

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Is Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar. yet another product of the Islamic Industry from Sydney's Occupied Territories ?

Did this Racist manifesto by Sydney media Darling and go to Muslim / Community leader Keysar Trad inspire the thankfully now dead Islamic Sociopath who cold bloodedly 
murder Curtis Cheng outside Parramatta Police Station?

Zakey Mallah a graduate of the Lakemba Mosque de radicalisation,rehabilitation course for people who are "Good Pious Muslims" taken under the wing of Keysar Trad and the Lakemba Mosque after, 2015,Mr Mullah's first run in with Australian Anti Terror Officers.

Mr Trad is a Pious  "Moderate" Muslim Community Leader, fawned upon by Australia's leftist progressive main stream media and is a resident in Sydney Australia's Occupied Territories located in South Western Sydney.
In his publication  Nida'ul Islam magazine(, December - January 1996-97] December 97 / Janurary 97 wrote this about the Chinese.

"The Chinese are also actively practicing their form of elitism on minorities in their country and abroad with persecutions of Muslims, and the entering into treaties with Russia and other countries to counter the growing threat of the"Islamic Menace"
The article is reproduced in full below scroll.

Unlike Mr Trad and his Co Religionists,the Chinese residents in Sydney and indeed all of Australia have a well deserved proud and respected history in Australia.
They are industrious and seek excellence at every available opportunity to them in whatever field of scholarship or employment they enter.The "Chinese" work ethic is well known and respected.

The "Chinese Australians" have never demanded special privileges based on their race or beliefs,unlike Mr Trad's Co Religionists they simply GET ALONG with their fellow Australians at any and all opportunities available to them,my,our,country Australia is all the better for our "Chinese Australian's".
I am yet to see any  evidence where my country, our country, is better for the Whitlam Grassbey Labor  / Fraser Liberal and subsequent Governments of both Political sides over the past 35 years and their obsession with  unbridled Islamic Immigration.

Was Mr Curtis Cheng Slaughtered because he was an Australian, an Australian of Chinese descent,an Infidel the lowest of the low,or just because he was an employee of the NSW Police Force ?

Whatever reason, all or one of the above is, according to Pious Muslims and their Koran, they are good enough reasons to kill him and ensure a "Pious Muslim" a place in Muslim "God allah's, "Paradise" where all the forbidden perversions of the Non Muslim earthly world are freely available for eternity, a bit like Sodom and Gomorrah where anything goes for eternity. 

“The penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you have sex is utterly delicious and out of this world, and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [i.e., Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas.”
Koran 52:24
…Round about them will serve, to them, boys (handsome) as pearls well-guarded.
Koran 56:17
…Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness.
Koran 76:19
…And round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness: if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered pearls.O the joy of sodomy!
A poem in 'Perfumed Garden' by Abu Nuwas:
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss curls twisting on his temple
And ride as he stands like some gazelle standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword and belt not like your whore who has to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your very best to mount them,
for women are the mounts of the devils

I am not suggesting that Mr Trad has any direct involvement in the Death of Mr Curtis Cheng but words have meaning and sometimes tragic consequences.

The Islamic Koran is a perfect example of HATE Speech Hate for the "other" Hate for those who refuse to kneel at the alter of HATE and savagery and worship Islam's allah invented by the most infamous "Prophet" Mohammed, a male the Islamist's call the "Perfect Man"

"The Perfect Man" Mohammed a boastful, Thief,Gang Rapist,Mutilator, Be header,Paedophile,Slave Trader, Mass Murderer,Sadist,and Polygamist, its easy to see how Muslims today are so readily excused for their support of or engaging in acts of barbarism and  savagery in the name of their ideology when their "Prophet " set such a LOW bar for his followers to jump.

Leftist Progressive apologists for Islam share so many common values starting with unbridled savagery directed towards any and all who do not share their same world view.

Islam for the Leftist Progressives is like having a Rabid Mad Dog that they can let off the leash and set it upon the Neighbours that they don't like, and if the victims object they can be legally called Racists, Bigots,Islamophobe's  (Dog Haters) their Rabid Mad Muslim Dog simply calls them Infidels.
No matter what the Progressives naughty, but ever so fashionable Dog of Islam does, it is protected from sanction by a new  perverted definition of Racism and Bigotry.
The Progressive Left the United Nations and in Australia the the ACTU GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Independent Co Party, has designated that a belief in the Koran automatically ascribes the follower with a Race, and as such any criticism of the follower of Islam is Racism,Bigotry , Islamophobia.

The reality in Australia, today, 2015, is that any Australian who objects to the stated boastful objectives and acts of  Muslims irrespective of their Godless savagery  is by definition a Racist, a Bigot an Islamophobe.

Australia's Prime Minister and the Leftist Opposition Leader have demanded that Australian's "not hate" ..... sorry they do not mean that Muslims stop hating Australians they are demanding that Australian's not HATE Muslims for what they say they will do and what they DO to Australian's and have DONE to Australians.

Both these Arse Clowns are demanding that Australians not HATE their Executioners,they demand that Australians LOVE those who have killed us, are yet to  kill us, and boast of their intention to kill even more of us at every opportunity available to them because well after all "it's their way", it's in the Koran and Islam means Peace and after all we all want Peace right? so the sooner Australian's get out of the way either convert or agree to become slaves or better still agree to be executed the sooner Peace will reign over the House of War.

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