An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Halal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halal. Show all posts

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Why is Islam the only Religion permitted to TAX the Australian shopper ?

Halal certification in Australia is big business and worth 
millions to certifiers

"YOU may not have noticed it — the halal certification mark that sits on almost every item in an Aussie shopping basket from Vegemite and Cadbury chocolate to Steggles chicken breast tenders.But it is there and manufacturers, wholesalers and food processors have paid a slew of unregulated certifiers millions of dollars to put it there.It’s all about money."
 MATTHEW BENNSThe Daily TelegraphAugust 15, 2015  
          FULL ARTICLE 

Why is this TAX on Australian food not shown on all receipts like the Goods and Services Tax (GST)  is rightly required to be ?

What part of the Australian Taxation Act permits this TAX been imposed upon Australians by this Religious Organisation?

Will the Islamic Religion be the only organisation authorised to levy TAXES on Australia's food products and indeed other non food items, if not why not?

Why is the RSPCA Silent on this barbaric cruel slaughter of animals?

I will start returning OPENED products that I have unknowingly purchased that I have been forced to pay the Islamic TAX on any product that bears the Islamic Halal TAX certification sticker.

The Manifestations of this belief system, Islam, have, according to those who flee it in the millions every year for safety and a better life in the " land of the Great Satan" the USA and other Judeo Christian Western Democracies,are so vile, that according to these "refugees" from Islam, are not able to provide even a most basic quality of life that is to be reasonably expected in the 21st Century.

Could someone tell me why, once these same people are given sanctuary and safe haven from the manifestations of their Religious beliefs,these same people demand that their host country adopt the same failed practices they say they had no choice but to flee ?

Where will these Muslims run away too after they have done to OUR  Country what they did to their various nations of birth ? 

The only Logical conclusion that can be arrived at if we are to believe those who say they fled their various Islamic nations of birth because life was so intolerable under the manifestations of Islam is that they are colonising the west because it is their intention to do to the west what they did to the nations they say they were forced to flee, If not why then do they demand that their Western Judeo Christian Democracy host nations that gave them shelter adopt the very legal, social and religious practices that they say those same practices failed them and indeed the Nations that were ruled by them.

Australian's hard earned WAGES at Work, every time you buy a Halal Certified product from the freezer or Butcher this is the Islamic Religions version of Holy Slaughter.

Humans, Male,Female,Adult and Child  are slaughtered in the same way but without the 'high tech " restraining devices (as seen in the video below) by Pious Muslims when they no longer have any use for infidels (Non Muslims), or Muslims no longer useful or deemed to be not savage enough to satisfy the demands of allah as recorded by Islams "Perfect Man" Mohammed in what Muslims insist on calling the "Holy Koran" 

Halal Choices is an excellent website that explains how your hard earned dollars are legally appropriated by the Islamic "Religion" to further the objectives of "Only True Religion" Islam.

"Support Call: Mohamed El-Mouelhy vs Q Society, Kirralie Smith et al
Help Q Society defend freedom of expression in Australia by donating towards the legal cost of our defence against claims of defamation by Mohamed El-Mouelhy, the director of the private company ‘Halal Certification Authority Pty Ltd’ in the NSW Supreme Court.
Read the letter of our president Debbie Robinson for more details.
It is vital that those who speak the truth about Islamic halal certification and other Islamic impositions are not silenced by time-consuming and expensive court action."

It is difficult to know but I wonder how many lamb chops did Australian Supermarkets sell that were loaded up with the Halal TAX did it take to finance say the two Bali Bombings, the WTC on 911, the Man Monis Lindt Cafe killer's activities since he arrived in Australia.

How much of these compulsory Muslim TAXES has been used will be used in the future to kill Australian Soldiers both in the middle east and on Australian soil,how much of this money is used to finance illegal drug importation and distribution in Australia and around the world.


We will never know how many Australians have been Raped Bashed Stabbed Killed or blown into a thousand pieces financed by the Islamic Halal TAX that Australians are forced to pay by the 2.5% "Muslim Community" aka. Labor Green Loons VOTE People.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) GetUp financed Labor Green Loon  "Independent" Co Party does not think that there is enough Muslims in Australia and despite importing some 55,000 majority single undocumented Muslim males 18 to 28 into Australia during their Rudd (Lu Kewen) / Gillard / Rudd (Lu Kewen) six year reign of open borders they are PROMISING, that if re elected in 2016 the securing of Australia's borders will be an OPTION as opposed to the present Conservative Abbott Governments policy of Secure Borders been an OBLIGATION of the Australian Government.

