You have not seen an international flurry of solidarity hashtags and Israeli flag avatars adorning people's Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. And you won't. That is the double standard at play when the victims of terror are Israeli rather than French. Yet in just one month alone Israel endured 620 terror attacks, which left 11 dead including two Americans.
A blog revealing the horrors of Islam,International Socialism,the misery these two evils are inflicting upon the free the world,and those it has already enslaved,along with various articles revealing the attacks from within upon the western Judeo Christian ethic by those we entrusted to preserve it. Videos and Pictures of many varied subjects from around the world, along with some jokes of mine and any funny ones you want to send me.

An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.
Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”
--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!
When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.
Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Where Are The Solidarity Hashtags?: Israel Sustained 620 Terror Attacks in OCTOBER ALONE | Truth Revolt
Monday, August 04, 2014
Why Labor Green Loon Independent "Co Party" now opposition sides with the SAVAGE
Wake up Labor, smell the threat
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
August 4 2014
A COUPLE of hundred men marched past the Lakemba Hotel in Sydney a week ago, chanting their support for Gaza, and with it a threat.
Here is what they shouted while waving black flags of jihad — and pray Labor finally listens:
Palestine is Muslim land
The solution is Jihad ...
You can never stop Islam
From Australia to al Sham (Syria)
One umma (Muslim community) hand in hand
From Lakemba to Gaza
One call “khalifa” (Caliphate)
That chant is a wake-up for a political class now too cowed or craven to judge between the civilised and the primitive.
Yes, we really do now have hundreds of people who feel free to demonstrate a common cause with terrorists waging the most hideous wars in Gaza, Syria and Iraq.
I can hear the usual “but but but” already, as in: but you’re ignoring that most Muslims are peace-loving, and saying such things risks alienating them or encouraging racists.
And there’s truth to that, which is why we’ve left the problem to fester to the point where we’ve had scores of jihadists fight in Syria and Iraq, including two suicide bombers and two beheaders.
But we’ve done more than simply ignore something that threatens our physical safety.
Our cultural and political institutions have also surrendered our values, or made them seem no better than some we’ve imported so recklessly.
Just last week, the NSW Community Relations Commission chairman, Vic Alhadeff, a Jew, had to resign for simply noting Palestinian terrorists were firing rockets at Israeli civilians, and Israel would naturally “do whatever is needed to defend its citizens”.
Yes, supporting a Western democracy against an Islamist terrorist tyranny now makes you unfit to foster proper community relations.
Sick, but what undid Alhadeff were the greatest viruses weakening our defence of Western culture — demographics and the cheapest form of democracy.
Import people and you import a culture. You also import voters, and Muslims now outnumber Jews here by five to one.
And look where those voters are — in the lap of a Labor Party now so debased that it will sell out our civilisation for seats.
Labor frontbencher Tony Burke, for instance, represents the Sydney seat of Watson, which now has an astonishing 20 per cent of Muslim voters. In fact, of the 20 seats with the most Muslim voters, many in western Sydney, Labor holds all but one.
It shows. Two years ago, the Gillard government dropped support for Israel in the United Nations after foreign minister Bob Carr spent an hour with prime minister Julia Gillard, as The Australian reported, “explaining the electoral problems in Sydney”.
Added The Sydney Morning Herald: “Many MPs in western Sydney, who are already fearful of losing their seats, are coming under pressure from constituents with a Middle East background.”
Last September, the Mufti of Australia even wrote to Labor members warning that union boss Paul Howe had a “bias” towards Israel, and if he became a senator, Labor would lose the Muslim votes that helped “successfully retain the majority of ALP seats in Western Sydney”. Howes was stopped.
On the weekend came even more startling claims — that the Gillard government downplayed a report warning that homegrown jihadists returning from foreign fights could launch serious attacks in Australia.
Former judge Anthony Whealy QC chaired a 2013 counterterrorism review and said Labor sat on his report for two months before quietly tabling it on Budget night last year, when the media was too busy to notice.
Whealy’s report warned of exactly the threat the Abbott Government is now trying to counter, suggesting laws to force people returning from Syria and Iraq, for instance, to explain exactly what they’d been doing.
Whealy says “the response from the previous government you would have to say was slow”, but is Opposition Leader Bill Shorten embarrassed? Hell, no.
He’s still protecting Labor votes by talking out of both sides of his mouth, saying yes, something needs to be done about extremists, but no, the Government risks demonising innocent people.
Meanwhile, his party continues to appease what should be resisted.
The NSW Labor Conference a week ago overwhelmingly approved a motion criticising Israel more than Gaza over the current war.
It even warned Israel that if it “continues to build and expand settlements”, Labor would punish it by pushing for “recognition of the Palestinian state” — handing victory to the Hamas terrorists, from whom nothing of any consequence was demanded in exchange.
How Labor has sold its soul — and sold out our values and allies.
But Labor’s Muslim voters should be pleased. I can hear them in Lakemba — represented in Parliament by Tony Burke — already chanting:
From Lakemba to Gaza
One call “khalifa”.
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
August 4 2014
Andrew Bolt and Miranda Devine speak up for Israel and Christians in Iraq
A COUPLE of hundred men marched past the Lakemba Hotel in Sydney a week ago, chanting their support for Gaza, and with it a threat.
Here is what they shouted while waving black flags of jihad — and pray Labor finally listens:
Palestine is Muslim land
The solution is Jihad ...
You can never stop Islam
From Australia to al Sham (Syria)
One umma (Muslim community) hand in hand
From Lakemba to Gaza
One call “khalifa” (Caliphate)
That chant is a wake-up for a political class now too cowed or craven to judge between the civilised and the primitive.
Yes, we really do now have hundreds of people who feel free to demonstrate a common cause with terrorists waging the most hideous wars in Gaza, Syria and Iraq.
I can hear the usual “but but but” already, as in: but you’re ignoring that most Muslims are peace-loving, and saying such things risks alienating them or encouraging racists.
And there’s truth to that, which is why we’ve left the problem to fester to the point where we’ve had scores of jihadists fight in Syria and Iraq, including two suicide bombers and two beheaders.
But we’ve done more than simply ignore something that threatens our physical safety.
Our cultural and political institutions have also surrendered our values, or made them seem no better than some we’ve imported so recklessly.
Just last week, the NSW Community Relations Commission chairman, Vic Alhadeff, a Jew, had to resign for simply noting Palestinian terrorists were firing rockets at Israeli civilians, and Israel would naturally “do whatever is needed to defend its citizens”.
Yes, supporting a Western democracy against an Islamist terrorist tyranny now makes you unfit to foster proper community relations.
Sick, but what undid Alhadeff were the greatest viruses weakening our defence of Western culture — demographics and the cheapest form of democracy.
Import people and you import a culture. You also import voters, and Muslims now outnumber Jews here by five to one.
And look where those voters are — in the lap of a Labor Party now so debased that it will sell out our civilisation for seats.
Labor frontbencher Tony Burke, for instance, represents the Sydney seat of Watson, which now has an astonishing 20 per cent of Muslim voters. In fact, of the 20 seats with the most Muslim voters, many in western Sydney, Labor holds all but one.
It shows. Two years ago, the Gillard government dropped support for Israel in the United Nations after foreign minister Bob Carr spent an hour with prime minister Julia Gillard, as The Australian reported, “explaining the electoral problems in Sydney”.
Added The Sydney Morning Herald: “Many MPs in western Sydney, who are already fearful of losing their seats, are coming under pressure from constituents with a Middle East background.”
Last September, the Mufti of Australia even wrote to Labor members warning that union boss Paul Howe had a “bias” towards Israel, and if he became a senator, Labor would lose the Muslim votes that helped “successfully retain the majority of ALP seats in Western Sydney”. Howes was stopped.
On the weekend came even more startling claims — that the Gillard government downplayed a report warning that homegrown jihadists returning from foreign fights could launch serious attacks in Australia.
Former judge Anthony Whealy QC chaired a 2013 counterterrorism review and said Labor sat on his report for two months before quietly tabling it on Budget night last year, when the media was too busy to notice.
Whealy’s report warned of exactly the threat the Abbott Government is now trying to counter, suggesting laws to force people returning from Syria and Iraq, for instance, to explain exactly what they’d been doing.
Whealy says “the response from the previous government you would have to say was slow”, but is Opposition Leader Bill Shorten embarrassed? Hell, no.
He’s still protecting Labor votes by talking out of both sides of his mouth, saying yes, something needs to be done about extremists, but no, the Government risks demonising innocent people.
