An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Australia Multiculturalism gone mad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia Multiculturalism gone mad. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sydney's Occupied Territories: The Burka and the Curse of Islam on the rise?

Sydney's Occupied Territories,
Where too many Burka's are barely enough

                                                   Behind the Veil Sunday Night Seven Network Sydney.24 June 2012

Sydney's Occupied Territories: The Burka and the Curse of  Islam on the rise? or just another Multiculturalism SPIN joint venture, between their leftist media cheer squad and the Muslim industry? 

Obedient wives club

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Australian Education: accommodating Ignoble Islam again.


Bridging the gaps

Blanche Clark, Herald Sun
May 19, 2010

A new resource aims to help teachers develop better relationships with their Muslim students, writes Blanche Clark.

Research shows teachers are uncomfortable dealing with many issues that involve Muslim students.

It might be debates over the hijab, exclusion from swimming lessons or concern about young students fasting during Ramadan.

Prof Shahram Akbarzadeh, of the University of Melbourne, realised teachers needed guidance and applied to the Myer Foundation for a grant to run professional learning workshops.

18 5 2010  Bridging the GAPS

Educator Jennet Cole-Adams and Muslim education expert Dr Eeqbal Hassim, who delivered the workshops in Melbourne and Sydney last year, soon discovered that teachers were encountering a wide range of dilemmas.

Their new resource, Learning From One Another, uses this information to educate teachers about Muslim beliefs and culture and provide ideas for lessons.

The director of curriculum services at the Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA), Cole-Adams says the lesson plans are designed to benefit all students.

"Our suggestions for how you can incorporate this are aimed to benefit all students and to nurture relationships between Muslim and non-Muslim students by making non-Muslim students more aware of the history and contemporary situations," she says.

"The resource covers things such as learning about the tessellating tiles of Alhambra in Spain and the Afghan cameleers, and the contribution of Muslim scholars to science."

Hassim says: "We emphasise in the workshop that we think appreciating different perspectives and managing diverse opinions is a skill that kids need to develop at school."

Hassim says teachers need to find common ground, rather than give Muslims special treatment.

"We don't want schools to compromise on their stance and what they believe in," he says.

"If schools are trying to bend backwards to please Muslims and their students, then this might be a situation of compromise and that may be counterproductive, because it might emphasise that Muslims are very different . . . which may not necessarily be true for the vast majority of Muslims."

He says the book doesn't present Islam as if it is one opinion or one interpretation.

"Rather we try to provide as many different examples of various opinions, so teachers can pick and choose what applies to their situation," he says.

Cole-Adams says there are no ready answers.

"In some ways it will be a bit frustrating for teachers because they will think, 'How am I going to deal with the fact that one student won't go on school camp?' and we offer some reasons, but there are no answers or solutions that can be guaranteed."

Hassim says during the fasting month of Ramadan, many Muslim students don't take part in physical education. But rather than sending students to the library, Hassim suggests teachers get the students involved in the planning or running of the lesson.

In regards to sex education, he says teachers need to explain why it's important to the parents.

"Often parents say, 'We don't want this because we are Muslims and we don't like how it's taught', and that's where it stops. It's about going one step further and talking to them about it," Hassim says.

Victorian teachers are invited to register for a free workshop on June 2, 9am-2.30pm, Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room, Level 1, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourne. For details about the workshop or the resource, Learning From One Another, contact ACSA, ph: (02) 6260 5660 or email

What a shame all that time and money, was not used to educate Muslims on how to behave in a Western Democracy and what their obligations to Australia are and what is expected of them by their host country.
How many more examples of the total incompatibility the Islamic mindset has with western democracy and civilization are Muslims and their leftist cheer squads going to present to the Australian people?

I support "the right of return" for all Muslims to what ever country it was they or the parents / grand parents ran away from, where all the Religious and social structures that they demand be imposed on Australian society are already in place... it's a win win as we say.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Australia, UK: United Nations, aka. International Socialism’s agenda EXPOSED.


Thought police muscle up in Britain

Hal G. P. Colebatch
The Australian
April 21, 2009

BRITAIN appears to be evolving into the first modern soft totalitarian state. As a sometime teacher of political science and international law, I do not use the term totalitarian loosely.

There are no concentration camps or gulags but there are thought police with unprecedented powers to dictate ways of thinking and sniff out heresy, and there can be harsh punishments for dissent.

Nikolai Bukharin claimed one of the Bolshevik Revolution's principal tasks was "to alter people's actual psychology". Britain is not Bolshevik, but a campaign to alter people's psychology and create a new Homo britannicus is under way without even a fig leaf of disguise.

The Government is pushing ahead with legislation that will criminalise politically incorrect jokes, with a maximum punishment of up to seven years' prison. The House of Lords tried to insert a free-speech amendment, but Justice Secretary Jack Straw knocked it out. It was Straw who previously called for a redefinition of Englishness and suggested the "global baggage of empire" was linked to soccer violence by "racist and xenophobic white males". He claimed the English "propensity for violence" was used to subjugate Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and that the English as a race were "potentially very aggressive".

