

Friday, October 09, 2015

Islamic Terrorism and why we, so far, have not defeated it.

Islamic terrorism a culture of hatred

Piers Akerman
The Daily Telegraph
October 9 2015

THE twin curses of multiculturalism and populist pseudo-psychoanalysis have totally confused any rational discussion of the very real presence of Islamic terrorism in Australia.

Too much time has been spent debating whether the Martin Place siege was the act of a madman or a “lone wolf” or an Islamist.

Now self-proclaimed experts are asking if the cheery bureaucrat and family man Curtis Cheng was murdered a week ago by a rebellious teenager, or a new convert to radical Islam, or an individual making a monstrous political statement about a hate-filled centuries old division within Islam, or an idiot who believed he was oppressed, or just a disturbed kid who had fallen in with a bad bunch hanging out at the local mosque?

Let’s forget defining the niceties of this murderous ­individual’s personality.

This act was committed by a criminal, first and foremost.

If any one of the ensuing inquiries and talk fests finds otherwise or offers the now too-familiar excuse that the young man was an isolated, angry and marginalised manipulable malcontent, it will have been a total waste of time and money.

He clearly identified himself as a member of something called the Muslim community — though Muslims are themselves divided into such a confusing number of identities that it can hardly be claimed there is such a community, and it is impossible to find a single readily accessible Muslim religious leader who speaks with any real authority on any Islamic issue.

As a follower of Islam’s tortuous and often contradictory Koran, the murderer was bound to find himself at odds with the majority of Australians because it would be difficult to find an Aussie male outside the Muslim community who would believe that all women must be at all times subservient to men.

It would be just as difficult to find an Aussie who would embrace the exhortations to murder apostates, or believe that all Jews and Christians must be murdered as a prerequisite to gaining Paradise.

These are just a few of the hurdles placed in the path of Muslims who want to be fully accepted as Australians — hurdles that cannot be scrambled over or around because there cannot possibly be a duality of beliefs which encompasses both the democratic ideal of equality that frames the Western outline of governance and the supremacy of an extremely vengeful and blindly demanding worship.

Under the politically ­correct constructs of multiculturalism, Western populations have been lectured and hectored and bullied by so-called progressives toward the entirely false notion that all ­cultures have equal value.

Clearly, they don’t.

Although the Western ­feminist clique has largely been silent about the brutality meted out to their sisters in most Muslim countries, it is frequent.

Even here, there have been honour killings, forced marriages of girls to older men they have never met and, of course, there have been incidences of female genital mutilation ­conducted for cultural reasons.

Cultures that stone women to death, and lop off hands and heads, cannot be placed in the same context as those that have, after centuries of debate, decided cruel and unusual punishments should be abolished.

Nor do homosexuals get off lightly, although the Western homosexual marriage lobby has little or no time to publicise the plight of those who have been thrown off rooftops ­because of their sexuality.

Their vitriol, as with the ­bilious feminists, is focused on the Vatican.

It may well be that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Australian reject the appalling injunctions contained in those Koranic verses which most appeal to those who are seduced by Daesh/Islamic State or al-Qaeda and the ­vision of a medieval caliphate replete with slave women.

If this is so, then surely there must be one mullah, one imam, from an Australian mosque who is prepared to take a public stand.

If not, then all the claims made on behalf of Muslims by politicians pushing multiculturalism look very ­ordinary and the call by NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley for more mosques for ­“mainstream” Muslims seems totally bizarre.

Before holding hands and humming Kumbaya, our politicians and security forces should consider the first ­response Tunisia’s Prime Minister Habib Essid had to last June’s terrorist massacre of tourists to his country.

He declared that 80 mosques in which extremists had preached were to be closed down.

He didn’t quibble about ­assigning the responsibility for what was an absolute outrage to those Muslim preachers who were calling on their ­followers to join in jihad.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has belatedly come to the same conclusion and warned operators of ­Muslim schools that they will be shut down if found to be teaching extremist hatred.

“We’ve got children being taught that they shouldn’t mix with people of other religions; being beaten; swallowing conspiracy theories about Jewish people,” he said.

“These children should be having their minds opened, their horizons broadened, not having their heads filled with poison and their hearts filled with hate.”

Contemptible progressives in Australia have permitted purveyors of hate to operate here, gaming freedom of speech laws in order to silence critics of multiculturalism and those who point out the obvious inconsistencies ­within Islam.

They are the true oppressors of those who want to raise their families in an enlightened nation free from suffocating religious domination.

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