Meanwhile, his party continues to appease what should be resisted.
The NSW Labor Conference a week ago overwhelmingly approved a motion criticising Israel more than Gaza over the current war.
It even warned Israel that if it “continues to build and expand settlements”, Labor would punish it by pushing for “recognition of the Palestinian state” — handing victory to the Hamas terrorists, from whom nothing of any consequence was demanded in exchange.
How Labor has sold its soul — and sold out our values and allies.
But Labor’s Muslim voters should be pleased. I can hear them in Lakemba — represented in Parliament by Tony Burke — already chanting:
From Lakemba to Gaza
One call “khalifa”.
Sunday, August 03, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
Their ABC and AL Jazeera
Funny how Aunty never mentions that Al Jazeera’s backers bankroll Hamas in Gaza
The Australian
July 25,2014
ABC News Radio yesterday:
THERE is a strong possibility that Israel is committing war crimes … Al Jazeera’s Nicole Johnston filed this report.
Guess who funds Al Jazeera and which side they back? Armin Rosen, Business Insider, yesterday:
HAMAS’S apparent hard-line position ... with Israel is a partial function of Qatari support, as the emirate is the financial underwriter for the militant group’s policies and hosts ... Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said in a Doha press conference — carried in its entirety on Qatari-funded Al Jazeera’s Arabic channel — that Egypt would have to open the Rafah border crossing as a condition before his group would agree to a ceasefire. It’s a request Egypt is unlikely to agree to ...
No mention that Al Jazeera’s backers fund Hamas? ABC News Radio’s Weekend Breakfast, Sunday:
AL Jazeera commentator Marwan Bashara: The Egyptian initiative for a ceasefire, that was ... an Israeli initiative with Egyptian wrappings. This time around, there’s a genuine, apparently, Hamas initiative ...
Al Jazeera interview with Dr Mads Gilbert. SBS World Radio News, Monday:
BRIANNA Roberts: A Norwegian doctor in Gaza, Mads Gilberts, told Al Jazeera people are growing increasingly desperate.
Gilberts: The Israeli forces do not allow ambulances to access those people who are trapped in Shejaiya. There may be more than a hundred or hundreds. We don’t know the exact number of injured in the area but the access of ambulances is a major problem. A father just came running with his daughter screaming that “we need ambulances, we need ambulances, we need ambulances.”
That would be Mads Gilbert, the doctor who supported 9/11. Kristian Sarastuen, Dagbladet, September 30, 2001:
DR Mads Gilbert: The attack on New York (on 9/11) did not come as a surprise after the policy that the West has led during the last decades ... The oppressed also have a moral right to attack the USA with any weapon they can come up with ...
Interviewer: Do you support a terror attack against the USA?
Gilbert: ... yes, within the context which I have mentioned.
No prizes for guessing which network Waleed Aly chooses? ABC Radio National, July 21:
WALEED Aly: Joining me now … Nicole Johnston Al Jazeera correspondent in Gaza ...
Johnston: ... Shejaiya (was) hit … more than 60 people in that one neighbourhood were killed, many of them were women and children … Israel has said that there is a so-called “terror network” — that’s what they’re calling it — of tunnels under that neighbourhood. The bottom line is that it’s still a residential area. It’s a densely packed area; it’s been full of civilians, ...
Aly: Israel is warning people to flee. Are they fleeing? …
Johnston: Yeah, they are, especially after this incident in Shejaiya …
Why didn’t they flee before? IDF spokesperson, July 20:
MANY days ago, we dropped this Arabic flyer warning residents of Shuja’iya to evacuate.
Sheltering in UN schools. ABC Radio National, Nicole Johnston, Al Jazeera network, July 21:
NOW the UN is saying that it has got 85,000 people in Gaza, inside some 67 UN schools, that they’re trying to shelter.
Good luck with that! UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, Tuesday:
TODAY ... UNRWA discovered rockets hidden in a vacant school in the Gaza Strip ... situated between two other UNRWA schools that ... each accommodate 1500 internally displaced persons. UNRWA ... unequivocally condemns the group or groups responsible for this flagrant violation of ... its premises.
The Australian
July 25,2014
ABC News Radio yesterday:
THERE is a strong possibility that Israel is committing war crimes … Al Jazeera’s Nicole Johnston filed this report.
Guess who funds Al Jazeera and which side they back? Armin Rosen, Business Insider, yesterday:
HAMAS’S apparent hard-line position ... with Israel is a partial function of Qatari support, as the emirate is the financial underwriter for the militant group’s policies and hosts ... Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said in a Doha press conference — carried in its entirety on Qatari-funded Al Jazeera’s Arabic channel — that Egypt would have to open the Rafah border crossing as a condition before his group would agree to a ceasefire. It’s a request Egypt is unlikely to agree to ...
No mention that Al Jazeera’s backers fund Hamas? ABC News Radio’s Weekend Breakfast, Sunday:
AL Jazeera commentator Marwan Bashara: The Egyptian initiative for a ceasefire, that was ... an Israeli initiative with Egyptian wrappings. This time around, there’s a genuine, apparently, Hamas initiative ...
Al Jazeera interview with Dr Mads Gilbert. SBS World Radio News, Monday:
BRIANNA Roberts: A Norwegian doctor in Gaza, Mads Gilberts, told Al Jazeera people are growing increasingly desperate.
Gilberts: The Israeli forces do not allow ambulances to access those people who are trapped in Shejaiya. There may be more than a hundred or hundreds. We don’t know the exact number of injured in the area but the access of ambulances is a major problem. A father just came running with his daughter screaming that “we need ambulances, we need ambulances, we need ambulances.”
That would be Mads Gilbert, the doctor who supported 9/11. Kristian Sarastuen, Dagbladet, September 30, 2001:
DR Mads Gilbert: The attack on New York (on 9/11) did not come as a surprise after the policy that the West has led during the last decades ... The oppressed also have a moral right to attack the USA with any weapon they can come up with ...
Interviewer: Do you support a terror attack against the USA?
Gilbert: ... yes, within the context which I have mentioned.
No prizes for guessing which network Waleed Aly chooses? ABC Radio National, July 21:
WALEED Aly: Joining me now … Nicole Johnston Al Jazeera correspondent in Gaza ...
Johnston: ... Shejaiya (was) hit … more than 60 people in that one neighbourhood were killed, many of them were women and children … Israel has said that there is a so-called “terror network” — that’s what they’re calling it — of tunnels under that neighbourhood. The bottom line is that it’s still a residential area. It’s a densely packed area; it’s been full of civilians, ...
Aly: Israel is warning people to flee. Are they fleeing? …
Johnston: Yeah, they are, especially after this incident in Shejaiya …
Why didn’t they flee before? IDF spokesperson, July 20:
MANY days ago, we dropped this Arabic flyer warning residents of Shuja’iya to evacuate.
Sheltering in UN schools. ABC Radio National, Nicole Johnston, Al Jazeera network, July 21:
NOW the UN is saying that it has got 85,000 people in Gaza, inside some 67 UN schools, that they’re trying to shelter.
Good luck with that! UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, Tuesday:
TODAY ... UNRWA discovered rockets hidden in a vacant school in the Gaza Strip ... situated between two other UNRWA schools that ... each accommodate 1500 internally displaced persons. UNRWA ... unequivocally condemns the group or groups responsible for this flagrant violation of ... its premises.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Gillard backs down forced to support "The Savage" over Israel in UN Vote to save own job
Gillard's UN vote backdown to save her job
Simon Benson
The Daily Telegraph
- Poll: Do you support our stance on Israel?
- Editorial: Left forces the Julia Gillard's hand
- Neutrality: Not reality as perceptions change
JULIA Gillard's leadership came close to collapse yesterday after cabinet refused to back her policy to vote against a UN resolution tomorrow to give greater recognition to a Palestinian state.
After initially snubbing the majority view of her cabinet colleagues on Monday night, the Prime Minister was only convinced yesterday morning to back down when faced with the threat of ministers voting against her in caucus.
It is believed to be the first time since Bob Hawke pushed ahead with uranium mining at Coronation Hill in 1991 that a PM had defied recommendations from cabinet.
Cabinet sources confirmed the PM was forced into a desperate backdown during caucus yesterday after reported threats that Foreign Minister Bob Carr would vote against her if it was put to a vote on the floor - a precedent which would have forced his resignation.