In the past 10 years I have collected reports of many instances of draconian punishments, including the arrest and criminal prosecution of children, for thought-crimes and offences against political correctness.

Countryside Restoration Trust chairman and columnist Robin Page said at a rally against the Government's anti-hunting laws in Gloucestershire in 2002: "If you are a black vegetarian Muslim asylum-seeking one-legged lesbian lorry driver, I want the same rights as you." Page was arrested, and after four months he received a letter saying no charges would be pressed, but that: "If further evidence comes to our attention whereby your involvement is implicated, we will seek to initiate proceedings." It took him five years to clear his name.

Page was at least an adult. In September 2006, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, Codie Stott, asked a teacher if she could sit with another group to do a science project as all the girls with her spoke only Urdu. The teacher's first response, according to Stott, was to scream at her: "It's racist, you're going to get done by the police!" Upset and terrified, the schoolgirl went outside to calm down. The teacher called the police and a few days later, presumably after officialdom had thought the matter over, she was arrested and taken to a police station, where she was fingerprinted and photographed. According to her mother, she was placed in a bare cell for 3 1/2 hours. She was questioned on suspicion of committing a racial public order offence and then released without charge. The school was said to be investigating what further action to take, not against the teacher, but against Stott. Headmaster Anthony Edkins reportedly said: "An allegation of a serious nature was made concerning a racially motivated remark. We aim to ensure a caring and tolerant attitude towards pupils of all ethnic backgrounds and will not stand for racism in any form."

A 10-year-old child was arrested and brought before a judge, for having allegedly called an 11-year-old boya "Paki" and "bin Laden" during a playground argument at a primary school (the other boy had called him a skunk and a Teletubby). When it reached the court the case had cost taxpayers pound stg. 25,000. The accused was so distressed that he had stopped attending school. The judge, Jonathan Finestein, said: "Have we really got to the stage where we are prosecuting 10-year-old boys because of political correctness? There are major crimes out there and the police don't bother to prosecute. This is nonsense."

Finestein was fiercely attacked by teaching union leaders, as in those witch-hunt trials where any who spoke in defence of an accused or pointed to defects in the prosecution were immediately targeted as witches and candidates for burning.

Hate-crime police investigated Basil Brush, a puppet fox on children's television, who had made a joke about Gypsies. The BBC confessed that Brush had behaved inappropriately and assured police that the episode would be banned.

A bishop was warned by the police for not having done enough to "celebrate diversity", the enforcing of which is now apparently a police function. A Christian home for retired clergy and religious workers lost a grant because it would not reveal to official snoopers how many of the residents were homosexual. That they had never been asked was taken as evidence of homophobia.

Muslim parents who objected to young children being given books advocating same-sex marriage and adoption at one school last year had their wishes respected and the offending material withdrawn. This year, Muslim and Christian parents at another school objecting to the same material have not only had their objections ignored but have been threatened with prosecution if they withdraw their children.

There have been innumerable cases in recent months of people in schools, hospitals and other institutions losing their jobs because of various religious scruples, often, as in the East Germany of yore, not shouted fanatically from the rooftops but betrayed in private conversations and reported to authorities. The crime of one nurse was to offer to pray for a patient, who did not complain but merely mentioned the matter to another nurse. A primary school receptionist, Jennie Cain, whose five-year-old daughter was told off for talking about Jesus in class, faces the sack for seeking support from her church. A private email from her to other members of the church asking for prayers fell into the hands of school authorities.

Permissiveness as well as draconianism can be deployed to destroy socially accepted norms and values. The Royal Navy, for instance, has installed a satanist chapel in a warship to accommodate the proclivities of a satanist crew member. "What would Nelson have said?" is a British newspaper cliche about navy scandals, but in this case seems a legitimate question. Satanist paraphernalia is also supplied to prison inmates who need it.

This campaign seems to come from unelected or quasi-governmental bodies controlling various institutions, which are more or less unanswerable to electors, more than it does directly from the Government, although the Government helps drive it and condones it in a fudged and deniable manner.

Any one of these incidents might be dismissed as an aberration, but taken together - and I have only mentioned a tiny sample; more are reported almost every day - they add up to a pretty clear picture.

Hal G. P. Colebatch's Blair's Britain was chosen as a book of the year by The Spectator in 1999.

Australia… New Strategies


Labor’s Paedophiles of the Mind

Students being directed to pro-asylum seeker websites in new campaign

John Masanauskas
Herald Sun
April 28, 2010

EDUCATION Minister Julia Gillard has urged schools to teach a "balanced'' curriculum after Victorian students were directed to a pro-asylum seeker website and encouraged to create political campaigns in a new multicultural agenda for state schools.

A resource kit urges students to design slogans, badges, bumper stickers and posters for display in classrooms and to question terms such as "boat people", "queue jumpers" and "illegals".

It also says schools should display welcome signs in different languages, become involved in events like National Sorry Day and Refugee Week, and invites students to spend quiet time meditating on their core beliefs and values.

Ms Gillard says a new national curriculum is under consideration and schools should be encouraging their students to learn every side of each story.

"We want to see people getting balanced information,'' she said.

