

Friday, October 09, 2015

Mark Latham declares we have a Muslim problem dunder headed Leftist Multiculturalists disagree.

The Verdict 

Nine Network Sydney
October 8 2015
Extract from Episode 1. 

Former Labor leader Mark Latham kept true to character telling the audience that he believed the high rates of welfare dependency in Western Sydney was to blame for the city’s “Muslim problem”.

“It started in 1980s with unskilled Muslim migration to Western Sydney, large parts of suburbs have welfare dependency problems and it pains me to say in Western Sydney there is a Muslim problem. After Man Monis who came from Western Sydney, after the shooting last week, we have to recognise this is just not radical Islamic ideology, it is also people with too much time on their hands, too many opportunities to sit around in groups, bitching about western culture, bitching about the American President, bitching about the Australian Prime Minister, and getting up to no good. So, the best thing the Federal Government can do is get these people out to work. Break down the welfare dependency in Western Sydney and in many ways it is not just a question of stopping radicalisation, how do we promote normality, normalisation in Western Sydney so people are making a positive contribution to society.”

But his comments were slapped down by counter terrorism expert Dr Anne Aly, who described his views as “simplistic”.

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