An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Islamic colonization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic colonization. Show all posts

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sydney’s Occupied Territories, Hindu’s offer Prayers for Peace after Gun shot attacks on Temple

Gunshots prompt prayers for peace
April 3, 2011
Behind-the-scenes talks are trying to put a stop to terrifying, violent attacks on a minority religious community, write Eamonn Duff and Natalie O'Brien.
Copy of 3 4 2011 Gunshots prompt prayers for peace

And just what do Pious Muslims think about Hindu’s ?
Read it Here

IT BEGAN with minor acts of vandalism, including egg throwing and smashed windows, but instead of remaining periodic footnotes in the night log at Auburn police station, the incidents have grown so violent - and the issue so culturally sensitive - that even authorities are reluctant to speak about them publicly.
Australia's oldest Hindu temple, the Sri Mandir in Auburn, is under siege and its devotees gripped by fear.
On March 19, two men in balaclavas stood at the intersection of a nearby road, spraying the front of the prayer hall with eight rounds of bullets. The building was unoccupied at the time.
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The busy Hindu temple opened in 1977. It is surrounded by a predominantly Muslim population and it is no secret among locals that tensions have been simmering in recent years, caused by concerns about noise and parking problems at Sri Mandir.
''There is no excuse [for the gun attack],'' the editor of Sydney newspaper The Indian, Rohit Revo, said.
''This was not the work of teenagers; neither was it a petty prank. This is part of a sustained and increasingly violent campaign to scare the temple devotees and drive them out. By definition, this latest attack was an act of terrorism.''
The Sun-Herald is aware the ongoing feud has caused disquiet among some of the most senior police in western Sydney. In a rare move, details of the shooting were deliberately held back from the NSW police media unit through concern that publicity might inflame hostilities.
Auburn City Council claims the first it knew of the incident was when The Sydney Morning Herald published an article on Wednesday. Since then, the chairman of the Community Relations Commission, Stepan Kerkyasharian, has stepped in as an intermediary between Hindus and Muslims.
''Given the enormity and complexity of the issues, this is a classic example where we need to apply the principles of multiculturalism and get people to understand and accept that we are a religiously diverse community … we live together and we respect each other's religious diversity,'' he told The Sun-Herald.
''We will be pursuing this through the commission and meeting people in the neighbourhood to discuss the issues. I will be very active in the area.''
Temple priest Jatinkumar Bhatt is praying for a peaceful solution for the sake of his three young children. Bhatt and his family live behind the temple and are too frightened to go outdoors after dark.
''On the night of the shooting, we heard the noise, but every 10 or 15 days we experience the sound of firecrackers being thrown [over the fence], so we thought it must be that again,'' Mr Bhatt said.
''Then the police came. They showed me the bullet holes in the walls and asked permission to come in and investigate. I am too afraid to say why I think this is happening.''
In an attack in November, four men wielding iron bars smashed their way through 10-millimetre- thick windows, showering the hall with glass while devotees were praying inside.
The temple recently held a community open day in the hope of brokering fresh ties with the wider community.
''Many of our neighbours are very friendly but sometimes it feels like we are in a different place to Australia,'' Mr Bhatt said. ''The attacks are now always. It is like in Libya or Afghanistan.''
Mr Kerkyasharian has met the Bhatt family. ''The teenage daughter says she feels like she lives in a prison,'' he said. ''She said her younger brother doesn't know how to play because they are too scared to go outside to their front yard.''
The founder of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, Keysar Trad, said he had given a speech at the open day, in which he stressed the need to ''respect religious places of all faiths''.
''I am convinced these problems are not being caused by people who are religious and would urge the Muslim community to show support and solidarity to their neighbours at this time,'' he said.
Flemington local area commander Superintendent Phillip Rogerson said police were trying to identify the attackers. Auburn Labor MP Barbara Perry said: ''I've got every sympathy for the Hindu community. This type of behaviour should not be tolerated.''
Contact Auburn police through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
with Leesha McKenny


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Multicultural France:Zones Urbaines Sensibles, aka. where Dhimmis dare not venture

The 751 No-Go Zones of France

How bad has it gotten in France? Daniel Pipes answers:

They go by the euphemistic term Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, with the even more antiseptic acronym ZUS, and there are 751 of them as of last count. They are conveniently listed on one long webpage, complete with street demarcations and map delineations.

What are they? Those places in France that the French state does not control. They range from two zones in the medieval town of Carcassone to twelve in the heavily Muslim town of Marseilles, with hardly a town in France lacking in its ZUS. The ZUS came into existence in late 1996 and according to a 2004 estimate, nearly 5 million people live in them.

Comment: A more precise name for these zones would be Dar al-Islam, the place where Muslims rule. (November 14, 2006)

And where dhimmis dare not venture.


Jihad Watch Via Teri

Sunday, February 27, 2011

“Europe's problem is not multiculturalism, but that it has been invaded and it has forgotten how to fight back.” ….. So it’s business as usual then?