"Thinking their way through, discussing questions - that's the journey of education ... We would expect them to be debating and to (be) looking at all sides of any proposition.''

Ms Gillard said research projects should be designed for students to draw their own conclusions on major issues.

"If you set a research project for students, you'd obviously want them to go to all potential sources of information. You'd want them to have the skills to evaluate the sources of information,'' she said.

The program, dubbed All of Us - Multicultural Perspectives in Victorian Schools, was devised by the Victorian Multicultural Commission and is endorsed by high-profile citizens including Governor David de Kretser.

The kit is part of a Brumby Government policy that calls for cultural diversity to be integrated into the curriculum rather than just experienced through dress-up days and food festivals.

The Education Department resource kit recommends that secondary students go to websites such as A Just Australia for myths and facts about asylum seekers.

AJA is a refugee lobby group founded by Left-wing broadcaster Phillip Adams that does not support mandatory detention of asylum seekers.

Students are asked to show support for refugees by writing personal action plans and to "brainstorm" ideas that could be taken up by the school council.

Swinburne University sociologist Dr Katherine Betts said the kit seemed biased.

"This is rather heavy duty stuff for school children and I'd worry that they would be in a position to evaluate the arguments that they're being exposed to," she said. "It's surprising that they're not being directed to alternative sources of information."

Liberal education spokesman Martin Dixon said the policy showed how out of touch the Government was on mainstream issues.

"Teachers and students are only being encouraged to explore one side of the refugee/illegal immigrant debate," he said. "It's not encouraging students to bring an open mind to the debate, it's guiding their thoughts towards what the Education Department says."

But Education Minister Bronwyn Pike said: "It is appalling that the Liberal Party want to stop Victorian students from learning about cultural diversity."


Monday, April 12, 2010

Rudd’s Illegal’s on their way to Australia


Flotilla of asylum seekers heads to Oz

By Charles Miranda
The Daily Telegraph
April 12, 2010  

A LARGE flotilla of boats is expected to sail from the Indonesian archipelago within days as people smugglers urge asylum seekers to leave now or risk not getting into Australia.

Fresh Thinking PPHat_thumb[2] “It’s about getting the balance right”

"The advice I have this morning is that capacity remains on Christmas Island,"

“My name’s Kevin, I’m from Queensland and I’m here to help”

Who’s ya Daddy?

People smugglers, who use the internet to keep up with Australian immigration changes, are duping refugees by claiming they can beat visa changes if boats leave now.

An undercover people smuggler confirmed to The Daily Telegraph that hundreds of refugees were rushing to organise boats for the journey to Australia.

Yesterday two more boats arrived, carrying a combined 55 passengers and six crew, the third and carrying a combined 55 passengers and six crew, the third and fourth boats intercepted since the suspension of visas came into force last week.

The arrivals come as The Daily Telegraph can reveal a bidding war between people smugglers has seen the price of passage to Australia drop 50 per cent to about $US4000 a head for passengers.

Authorities have identified at least 15 people-smuggling gangs in Malaysia and Indonesia, who have mobilised hundreds of refugees, predominantly from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Sri Lanka.

Other refugees have been hiding out in the Cipanas mountains outside Jakarta as well as among high immigrant populations in Puncak in Jakarta's south and Sarina in the north.

But they were now rushing to organise boats off islands about Sumatra, following internet reports of the visa freeze. About 80 per cent of asylum seekers heading to Australia by boat are either from Afghanistan or Sri Lanka.

There are genuine fears the rush will lead to overcrowding on unseaworthy boats which may not make the already perilous journey to Christmas Island off Australia's mainland.

Yesterday an Iraqi-born former people-smuggler turned Australia police informant said the visa freeze was too little too late and the dash had already begun.

The man, who calls himself Shadi, told The Daily Telegraph people-smugglers were internet-savvy and were using the visa changes to direct the people-smuggling market.

"That is why so many people [are] coming now," he said.

Shadi, who worked undercover for police in Indonesia until the end of 2002, when people-smugglers wanted to kill him and he was brought to Australia as a protected witness, continues to provide critical intelligence to authorities on the movement.

He identified five Iraqi or Pakistani-born smugglers operating in Indonesia and Malaysia and said they were preparing boats. "Your laws are not strong enough to stop them," he said.

An Iraqi Kurd is being hunted by the AFP and local police in Indonesia as the king-pin of the human trafficking misery. The number of so-called illegal entry vessels stopped in Australian waters this year now stands at 42.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott doubted the processing freeze would stop the boats.

"Certainly, the people smugglers, I think, will remain in business because they suspect, as I do, that this is an election fix. It's not a solution," Mr Abbott said.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said he stood by the visa changes: "Our obligations are to deal with genuine asylum seekers, and those who are not genuine asylum seekers, to send them back to their countries of origin."

HMAS Childers finally a chance to speak the truth.
Prof.Bob Birrell Speaks for Australia and Australians


Christmas Island isn't full: Rudd

By national political editor Simon Kearney
The Sunday Telegraph
April 04, 2010 12:01AM

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd says there is more room on Christmas Island for the increasing flow of asylum seekers.