The PM only warded off a caucus bloodbath by announcing a compromise position for Australia to abstain from the UN vote. Her spokesman said yesterday she did not comment on caucus or cabinet matters.
Socialist's always side with the savage
And it came largely through pressure from NSW Right MPs who were more concerned a no vote at the UN would offend Middle East and Muslim communities in their fragile southwest Sydney seats ahead of the election.
It is believed up to 10 cabinet ministers, including Mr Carr, Anthony Albanese and Greg Combet, spoke against Ms Gillard's position to oppose a UN resolution giving the Palestinian territories non-member observer status. Ms Gillard also lost support from the Labor National Right, which also met on Monday and refused to be bound to a vote in support of the Prime Minister's position. Only two cabinet ministers, Victorian Right faction leaders Bill Shorten and Stephen Conroy, are believed to have supported her.
Mr Gillard is believed to have argued that a UN resolution to upgrade the Palestinian status to non-member observer status could damage an already fragile peace process.
A ceasefire is now in force between Palestinian militants Hamas and Israel after a 10 days of conflict.
However, Mr Carr is believed to have spent an hour with Ms Gillard before Monday night's cabinet meeting explaining the electoral problems in Sydney if Australia did not at least abstain from the vote, if not vote yes.
Senior Labor sources said Ms Gillard's leadership had come "close to the brink".
"As it dawned on her that she would be in trouble numbers-wise, it quickly came a straight out defacto leadership issue," one senior Labor MP said. A senior minister said: "She came as close as she has ever come to losing her job. She could not have handled this more poorly. She had expected the Right to lock in on it.
"Her leadership would have crumbled around her."
But Mr Carr denied there had been threats or pressure brought to bear on Ms Gillard, claiming that it was common sense for Australia to adopt a middle-road approach to such a polarising issue.
He said she had "shaped the decision and showed smart leadership".
"Australia strongly supports a negotiated two-state solution that allows a secure Israel to live side-by-side with a secure and independent future Palestinian state," Mr Carr said.
Pro-Israel Labor MP Michael Danby, who chairs a parliamentary foreign affairs committee, was reportedly among those angry at the PM's backflip.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Islamic Sociopaths Inc. London on Terror alert ahead of Olympic Games.
London on alert for terror attack ahead of Olympic Games
Lucy Carne in London
News Limited newspapers
July 22, 20125:05PM
ISRAEL fears an Iranian terror squad in Europe are planning to attack their athletes during the London Olympics, according to reports.
Agents from Israel’s elite intelligence organisation, Mossad, are hunting Iranian-backed terrorists in Europe, who are allegedly planning an “anniversary” attack 40 years after the Munich massacre, Britain's The Sunday Times reports.
The fears come as tensions rise over the International Olympic Committee refusal to commemorate the killing of 11 Israeli athletes and coaches by Palestinian terrorists on September 5, 1972.
In preparation for an Olympic terror assault, panic rooms for VIPs and spectators have been set up beneath London’s Olympic Stadium to protect them from being taken hostage or killed, according to The Sunday Times.
The paper also claims that if an attack occurred on the stadium, security forces would “invacuate” key people, rushing them to safety inside the attack zone.
An estimated 50,000 VIPs will attend the Games, including a reported 140 heads of state, 200 government ministers, 100 royals and 150 members of the International Olympic Committee.
A ring of steel has been set up to protect the Games, including snipers on the stadium roof and lighting towers and airborne radiation detecting equipment.
While M15 and Scotland Yard have reportedly raised the threat level against Israelis at the Games, Israel’s security squad Shin Bet has also been sent to protect the country’s 38 athletes living at the Athletes Village.
Concerns of an attack on Israel were heightened by the suicide bombing of a bus in Bulgaria last week, killing five Israeli tourists and the Bulgarian bus driver.
A man – carrying American travel documents – exploded a bomb on board the tourist coach just hours before an Israeli cargo plane carrying elite security teams landed nearby.
The blast was reportedly revenge for the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists, which Iran blames on Israel.
It confirmed intelligence Mossad had received that the Quds Force - Iran’s overseas hit squad – would use a suicide bomber disguised as a westerner.
The Israelis are now convinced the attack was a precursor to a bigger hit — with London’s Olympic Games as the suspected target, the paper claimed.
They allegedly believe Iran and Hezbollah, the militant Shi’ite Muslim group it arms and funds in Lebanon, plan to repeat the bloodshed of Black September.
The world watched in horror in 1972 when Palestinian terrorists scaled the fences of the Athletes Village in Munich and killed two Israeli athletes and took another nine hostage.
After German forces bungled an ambush at the military airport, the terrorists shot the athletes and threw a grenade into their helicopter to ensure they were dead.
A global campaign – backed by US president Barack Obama – has pushed for a minute of silence during London’s Opening Ceremony to honour the victims.
But IOC president Jacques Rogge rejected the proposals, saying that it was inappropriate to commemorate the deaths at the Olympics.
“We feel that the Opening Ceremony is an atmosphere that is not fit to remember such a tragic incident,” he told a press conference.
He added that some IOC delegates would attend a memorial on September 5 at the German military airport of Furstenfeldbruck where the killing took place.
“We are going to pay a homage to the athletes, of course, as we always have done in the past and will do in the future,” he said.
Taking an Olympic Stand for a Moment of Silence
Black September,
IOC president Jacques Rogge,
Iranian Terrorists,
Islamic Sociopaths Inc.,
London Olympics,
Munich massacre,
Quds Force,
Shi’ite Muslim,
suicide bombing
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"Australians for Hamas" and their Anti Semitic Play
Comrade Rudd's Australia 2009.
The usual cast of Rudd's actor "luvvies" and fellow Kate Blanchett 2020 Summiteers,aka.Australian Taxpayer funded idiots in search of a village,and assorted Labor Party and Union arse clowns, making their voices heard in support of their new best friends in Islamic Terrorism, "The Palestinians"
Something to warm the hearts of any Islamic Terrorist Loving, Hamas, "Palestinean" supporters,in the Australian Labor Party, Union Movement (ACTU), Multicultural Industry,arts community,this heartwarming "Palestinian" childrens Play showing the world that special kind of Love, that only "The Palestinians" seem to ba able to shower upon their babies.
And there is this:
Daryl Jones is an Australian volunteer aid worker duped by Palestinian propaganda propaganda to come to their aid but later realized that they were engaged in a bloodlust game to destroy the lives of children.
She recounts how Palestinians displayed photos of bodies, "gouged and pitted, torn. We were told this is from torture from the Israelis." Later, when she saw a Palestinian child blow up in front of her face, she realized that the ripped apart bodies were the result of human booby traps that the Palestinians used against the Israelis.
She was featured in "The Road to Jenin" film by French director Pierre Rehov.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Israeli TV Mocks Jesus Christ , Blessed Virgin Mary
Catholics outraged over Israeli TV spoof
February 20, 2009 09:54pm
CATHOLIC bishops in the Holy Land have expressed outrage over what they call "repulsive attacks" on Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary after an Israeli TV program spoofed them.
"We, the members of the Assembly of the Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land deplore and condemn with utter dismay the repulsive attacks on our lord Jesus Christ and on his mother, the blessed Virgin Mary, carried out on Channel 10 of the Israeli television," the group said in a statement.
Earlier this week, the private channel broadcast a series of skits, one of which suggested the Virgin Mary "was impregnated at the age of 15 by a school friend."
Another said Jesus died at a young age "because he was fat" and that his excess weight would have made it impossible for him to walk on water.
In the program, Israeli comedian Yair Shlein joked that since Christians "deny the Holocaust, then I want to deny Christianity."
Following protests, he later apologised to Arab Israeli Christian dignitaries.
The bishops said they viewed "this recent incident in the larger context of continuous attacks against Christians throughout Israel over the years" and urged authorities to launch an investigation.
"It is unconceivable that such incidents have to occur in Israel which hosts some of the holiest shrines of Christianity," said the statement, signed by the Latin patriach of Jerusalem as well as Armenian, Chaldean, Greek, Maronite and Syrian Catholic bishops.
Uneasy relations between the Vatican and Israel have been further strained a by Pope Benedict XVI's recent decision to lift the excommunication of Holocaust-denying English Bishop Richard Williamson.
The pontiff is scheduled to visit Israel in May.
I guess when you have as many friends in the world as Israel does you can afford to shit down the throats of those who are most likely (Christians) to support Israel in their fight against the planed Islamic Holocaust eg that promised by Iran for instance, great work Channel 10 Israel, talk about PR.