Tout va Très Bien Madame la Multiculturalisma

From Sultan Knish

Posted: 26 Feb 2011 06:49 PM PST

France's President Sarkozy has stated that multiculturalism has failed, insisting that Muslim immigrants merge into the "national community". German President Angela Merkel made virtuallythe same statement earlier at her party's convention. British PM David Cameron went further saying that Islamism had taken root because multiculturalism had diminished a collective English identity. All three leaders are conservatives and language like this has been greeted with applause by their base. But there is really very little to cheer here.

Announcing the failure of multiculturalism in Europe of 2011 is as relevant a disclosure as the comic French song, Tout Va Très Bien, Madame La Marquise, in which the groom informs her ladyship that her husband had committed suicide after losing his money and burned down the estate, by telling her that everything was alright except for a minor mishap with her horse. Multiculturalism may be the post-national left's favorite nag, but the failure here is much greater. It is mass migration from the Muslim world that is the problem, and any policy that only addresses the consequences, rather than the cause, is bound to be a failure.
Of the three leaders, Cameron was the only to lay out something close to a policy. But his muscular rhetoric sounds suspiciously like the pre-election Sarkozy. And conservative British pols have developed a habit of talking tough about Islam one minute, and pandering to it shamelessly for votes on the other. Before becoming Prime Minister, Cameron went to live with a Muslim family and announced that, "Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around."
Has Cameron suddenly realized that the extended Muslim family with its rugs and hospitality masks less appetizing cultural problems, particularlywhen it comes to the treatment of women, or is he trying to stay ahead of a public backlash. Sarkozy certainly is. His popularity is low. Meanwhile LePen's daughter is behind a revived party, without her father's Nazi sympathies and anti-semitism, that may take away enough votes to make a difference. Merkel is also unpopular and needs a red meat issue that will distract the voters from Greece and Portugal. And so for all that European leaders are talking about the threat of Islamic separatism, and the Palestinization of Muslim communities with their No Go zones, honor killings and riots, they are still speaking the language of integration.
Integration. Process the millions of Muslims through British, Germany and French schools and make sure that they know the national language, rather than the urban patois that has become the lingua franca of a changing Europe, showing up in rap albums and TV shows. Teach them how wonderfully tolerant we are, bridge the gap by celebrating their culture, and maybe even making room for a little Sharia law on the side. Tie the knot and there'll be a happy integrated nation, which marries the Middle Eastern values of hospitality and the British values of not beheading your daughter.
The problem with this new anthem of 'Tout va Très Bien Madame la Multiculturalisma' is that multiculturalism isn't the problem, it's the symptom. The British, French and German systems haven't failed, they have had a chance of success. It would have been possible to integrate a few thousand Muslims per country, but not a few million. Certainly not people who have no definition of integration, and whose cultural and religious assumptions are so far apart that they cannot integrate without losing their identity.
But even this need not have been a complete and absolute disaster. 3 million Nepalese might have made their own separate communities, as they have in towns such as Reading, without it leading to a civil war. The natives would have complained of the smells, the foreign languages and the strange signs. Of entire English towns in the hands of strangers. And it would have ended at that. But Muslims are a special case for three unfortunate reasons.

First, they hold an enduring grievance toward Europe for everything over the last 1000 years. Considering the troubles in Northern Ireland between peoples far more closely related by culture and blood, who in their right mind thought that it would be a good idea to import millions of foreigners who still resent the loss of Spain, the Crusades and colonial governments with nearly equal ferocity, and imagined that it would all go smoothly.
Second, their culture is tightly integrated with their religion, and their religion has a long history of expanding through conquest. A history both ancient and recent. It took enormous arrogance to import millions of members whose civilization still employs violence as a religiously sanctioned tool for promoting the faith, and then act as if they could be integrated with a good lesson plan.
Third, many Muslim countries have enormous wealth and influence, and have used it to promote Islamism and tear down the defenses of Western nations. Imagine if the Soviet Union had possessed enormous oil wealth or if Japan in the 80's had decided to use its wealth to aggressively promote a cultural takeover. That is what we are dealing with here.
All this talk of integrating Muslims disregards them as a civilization, and treats them as if they were delinquents. Cameron's talk of youth falling into extremism suggests that he thinks of them as if they were children from a broken home falling through the cracks of the system and shooting up heroin on council estates, rather than young men acting in accord with the values of their own religion.
The Muslim terrorists of Europe are neither impoverished nor marginalized. They are doctors, architects and university students who have taken the full benefit of what the countries have to offer them, and gone to war to win it all. They are brats acting out, but soldiers engaging in a war of conquest. A simple fact that all the integration prattle obscures.
The difference between the so-called extremists and the moderates, is that the extremists want to conquer Europe by force, and the moderates through demographics and culture. The extremists want to blow up Europe. The moderates want to integrate it. And their lesson plans have gotten much further into the European, Canadian, Australian and American child-- than the lesson plans of the Western integrators have into the Muslim child.
Cameron has rightly identified a portion of the problem. But his solution is asinine. You do not create a vigorous culture worthy of respect by passing a law and making it so. A culture that merits respect can only be created by the measure of its accomplishments. The decline of English culture parallels the physical recession of the nation, its power, its industry and its achievements. (And that is a fair warning for America, which is headed down the same path at a slower pace.) A lesson plan on King Alfred the Great, will not make England great, and will not earn Muslim respect, let alone their integration. Most nations have their own grand histories and their own tales. But unless they still have greatness within them, these are nothing but matters of trivia.
Talk all you want of greatness, but great nations colonize, they are not colonized. All a UK Muslim needs to do in order to gauge where the future lies is look at the native birth rate, at the Muslim birth rate and at the immigration statistics. And then he can safely relegate King Alfred the Great, Lord Nelson and Winston Churchill to the realm of obscure trivia from a vanishing nation. After all Byzantium too was great in its time, but now it's a giant Muslim marketplace.