Another boat of 79 asylum seekers is reportedly being taken to Christmas Island today and it is understood the air shuttle service between Christmas Island and mainland Australia was ferrying another 63 asylum seekers to Brisbane last night.

The 63 were understood to have been granted asylum and were to be placed in a Brisbane motel last night for a medical check-up and to undergo some more processing formalities before being released.

Speaking at The Lodge yesterday Mr Rudd left open the option of altering the policy on asylum seekers as international and regional security circumstances changed. "It's important that we place this in its context," he said.

However he continued to deny detention facilities on Christmas Island had exceeded capacity despite some reports more than 2000 people were in the facility which has a maximum capacity of 1200.

"The advice I have this morning is that capacity remains on Christmas Island," Mr Rudd said.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said it was clear asylum seekers were being drawn to Australia, not pushed by international and regional conflicts.

Easy money in a desperate trade

Exclusive Investigation by Charles Miranda
The Daily Telegraph
April 12, 2010

ALONG Jalan Jaksa, the men move suspiciously from cafe to cafe, boarding house to hotel.

"You want to go live in Australia, we have a big boat and it's ready to go now," says one Iraqi-born man to some of the illegal immigrants hiding out on the busy Jakarta street.

There is no need to wait or prepare, to plot or plan for the hundreds of desperate illegal immigrants in Indonesia of Afghan, Iranian, Sri Lankan and Iraqi origin.

"It really is that easy," says former people smuggler "Shadi".

He clicks his fingers.

"I could go now, today, and get 50 passengers for Australia just like that for you and you can get half a million dollars US, not Aussie, just like that."

Shadi should know. He tried to make it to Christmas Island but when things didn't work out he became a people smuggler himself and for three years helped send more people to Australia than he can remember. The number is in the thousands.

But in the third phase of his three years walking about Jalan Jaksa he became one of the Australian Federal Police's most significant covert agents and later one of the first to be given a protected new life in Australia - a thanks from a grateful nation.

He not only exposed the men behind the smuggling but single-handedly stopped dozens of boats from coming to Australia, testified against some of the biggest people-smugglers in South East Asia and, more importantly, laid out a detailed map of the routes for thousands plotting to come to Australia.

Today he is again helping authorities hunt the smugglers and track the boats preparing to make the voyage.

Shadi yesterday agreed to speak with The Daily Telegraph to reveal the true extent of the problem and how and why it is about to get a lot worse.

His story is common. He went to Jordan in 1997 with a plan to be smuggled to Sweden.

After a three-year wait for Swedish passage Shadi decided instead to go to Australia and immediately flew to Jakarta to prepare. He made one failed voyage with 300 others and just remembered the huge waves and the dread he would die at sea. It put him off but he felt sorry for his fellow passengers, abandoned by the head smuggler after two failed attempts to cross the straits, and decided to help them leave. He also spoke English - a bonus in Jakarta - so he became an accidental people smuggler.

He was the moneyman and recruiter. He was the quartermaster buying the supplies for the voyages, including life vests and essentials such as bags of sugar, tea, bread and water. He even had a collection of rubber stamps to put fake entry and exit visa marks in passports.

The would-be Aussie asylum seekers generally flew into Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia first from Iraq or Jordan. They would stay at a specific hotel off Jalan Tun Sambanthan before being flown to Jakarta. At Jakarta International, a corrupt airport official would be paid $1000 in US cash to open a side door to the airport and the mostly Arab men would slip out to a waiting bus without having to pass through the border gates. Their passports would be stamped on the bus or later at a hotel with a fake Customs stamp and entry/exit visas, used should they be stopped by local police at a later time. They would then be bussed to Sarina in North Jakarta where they would congregate at the local McDonald's waiting for orders. Others would be taken to Cipanos in the mountains or Puncak, another staging post, before setting sail from Lombok or Sumatra or even Cambodia. Intelligence points to these haunts being used today.

There are no special pitches, no facts, no planning or training. People are ready to just go. For the smugglers it was easy money. A boat cost on average $US20,000, the local Indonesian fisherman crew and corrupt airport officials would cost another $US20,000 but each passenger would pay between $2000 to $10,000, according to market demands.

"I know how to sell it, I know the places to talk to people, where they are. I know how to get a passenger to get his hand in his pocket and give it to me. It's very easy," Shadi says.

"You don't need to sell this, or say things like government will pay you money if you go, no one says that. It's just that everybody knows Australia is much better than their own country. That is it. We know by TV, newspaper, internet, you know what the life is like here, Western life. We give you promise to get there and we will try again and again and again until we get you there. We give you promise to leave in two weeks and if it's longer than two weeks we will pay for your hotel, accommodation, whatever."

Some people smugglers left when they had 60 passengers. Others waited for a minimum 200.

It costs about $US50,000 to organise a boat but with just 100 people $500,000 can be made.

It's a trade and the best boat, price and reputation gets the lion's share. One chief smuggler would go on the asylum seekers' boat as far as international waters, to assure them all was well, before a second shadowing smaller boat would take him off and he would leave them to their fate.

Meanwhile, the flood of asylum seekers now rushing Australia was a direct result of the Labor Government's policies, according to the men who are dispatching the boats.

