

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Nothing to see here Please move along................Oh and don't HATE those sworn to destroy you.

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...”

―Recep Tayyip Erdogan,  The Moderate Islamic leader of Turkey, the man US President Obama said he most wants his daughters to emulate, the world leader he admires MOST.

All good, nothing to see here,If ONLY Australians could get it through their thick skulls that they deserve to be killed gang raped stabbed shot bashed stolen from by Muslims there would be Peace.

Australians must not HATE their boastful Muslim Executioners,Gang Rapists,Shooters,Knifers, Robbers,Assailant's for to do so would be Racist and Bigoted, and above all else there is nothing worse than been a Racist Bigoted Australian is there ?

By The Way Remember Islam Means Peace and therefore only Peace can come of the enactment of the edicts of the "Holy Koran"

Its a win win Australian's Die and there is even more Peace.

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