The Middle East was once the cradle of civilization, today it is a heap of dirt with a smattering of oil, olive groves and vast dirty slum carrying the names of once legendary cities. The region was full of cultures and civilizations that were once great, before being trodden under the boots of maddened Bedouin fanatics. Today only two, the Jews and the Persians, exist as independent nations. And it would not take all that long to turn Europe into the new Middle East.
The integrators imagine that they can halt that process with a reading of 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' or by banning the burqa, but the tide of history is not turned so easily as that. The great men of England's own history could tell Cameron that. It is not history that makes nations great, but the way in which they carry on that history into the present. The way in which they realize that history in the present day.
Say what you will about Muslims, but they are realizing their history in Europe today. While they reenact the old battles, their foes are tempting them with social services funding. European governments want Muslims to join their republican secular states. Muslims want Europeans to join their caliphate. And it is not difficult to see who will that particular contest if things go on as they are.
Reporting the failure of multiculturalism is a touch of Tout Va Très Bien, Madame La Marquise by the integrators who are comically understating the scope and the nature of the problem. Europe's problem is not multiculturalism, but that it has been invaded and it has forgotten how to fight back.

“Europe's problem is not multiculturalism, but that it has been invaded and it has forgotten how to fight back”

So what’s new? see WW2.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Those Darn Crazy “Militants” are at it again at Russian Ski Resort


Militants attack southern Russia city

Daily Telegraph

February 26, 2011 9:11PM

UP to a dozen militants have staged a daring attack on the capital of a southern Russian republic popular with downhill skiers and budget tourists, news reports reveal.

The overnight attack on Kabardino-Balkaria came a week after three Moscow tourists were gunned down in the area while travelling to the Elbrus mountain resort, which is one of Russia's most popular winter tourist destinations.

No one was reported killed in Friday night's strike on the republic's capital Nalchik, which witnessed grenades tossed at a local Federal Security Service (FSB) building and police posts come under repeated machine gun fire.

But the incident prompted a late night telephone conversation between President Dmitry Medvedev and FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov, the Kremlin said.

Highlighting the Kremlin's concern over the latest incident, news reports said that Medvedev's North Caucasus envoy Alexander Khloponin had taken personal charge of the investigation.

The Nalchik attack culminates a restless month in a region that until now has been largely able to avoid the deadly violence raging in nearby mostly Muslim republics such as Ingushetia and Dagestan.

Kabardino-Balkaria has been a popular destination with both skiers and mountain climbers, with its budget boosted by tourism revenues that continued to climb despite violence wrecking other parts of the Caucasus range.

But its ski slopes went empty on February 18 after two masked attackers stopped a minibus carrying six people on Friday evening and opened fire, killing three passengers instantly and wounding others.

A few hours later, an explosion targeted a ski lift in one of the Elbrus mountain resort areas. No one was reported hurt in that incident.

A message on Islamist website linked to the militant group Caucasus Emirate said the tourists were killed for entering "the war zone".

Military officials initially claimed killing three militants responsible for attacking the tourists.

But subsequent reports said the suspected Islamists had escaped into the region's mountains, which Russian
forces have been pelting with artillery and aerial fire for much of the week.

Twelve paragraphs in total, with a headline of “Militants attack southern Russia city “,It’s not until the TENTH paragraph that the word Islamist is written WHY?

Why does the news agency,AFP,only want the reader to know the identity of the ASSASSINS to be known until the third last paragraph?

More of those CRAZY “Militants” and their hi jinks….

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Denmark gets serious with Pious axe wielding member of Islamic Sociopaths Inc.aka. “Religion of Peace”.


Mohamed Geele jailed for axe attack on Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard

From correspondents in Aarhus, Denmark
Daily Telegraph

February 04, 2011 11:08PM

image A DANISH court has jailed a man for nine years after finding him guilty of attempted terrorism and attempted murder for an axe attack on a cartoonist who caricatured the Prophet Mohammed.

"Mohamed Geele is sentenced to nine years in prison and expulsion from Denmark for life," judge Ingrid Thorsboe told the court in the central Danish city of Aarhus.

The 29-year-old Somali "must also pay damages amounting to 10,000 Danish kroner ($1800) to Kurt Westergaard, as well as cover the costs of the trial", she added.