For weeks, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has denied that the sharp rise in the number of refugee boats entering Australian waters had anything to do with his softening of his Liberal predecessor's hardline Pacific Solution doctrine.

Mr Rudd said the 29 per cent rise in arrivals was a worldwide phenomenon with other Western nations experiencing similar rises.

But according to a former smuggler now living in Australia, those coming know the change in policy now meant quick entry to the country and a strong likelihood refugee status would be granted within three monthinstead of years.

"The immigration rules in Australia were changed and everyone knows it and that's why so many are now coming," the smuggler, who can be identified only as Shadi, said yesterday.

"Before, the reasons it stopped was John Howard absolutely, he deterred some boats by force and Nauru Island where they [boat people] knew they could get stuck for one or two or three years. We and the passengers would check the internet daily to see what Canberra was doing and we all knew these things.

"This is very hard for everyone to imagine being in a camp like a jail. The idea is to get in quick, get a visa then return home to see family and then bring them all to Australia. No one wants to be without family for years under old laws. Now [with] new laws it's easy and quick, maybe weeks or a few months. You can call people on the mobile, you stay two or three weeks at Christmas Island then they call others."

Shadi said when the rules changed, the snake heads - leaders of the human smuggling operations - cut the price for a seat on their boat from $US10,000 to about $US4000.


HMAS Childers finally a chance to speak the truth.


This incident by Lu Kewen aka.Kevin Rudd and his Australian Labor Party and their financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, preferred immigrants,successful criminal enterprise to enter Australia via invasion,has seen the crew of HMAS Childers slandered and ridiculed by the usual suspects aka. the Australian Labor Party and their left wing supporters, for causing / not doing enough / to prevent the incident or just for being there in their way as they executed their criminal act.

The fact that these Afghani criminals attempted to murder Australian Naval servicemen and women is of no concern for Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 and his Beijing,Main stream media, ACTU sponsored regime,in fact Lu Kewen granted these criminals visas in exchange for their attempted murder of the crew of the HMAS Childers and the Murder of five of their fellow co conspirators / invaders.

Lu Kewen’s “Getting the balance right”

Full marks to the crew at 60 Minutes Australia for exposing the TRUTH.

The Afghani criminals who attempted to murder the crew members of HMAS Childers and succeeded in murdering five of their fellow conspiritors are still at large in Australia,the Rudd Government granted them visas immediately following their murderous acts,their whereabouts are unknown.

Boat blast report triggers call to revoke visas

March 18, 2010

THE opposition has seized on a coroner's findings to accuse the government of acting irresponsibly by giving visas to Afghan refugees blamed for a deadly boat blast last year.

The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, is under pressure to revoke the protection visas handed to three Afghans accused of plotting the April 16 blast on the boat known as SIEV 36. The men received the visas before an inquiry into the blast was complete.

Yesterday the Northern Territory Coroner, Greg Cavanagh, named three men as being part of a plan to cripple the boat and start a fire so that they could not be forced to return to Indonesia.

He found that Arman Ali Brahimi, Ghulam Mohammadi and Sabzali Salman had, with others, collaborated to lie to him about the explosion that killed five Afghan men and endangered Defence personnel who had boarded the boat.

The Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, demanded to know who had decided to grant the men visas and challenged Mr Rudd to cancel them. ''My question is to the Prime Minister. It is simple, it is clear and it should not require him to read any briefing notes … Will he now revoke the visas of those three individuals who were found by the Northern Territory coroner to be involved in a plan to set fire to the vessel?''

Under taunts of being soft on criminals, Mr Rudd said the coroner's report had been forwarded to the Northern Territory police, who would decide whether charges would be laid.

''I am advised by the Immigration Minister that that decision [to grant visas] was made independently by his department through a careful and rigorous assessment of the merits of each individual case,'' Mr Rudd said.

But the opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, said the Immigration Minister could decide to deport the men on character grounds now.

''This is a government where ministers and the Prime Minister are more interested in protecting themselves from accountability than they are in making decisions and taking responsibility,'' he said.

Mr Cavanagh found the asylum seekers colluded to lie about the explosion on the boat, near Ashmore Reef. He said most of the asylum seekers had known of the plan to cripple the boat, despite their denials.

"Because they have all told similar lies, I can only conclude that they have all to some extent colluded with each other and decided as a group to lie to this inquest," Mr Cavanagh said.

Mr Cavanagh said one or more asylum seekers deliberately ignited petrol which had been spilt into the bilge, causing an almost instantaneous explosion.

The Immigration Minister, Chris Evans, said he was ''disturbed'' by the findings but would await the findings of any criminal proceedings before making a decision on deportation. Northern Territory police had supported his department's decision to give visas to all survivors of the boat blast, he said.

The Coroner also found the explosion could have been avoided if Defence personnel had properly searched the boat for petrol and confiscated cigarette lighters and matches from those on board.

The explosion would probably have been avoided if Defence had not served an "inappropriate" warning notice on the asylum seekers, telling them to consider returning to Indonesia.

Mr Cavanagh praised the bravery and professionalism of three personnel and said more people might have died but for their actions.