Labor Green Loon foot soldiers

Monday, May 05, 2014

Halal SCAM moving forward in Australia

Halal’s Hard-To-Swallow Offensive


Antonia Newton
May 3 2014

There is much more than meets the eye to those little labels proclaiming foodstuffs fit to be consumed by the Prophet's dutiful adherents. Much more than statements of religious purity they represent a concerted and organised attempt to further Islamic influence in the West

The Byron Bay Cookie Company must have been shocked by the number of angry comments on its Facebook page  regarding “halal-certified Anzac biscuits”. The company had cheerfully declared that it would be “sending cookies to the Australian troops stationed overseas for Anazc day. If you would like to send them a special message, please comment on this post and we’ll collate all your messages.”  No mention was made of the halal certification, but the word was out, courtesy of the sleuths at Boycott Halal in Australia.

The comments ranged from bafflement to fury at the company’s alleged betrayal of Australian values — “Halal certified cookies which finance the spread of the very ideology that motivates the killers of our sons and daughters? Your moral compass needs a serious re-adjustment”, ” for example. There were vows never again to buy Byron Bay Cookie Company products, as well as expressions of support for Australian troops and their sacrifices. The company responded that it was trying to be “respectful and inclusive”, which drew further lashings of ire.

Multiculturalism, that brilliant policy by which people in all Western countries, that is, all developed nations, were to enjoy “unity in diversity” and become “strong” by means of non-discriminatory and fast-paced immigration (in Kate Lundy’s earnest but hilarious words, “One of the reasons I believe Australians are so good at sport is because we are so culturally diverse”) appears not to be producing another iteration of the post-World War II immigration boom’s “New Australians” so much as as a re-made Australia. It hardly needs to be said that deep divisions are appearing in the overall population on which the policy was imposed.

Even some of the most ardent “tolerance and diversity” enthusiasts are becoming uneasy about the ever-burgeoning demands by Muslim arrivals, whose more enterprising members have found ways not only to extract expensive privileges to do with “religious requirements” (prayer rooms, special Muslim officers in councils, and so on) but also (to promote the halal-certification business.)

There are several halal-certification bodies in Australia, and their annual fees appear arbitrary, depending on the body which has found its way to the particular food producer. Manufacturers tend to be coy when asked about the fees they are paying, and most of this information tends to come from companies which have been offered and refused certification. While halal butchers have long been familiar to Australians, the tiny Arabic markings found on manufactured foodstuffs, denoting permissibility for consumption by Muslims as free of any traces of forbidden foods, are a recent phenomenon. While it is understandable that observant Muslims might enjoy the convenience of simply locating the mark on processed food products, rather than peering at those small-print lists list of ingredients, the little halal mark is finding its way onto a range of unlikely comestibles.

Would a Muslim really concern himself with the contents of a can of coconut milk or pure corn oil, or the possible affront to his faith posed by an ingredient in his chocolate Easter egg, given that he might be keen to celebrate the resurrection of the man revered by Christians as the Messiah? He would be unsettled, apparently, and he might be further discomforted to learn that the driver of the van transporting items marked “halal” was actually an infidel. And what about ships? If the transported foodstuffs are to be deemed truly halal, should not the captain and crew be Muslims? Then there is the matter of the port where the ship docks, as foodstuffs can so easily be made impure. Don’t laugh, there is an officially declared “halal port” in Rotterdam,Rotterdam-Port---Important-halal-gateway.html and no doubt more are coming. Logistics is just a step in that expansion and evolution, but there are many others.

Yes, indeed, many a reader will say, we know they’re fussy, those Muslims, and so what? Jews also can be fussy with their kosher requirements. It doesn’t matter, the logic of conspicuous tolerance goes, because we are a sophisticated nation and entirely correct to scoff at our knuckle-draging fellow citizens’ “xenophobia” and reluctance to make a big noise “celebrating difference”. And, hey, isn’t Australia a much more interesting place nowadays?

But kosher labels do not target the entire community. And, as the Byron Bay Cookie Company, Cadbury and Purina Catfood, and hundreds of other non-Muslim companies are finding out, Australians have started to notice manufacturers’ amenable attitude to the suggestion made by certification bodies regarding potential Muslim buyers of their products, both in Australia and in Muslim countries, should they sign up and pay up. Research by interested citizens shows that Australians have little choice but to donate to the cause of Islamic expansion and imposition of sharia worldwide because of widespread manufacturers’ compliance with the scheme.

