Police are also investigating whether the shooting of the woman in Auburn Rd at 2.40pm Saturday was linked to a drive-by attack 20 minutes later in nearby Provincial St.

A 43-year-old woman was admitted to Auburn Hospital in a stable condition following the incident in Auburn Rd, Auburn.

So what do you do you do when someone you know or a relative has been SHOT ?
Attack the Police of course, hey that will fix everything!!!! the shooter/s will immediately come forward and surrender to Police, the victims injuries will be immediately healed, and before you know it it will be like nothing ever happened .. "nothing to see here, please move along" Just another Harmony Day in Sydney's  Labor Green Loon Multicultural Occupied Territories of Sydney.

Her son, 16, had undergone life-saving surgery after he was shot in the stomach last August.

Police said shots were fired from a moving vehicle at a house on Provincial Street in the same suburb at 3pm Saturday. No one was injured.

Police established crime scenes at both addresses.

An officer at Flemington local area command, who asked not to be named, said it was unclear whether the two incidents were connected but police had received different descriptions for the cars involved in each shooting.

"We've got no way of knowing (if they are linked) at this moment,'' the officer said.

"There were two different vehicles described. Both black cars. One is described as something and one is described as something else.''

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