A blog revealing the horrors of Islam,International Socialism,the misery these two evils are inflicting upon the free the world,and those it has already enslaved,along with various articles revealing the attacks from within upon the western Judeo Christian ethic by those we entrusted to preserve it. Videos and Pictures of many varied subjects from around the world, along with some jokes of mine and any funny ones you want to send me.

An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.
Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”
--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!
When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.
Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"
Showing posts with label CFMEU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CFMEU. Show all posts
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Monday, September 07, 2015
Andrew Bolt Australia's ONLY Conservative Political TV Commentator and his guests discuss the past week in Australian Politics.
Andrew Bolt,
Australian Politics,
Bill Shorten,
Labor Green Loons,
Michael Costa,
Miranda Devine,
Muslim Refugees,
Peter Costello,
Richard Di Natale,
Sunday, January 26, 2014
When will the Australian Labor Party and their financiers and fundraisers the ACTU apologise for their War Crimes against Australians during WW2?
ALP must apologise for union war crimes
Piers Akerman
The Sunday Telegraph
January 25,2014
AS a backdrop to today's Australia Day celebrations, the Labor/Green Left is working itself into a lather over plans to review the flawed national education curriculum.
The review is most timely and it behoves Australians to pause to remember that the awful campaign being waged by powerful trade unions during World War II had prevailed, it is unlikely we would have had anything to celebrate today.
Naturally, the current nat-ional curriculum crafted by Left-leaning academics says nothing about the appalling actions taken by individual unions, their leaders, the ACTU and members of Labor's leadership to sabotage Australia's war effort.
In a hard-hitting Australia Day eve address to members of the Young Liberals, Employment Minister Eric Abetz, the leader of the government in the Senate, reminded his audience of this extraordinary chapter in Australian history - a chapter which Labor cannot bring itself to address.
Fittingly, Senator Abetz was speaking in the port city of Fremantle, the scene of a number of the unconscionable actions taken to undermine the war against Axis nations.
Just as former Prime Minister Paul Keating has attempted to rewrite history with his recent fallacious account of Australia's engagement in World War I, so too, have Labor historians attempted to airbrush from our history the efforts of the trade union movement and the ALP to incapacitate Australian forces during World War II.
Fortunately, West Australian scholar, poet and author Hal Colebatch has published a painstakingly researched, fully documented account of the treachery in a book Australia's Secret War. Quoting from the book, Senator Abetz said: "(a) systematic campaign of sabotage criss-crossed the nation, from Townsville to Fremantle, and cost the lives of countless Australian Diggers and allied soldiers."
My late uncle (Z Forces) witnessed supplies and planes and weapons deliberately dumped into the water at Townsville by ACTU members during WW2.
The actions of the trade unionists involved included deliberately damaging planes, removing valves from radio transmitters that made them inoperative, which in turn led to an inability to provide safe direction to a squadron of US planes and their crewmen, all of whom were lost.
Coalminers and munition factory workers went on strike, prejudicing the war effort, costing lives, all leading to unnecessary loss and increasing the length and cost of the war.
Senator Abetz continued: "Australian women were needlessly widowed. Australian children were needlessly left fatherless."
He said the deliberate acts of union bastardry which led to people being killed and injured, and the war effort being severely compromised, were acts of murder, grievous bodily harm and treason, all of which can be sheeted home to the union movement and all of which have been largely ignored. He believes the unions involved, their successors and the ACTU should provide a national apology for prejudicing the nation's war effort, remembering those families who needlessly lost loved ones because of their members' treasonous activities.
This ugly period in Labor's history came perilously close to the surface when the Howard government took on the Maritime Union and demonstrated how specious its arguments on loading rates were.
Now the MUA and the Electrical Trade Union have donated to a war chest set up to defend bikie gang members caught up by Queensland Premier Campbell Newman's tough new anti-organised crime laws.
According to reports, the MUA has donated $5000 and the ETU has tossed in $10,000, peanuts to these multimillion dollar operations, but no doubt welcomed by the bikies. Since 2000, the MUA and ETU contributed $1 million and $3.5 million respectively to the ALP.