The court had earlier found Geele guilty of attempted terrorism and attempted murder for his 2010 New Years Day attack on the 75-year-old cartoonist.

Prosecutors had requested he serve 12 years in prison before being deported back to his war-torn homeland and banned from ever returning to Denmark, while the defence asked that he only serve six years and not be forced to leave the country.


image Geele broke into Westergaard's home last year wielding an axe and screaming, "You must die! You are going to Hell!", according to the cartoonist's testimony in court last month.

Westergaard, who has faced numerous death threats since the publication of his drawing of Mohammed in the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten in 2005, said he escaped "certain death" by rushing into a bathroom-turned-panic-room to call police.







Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Member, Mohamed Geele.

Great work Judge Ingrid Thorsboe, I suppose this piece of craps co Religionists will place you on their Holy Islamic Assassin squad hit list now, however stay strong and keep locking up and deporting these swine.

Monday, November 29, 2010

So is this what Americans and Australians and British are DIEING for in Afghanistan?


Afghans accused of Christian conversion

Daily Telegraph

November 28, 2010

TWO Afghans accused of converting to Christianity, including a Red Cross employee, could face the death penalty, a prosecuting lawyer has warned.

Musa Sayed, 45, and Ahmad Shah, 50, are being detained in the Afghan capital awaiting trial, the prosecutor in charge of western Kabul, Din Mohammad Quraishi, told AFP.

"They are accused of conversion to another religion, which is considered a crime under Islamic law. If proved, they face the death penalty or life imprisonment," Mr Quraishi said.

He said Sayed, who works for the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) had already confessed and there was "proof" against Shah.

The ICRC's spokesman in Kabul, Bijan Frederic Farnoudi, confirmed Sayed's arrest and said the detained man had worked for the organisation since 1995.

Farnoudi said ICRC representatives had visited Sayed in prison "in accordance with its mandate".

"During such visits, the ICRC has met Mr Musa (Sayed) several times and intends to visit him in future," Mr Farnoudi said.

Sayed and Shah were arrested in late May and early June, days after local television broadcast footage of men reciting Christian prayers in Farsi and being baptised, apparently in a house in Kabul.

The government launched its own investigation and suspended two aid groups, Norwegian Church Aid and Church World Service of the US, after the television program reported the two men were proselytising, which is illegal in the devoutly Islamic country.

Several Afghan MPs have expressed their anger over the case, with one from western Herat even calling for the men to be dragged from their homes and publicly executed.

The Afghan constitution, adopted after the fall of the hardline Islamic Taliban in late 2001, forbids conversion to another religion from Islam and in theory can sentence those found guilty to death.

But Afghanistan has not executed anyone for the crime in recent history.

The last conversion case to be tried in Afghanistan is believed to be that of Abdul Rahman, an Afghan man arrested in 2006 for converting to Christianity.

He was eventually released and granted refugee status in Italy, after a wave of international human-rights protests.

Ok Ok Ok I know, we were not really trying to Civilize Afghanistan and various other Muslim Lands, we are simply trying to eliminate the threat to the west from all of those “good Muslims”, those followers of the Islamic ideology who, no less a man than Americas very own Hussein Obama described as members of “one of the Worlds great Religions”

The “Coalition of the willing” did not go into Iraq and Afghanistan to convert its inhabitants to follow any of the majority of the worlds populations Religions, the invasions of these Terrorist harbouring Muslim lands was to simply negate their ability to reach into the Majority Non Muslim World to commit their vile Koran inspired acts of terrorism. Having said that is it reasonable to now allow any Afghani citizen to be executed by the Afghani Government for converting to Christianity?

The Taliban are at least honest with the west with their stated desires to enslave the world via their terrorist cult of Islam, these Muslim arse clowns that are the “Afghanistan Government” should come clean and declare that their only point of difference with the Taliban is that it is a dispute over who is in charge of dispensing the will of allah as opposed to opposing the will of allah, both organizations believe in the same Godless ideology their only point of difference / disagreement is as to who will impose their shared ideology.

1,025 Americans DEAD 8,825 Injured

21 Australians DEAD  149 Injured

341 British DEAD 1,499 Injured

151 Canadians DEAD  529 Injured

32 Danes DEAD

24 Dutch DEAD 140 Injured

50 French DEAD

6 Georgians DEAD

44 Germans DEAD  180 Injured

34 Italians DEAD

1 Jordanian DEAD

9 Norwegians DEAD

22 Polish DEAD 1OO Injured

17 Romanian DEAD 35 Injured

APOLIGIES for any Nations finest not mentioned in the above list, their absence is not by design but simply because of time constraints, please send me YOUR Nations roll of honour and I will gladly publish it / add it, here at Aussie News & Views

Just ONE member of the above Military Forces losing his or her life in this Godless land ruled by savages is one too many.

The reality of having MUSLIMS who live in the USA, UK , Australia and other Judeo Christian democracies demanding that the manifestations of the same perverted Religious/Social/Legal structures that resulted in them running away from their country of birth to seek safe haven in Western Judeo Democracies, be imposed upon their various Judeo Christian Western Democracy host country, is all the evidence needed to prove the Islamic refugee HOAX.