February 20, 2009 09:54pm
CATHOLIC bishops in the Holy Land have expressed outrage over what they call "repulsive attacks" on Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary after an Israeli TV program spoofed them.
"We, the members of the Assembly of the Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land deplore and condemn with utter dismay the repulsive attacks on our lord Jesus Christ and on his mother, the blessed Virgin Mary, carried out on Channel 10 of the Israeli television," the group said in a statement.
Earlier this week, the private channel broadcast a series of skits, one of which suggested the Virgin Mary "was impregnated at the age of 15 by a school friend."
Another said Jesus died at a young age "because he was fat" and that his excess weight would have made it impossible for him to walk on water.
In the program, Israeli comedian Yair Shlein joked that since Christians "deny the Holocaust, then I want to deny Christianity."
Following protests, he later apologised to Arab Israeli Christian dignitaries.
The bishops said they viewed "this recent incident in the larger context of continuous attacks against Christians throughout Israel over the years" and urged authorities to launch an investigation.
"It is unconceivable that such incidents have to occur in Israel which hosts some of the holiest shrines of Christianity," said the statement, signed by the Latin patriach of Jerusalem as well as Armenian, Chaldean, Greek, Maronite and Syrian Catholic bishops.
Uneasy relations between the Vatican and Israel have been further strained a by Pope Benedict XVI's recent decision to lift the excommunication of Holocaust-denying English Bishop Richard Williamson.
The pontiff is scheduled to visit Israel in May.
I guess when you have as many friends in the world as Israel does you can afford to shit down the throats of those who are most likely (Christians) to support Israel in their fight against the planed Islamic Holocaust eg that promised by Iran for instance, great work Channel 10 Israel, talk about PR.
Blessed VirginMary,
Channel 10 Israeli TV,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Barack Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
Expediting the Grand Jihad: Barack Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
by Paul & Phillip D. Collins,
Jan. 11, 2008
As these authors write these words, Israel is conducting a major ground assault in the Gaza Strip. Israeli ground troops and heavy armor have moved deep into the Gaza Strip ("Israeli forces split Gaza in two"). According to the BBC, the move has, in effect, cut the territory in two (ibid). This ground assault followed hot on the heels of Operation Cast Lead, a December 27-28 series of Israeli airstrikes conducted in Gaza in response to Hamas' refusal to renew the truce brokered by Egypt in the summer of 2008

(Khalil, "The already-strained Hamas-Egypt relationship sours"). Hamas had been launching rocket attacks into Israel since December 24, when no less than 70 rockets hit the small Jewish state, and Israel decided to strike back ("Israeli jets hit Hamas target, killing 1").
Doubtless, the conflict between Israel and Hamas is one of the many issues that Obama will have to address when he enters the Oval Office. Is the President-elect sincere in his opposition to the terrorists responsible for the current Middle East crisis? Obama has repeatedly condemned Hamas, calling the group a terrorist organization (Oinounou, "A Hamas problem for Obama?") The President-elect even went as far as to condemn former President Jimmy Carter for meeting with Hamas (ibid). But the words of Ahmed Yousef, a top Hamas
political advisor, during a WABC interview, seem to suggest that Obama's opposition to Hamas may be a mere public relations ploy. During the interview, Yousef stated:
"We don't mind-actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle, and he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with domination and arrogance." (Ibid)
Why would Hamas support an Obama presidency? The answer may lie in a group known as the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Muslim Brotherhood

Hassan al-Banna
According to former CIA operative Robert Baer, Hamas was an offshoot of the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (172). Founded in 1928 by an Egyptian schoolteacher named Hassan al-Banna with the expressed purpose of purifying Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood is anything but a benign Muslim organization (172).
According to Baer, the Brotherhood "is another of the cauldrons from which al Qaeda emerged" (172). Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the architect of the September 11 attacks, joined the Muslim Brotherhood at the age of sixteen and attended the Brotherhood's desert youth camps (Mintz and Farah, "In Search of Friends Among Foes"). Ayman Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's deputy, was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Egyptian branch (ibid). According to Seymour Hersh, the Brotherhood may have even been involved in the September 11 attacks. Hersh states: "Many of the September 11th hijackers had operated out of cells in
Aachen and Hamburg, where Al Qaeda was working with the Brotherhood" ("The Syrian Bet"). The Brotherhood's hatred of the United States was clearly expressed in a 1991 internal memorandum written by Mohamed Akram for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood. Entitled "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America," the document states that the Brotherhood's activities in the United States represent:
a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. (Akram)
Akram's memorandum failed to mention the powerful, white, English-speaking individuals that have given assistance to the Brotherhood's "grand Jihad." The Muslim Brotherhood is not only a radical and dangerous party; it is intimately tied to the power elite. This connection probably had its start prior to World War Two when British travel writer and intelligence agent Freya Stark forged an alliance between the Brotherhood and British intelligence (Dorril 622). Brotherhood collaboration with Western intelligence continued with an alliance between the Brotherhood and the CIA that began around 1955. According to former CIA agent Miles
Copeland, it was around this time that America began looking for the Muslim equivalent of Billy Graham, hoping to use such a charismatic individual to influence the Arab world. When this failed, the Agency began forging ties with the Muslim Brotherhood (Aburish 60-61).
The connection between the Brotherhood and the power elite is perfectly illustrated by the party's audience with the Bush Administration. On June 20, 2007, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the State Department hosted a meeting with other intelligence community representatives to discuss the opening of "more formal channels" to the Muslim Brotherhood (Lake, "Bush Weighs Reaching Out to 'Brothers'"). One of the Brotherhood supporters at the June 20 meeting was Robert Leiken (ibid). Robert Leiken, a scholar at the Nixon Center, was commissioned by the National Intelligence Council to put together a paper on the history
of the Muslim Brotherhood earlier in 2007 (ibid). According to administration officials, Leiken's paper to the National Intelligence Council drew the attention of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and senior members of the National Security Council (ibid). George W. Bush even encouraged Tariq al-Hashemi, the leader of the Iraq branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, to form an alliance to oppose Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki (Slavin,
"Iraqi VP says Bush wants coalition to counter al-Sadr").
After his election victory, Barack Obama promised that change was on the way. Will that change include an end to Washington's contact with the Muslim Brotherhood? Unfortunately, there is evidence that the Brotherhood will maintain its audience with Washington circles during the Obama reign.
The Democrats' Answer to Grover Norquist

Mazen Asbahi
When the Obama campaign needed an individual to reach out to the Muslim community, it turned to Chicago lawyer Mazen Asbahi for help (Simpson and Chozick, "Obama's Muslim-Outreach Adviser Resigns"). But Asbahi's connections to the Muslim Brotherhood did more to raise questions than it did to bridge gaps. By August of 2008, Asbahi had resigned from his position as volunteer coordinator for Muslim American affairs for the Obama campaign (ibid).
Asbahi was the democrats' equivalent of GOP/Bush political operative Grover Norquist, meant to court Muslim American voters. And like Norquist, Asbahi had several radical associations that raised eyebrows and set off alarm bells. Eight years before taking up the Obama cause, Asbahi served on the Board of the Allied Asset Advisors (Spencer, "Obama's Muslim Outreach Problem"). Allied Asset Advisors is a subsidiary of the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) (ibid). According to the 1991 internal memorandum authored by Akram for the Muslim Brotherhood, NAIT is part of the network conducting the Brotherhood's "grand jihad" ("An
Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America"). NAIT is also connected to the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), an organization believed to be involved in the financing of Muslim Brotherhood offshoot Hamas (Josh Gerstein, "US: Facts Tie Muslim Groups To Hamas Front Case").
According to the prosecutors in the HLF case, NAIT has an "intimate relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood" (ibid).
When the Wall Street Journal and other media organs began raising questions, Asbahi quickly went to work on damage control. The Chicago lawyer claimed he resigned from Allied Asset Advisors' board immediately after learning about fellow board member Jamal Said's connection to Hamas (Simpson and Chozick, "Obama's Muslim-Outreach Adviser Resigns"). However, Asbahi later admitted that his resignation from the Obama
campaign was purely a "strategic decision," suggesting that the explanation for his involvement in the Allied Asset Advisors was contrived (Spencer, "Obama's Muslim Outreach Problem"). Asbahi's alibi further disintegrated on September 15, 2008 when the former Muslim liaison met with members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) (ibid). CAIR's parent organization, the Islamic Association for Palestine, is named in Akram's Muslim Brotherhood memorandum as part of the Brotherhood's "grand jihad" network (ibid). Asbahi's resignation did not end the Obama campaign's love affair with the Muslim Brotherhood. Also present at the September 15, 2008 meeting was Asbahi's replacement as the Obama campaign's Muslim
liaison, Minha Husaini (ibid).