He found Defence members had rescued their colleagues first but he could not criticise that given the circumstances.

There has been NO announcement by the Beijing sponsored Lu Kewen,aka. Kevin 07 Labor Government, regarding the hunting down and arrest of the criminals responsible for the Murder of their five co conspiritors  and the attempted murder of the crew members of the HMAS Childers.

I am however sure that come time to enrol to vote at the upcoming federal election Lu Kewen’s financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions will not have any trouble locating them and all the other criminal entrants they have invited to Australia, I mean after all if you are been fed housed and clothed by the Australian Social Security System for the rest of your and your children’s lives who ya gonna vote for ? the hand that feeds you of course, just take a tour of Sydney’s Occupied Territories any working day and see who it is that does not have to go to work,you wont see any Australians.

Australians should have listened to Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin 07 Labor Party’s celebrity Muslim terrorist apologist, MSmedia darling,and Polygamist groupie Keysar Trad, back in his article published in the 16th issue of Nida'ul Islam magazine (, December - January 1996-97] when he warned Australians …….


The Tradstradwithbrood

“What will a starving person do (they are able to fly via 747 from  Afghanistan / Middle East to Indonesia, however they are starving? ) when he wants food? They will no longer respect these laws which were drafted in a cocoon away from the reality that the land of Australia does not belong to white European man.(Australians) In fact, if the original inhabitants had their way, or if we want to employ Pauline Hanson justice, then white man should pack his bags and leave this country, for your people Pauline, have been the worst of guests!

The criminal dregs (Australians) of white society colonised this country, and now, they only take the select choice of other societies, and the descendants of these criminal dregs tell us that they are better than us. And because we are not elitists, we tolerate them.( great to know that the Australian Labor Party’s new best Muslim friends are able “tolerate” Australians, is that before or after they they illegally enter Australia and go on to Social Security for life ?)  Yet they want us to assimilate, perhaps they will only become satisfied when we each die our hair red, wear blue/green contact lenses, and operate a fish and chips shop, otherwise, we would not be truly assimilating, would we?

Full text here 


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Multicultural Sydney:Tamil Tigers rampage through Sydney

Another Golden Thread is woven into Australia's rich tapestry of
Multiculturalism and Cultural Diversity.

The "good news" is, that there is another "refugee boat" load of these savages on their way to Australia as you read this, courtesy of the Rudd, Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), Australian Labor Party, open boarders, "come on down" "all cultures Religions and beliefs are equal" Australian Federal Government.
How many billions of dollars are Australians going to have to earn to pay for the stone age thinking of Australia's Internationalist in Chief,Kevin 07 Rudd and his Socialist Labor Party?

... and earlier in the month this.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Australian Judge saves girl from Circumcision

Court bars father from taking daughter for female circumcision

Caroline Overington
The Australian
April 14, 2009

THE Family Court has for the first time intervened to prevent a father from taking his nine-year-old daughter back to Africa to have her circumcised.

Family Court judge Paul Cronin ordered the man, who is an Australian citizen of African descent, to surrender his passport and that of his daughter.

Justice Cronin banned the father from "removing or attempting to remove the child, born in March 1999, from the commonwealth of Australia".

This is a picture of a young Egyptian Muslim girl been Mutilated by some Islamic holy man arse hole or other, so as to ensure she does not SIN by enjoying SEX.

It is not clear whether the order was successful, since the man, known only as Mr Abbas, failed to appear in court.

Female circumcision, also known as genital mutilation, has been a crime in most Australian states since the late 1990s.

The law makes it clear that it is an offence not only to circumcise one's own daughter, or any other female child, but also to encourage or enable any other person to do it; or to leave the country for the purpose of having it done.

The practice is commonplace in some parts of Africa, in particular Somalia.

Justice Cronin said the father had told his former wife that he intended to return to Africa, which is "not where the child was born, but she is shown as having an African nationality".

He said the father "wishes to return to Africa for the purposes of female circumcision".

The judge said he would prevent the father from leaving Australia "just in case the purpose that I have mentioned is in fact what he has in mind".

He also gave the Department of Human Services in Victoria power to visit the man's home to ensure the girl's welfare.

The case was the first in which the Family Court had placed a child on the airport Watch List specifically to prevent her removal from Australia for circumcision, but the second in which it expressly forbade a parent from circumcising their daughter. In the first case, known as Wadmal and Amrita, Family Court judge Sally Brown ordered both parents be "restrained from visiting upon the child the act of circumcision, or any other surgical procedure with like effect, and allowing any other person to do so".

The father, who described himself in court documents as a "respectable Muslim scholar in the Muslim community", and the mother, who was of Turkish origin, were divorced under Islamic law, and each accused the other of wanting the girl circumcised.

Horrific ? Offended? Damn well be offended and ask Hussein just what part of the above picture is so worthy of "RESPECT", and just what part did the President of the United States of America BOW to on behalf of the American people, and why If you object to this savagery does he think YOU are ARROGANT.

The mother told the court that in June 2007, she received a visit from the Department of Human Services workers who said they had been told she intended to have the little girl circumcised on her first birthday, for she herself had been circumcised, and it was part of her culture.

