

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Indonesia appeals to it's favourite Son, Husseine Obama to assist in it's Islamic Colonisation of Australia, as more US troops are based on Australian soil.

Australian PM Tony Abbott should immediately order the disarmament of,and place all US Military personnel on Australian soil under "house arrest" until such time as Indonesia's favourite Son in the White House aka. POTUS. Husseine Obama makes a clear and unambigious statement refuting the Indonesians/Islams right / claims to colonise Australia with Muslims via the previous Rudd / Gillard/ Rudd Union GetUp funded Australian Labor Green "Co Party" Governments joint criminal enterprise immigration policy of Open Borders aka. Islamic Colonisation of Australia by Stealth.

Under the Husseine Obama regime Australia can no longer regard America as an ally, but more as a Nation who has not once but twice voted for the ascendancy of the Islamic manifesto as promised by their President.

Indonesia to raise Australian asylum seeker policy with United States
By Helen Brown in Jakarta, staff

Indonesia says it will raise the Abbott Government's asylum seeker policy with the United States during official talks next week.

Jakarta has stepped up its protest to the Coalition's boat turn-back policy, calling in the Australian ambassador in Jakarta for a meeting with a senior official.

Indonesia's foreign affairs minister Marty Natalegawa says a strong protest message was given to Australian ambassador Greg Moriarty over the use of lifeboats to send asylum seekers back.

US, German and Russian backed INDONESIA has beefed up its military presence in waters off its southern border as military officials claim its air force is ready and that Australia is "reachabale"

THEIR ABC and Fairfax, Rats in the SILO, doing their best to undermine border protection +FACTS on numbers of Labor Green Loon VOTE People arrivals

Dr Natalegawa says Australia was already violating its international commitments, but the use of lifeboats to send people back is an escalation.

"What Australia has been doing is a bigger development than before," he said.

"In the past when they have turned back the boats, or pulled the refugee boats back to Indonesia, that alone is a violation against their international commitment under the Refugee Convention.

"But this time it has escalated."

Dr Natalegawa told reporters Indonesia does what it can to stop boats leaving the country and that Australia's actions are "against the values of humanity".

He says he will inform US secretary of state John Kerry - who will visit Jakarta next week - about Australia's actions and let officials draw their own conclusions.

"There is no need to ask; we only need to inform it, and let America draw its own conclusion," he said.

Dr Natalegawa says he will discuss Australia's policy with other countries as well.

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