Rezko, Othman, and Al Taqwa Antoin "Tony" Rezko
Obama may also connect to the Muslim Brotherhood through his old Chicago mob friends. Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a Syrian-American political fundraiser and Chicago real estate developer provides the bridge. On June 4, 2008, Rezko was found guilty in federal court on 16 corruption charges ("Rezko begins serving time immediately"). It seems that when Rezko wasn't busy helping his friends in the Illinois political scene, such as scandal-embroiled Governor Rod Blagojevich and Obama, he was knee-deep in a kickback scheme that involved taking bribes from companies that desired state contracts (ibid).
Obama owes a lot to his good friend Tony. Rezko began his career as Obama's political godfather in 1995, when two of his food companies contributed $2,000 to Obama's campaign (Novak, "Obama and his Rezko ties"). It was the beginning of a beautiful political friendship. Rezko helped bankroll Obama in five election runs (Fusco, et al., "Obama explains Rezko relationship to Sun-Times"). After some ducking and weaving,
Obama admitted to receiving $250,000 from Rezko's fundraising efforts (ibid). According to the Chicago Sun-Times, this amount was "about $100,000 more than had previously been disclosed and about five times more than Obama conveyed during a November 2006 question-and-answer exchange with the Sun-Times" (ibid). Standing behind Rezko is Talat Othman, a leader in the American Muslim community in Illinois and an extremely successful Arab American businessman. It was Othman who introduced Rezko to former Illinois
governor Jim Edgar and it was Othman who aided Rezko in gaining access to Illinois political circles (Hanania, "Arabs in Chicago discover political clout and controversy"). Rezko was also recognized as "Entrepreneur of the Decade" by Othman's Arab-American Business and Professional Association (ibid).

Othman has a close relationship with M. Yaqub Mirza, a naturalized Pakistani businessman and physicist (Trento 336). Othman and Mirza were co-chairmen of the Islamic Society of North America 2001 Convention (336). The two were also involved in Amana Mutual Funds Trust, an Islamic mutual fund which, according to investigative journalist Joseph Trento, "specializes in investments that are consonant with Islamic beliefs" (336). Othman sits on Amana's board and Mirza served as the mutual fund's chairman (336). M. Yaqub Mirza
On March 20, 2002 a U.S. Treasury task force known as Green Quest raided 14 homes and businesses believed to be involved in terrorism financing that were affiliated with Mirza (Guidera and Simpson, "Agents Raid Properties Affiliated with Chairman of Islamic Fund"). According to Guidera and Simpson, the Green Quest investigators were "most interested in Mr. Mirza's role as an officer in the Saar Foundation, a nonprofit started in the 1970s by members of the Saudi Arabia's al-Rajihi family, which has interest in banking, construction, and real estate" (ibid). Stephen Schwartz identifies the Saar Foundation as the "keystone" to the Mirza-related network ("Wahhabis in the Old Dominion").
The hidden hand of the Muslim Brotherhood can be identified through the Saar Foundation's connection with a shell company known as Al-Taqwa (Schwartz, "Wahhabis in the Old Dominion"). The Al-Taqwa shell game was originally based in Switzerland and had as one of its leading figures a notorious Nazi disciple named Ahmed Huber (ibid). It was an extensive network that included companies based in the Bahamas, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein (Hosenball, "Attacking the Money Machine"). Al Taqwa even had a foothold in the United States until after September 11 when its assets were frozen and its operations were shut down by a U.S. presidential order ("Wahhabis in the Old Dominion"). According to a Newsweek investigation, the Al Taqwa network "was set up in the 1980s by prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood" ("Attacking the Money Machine"). Al-Taqwa' chairman, Youssef Nada, even admitted to being a member of the Brotherhood for 50 years (ibid).
Apparently, the Green Quest raids made Othman extremely nervous. Two weeks after the
raids, Othman and several other Muslim activists met with Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill to protest the raids (Trento 337). Was Othman afraid that the investigation would connect him to the Muslim Brotherhood's plan for a "grand jihad"? Four individuals who were targets of the investigation were affiliated with Amana, the mutual fund where Othman serves as a trustee (337). It is also interesting to note that another Amana board member, Samir Salah, is known to have ran a Caribbean branch of the Muslim Brotherhood's Al-Taqwa network ("Wahhabis in the Old Dominion"). Talat Othman
When Obama tries to downplay his connections to Rezko, is he merely trying to conceal his poor judgement in the realm of campaign finance? The 44th President may be trying to hide a much more disturbing reality from the eyes of the public. That reality is the fact that our own government, in league with the power elite, will continue collaborating with America's enemies. The "grand Jihad" proclaimed by Akram in his 1991 memorandum does not only constitute the Muslim Brotherhood's crusade to destroy Western civilization. It also constitutes the power elites's war on the plebians.
Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connections may motivate him to go soft on Hamas when it comes time for him to deal with the current Middle East crisis. The Muslim Brotherhood is still very close to its Hamas offshoot.
If the new administration was too supportive of Israel in its efforts to end the terrorist attacks, it could potentially alienate its Muslim Brotherhood connections.Those connections may prove useful when the new administration unveils its plans for Iran.
According to investigative researcher Webster Tarpley, power in Washington has shifted away from the neocon "rogue" faction of the elite to the Trilateral faction that stands behind Obama ("US Policy Shift On
Iran-Iraq Again Shows Brzezinski Rules In Washington"). This faction seeks to redirect the American Empire's hostilities away from Iran and focus them on Russia and China (ibid). Such a plan requires that Iran be transformed into an asset, which means that Tehran's efforts to procure nuclear weapons may even be tolerated, so long as Iran is willing to act as a nuclear proxy of the American Empire (ibid). Iran has long desired to revive the Persian Empire, and Trilateralists such as Carter's former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski believe that they can insure that a revived Persian Empire is merely an extension of the American Empire.
For Obama, diplomacy really means imperial recruitment. The Muslim Brotherhood could provide the bridge in the recruitment process. According to Robert Baer, Iran has substantial ties with Jordan's branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, known as the Islamic Action Front (178). Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot currently fighting with Israel, is also extremely close to Iran. Iran first began establishing contact with Hamas in 1992, when Israel expelled 415 members of Hamas's leadership as punishment for their involvement in the first intifada, which was a Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule (172). When the exiled leaders crossed the
border into Jordan, they found Hezbollah, a Shi'a paramilitary organization that acts as Iran's Lebanese proxy, waiting for them with open arms (172). Hezbollah provided the Hamas leaders with tents, clothes, and food (172-173). A few days later, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard officer also arrived on the scene to provide assistance to the Hamas leaders (173). Without a doubt, the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran are becoming extremely close as Iran attempts to co-opt every major movement and political party in the region as part of its bid for empire.
The Obama administration may wish to use its connection to the Muslim Brotherhood as a means of establishing diplomatic channels with Iran. But that means the new President may
not be as supportive of Israel in its struggle with Hamas. Obama may even pressure Israel to come to the table of diplomacy and establish yet another truce with Hamas. The 1988 Hamas Covenant, however, painfully illustrates why peace overtures on Israel's part would be an act of folly. Article seven of the covenant states:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." ("Hamas Covenant 1988")
Article 28 reiterates the document's anti-Jewish theme when it states: "Israel, Judaism, and Jews challenge Islam and Muslim people. 'May the cowards never sleep.'" ("Hamas Covenant 1988"). Obviously, the idea of Israel establishing a truce with a group that adheres to such ideas is unthinkable. It would merely give Hamas an opportunity to lick its wounds and continue to prepare for the day when it hopes to finally wipe Israel from the face of the earth.