Allowing Islam and it’s followers a voice of ANY kind in ANY Western Judeo Christian Democracy, is the same as allowing Adolf Hitler to help plan the D Day invasion,the liberation of Berlin or to allow Isoroku Yamamoto to plan the Battle of Midway for the US Navy.

When are the Leaders of the Judeo Christian Western Democracies aka the CIVILIZED World who are prepared to defend the people who elected them?

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Islamic Sociopaths Inc. aka. the Religion of Peace, Feiz Mohammad , Geert Wilders Video’s

Aussie cleric Feiz Mohammad calls for beheading of Dutch MP Geert Wilders
Daily Telegraph
September 03, 2010 11:37PM
behead_those_who_insult_islam_londonDUTCH anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders, the country's most heavily guarded politician, has denounced an Australian Muslim cleric's reported call for his beheading for denigrating Islam.
"This is really terrible news and a very serious threat, unfortunately," the firebrand politician told AFP by email in response to the threat reported in the popular Dutch daily De Telegraaf.
Wilders, who campaigns for an end to Muslim immigration and a ban on the building of new mosques and the Koran in a bid to end the "Islamisation" of the Netherlands, has been under 24-hour protection since 2004.
According to De Telegraaf, Sydney-born Muslim cleric Feiz Mohammad called on extremists in an internet chatroom to "chop off his head" and accused Wilders of "denigrating" Islam.

An interview with Wilders recorded in June was aired by SBS TV in Australia on Sunday. He called Islamic culture retarded and violent.
Mohammad, as the head the Global Islamic Youth Centre in the Sydney southwest suburb of Liverpool in 2005, gained notoriety for a speech at the Bankstown Town Hall in March of that year in which he told the audience a rape victim has "no-one to blame but herself".
Women teased men and appealed to their "carnal nature" by the way they dressed in "nothing but satanic skirts", the imam told the crowd.
Pious Muslims in London, spreading the word of the “Religion of Peace & Tolerance”.
In 2007, he was named by national security sources as one of at least 10 hardliners who were preaching fundamentalist messages in Australia, propagating a Wahabi ideology espoused by al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
In the same year, Mohammad, who was believed to be living in the Middle East, came to the attention of Australia's attorneys-general when his lectures were included in a box set of DVDs which urged young Muslims to kill non-believers.
The Dutch intelligence service, AIVD, which is understood to have a copy of his latest speech, said Mohammad is considered on a par with US Muslim preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, who is seen as the brains behind a failed attack on a plane flying over Detroit.
Wilders told De Telegraaf, which published a recording of the speech on its website, that he is shocked by the death threat.
The newspaper claims to have a sound recording of the appeal by Mohammad, who it said had links with terrorists and was influential for Western Muslims.
Wilders' Party for Freedom wants to restrict immigration from Islamic countries and considers Islam a violent ideology rather than a religion.
It is currently involved in protracted negotiations to support a minority centre-right government of free-market liberals and Christian Democrats.
Wilders said he would seek "clarification from the Dutch Minister of Interior/ Justice why the secret service and anti-terrorism unit NCTB have not informed me" of the reported threat, and "what the consequences will be for me".
"The information that has come to the fore will be included in the threat analysis for Mr Wilders," said NCTB spokeswoman Judith Sluiter, who added: "We had contact with Mr Wilders last night. We have permanent contact."
Dutch authorities would not confirm the threat or elaborate on possible steps to be taken.
Barred from entering Britain last year to stop him spreading "hatred", Wilders is known abroad for his 17-minute anti-Islam commentary, "Fitna", which was termed "offensively anti-Islamic" by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
His Party for Freedom came third in June 9 national elections, nearly tripling its number of parliamentary seats to 24.
Wilders is set to go on trial in the Netherlands in October on charges of inciting racial hatred against Muslims.

Ok Ok so those who insult Islam are required by the Syphilitic inspired rantings of Islams Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader mohammed, to Behead those who insult the Syphilitic inspired rantings of Islams Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader mohammed.

The above video of Islam’s finest honouring their “Religion of Peace”,Islam, with a bit of traditional head hunting was removed by “Dhimmitube” the same time I received this in my inbox.
Maybe Jasper would rather we just all pretend that everything is just fine and dandy.
Jasper crawford
Poor Jasper Crawford he “thout (sic) they stopped this” after looking at Jaspers YouTube page he is just the kind of useful idiot to be among the first to lose his pretty head once his terrorists of choice get the upper hand
Halfway mark reached for Islamic Invasion of America,on target for 2020.

Muslim Savages decapitate young woman in front of Boy friend
Poor Jasper Crawford HE “thout (sic) they stopped this”

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Aussie soldiers families to be evicted to make way for illegal immigrants

You gotta love this Rudd  / Gillard Socialist Labor Government, import into Australia as many illegal asylum seekers as you can via their open borders policy, then throw Australian soldiers families out of their Defense Service homes so the illegal’s can occupy them.
It’s bad enough that civilian Australians in need of housing are told live in cardboard boxes,rat holes or abandoned cars without telling our ADF families to do the same.
This disgraceful appalling anti Australian Government simply has to go! Six years of Hard LABOR ?   NO WAY!!!!!


Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Ignoble Islam :Those Whakie Zany Muslims are at it again… Honour is so important to them.


Four men get life in jail for murdering UK couple in bungled 'honour killings'

Daily Telegraph
August 03, 2010 11:41PM

FOUR men who set fire to the wrong house in an attempted honour killing have been sentenced to life in prison after they were convicted of murdering a couple in northwestern England.

The men, who intended to torch the house of a man who was having an affair with the sister of one of the arsonists, targeted the wrong address in Blackburn and killed a married couple, Sky News reported.

Abdullah Mohammed, 41 and his wife Aysha, 39, were overcome by smoke in their home and died later in the hospital. They are survived by their three children aged nine, 14 and 19.

Preston Crown Court judge Justice Henriques said it was "nearly impossible to imagine a worse case of arson than this. You have wreaked devastation on a blameless, devout family."

Justice Henriques added: "It is a most cruel irony that two such devout members of the community, both deeply religious, should have lost their lives to such a perverted and wicked act."

Three of the men drove from their homes in east London. Habib Iqbal, 25, Sadek Miah, 23, and Mohammed Miah [no relation], 19, were recruited by Hisamuddin Ibrahim, 21.

Ibrahim was jailed for a minimum of 28 years. His accomplices were handed sentences between 19 and 25 years in prison.

Ibrahim was said to be enraged that his sister, Hafija Gorji, was divorcing her husband and had begun an affair.

It was said Ibrahim wanted to punish her lover on behalf of his family - but the arsonists poured petrol into the wrong house as the Mohammeds were asleep.

CCTV footage showed a car belonging to Sadek Miah’s mother in the area early in the morning. Three figures got out with a container. The attack was not filmed but the men returned to the car and drove off without headlights.

Does Killing the wrong people still count for regaining their honour? or diy they still have to burn to death their original intended victims? maybe they get a sort of partial Honour credit, like a partial deposit into their honour account at  allah's Honour bank.

Hymenoplasty. Islam the Religion of Peace & Tolrance … the Lurrrrvvve of this Godless THING, Muslims call “allah” is boundless.


Witness wants to hide her face behind burqa during Islamic school fraud trial

The Daily Telegraph
August 04, 2010 12:00AM

23 6 2010 Burka Ban Fred Nile A JUDGE is set to decide this week whether a Muslim woman can wear a full burqa while giving evidence before a jury in a fraud case.

West Australian District Court Judge Shauna Deane is due to hear submissions tomorrow from lawyers for the prosecution and defence regarding the witness, who wishes to wear the burqa.

The woman is a strict Muslim who does not want to show her face to men. Defence lawyers raised concerns about how the jury could read the woman's expressions if they cannot see her face.

The jury in the case was discharged yesterday after the estimated time for the fraud trial of a Muslim college director blew out from 10 days to five weeks.

After the jury was discharged, defence lawyer Mark Trowell said a jury would not be able to "make a proper assessment" of the witness if they could not see her face.

He said it was believed to be the first time in Australia that a witness had wanted to wear a full burqa.

Anwar Sayed has been charged with fraudulently obtaining $1.125 million from the state and federal governments by falsifying the number of students at the Muslim Ladies College of Australia in Perth's south.

To think the good judge has to take time out to consider this absurd request from this arse clown.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Creeping Sharia , England Kneeling to the Lowest of the Low

English council bans staff from wearing mini-skirts

Daily Telegraph
July 31, 2010 1:54AM

A COUNCIL has warned female employees they could be sent home if their skirts are too short.

A memo sent by bosses at Southampton City Council, in southern England, has instructed the council's 400 staff to dress appropriately for work, The Daily Mail reports.

Social workers, youth workers and other employees in the council's children's services department were told to "carefully consider their work attire".

Women were advised to wear trousers or skirts of "reasonable length" - "not mini-skirts".

The leaked email said that council bosses would in the coming weeks "be speaking to staff about the clothes they wear to work.

It adds: "Please try to dress smartly and thoughtfully, in line with other professionals you come across in your day-to-day work, and in a way that shows respect to children and families."

Staff are said to be outraged by the email. The council's union secretary Mike Tucker told The Dail Mail: "I would have thought the council has got better things to do than impose a regimented approach to what people wear."

Yes I know there is no mention of Sharia or Islam in this story, no mention of who is offended by the chosen dress code of English women employed in the UK Public Service.
Now lets see, Is it the Irish, the Scottish , the UK Catholic's, the UK Protestants, perhaps its the Welsh who are offended by the wearing of mini skirts by Female Public / Social Security staff, yes I guess these formentioned groups have been simmering away now for 60years or so, resenting 24/7 the attire of the female staff that delivered into their social security account their FREE RIDE.