In a submission to a 2011 parliamentary inquiry, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils’ (AFIC) Ikebal Patel stated

“The submission cites regulations governing Islamic finance and halal certification in Australia as examples of how legal pluralism can work … It seems that in two areas, namely Islamic finance and halal food, the Australian government has been actively involved”.

Choice of purchase is made difficult because some companies pay for certification but do not display it on their packaging, and also because many supermarkets simply do not think it worth providing choice. (I was treated quite rudely at a supermarket I regularly frequent when I asked if the store buyers could try to provide non-halal choices. At first I was told it “didn’t make any difference”, then that I should “tell the manufacturers” and finally, “well, this is Brunswick!” as if Brunswick, with a growing number of Muslim residents, were already under unassailable sharia law).

Such a hostile reaction is not uncommon in our new, race-obsessed Australia. Opposition to Islamic cultural inroads and even imposition of fees and other costs on Australian citizens is often met with the accusation of “racism” or “bigotry” or both. One can only imagine the reaction from that side of the cultural divide should a Christian group mine the Bible for suitable words and set up a similar scheme. Apoplexy would be only the beginning.

However, Muslim “scholars” keen on expanding the halal concept to further the cause of Allah have perused the Islamic texts for inspiration, and found it.  The halal foodstuffs ruse has been so successful, and opposition so negligible, that new avenues have been discovered which combine the sensibilities of the modern West with Islamic pride and ambition. Thus does “halal” meet “sustainability”. A Monash University School of Business research project  is exploring the possibilities. Its head of management, Professor Pervaiz Ahmed, is “investigating the meaning and practical implications of halal in the areas of sustainable economic development, societal health and community welfare.” As a report in The Australian explains:

“For a country’s halal industry to compete internationally, Professor Ahmed says its ecosystem must meet the standards imposed by Islamic philosophy, and also place its benchmarks higher than those of conventional systems. To this end, the Monash project is broadening the definition of halal to its original and deeper philosophical meaning – a process that calls into question the status of many things classified as halal. Under this reading, fish (usually regarded as halal) would not be halal if it came from an endangered or over-fished species. Cruelty to animals in halal abattoirs would also render the meat ‘not halal’.”

The implied flattery of non-Muslims and their environmental concerns is a change from the usual assertion of higher ethics claimed for Islam banking practices and personal matters, but the message is tailored to the market as befits the goal, which is the expansion of Islamic influence. In this instance the courting of fashionable opinion would seem to represent an astute and prudent strategy.

“Some will say we are setting the bar too high,” Professor Ahmed explains. “But if non-Muslims are to buy halal products, the label has to signify animal rights and species protection.”

The academic world also represents a shrewd stage for the promotion of “halal ecosystems” because the post-modern community, if I can label it thus, has largely rejected Christianity. The rejection is broad-based, but one specific element in which Christianity has become discredited is its reputed disrespect for the natural world in placing mankind, allegedly made in God’s image, at the centre of His creation. If Islam can impress with their green credentials those who feel Westerners have despoiled the earth — here, conjure a mental image of those credulous souls who turned out at rallies to support the Carbon Tax,  then imposition of an Islamic eco-tax, such as that manifested by halal certification, is likely to seem justifiable. Gaia, after all, would approve of any measure that makes her lot a little esier.

As Islamic violence, increasingly macabre, rages throughout the Middle East and Africa and sporadic attacks occur in too many other areas to mention, as Christians are abused, murdered and their churches destroyed in foreign lands, Australians are being encouraged to purr over the concept of “halal ecosystems” and halal-approved “freshness”; and purr the writer of this Monash article certainly did. Had journalistic curiosity been a factor, the article might have asked about “endangered or over-fished” Middle East Christians, or whether the knives of the Prophet’s head-lopping militants are kept very sharp and in full accordance with halal requirements.

“War is deceit,” advised the Prophet Mohammed, and our “anti-racist” activists, as well as most academics and journalists have neither the training and imagination nor the will to recognize it — unlike the Byron Bay Cookie Company’s opponents.

