

Saturday, March 09, 2013

So if a Muslim school headmaster chases a woman around a Park with his dick out should "Progressive" Sweden be allowed to complain ?

Unashamedly copy and pasted From Bare Naked Islam.

SWEDEN: Muslim school leader pulls out his penis and chases 23-year-old woman around the park ......................... as any Pious Muslim would, does "Progressive" Sweden have a problem with their Progressive Multiculturalism ? or are the Swedes so up tight that a Muslim Headmaster chasing a woman around a park with his dick out is suddenly a crime .. hey lighten up you Swedes your Wives Women and Daughters and Sons are there for the taking by your new masters the Islamic Supremists your Government has imported into Sweden  What part of Islamic Colonization of Europe did you not understand? 

The Muslim man, from Denmark who is the headmaster of a private school in Nørrebro, is known in the Danish public for his distinctive, Muslim attitudes, specifically that women not wearing headbags are asking to be raped.

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