Ok Ok lets get real here, we all know who is responsible for this demand of a Dress Restriction to be imposed upon those who are employed to hand out various Tax Payer funded Christian CHARITY to those who choose not to work,

Dare I say it? MUSLIM PARASITES ..... There ya go I said IT  why wont YOU ?

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Ayaan Hirsi Ali “Christianity can combat the rise of conservative Islam”


Christianity can combat conservative Islam threat

By Heather Tyler From:
The Daily Telegraph
July 30, 2010

AYAAN HirCopy of 30 7 2010 Christianity can combat conservative Islam threatsi Ali is shivering in the teal, wool coat that envelopes her on this wet winter day in Sydney.

She looks bird-like. But behind the fragile-looking exterior is a steely mind that has earned her the distinction of being one of the world's most controversial writers, feminists and activists.

Somali-born Muslim Hirsi Ali was a refugee turned Dutch MP when she helped make Submission, the anti-Islamic short film that led to the assassination of its maker, Theo Van Gogh, in 2004.

Ali received death threats, exacerbated by her public rejection of Islam. Since then she has had bodyguards 24/7. Even in Sydney, plain-clothes police shadow her every move.

Hirsi Ali was eight when her family left Somalia. She was granted asylum in The Netherlands in 1992, after she ran away from an impending arranged marriage. She now lives in the US.

Hirsi Ali emphatically rejects calls in Australia to allow a limited form of female circumcision. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has discussed backing "ritual nicks", a modified form of genital mutilation.

University of Newcastle's professor of perinatal and infant psychiatry Dr Louise Newman said some doctors had been approached to perform the procedure.

Hirsi Ali, herself a victim of genital mutilation, says girls who underwent a ritual nick in hospital would probably be subjected to the more radical form anyway.

"Most parents who believe in female circumcision believe in the full form," she says. "I can understand where the Australian doctors are coming from, but it's wrong."

Hirsi Ali favours a strict detection system, where girls at risk are medically examined every 12 months to make sure they haven't been mutilated. She advocates severe penalties for parents who try to force their daughters into mutilation.

"An annual check that takes two minutes is far less traumatic than the alternative," she says. "Educating parents against the practice is also key."

Hirsi Ali has written several memoirs: Infidel, The Caged Virgin and the most recent, Nomad, in which she recounts her life after breaking with her family, her religion and how she struggled to be educated and assimilate into Western society.

"I had to learn to question, to fight for my rights and not to submit to everything bad that could happen to me," she says.

Hirsi Ali urges the West to help Muslim immigrants integrate and overcome the temptation of fundamental Islam.

"It's not parents putting children and vulnerable young people in ghettos, but fundamentalists who want them isolated from society.

"Fundamentalists do not want integration," she says." They teach young people that democracy, free thinking, is bad."

Hirsi Ali is now an atheist, and counts British atheist campaigner Richard Dawkins as a close friend.

But she believes Christianity can combat the rise of conservative Islam.

"Churches should do all in their power to win this battle for the souls of humans in search of a compassionate God, who now find that a fierce Allah is closer to hand," she writes in Nomad.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Down Under
Australia's Gold Coast invaded by Muslim Tourists
Ayaan Hirsi Ali Down Under Lateline

Monday, July 19, 2010

Islams #1 Mad Dog,President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, tells Obowma “"We are for negotiations, but to do so you have to sit down like a good boy,"


US must drop cowboy logic over nuclear program, says Ahmadinejad

Daily Telegraph
19 7 2010

THE United States must drop its "cowboy" attitude if it wants to hold dialogue with Iran over its nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said.

"We are for negotiations, but to do so you have to sit down like a good boy," Mr Ahmadinejad said, referring to the United States, in a speech broadcast live on state television.

"They adopt a resolution to force a dialogue, but this cowboy logic has no place in Iran."

World powers led by the US voted for new UN sanctions against Iran on June 9 in a bid to force it to stop its nuclear program which they suspect is aimed at making weapons. Iran denies its atomic drive has military aims.

Following up on the UN sanctions, US President Barack Obama on July 1 imposed Washington's toughest-ever unilateral punitive measures against Iran.

Mr Ahmadinejad said Washington's real concern was not that Iran may make an atom bomb but that Tehran is fast rising as a regional power.

"They say we have intelligence that Iranians will most likely build one atomic bomb. Well, this is a lie, but let's say it is true. How many atomic bombs do you have?" he said.

"The Americans themselves say 5000 plus... Is someone who has 5000 fourth and fifth generation atomic bombs, with very advanced launchers, afraid of one bomb? They are not afraid of one, not of a hundred, not of a thousand (bombs). They are afraid of the collective awakening of the Iranian soul."

Displaying his trademark defiance, Mr Ahmadinejad vowed that Iran would not back away from its uranium enrichment program. Washington, he charged, knew full well that Iran is "not after an atomic bomb", despite its claims to the contrary.

"You sanction our banks and some products and think that we will back down and hand over the key to the Iranian nation," he said.