Antonia Newton is the pseudonym of a Melbourne writer whose desire for anonymity reflects her frequent travels in the Muslim world

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The Halal Tax scam and the Sharia Home Loan SCAM

... best become a Muslim

Larry Pickering

Ask any Muslim leader and he (there are only “hes”) will tell you Sharia law is coming to the West and there’s nothing the West can do about it. He will also declare that democracy will be abolished, the Islam faith will be adopted by all and non-compliance will unfortunately require the removal of your head. 

“It’s just a matter of time”, is the oft-quoted phrase and time, including various explosive devices, his steely black eyes will confirm he has plenty of.

But Oz is a sleepy little corner of the Globe where “faith” is in footy, fishing and the fifth at Flemington. And anyway we have a sweet little section of our Racial Discrimination Act (18C) where our judiciary requires us to accommodate this Muslim leader’s forecast and prevents us offending him.

It’s probably time we put down the form guide and had a gander at what this Muslim has accomplished so far.

Halal certification is going really well, mosques are still mushrooming, imams are still promising multiple virgins in return for murder and there’s even a bikie gang (Brothers 4 Life) to make sure everything goes smoothly.

The financial arm of the movement, Sharia Banking, is also booming with the assistance of local banks like the NAB. There’s a superannution fund offering good interest rates and a housing scheme where you pay no interest or stamp duty at all, allowing you to give the finger to the infidel next door.

I mean, after all, you need to own a nice residence where you can relax and watch the West’s demise.

Sharia law won’t allow you to pay interest but Mr Allah allows you to receive it. Sheeeeeze... that sounds all right! I must have a chat to this Allah bloke and his offsider, Mo.
Now Mo sort of makes all the rules but has his own earthly offsider, a Mr Professor Akhtar Kalam, JP, BSc, BScEng, MS, PhD, FEA, CPEng, FIET, CEng, FAIE, MCIGRE, MIEEE (which I think are acronyms for Arab soccer teams). 
Anyway, the Mr Professor runs the Islamic Finance & Investment mob, MCCA, (I think there’s an E missing somewhere there) in Lakemba, Sydney and he knows all the best rorts.

First thing to do is get your hands on the “first home buyer’s grant” and then the Mr Professor will get the ball rolling for you. 
Next, select a nice home. Then an Islamic “Funder” appoints you as his agent to buy him that home which he has already agreed to lease to you. 
Then you promise to make regular repayments to the "Funder" via direct debit from your nominated Sharia bank account. 

Now, at any time in the future you can purchase the property from this "Funder" and he will transfer part ownership of the property to you in the form of a gift while you arrange to settle the difference in the original purchase price at some time in the future.

If you’d prefer to continue paying “rent” for the whole of the agreed period, the "Funder" will then transfer the title over to you in the form of a promissory gift known as “hiba”. Thereby dodging a hefty stamp duty fee we mere mortal infidels have to fork out.

Sounds pretty good eh? The only question is, who the fuck is this generous “Funder”? Well, the shutters came down with a bang when I asked that question. So, after a bit of fishing around I came up with my best guess:
The enigmatic "Funder" (and there are many) are actually separate nominee accounts within the Sharia banking system. 

These accounts are “topped up” as needed from various sources, but mainly from the millions of dollars paid by Australian companies in the slick protection racket known as Halal Certification.

So next time a hooded person pushes in front of you at the supermarket checkout, politely suggest you should go first, because after all you are paying her housing loan interest for her.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

QANTAS has brushed aside negative and "RACIST" comments over its decision to take pork off the menu.. What Race is Islam again?

Name Change for Qantas?

Australian Labor Party's Head Office Moves on QANTAS

Latest from a Qantas cabin crew member is that you can pre order a Pork meal BEFORE your flight just like a vegetarian meal or Kosher meal and they MUST provide it.
So better for everyone to keep flying Qantas and make sure they all order a Pork meal.
A better way to protest I believe.

Qantas pork ban after Emirates deal sparks boycott vow on Facebook

Ben Pike, Grant Jones 
Daily Telegraph

April 06, 2013 12:00am

Pork lovers vow to boycott Qantas 
Qantas says new menu shows off multiculturalism 
Qantas bans ham after Emirates deal 

QANTAS has brushed aside negative and racist comments over its decision to take pork off the menu for flights that stopover in Dubai on the way to and from Europe.

QANTAS Goes Halal - Who said Pigs can't fly?

The new menu's architect, Sydney chef Neil Perry, also said the menu change ''shows off the great multiculturalism that Australia has''.