She told them she intended to do no such thing; that she was not circumcised. She had to undergo an examination by the department's doctors, who confirmed that she was not.

She told the judge that she did not even know that women in her husband's culture were circumcised until he told her so, the morning after their marriage, when he asked why she was not.

She told the court that she believed her ex-husband was trying to "attribute circumcision of the child to her, when in fact (it) had been arranged by him".

The father disputed this, saying it was common in his culture but "a primitive village practice" to which he was opposed.

The judge accepted the mother's evidence that circumcision was not practiced in her culture. He also said the father "sounded genuine when he said he saw the practice as primitive".

"But he sounded genuine when telling lies", and prudence suggested that orders restraining both parents from allowing the procedure be kept in place, the judge said.

Who would take a razor blade to a child's vagina? A "respectable Muslim scholar in the Muslim community" of course, who the F**K else?

Even the Islam Friendly United Nations World Health Organization Publicly objects to Female Genital Mutilation

Hey we are talking about people/ "Religion" / mindset that the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, has said that the non Muslim world must RESPECT, he demonstrated his own submission to Islam by bowing at the hand of the Saudi King Abdulla recently in London at the United Nations G20 Gabfest, for what they are and the great contribution Islam has made to the world, hey it's one of the worlds "Great Religions",and it's a "Religion of Peace" as well, gee Hussein, maybe Female Circumcision should be compulsory for all females then.

Full marks to the Judge, I have to say I am surprised at his decision, as the Australian "Family" Court usually sides with the LOON'S in these type of matters, especially where the Muslim / Multicultural card is dealt, lest they be accused of been racist or God forbid, Islamophobic,hopefully this little girl will be able to grow up into womanhood without been mutilated in the name of her parents Satanic Cult of Islam.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Australia's rich tapestry of tolerance and cultural diversity, shines again.

Rock Apes on Parade

Third man charged over brutal gang bashing

A third man has been charged over a bashing at a Melbourne train station that left a young man unconscious with head injuries.

The 23-year-old victim was also robbed of a backpack containing a mobile phone, wallet and personal cards valued at $500 in the February 24 attack at Sunshine train station.

Monda Mentel, 21, of Flemington, on Monday became the third man charged over the incident, which was captured on CCTV camera.

He appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court charged with recklessly causing injury and affray.

Two other men, Maluac Kir, 19, of St Albans, and Ahmed Mohamed, 21, of Brooklyn, appeared in court earlier on similar charges.

None of the men have applied for bail.

All three have been remanded in custody to reappear in court on March 31 for a contest mention.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sudanese Gang hacks and stabs boy to Death in Adelaide CBD.

Charges soon over murder of Sudanese schoolboy Daniel Awak

November 14, 2008 12:30pm

POLICE expect to lay charges within days over the stabbing death of Sudanese schoolboy Daniel Awak, says Commissioner Mal Hyde.
Daniel, 14, was stabbed to death and another teenager was admitted to hospital in a critical condition with knife wounds after a fight among a group of 12 Sudanese Australians.

Mr Hyde said today in such investigations it always took time to sort through reports and other material.

"But the advice I have received this morning is that in the next couple of days there may well be charges laid," he said.

Police said they had not yet identified a clear motive for the attack, but understood there were a number of altercations which led to the incident.

A 16-year-old boy was arrested at the scene and charged with aggravated assault on police and resisting arrest, but the allegations against him are not related to the initial brawl.

Mr Hyde said while relations between police and the Sudanese community were good, police were concerned about the possibility of retaliation.

Measures had been introduced to prevent further attacks, including extra patrols in key areas of the city where Sudanese youths were known to gather, he said.

Meanwhile, it has emerged the knife believed to have been used to stab Daniel was bought from a city store just minutes before the Sudanese schoolboy was killed.

A teenager of African appearance bought a 15cm knife from a store at 3.33pm on Wednesday, a shop owner told The Advertiser yesterday.

Moments earlier, the teenager had put a pack of smaller-bladed knives back on the shop's shelves.

The teenager had taken these knives to the counter, but turned back before paying the shop attendant and picked up a longer-bladed knife.

It is understood police have interviewed the shop owner, indicating it was the weapon used to stab the Sudanese teenager. Police last night would neither confirm nor deny this.

Daniel died from a stab wound to the heart on the footpath outside Fleet Steet Newsagency, near Grenfell St, about 3.50pm – about 17 minutes after the knife was bought.

Police said about 15 Sudanese youths started fighting in City Cross Arcade at 3.40pm. The fight continued on Grenfell St and then across the road and into the newsagency, about 30m from the road.

'The stabbing brought a tragic end to a promising life that had been spent trying to avoid violence. Australia was the fourth country Daniel had lived in since his birth in war-ravaged Sudan in 1993.

Friends and family were devastated yesterday at the sudden death of a boy they described as "loving and sensitive".

Schoolmate Tom Cooper left his own tribute on AdelaideNow yesterday, calling Daniel "a good friend of mine".

"He is one of the nicest people I know and one of the people you would least suspect this would happen to," he said in his message.

Daniel was described as a good student but one who loved sport.