"They should know that they will take their dream of forcing down the Iranian nation to their graves. Our nation is one family... we may have different views, but we are one body against you."

World powers, immediately after the UN sanctions measure was passed, called for dialogue with Iran as part of its dual track strategy of imposing punitive measures and at the same time offering to hold talks. But Mr Ahmadinejad has ordered a freeze in talks at least until end of August as a "penalty" against world powers for imposing sanctions on Tehran.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Australian Based Muslim Colonialists “furious with Australian Media” for reporting their Criminal and Terrorist activities.


Muslims furious with media portrayal as terrorists and criminals

July 12, 2010

AUSTRALIAN-MUSLIM families have good relations with other Australians, and feel safe and happy here. But they are furious with the media for depicting Muslims as terrorists and criminals, a report for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship reveals.

Copy of 12 7 2010  Muslims furious with media portrayal as terrorists and criminals

Hey those Crazy, Whacky, Zany,Muslims are at it again, seen here pissing themselves laughing at the Sydney Morning Herald’s  latest example of appeasement to their Multicultural Masters, portraying the Labor Party and the left’s’ preferred Australian’s, yet again as the “real victims” in their world wide war against civilization aka. the Infidels.

''The families felt strongly the media was gunning for Muslims; it was a huge concern for them,'' said Ilan Katz, the director of the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW, and a co-author of the study. The research is part of a wider project commissioned by the department to understand the concerns and needs of Muslim Australians.

Based on in-depth interviews with 72 family members, it found people traced a change in the media's depiction of Muslims from the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington.

''They felt community attitudes had hardened towards them since then because of the media,'' said Dr Katz.

An Iraqi father said: ''The media portrays us as terrorists; the media is against us.'' A man from Sudan said, ''Australians listen to the media, that is what they believe.''

Yet the Australian-Muslims were mainly positive about their daily interactions with ordinary Australians, friends, workmates, and passers-by. On the whole they felt accepted and appreciated what Australia could offer. Another father said: ''Australian government high schools even have a mosque [prayer room] … and the students perform midday and Friday prayers there.''

However, a major concern was low income, with some blaming workplace discrimination. Some parents were troubled their children had become more religious than they were. ''The daughters were wearing the hijab but the mothers weren't,'' Dr Katz said. Others were anxious about their children's involvement with drugs, sex or alcohol.

Nadia Saleh, 42, of Punchbowl, calls Australia ''this remarkable country'' that she came to from Lebanon 21 years ago. With her husband Karl, 52, she has raised four children.

''We have got some people who do the wrong thing but it is unfair to criticise the entire Islamic community,'' said Mrs Saleh, a manager at the Riverwood Community Centre.

The study highlights the diversity of Australian-Muslims, who come from countries as disparate as Albania and Nigeria.

Dr Katz found Imams were a main source of guidance for parents with family problems and needed more help and resources from government and non-government agencies to do a better job of pastoral care.

There are  thousands of hours of film of Hitler and his fellow Nazi’s laughing and joking in the same sort of propaganda pap pieces to show the world what a great bunch of happy go lucky mass murderers they were also, they still believed in the total elimination of those who did not share their view of world domination, the difference between Nazi’s and Muslims is that the Nazi ally’s, the Muslims, are still a functioning today and have succeeded in almost every objective they swore to achieve back in WW2, Islamism , Nazism what’s the difference ? Islam is Terrorist Organization in almost every Nation on earth,a “Religion” yeah right, and I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.

Ok so how about we see what was reported in the months of June and July 2010 after reading these reports it’s no wonder Muslims are demanding our Media not be allowed to report their activities in Sydney and Australia generally, I simply don’t have time or room to report what happens in Melbourne with the African Muslims why they are even more happy go lucky and carefree than the Sydney Muslims.

The Brilliant Daniel Greenfield “for people to wake up and fight for their rights, they must first know who they are, so that they will believe that their rights are worth fighting for.”
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Australia: Hassan Nagi HIV Positive Muslim Taxi Driver & Multiple Rapist sentenced as Hags in Bags leap to his defense outside Court.
Australia : Rev.Fred Nile’s bill to ban Muslims wearing Disguises in Public introduced to NSW upper house
Australia: Hassan Nagi HIV Positive Taxi Driver & Multiple Rapist, jailed for 13 years “ "I swear on my kids you are going to be shocked. Put the date down that I am going to be released. You will get a big shock." at sentencing.
Last weeks roundup C / O Sheik Yer Mami
Hizb Ut-Tahrir Islamic conference spokesman Uthman Badar
Muslim Gang Rapist denied Parole because of drug addiction
Rudd’s Australia : Proscribed Muslim Terrorist Group permitted to hold HATE FEST in Sydney July 4 2010
Lakemba Mosque caught out again.
FU*KI*G Terrorist !!!! oops woowww,sorry what was he thinking? how about Muslim “car enthusiast” (that’s better), bailed for Easter riot, cameraman stood down.
Islamic Sociopaths Inc. : Muslim Poet freed on appeal.
Methodology of Hizb Ut Tahrir for Change

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