These authors believe that history will characterize the Obama administration's attempts at diplomacy with Iran as a lost opportunity. Iran has been a hotbed of radicalism ever since the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
Instead of facilitating Iran's departure from radicalism, Obama and his puppeteers will work to turn the radicals against the American Empire's competitors, such as Russia and China. A chance to move Iran in a moderate direction will slip away as Obama and his Establishment handlers try to employ the country as an asset in their fight for dominance in the New World Order. In the process, Obama will help expedite the Brotherhood's "grand Jihad."
by Paul & Phillip D. Collins,
Jan. 11, 2008
As these authors write these words, Israel is conducting a major ground assault in the Gaza Strip. Israeli ground troops and heavy armor have moved deep into the Gaza Strip ("Israeli forces split Gaza in two"). According to the BBC, the move has, in effect, cut the territory in two (ibid). This ground assault followed hot on the heels of Operation Cast Lead, a December 27-28 series of Israeli airstrikes conducted in Gaza in response to Hamas' refusal to renew the truce brokered by Egypt in the summer of 2008

(Khalil, "The already-strained Hamas-Egypt relationship sours"). Hamas had been launching rocket attacks into Israel since December 24, when no less than 70 rockets hit the small Jewish state, and Israel decided to strike back ("Israeli jets hit Hamas target, killing 1").
Doubtless, the conflict between Israel and Hamas is one of the many issues that Obama will have to address when he enters the Oval Office. Is the President-elect sincere in his opposition to the terrorists responsible for the current Middle East crisis? Obama has repeatedly condemned Hamas, calling the group a terrorist organization (Oinounou, "A Hamas problem for Obama?") The President-elect even went as far as to condemn former President Jimmy Carter for meeting with Hamas (ibid). But the words of Ahmed Yousef, a top Hamas
political advisor, during a WABC interview, seem to suggest that Obama's opposition to Hamas may be a mere public relations ploy. During the interview, Yousef stated:
"We don't mind-actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle, and he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with domination and arrogance." (Ibid)
Why would Hamas support an Obama presidency? The answer may lie in a group known as the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Muslim Brotherhood

Hassan al-Banna
According to former CIA operative Robert Baer, Hamas was an offshoot of the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (172). Founded in 1928 by an Egyptian schoolteacher named Hassan al-Banna with the expressed purpose of purifying Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood is anything but a benign Muslim organization (172).
According to Baer, the Brotherhood "is another of the cauldrons from which al Qaeda emerged" (172). Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the architect of the September 11 attacks, joined the Muslim Brotherhood at the age of sixteen and attended the Brotherhood's desert youth camps (Mintz and Farah, "In Search of Friends Among Foes"). Ayman Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's deputy, was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Egyptian branch (ibid). According to Seymour Hersh, the Brotherhood may have even been involved in the September 11 attacks. Hersh states: "Many of the September 11th hijackers had operated out of cells in
Aachen and Hamburg, where Al Qaeda was working with the Brotherhood" ("The Syrian Bet"). The Brotherhood's hatred of the United States was clearly expressed in a 1991 internal memorandum written by Mohamed Akram for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood. Entitled "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America," the document states that the Brotherhood's activities in the United States represent:
a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. (Akram)
Akram's memorandum failed to mention the powerful, white, English-speaking individuals that have given assistance to the Brotherhood's "grand Jihad." The Muslim Brotherhood is not only a radical and dangerous party; it is intimately tied to the power elite. This connection probably had its start prior to World War Two when British travel writer and intelligence agent Freya Stark forged an alliance between the Brotherhood and British intelligence (Dorril 622). Brotherhood collaboration with Western intelligence continued with an alliance between the Brotherhood and the CIA that began around 1955. According to former CIA agent Miles
Copeland, it was around this time that America began looking for the Muslim equivalent of Billy Graham, hoping to use such a charismatic individual to influence the Arab world. When this failed, the Agency began forging ties with the Muslim Brotherhood (Aburish 60-61).
The connection between the Brotherhood and the power elite is perfectly illustrated by the party's audience with the Bush Administration. On June 20, 2007, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the State Department hosted a meeting with other intelligence community representatives to discuss the opening of "more formal channels" to the Muslim Brotherhood (Lake, "Bush Weighs Reaching Out to 'Brothers'"). One of the Brotherhood supporters at the June 20 meeting was Robert Leiken (ibid). Robert Leiken, a scholar at the Nixon Center, was commissioned by the National Intelligence Council to put together a paper on the history
of the Muslim Brotherhood earlier in 2007 (ibid). According to administration officials, Leiken's paper to the National Intelligence Council drew the attention of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and senior members of the National Security Council (ibid). George W. Bush even encouraged Tariq al-Hashemi, the leader of the Iraq branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, to form an alliance to oppose Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki (Slavin,
"Iraqi VP says Bush wants coalition to counter al-Sadr").
After his election victory, Barack Obama promised that change was on the way. Will that change include an end to Washington's contact with the Muslim Brotherhood? Unfortunately, there is evidence that the Brotherhood will maintain its audience with Washington circles during the Obama reign.
The Democrats' Answer to Grover Norquist

Mazen Asbahi
When the Obama campaign needed an individual to reach out to the Muslim community, it turned to Chicago lawyer Mazen Asbahi for help (Simpson and Chozick, "Obama's Muslim-Outreach Adviser Resigns"). But Asbahi's connections to the Muslim Brotherhood did more to raise questions than it did to bridge gaps. By August of 2008, Asbahi had resigned from his position as volunteer coordinator for Muslim American affairs for the Obama campaign (ibid).
Asbahi was the democrats' equivalent of GOP/Bush political operative Grover Norquist, meant to court Muslim American voters. And like Norquist, Asbahi had several radical associations that raised eyebrows and set off alarm bells. Eight years before taking up the Obama cause, Asbahi served on the Board of the Allied Asset Advisors (Spencer, "Obama's Muslim Outreach Problem"). Allied Asset Advisors is a subsidiary of the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) (ibid). According to the 1991 internal memorandum authored by Akram for the Muslim Brotherhood, NAIT is part of the network conducting the Brotherhood's "grand jihad" ("An
Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America"). NAIT is also connected to the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), an organization believed to be involved in the financing of Muslim Brotherhood offshoot Hamas (Josh Gerstein, "US: Facts Tie Muslim Groups To Hamas Front Case").
According to the prosecutors in the HLF case, NAIT has an "intimate relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood" (ibid).
When the Wall Street Journal and other media organs began raising questions, Asbahi quickly went to work on damage control. The Chicago lawyer claimed he resigned from Allied Asset Advisors' board immediately after learning about fellow board member Jamal Said's connection to Hamas (Simpson and Chozick, "Obama's Muslim-Outreach Adviser Resigns"). However, Asbahi later admitted that his resignation from the Obama
campaign was purely a "strategic decision," suggesting that the explanation for his involvement in the Allied Asset Advisors was contrived (Spencer, "Obama's Muslim Outreach Problem"). Asbahi's alibi further disintegrated on September 15, 2008 when the former Muslim liaison met with members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) (ibid). CAIR's parent organization, the Islamic Association for Palestine, is named in Akram's Muslim Brotherhood memorandum as part of the Brotherhood's "grand jihad" network (ibid). Asbahi's resignation did not end the Obama campaign's love affair with the Muslim Brotherhood. Also present at the September 15, 2008 meeting was Asbahi's replacement as the Obama campaign's Muslim
liaison, Minha Husaini (ibid).
Rezko, Othman, and Al Taqwa Antoin "Tony" Rezko

Obama owes a lot to his good friend Tony. Rezko began his career as Obama's political godfather in 1995, when two of his food companies contributed $2,000 to Obama's campaign (Novak, "Obama and his Rezko ties"). It was the beginning of a beautiful political friendship. Rezko helped bankroll Obama in five election runs (Fusco, et al., "Obama explains Rezko relationship to Sun-Times"). After some ducking and weaving,
Obama admitted to receiving $250,000 from Rezko's fundraising efforts (ibid). According to the Chicago Sun-Times, this amount was "about $100,000 more than had previously been disclosed and about five times more than Obama conveyed during a November 2006 question-and-answer exchange with the Sun-Times" (ibid). Standing behind Rezko is Talat Othman, a leader in the American Muslim community in Illinois and an extremely successful Arab American businessman. It was Othman who introduced Rezko to former Illinois
governor Jim Edgar and it was Othman who aided Rezko in gaining access to Illinois political circles (Hanania, "Arabs in Chicago discover political clout and controversy"). Rezko was also recognized as "Entrepreneur of the Decade" by Othman's Arab-American Business and Professional Association (ibid).