"He was good at anything he tried – basketball, cricket, but soccer was what he was passionate about," said one friend.

One of Daniel's soccer coaches, Monica Dimasi, also left a heartfelt message on AdelaideNow. "He was the sweetest and coolest kid I've met," she said. "Daniel had a great personality and would have been an excellent cop, which he was thinking about becoming one day."

Born in Southern Sudan, Daniel moved as a child between his mother's village of Yirol and the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.

Like millions of others, Daniel and his family fled horrific violence that overtook his country in the Sudanese civil war.

Up to two million civilians died and another four million were forced to flee their homes.

Daniel was a member of the Dinka tribe, a mainly cattle-farming people in the south of Sudan who were heavily involved in the Sudanese Liberation Army, which fought the war with the Khartoum-based government.

But his family tried to keep Daniel away from the worst of the violence. From 1999, he lived with his mother in the Kakuma refugee camp in northern Kenya, an enormous compound that was home to 70,000 refugees from Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia.

In 2001 he was separated from his mother and sent to live in Uganda where he stayed with an aunt until 2004, when he moved to Australia at age 10.

His mother moved to Australia in 2006 to join him, along with his three brothers and three sisters.

Family and friends said that when his mother, Nyadit, arrived in Australia, Daniel became a much happier boy. They said he had missed her terribly and struggled to come to terms with why he had been sent away from Africa.

But with his mother's arrival he settled down and was seen as a happy child, although not immune from the pressures he faced from within his own peer group. His father is believed to be a geologist who lives in Nairobi, Kenya.

Daniel's death has also raised the issue of how Australia copes with an influx of people from a background that is as soaked in violence as Sudan's.

Around 1500 Sudanese people have arrived in South Australia in the past decade, fleeing the violence in their homeland.

Police have arrested a Park Holme boy, 16, and charged him with aggravated assault and resisting arrest. A second youth who was stabbed in the leg during the fight remains in a serious but stable condition in Royal Adelaide Hospital.

A murder charge has not yet been laid but police said yesterday they had identified all the key figures in the incident.

Deputy Police Commissioner Gary Burns yesterday said police were concerned by rising levels of violence in the Sudanese community. In the past 16 months, Sudanese people had been involved in 450 offences, resulting in 258 arrests. "This is double the level of offending for the population of the state," he said.

"They come from a culture which has had serious warfare, some have been child soldiers, and they don't have the conflict-resolution skills that others who have grown up in Australia have, and as a result we have seen an increase in crime."

Meanwhile, police yesterday charged a woman with aggravated assault after another stabbing incident. Three people, including the accused woman, were treated in hospital for injuries after an alleged fight in the centre of Marion Rd, Richmond, at 2.15pm.

A man was in a serious but stable condition in Royal Adelaide Hospital last night with a stab wound to his right shoulder. A second man was being questioned by police.

Video and comments by Alan Jones of Sydney's 2gb

The excuse makers and apologists for the lefts rotting dead corpse of Multiculturalism, will no doubt place the blame for the horrific events depicted above, at the feet of white Anglo Saxon Christian Australia.
I cant wait to hear their latest attempts to spin their Frankenstein's latest atrocity.

Race to lower crimes stats

Andrew Bolt
Friday, November 14, 2008 at 07:04am

I AM sorry. I may have misled you about the Sudanese gangs I defended last year.

Back then, I denounced the hate-merchants demonising Sudanese here as misfits, too prone to violence.

True, one gang of boys had just bashed a policeman, but I gave you police statistics showing the crime rate among Sudanese immigrants was no higher than for the rowdy rest of us.

But days later, gangs of African youths fought each other in the Highpoint shopping centre. And Indian taxi drivers kept getting robbed by African men.

Just this week, Sudanese gangs in Adelaide attacked each other in a clash so deadly that one youth was killed and another near death.

But those police statistics tell us there’s no problem among the Sudanese. Which makes an article like this unfair and unhelpful.

Yet, I started to sniff something when Police Commissioner Christine Nixon banned police from using the word “gangs” to describe, well, gangs.

I worried more when an African community leader, Berhan Ahmed, asked Nixon to stop police checking Africans in Flemington quite so often.

And now charges have been dropped over a riot in Racecourse Rd last December in which some 100 Africans surrounded 21 police trying to arrest a rock-thrower, and sent one to hospital with suspected cracked ribs.

At the time, the force defended its officers. Region 3 boss Insp Nigel Howard denied they were racist or too heavy-handed: “Enough is enough.”

It’s a different story today, and Sen-Sgt Mario Benedetti, in charge of Moonee Ponds police station, says he suspects charges against the rioters were dropped because of their race.

The explanation that Supt Jack Blayney gave our reporter, Mark Buttler, didn’t seem to deny it: “The withdrawal of these charges followed consultation with the members and youths concerned and was deemed to be the best outcome for both parties.”

Pardon? Is this a peace negotiation between two warring gangs, then, one of them the police? And is there not actually a law to uphold, regardless of race, and a force to defend?

But no charges means no offence recorded. And the police can keep telling us: the Sudanese crime rate is no higher than everyone else’s.

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