How all business phones should be answered!
Press '1' for English.
Press '2' to disconnect until you learn
to speak English
Remember there only two defining forces that have
Ever offered to die for YOU:
The Son of God
Jesus Christ
Our Australian Soldiers.
Died for your soul
Others for your freedom.
Thank you Aussie News & Views reader Heather, for sending me this “reality check” If only those entrusted with our security and well being thought as logically as the author of the above compilation.
Perhaps one day Mr Rudd or Kevin 07 or Lee Kewan as his adoring media fan club call him, depending on the audience he, and they are trying to impress at any given time, will side with Australia and (God forbid)AUSTRALIANS and act in THEIR interests instead of the interests of those who have, on a daily basis enunciated their HATRED for, and their commitment to DESTROY all that is Australian.
Mr Rudd you are the Prime Minister of Australia not the
Secretary General of the United Nations or the Grand Islamic Sociopath in Chief of some Middle Eastern Labor Party financing Islamic shit hole, so start delivering policies to Australians that protect them from, well, the stated objectives of your party’s financiers and supporters,indeed protect Australians from your party’s United Nations manifesto.
If you cannot do that perhaps you too should Fuck off to one of the lands of your masters and leave Australians alone, we will clean up the mess you and your like thinkers have made these last thirty years, however a warning don’t think about coming back you see Australians WILL shut the fricking border.