Othman has a close relationship with M. Yaqub Mirza, a naturalized Pakistani businessman and physicist (Trento 336). Othman and Mirza were co-chairmen of the Islamic Society of North America 2001 Convention (336). The two were also involved in Amana Mutual Funds Trust, an Islamic mutual fund which, according to investigative journalist Joseph Trento, "specializes in investments that are consonant with Islamic beliefs" (336). Othman sits on Amana's board and Mirza served as the mutual fund's chairman (336). M. Yaqub Mirza
On March 20, 2002 a U.S. Treasury task force known as Green Quest raided 14 homes and businesses believed to be involved in terrorism financing that were affiliated with Mirza (Guidera and Simpson, "Agents Raid Properties Affiliated with Chairman of Islamic Fund"). According to Guidera and Simpson, the Green Quest investigators were "most interested in Mr. Mirza's role as an officer in the Saar Foundation, a nonprofit started in the 1970s by members of the Saudi Arabia's al-Rajihi family, which has interest in banking, construction, and real estate" (ibid). Stephen Schwartz identifies the Saar Foundation as the "keystone" to the Mirza-related network ("Wahhabis in the Old Dominion").
The hidden hand of the Muslim Brotherhood can be identified through the Saar Foundation's connection with a shell company known as Al-Taqwa (Schwartz, "Wahhabis in the Old Dominion"). The Al-Taqwa shell game was originally based in Switzerland and had as one of its leading figures a notorious Nazi disciple named Ahmed Huber (ibid). It was an extensive network that included companies based in the Bahamas, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein (Hosenball, "Attacking the Money Machine"). Al Taqwa even had a foothold in the United States until after September 11 when its assets were frozen and its operations were shut down by a U.S. presidential order ("Wahhabis in the Old Dominion"). According to a Newsweek investigation, the Al Taqwa network "was set up in the 1980s by prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood" ("Attacking the Money Machine"). Al-Taqwa' chairman, Youssef Nada, even admitted to being a member of the Brotherhood for 50 years (ibid).
Apparently, the Green Quest raids made Othman extremely nervous. Two weeks after the

When Obama tries to downplay his connections to Rezko, is he merely trying to conceal his poor judgement in the realm of campaign finance? The 44th President may be trying to hide a much more disturbing reality from the eyes of the public. That reality is the fact that our own government, in league with the power elite, will continue collaborating with America's enemies. The "grand Jihad" proclaimed by Akram in his 1991 memorandum does not only constitute the Muslim Brotherhood's crusade to destroy Western civilization. It also constitutes the power elites's war on the plebians.
Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connections may motivate him to go soft on Hamas when it comes time for him to deal with the current Middle East crisis. The Muslim Brotherhood is still very close to its Hamas offshoot.
If the new administration was too supportive of Israel in its efforts to end the terrorist attacks, it could potentially alienate its Muslim Brotherhood connections.Those connections may prove useful when the new administration unveils its plans for Iran.
According to investigative researcher Webster Tarpley, power in Washington has shifted away from the neocon "rogue" faction of the elite to the Trilateral faction that stands behind Obama ("US Policy Shift On
Iran-Iraq Again Shows Brzezinski Rules In Washington"). This faction seeks to redirect the American Empire's hostilities away from Iran and focus them on Russia and China (ibid). Such a plan requires that Iran be transformed into an asset, which means that Tehran's efforts to procure nuclear weapons may even be tolerated, so long as Iran is willing to act as a nuclear proxy of the American Empire (ibid). Iran has long desired to revive the Persian Empire, and Trilateralists such as Carter's former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski believe that they can insure that a revived Persian Empire is merely an extension of the American Empire.
For Obama, diplomacy really means imperial recruitment. The Muslim Brotherhood could provide the bridge in the recruitment process. According to Robert Baer, Iran has substantial ties with Jordan's branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, known as the Islamic Action Front (178). Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot currently fighting with Israel, is also extremely close to Iran. Iran first began establishing contact with Hamas in 1992, when Israel expelled 415 members of Hamas's leadership as punishment for their involvement in the first intifada, which was a Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule (172). When the exiled leaders crossed the
border into Jordan, they found Hezbollah, a Shi'a paramilitary organization that acts as Iran's Lebanese proxy, waiting for them with open arms (172). Hezbollah provided the Hamas leaders with tents, clothes, and food (172-173). A few days later, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard officer also arrived on the scene to provide assistance to the Hamas leaders (173). Without a doubt, the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran are becoming extremely close as Iran attempts to co-opt every major movement and political party in the region as part of its bid for empire.
The Obama administration may wish to use its connection to the Muslim Brotherhood as a means of establishing diplomatic channels with Iran. But that means the new President may

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." ("Hamas Covenant 1988")
Article 28 reiterates the document's anti-Jewish theme when it states: "Israel, Judaism, and Jews challenge Islam and Muslim people. 'May the cowards never sleep.'" ("Hamas Covenant 1988"). Obviously, the idea of Israel establishing a truce with a group that adheres to such ideas is unthinkable. It would merely give Hamas an opportunity to lick its wounds and continue to prepare for the day when it hopes to finally wipe Israel from the face of the earth.
These authors believe that history will characterize the Obama administration's attempts at diplomacy with Iran as a lost opportunity. Iran has been a hotbed of radicalism ever since the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
Instead of facilitating Iran's departure from radicalism, Obama and his puppeteers will work to turn the radicals against the American Empire's competitors, such as Russia and China. A chance to move Iran in a moderate direction will slip away as Obama and his Establishment handlers try to employ the country as an asset in their fight for dominance in the New World Order. In the process, Obama will help expedite the Brotherhood's "grand Jihad."
Monday, January 19, 2009
Iranian Hamas connection
Islamic Sociopaths Inc.,
Islamic Terrorism,
Friday, January 16, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thousands rally for Israel world wide
Support for Israel grows world wide
Towards the end of this video you will see the "usual suspects" aka "Pious Peace Loving Muslims" and their supporters, engaged in their usual rants and acts of urban terrorism, their behavior is in stark contrast to the behavior of the Jews and their supporters, a classic case of Garbage IN Garbage OUT, clearly exposure to the "Holy Koran" does have some rather un Godly consequences, unbridled blood lusting savagery been just one.
Former British PM Tony Blair was reported as saying the other day, that he reads the Koran daily and can understand how Islam became such a civilizing influence on the world,based on the behavior,writings and verbalised threats to mankind by Islams finest, almost 24/7 clearly the definition of civilizing has changed, to this day surely it cannot be argued that the Islamic nations are leaders in the subjugation of men and women and the greatest oppressors of mankind leaving Communist / Socialist nations green with envy.
I believe that Mr Blair is now some sort of Middle Eastern liaison officer, (Islam apologist ?) perhaps that's why he is reading the Koran in an effort to get some street cred with Islamic Mobsters he has deal with
Thousands world wide rally for Israel
Towards the end of this video you will see the "usual suspects" aka "Pious Peace Loving Muslims" and their supporters, engaged in their usual rants and acts of urban terrorism, their behavior is in stark contrast to the behavior of the Jews and their supporters, a classic case of Garbage IN Garbage OUT, clearly exposure to the "Holy Koran" does have some rather un Godly consequences, unbridled blood lusting savagery been just one.
Former British PM Tony Blair was reported as saying the other day, that he reads the Koran daily and can understand how Islam became such a civilizing influence on the world,based on the behavior,writings and verbalised threats to mankind by Islams finest, almost 24/7 clearly the definition of civilizing has changed, to this day surely it cannot be argued that the Islamic nations are leaders in the subjugation of men and women and the greatest oppressors of mankind leaving Communist / Socialist nations green with envy.
I believe that Mr Blair is now some sort of Middle Eastern liaison officer, (Islam apologist ?) perhaps that's why he is reading the Koran in an effort to get some street cred with Islamic Mobsters he has deal with
Friday, January 09, 2009
Hamas Childrens TV Islams maddest of Dogs on Parade
Hamas feeding kids a TV diet of hatred
Piers Akerman
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 06:37pm
ISRAEL’S Operation Cast Lead is unfolding like a familiar soap opera on the nightly news.
A series of Palestinian terrorists making blood-curdling threats against Israelis, a hail of missiles aimed at Israeli civilian targets, retaliatory strikes against the terrorists - who unfailingly seek to shelter behind innocent civilians - followed by scenes of weeping parents at crowded hospitals.
It is a plot line designed to soften the hardest heart. Unfortunately, those who buy the tear-jerking material unquestioningly are being duped.
No one, let alone a parent raised in a Western culture, could imagine placing children directly in harm’s way or encouraging impressionable infants to worship death but that is what the thugs and murderers responsible for the slaughter in Gaza have been doing.