The official Qantas fan page on Facebook yesterday received a number of complaints from people refusing to fly with the airline after it changed its in-flight menu in keeping with the Islamic religion.

Administrators of the site were also forced to remove at least five Facebook threads because of racial abuse. Each thread contained as many as 10 comments.

A Qantas spokesman refused to respond directly to the online criticism and said there has been only positive feedback.

''Our customers tell us that one of the things that sets Qantas apart from other airlines is our high quality in-flight meals,'' he said.

''Feedback from customers who have flown on Qantas to and from Dubai and experienced the in-flight meals has been excellent.

''Qantas flies to every continent around the world and our on board catering is tailored to meet the differing tastes and cultures to each city that we fly to.''

Chef and Rockpool group owner Neil Perry was behind the menu change and said it is a way of forging a ''deeper relationship''.

''It shows off the great multiculturalism that Australia has. It's easy for me to blend dishes from around the world that I have seen in the great restaurants of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane,'' he said.

''The local produce is awesome too. One of the things we really wanted to do was to make this a deeper relationship than just ground facilities and frequent flyer points and I think through food is the way to do it.''

Perry said the exclusion of pork products and alcohol, both considered against the teaching of Islam, did not have a big impact on his business as it was only one major flight a day from Sydney.

He has already created special dishes for Qantas customers flying in and out of Muslim-dominated destinations including Jakarta.

The changes were made as part of the airline's partnership with Middle Eastern Airline Emirates and affect six flights a day between Australia and Europe.

These flights now stopover at Dubai instead of Singapore. All other domestic and international flights are unchanged.

Perry's dishes are created by third-party caterers in Sydney and Dubai and include economy class meals of baby cos salad with tomato, cucumber and cheese, and chicken blanquette with spinach linguine and carrots.

In business class, customers can get seared sea bass with braised fennel and warm zucchini salad, or Arabian lamb with spiced almond rice, artichokes and capsicum. 

Friday, April 05, 2013

QANTAS Goes Halal - Who said Pigs can't fly?

Pigs can't fly - Qantas bans pork on in-flight menu to respect Islam

Alan Joyce is a self outed / confessed Homosexual, as are many of the men and women entertainers and assorted Political and Union Bludgers and Free loaders who were flown to Dubai to "celebrate" this latest Gay Corporate alliance with those who would hang them from light poles and mobile cranes at the first chance they get the moment they feel they have the ascendency,and as such would be subject to arrest immediately upon landing in Dubai.
There is a code of conduct for all Qantas crew to uphold so as to ensure their safety in their employers "new best friends" brave new world of Sharia Law.
How long before Qantas female cabin crew are bagged in the freedom sack like their sista's at Emirates so as to fall into line with their new masters?

Is it an Irish "Australia Hating" Gay Industry,Labor Union thing with their ongoing Love Affair with the UN's Rabid Pit Bull, Islam, or just a case of been so far to the left that anything or any ideology that helps to smear and obliterates Australia's national carriers identity is worth getting into bed with?

No matter what it is : FUCK YAS ALL.

Angela Saurine and Peter Holmes 
The Daily Telegraph
April 05, 2013 12:00AM

QANTAS has removed pork from its in-flight menu on flights to and from Europe as a result of its partnership with Middle Eastern airline Emirates.

No food containing pork or pork products will be served on those flights - which now has a stopover in Dubai - because it is strictly forbidden in Islam and is considered "unholy".

All meals offered on the route in first, business and economy classes will also be prepared without alcohol in keeping with the Islamic religion. A note on the Qantas menus on flights in and out of Dubai states that the meals do not contain pork products or alcohol. The airline has also introduced a mezze plate offering traditional Middle Eastern fare in its upper classes and has Arabic translations after in-flight announcements.

A Qantas spokesman said the decision to remove pork, ham and other related food items had had minimal impact on its menu and it was still offering the same meal choices.

"Qantas in-flight catering often reflects the cultural and regional influences of the international destinations we fly to," he said.

"On flights to and from Hong Kong and China, our menus include regionally inspired dishes such as stir fries and to Singapore we have noodle options."

Qantas also offers meals without pork and alcohol on flights to the Indonesian capital Jakarta, which also has a large Muslim population.

Several other airlines which fly from Australia to the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia do not serve pork either.

Virgin Australia does not serve pork on flights to and from Abu Dhabi and all meals that are prepared are halal accredited, with meat prepared in a way prescribed by Islamic law.

