

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Who will the United States of America choose, Husseine Obama's Indonesia or the USA'S oldest ally?

No less than two days ago I spoke to a former Australian serviceman,who served alongside and healed American and Australian soldiers in World War Two  for four years., so as to ensure the freedom of the Pacific as we know it today
I am not at liberty to reveal where and when,suffice to say my"informant" is 101 years of age and has recently finished his fourth book.

I dared not burden him with proof of the  futility of his and his fellow Warriors, Australian and American's countless acts of self sacrifice and unimaginable courage, repelling an enemy who's only purpose was to destroy and occupy his and my country, Australia and from there the world.

Australia is,today, Australia, because of the sacrifice of Australia's finest and the sacrifice of America's finest.

Today 2014 only one nation has a leader who still believes in the virtue of the US Australian alliance ....Why? 

P.S. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is not a Muslim.

 The President of the United States of America (r)

The President of the United States of America (seen here bowing, center, to Saudia Arabian leader Abdullah) )

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