It is an Islamist thing and Palestinian TV, often subsidised by the United Nations and European Union, is full of it.
In regular drama directed at kindergarten-aged children, children are taught that martyrdom is a beautiful state to aspire to, that suicide bombers are heroes and heroines and that even cartoon characters can sing and dance and murder their way into paradise.
Palestinian Media Watch and the Middle East Media Research Institute have been documenting this extraordinary perversion in recent years.
Among the scripts translated from Arabic is a cute story of the four-year-old daughter of female suicide bomber Reem Riyashi, shown singing to her dead mother and swearing to follow in her explosive footsteps. The video clip, aired on Hamas TV, depicts the little child asking her mother what she is carrying (it is explosives) and why she is putting on a hijab. All is made clear when the local newspaper (and headstone) reveals that mummy dearest was no soccer-mum but indeed a bomber-mum.
“Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now, I know what was more precious than us . . . may your steps be blessed,” the little girl sings.
“Send greetings to our Messenger (Mohammed) and tell him: ‘Duha loves you.’ My love will not be (merely) words. I am following Mummy in her steps.”
At which point she finds some explosives her bomb-loving mum left in a drawer and picks up a stick, happily singing: “Oh Mummy, Oh Mummy.”
Don’t think this is some aberration. Abhorrent agitprop is the currency of Palestinian children’s television programming, with even cartoon characters depicting martyrdom as a highly desirable goal.
In a regular show on Hamas TV early last year, giant rabbit “Assud” replaced his brother “Nahoul” - a giant bee who had died after failing to get into hospital in Egypt for surgery.
Assud told his young audience: “We are all ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our homeland. We will sacrifice our souls and everything we own for the homeland”, vowing also to “get rid of the Jews and eat them up”.
Regular viewers would recall Nahoul himself replaced “Farfour”, the Hamas mouse who was shown being “killed” on the show by an Israeli soldier in 2007.
Farfour Martyred Mouse
As the young female host Saraa Bahoum told her audience: “Yes, my dear children, we have lost our dearest friend Farfour. Farfour was martyred while defending his land, the land of his fathers and forefathers. He was martyred at the hand of criminals, the murderers, the murderers of innocent children who killed Iman Hijo, Muhammed Al-Dura and many others.”
The martyred mouse was more likely a victim of copyright lawyers who saw too close a resemblance to Disney’s Mickey Mouse but that wasn’t in the script.
The bee made that clear when he said: “I want to continue in the path of Farfour - the path of Islam, of heroism, of martyrdom, of the mujahidin. Me and my friends will follow in the footsteps of Farfour. We will take revenge upon the enemies of Allah, the killer of the prophets and of the innocent children, until we liberate Al-Aqsa from their impurity. We place our trust in Allah.”
Hamas Bee replaces Hamas Mouse
Indoctrinating children to become suicide bombers and human shields is a declared goal of Hamas, as Fathi Hamad, a representative of the terrorist organisation, proudly told the Palestine Authority Legislative Council last year.
“For the Palestinian people death became an industry at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel and the children excel,” Hamad said.
“Accordingly (Palestinians) created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: ‘We desire death as you desire life’.”
To ensure that the “death industry” doesn’t experience a slow-down, Hamas has placed its fighters in civilian homes, schools and hospitals.
It would be inhuman in the extreme not to feel sympathy for the children being used in this callous manner but it would be unintelligent not to ask why those who are exploiting them are not being called to account.
Hamas Bee
Pioneers of Tomorrow Hamas Bunny
Gaza Children Play Hamas Fatah
Basmallah From Saudi TV Apes & Pigs
Hamas Women suicide bombers
Hamas Bombs more precious than children
Piers Akerman
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 06:37pm
ISRAEL’S Operation Cast Lead is unfolding like a familiar soap opera on the nightly news.
A series of Palestinian terrorists making blood-curdling threats against Israelis, a hail of missiles aimed at Israeli civilian targets, retaliatory strikes against the terrorists - who unfailingly seek to shelter behind innocent civilians - followed by scenes of weeping parents at crowded hospitals.
It is a plot line designed to soften the hardest heart. Unfortunately, those who buy the tear-jerking material unquestioningly are being duped.
No one, let alone a parent raised in a Western culture, could imagine placing children directly in harm’s way or encouraging impressionable infants to worship death but that is what the thugs and murderers responsible for the slaughter in Gaza have been doing.
It is an Islamist thing and Palestinian TV, often subsidised by the United Nations and European Union, is full of it.
In regular drama directed at kindergarten-aged children, children are taught that martyrdom is a beautiful state to aspire to, that suicide bombers are heroes and heroines and that even cartoon characters can sing and dance and murder their way into paradise.
Palestinian Media Watch and the Middle East Media Research Institute have been documenting this extraordinary perversion in recent years.
Among the scripts translated from Arabic is a cute story of the four-year-old daughter of female suicide bomber Reem Riyashi, shown singing to her dead mother and swearing to follow in her explosive footsteps. The video clip, aired on Hamas TV, depicts the little child asking her mother what she is carrying (it is explosives) and why she is putting on a hijab. All is made clear when the local newspaper (and headstone) reveals that mummy dearest was no soccer-mum but indeed a bomber-mum.
“Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now, I know what was more precious than us . . . may your steps be blessed,” the little girl sings.
“Send greetings to our Messenger (Mohammed) and tell him: ‘Duha loves you.’ My love will not be (merely) words. I am following Mummy in her steps.”
At which point she finds some explosives her bomb-loving mum left in a drawer and picks up a stick, happily singing: “Oh Mummy, Oh Mummy.”
Don’t think this is some aberration. Abhorrent agitprop is the currency of Palestinian children’s television programming, with even cartoon characters depicting martyrdom as a highly desirable goal.
In a regular show on Hamas TV early last year, giant rabbit “Assud” replaced his brother “Nahoul” - a giant bee who had died after failing to get into hospital in Egypt for surgery.
Assud told his young audience: “We are all ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our homeland. We will sacrifice our souls and everything we own for the homeland”, vowing also to “get rid of the Jews and eat them up”.
Regular viewers would recall Nahoul himself replaced “Farfour”, the Hamas mouse who was shown being “killed” on the show by an Israeli soldier in 2007.
Farfour Martyred Mouse
As the young female host Saraa Bahoum told her audience: “Yes, my dear children, we have lost our dearest friend Farfour. Farfour was martyred while defending his land, the land of his fathers and forefathers. He was martyred at the hand of criminals, the murderers, the murderers of innocent children who killed Iman Hijo, Muhammed Al-Dura and many others.”
The martyred mouse was more likely a victim of copyright lawyers who saw too close a resemblance to Disney’s Mickey Mouse but that wasn’t in the script.
The bee made that clear when he said: “I want to continue in the path of Farfour - the path of Islam, of heroism, of martyrdom, of the mujahidin. Me and my friends will follow in the footsteps of Farfour. We will take revenge upon the enemies of Allah, the killer of the prophets and of the innocent children, until we liberate Al-Aqsa from their impurity. We place our trust in Allah.”
Hamas Bee replaces Hamas Mouse
Indoctrinating children to become suicide bombers and human shields is a declared goal of Hamas, as Fathi Hamad, a representative of the terrorist organisation, proudly told the Palestine Authority Legislative Council last year.
“For the Palestinian people death became an industry at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel and the children excel,” Hamad said.
“Accordingly (Palestinians) created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: ‘We desire death as you desire life’.”
To ensure that the “death industry” doesn’t experience a slow-down, Hamas has placed its fighters in civilian homes, schools and hospitals.
It would be inhuman in the extreme not to feel sympathy for the children being used in this callous manner but it would be unintelligent not to ask why those who are exploiting them are not being called to account.
Hamas Bee
Pioneers of Tomorrow Hamas Bunny
Gaza Children Play Hamas Fatah
Basmallah From Saudi TV Apes & Pigs
Hamas Women suicide bombers
Hamas Bombs more precious than children
Garbage IN Garbage OUT
No wonder the Left and their apologists have such a long standing love affair with Islam, they have so much in common with each other, same m.o, same grab bag of lies and deceit same promises of utopia just around the corner but first you must sacrifice.... (insert cause here )
No wonder the Left and their apologists have such a long standing love affair with Islam, they have so much in common with each other, same m.o, same grab bag of lies and deceit same promises of utopia just around the corner but first you must sacrifice.... (insert cause here )
Child Martydom,
Childrens TV,
Islamic Terrorism,
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