Qantas passengers heading to any European city now fly via Dubai instead of Singapore, as they did under the airline's previous longstanding partnership with British Airways. The Qantas pork ban comes as other airlines - in the wake of the Qantas-Emirates merger - jostle for market share by aggressively discounting fares from Australia to Europe.

British Airways enlisted Mick Jagger's daughter, model Georgia May Jagger, to promote its discounted fares of $1777 to the UK via Singapore.

Emirates competitor Abu Dhabi-based carrier Etihad has return fares to Manchester or London from $1727 including taxes. Virgin was also promoting discounted fares to London out of Sydney ($1845) and Brisbane ($1869) this week. Qantas fares to London were yesterday priced about $1900 out of most capital cities - still around $100 more than its new partner Emirates is advertising.

I was told at least ten years ago by a senior Qantas executive that Qantas was going to be put out of business,what better way to smear its reputation than partnering with these Savages and pandering to their Moon / Occult Worshipping superstitions.

How does any western airline compete with any airline that basically gets free fuel for its fleet? For all the Dumb Arsed Australians gloating how they managed to get a cheaper fare from one of these Muslim airlines when Qantas is gone or fully owned by them,what price do you think you will pay for a fare then?

To all my fellow Australians I urge you to support OUR Airline at every opportunity irrespective of the price difference but do not Fly through Dubai take the longer road through Singapore,it is far safer and you are not supporting those have sworn to destroy us at any and every opportunity available to them.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

"Islamophobes" ? outraged by Pakistan treatment of Australian Sheep

Why Australia (the West) deals with these swine amazes me,let the bastards starve to death in the dark.They have rejected civilization and the humanity ascribed by God, let them reap the whirlwind that they taunt God and nature to deliver them.No Muslim Nation should be supplied with LIVE animals.Their Blsaphemy against God and Nature should no longer be tolerated under the guise of "Oh its their way" "Dont be an Islamophobe" "All Cultures Religions are equal" 
these swine and their UN/ Democrat / Liberal/ PROGRESSIVE All Cultures Religions are equal apologists have run out of excuses for their prize "Best at Show"  IGNORANT SWINE that they Strut before us in their Rat with a Gold Tooth garb as been the saviours / future of their All Cultures Religions are equal, Brave New Politically Correct New World aka."Hope n Change" aka "FORWARD"

The TV Network, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, who,correctly, exposed this latest Muslim atrocity against animals is Australia's 100% Taxpayer funded National TV and Radio network, this organization is renowned for its support of radical leftist / Union / Australian Labor Party / Green agenda.
The presenter (not the reporter) of this story is more commonly known as " Red Kerry"

At no time over the past 15 years do I recall a similar program on Four Corners or any other ABC program, any similar out rage over the Beheading and or ill treatment of "Infidel" human beings by Muslims in Afghanmistan or Pakistan or any where else in the world.
The ABC and some of it's millionaire / TV celebrity supporters are infamous for carrying the can for who they call "Our David" aka. David Hicks, Mohammed Dawoud, Australia's Celebrity Gitmo detainee, adopted by the Progressives and the Australian Labor Party, their financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions and their partners in crime, the Greens in Australia,well at least we know they like sheep, maybe one day they will evolve to a state where they have as much compassion for Non Muslims.
"Another Bloody Business"

Four Corners' 2011 expose of the brutal mistreatment of Austral"Another Bloody Business"ian cattle in Indonesia shocked many and had far reaching consequences for the live export trade. Tough new regulations were introduced to protect the welfare of Australian animals shipped overseas for slaughter.

But weeks ago news emerged from Pakistan of a brutal cull of 20,000 Australian sheep, ordered by the local authorities in Karachi. Sheep exporter Wellard told the Federal Government they lost control when police with semi-automatic weapons forced their employees away from the compound where the sheep were being held.

How did a major exporter lose control of a shipment of sheep in Pakistan, originally intended for Bahrain? Why was the Australian Government rebuffed by Pakistan when they tried to stop the cull? What does this gruesome episode say about the future of the live export trade?

Local authorities said the cull was carried out humanely. Pictures taken at the scene tell another story. This is a story the industry doesn't want told - you be the judge.

"Another Bloody Business", reported by Sarah Ferguson and presented by Kerry O'Brien,  Monday 5th November at 8.30 pm on ABC 1.

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