Senator Abetz said then that unions engaging or financially assisting bikie gangs would be judged on such linkages and that the Labor party needed to disassociate itself from these unions.
"Mr Shorten must refuse to accept any further donations from any affiliated union that is also providing support to bikie gangs. Anything less would be a complete abandonment of leadership by him," Senator Abetz said. "Individual union members are fed up with union bosses unilaterally spending their hard-earned money in more-than-questionable causes, be it at the Health Services Union, the CFMEU, the MUA or the ETU."
It would seem that while the Labor movement is losing its attempt to keep its foul wartime record a dark secret, it is unable to keep the lid on the activities of its current backers.
As a former national union leader, Bill Shorten has to clearly distance Labor from the shameful actions of the past and the discreditable activities of more recent members.
He should also deliver the long overdue national apology, well in time for next year's Australia Day celebration.
Piers Akerman
The Sunday Telegraph
January 25,2014
AS a backdrop to today's Australia Day celebrations, the Labor/Green Left is working itself into a lather over plans to review the flawed national education curriculum.
The review is most timely and it behoves Australians to pause to remember that the awful campaign being waged by powerful trade unions during World War II had prevailed, it is unlikely we would have had anything to celebrate today.
Naturally, the current nat-ional curriculum crafted by Left-leaning academics says nothing about the appalling actions taken by individual unions, their leaders, the ACTU and members of Labor's leadership to sabotage Australia's war effort.
In a hard-hitting Australia Day eve address to members of the Young Liberals, Employment Minister Eric Abetz, the leader of the government in the Senate, reminded his audience of this extraordinary chapter in Australian history - a chapter which Labor cannot bring itself to address.
Fittingly, Senator Abetz was speaking in the port city of Fremantle, the scene of a number of the unconscionable actions taken to undermine the war against Axis nations.
Just as former Prime Minister Paul Keating has attempted to rewrite history with his recent fallacious account of Australia's engagement in World War I, so too, have Labor historians attempted to airbrush from our history the efforts of the trade union movement and the ALP to incapacitate Australian forces during World War II.
Fortunately, West Australian scholar, poet and author Hal Colebatch has published a painstakingly researched, fully documented account of the treachery in a book Australia's Secret War. Quoting from the book, Senator Abetz said: "(a) systematic campaign of sabotage criss-crossed the nation, from Townsville to Fremantle, and cost the lives of countless Australian Diggers and allied soldiers."
My late uncle (Z Forces) witnessed supplies and planes and weapons deliberately dumped into the water at Townsville by ACTU members during WW2.
The actions of the trade unionists involved included deliberately damaging planes, removing valves from radio transmitters that made them inoperative, which in turn led to an inability to provide safe direction to a squadron of US planes and their crewmen, all of whom were lost.
Coalminers and munition factory workers went on strike, prejudicing the war effort, costing lives, all leading to unnecessary loss and increasing the length and cost of the war.
Senator Abetz continued: "Australian women were needlessly widowed. Australian children were needlessly left fatherless."
He said the deliberate acts of union bastardry which led to people being killed and injured, and the war effort being severely compromised, were acts of murder, grievous bodily harm and treason, all of which can be sheeted home to the union movement and all of which have been largely ignored. He believes the unions involved, their successors and the ACTU should provide a national apology for prejudicing the nation's war effort, remembering those families who needlessly lost loved ones because of their members' treasonous activities.
This ugly period in Labor's history came perilously close to the surface when the Howard government took on the Maritime Union and demonstrated how specious its arguments on loading rates were.
Now the MUA and the Electrical Trade Union have donated to a war chest set up to defend bikie gang members caught up by Queensland Premier Campbell Newman's tough new anti-organised crime laws.
According to reports, the MUA has donated $5000 and the ETU has tossed in $10,000, peanuts to these multimillion dollar operations, but no doubt welcomed by the bikies. Since 2000, the MUA and ETU contributed $1 million and $3.5 million respectively to the ALP.
Senator Abetz said then that unions engaging or financially assisting bikie gangs would be judged on such linkages and that the Labor party needed to disassociate itself from these unions.
"Mr Shorten must refuse to accept any further donations from any affiliated union that is also providing support to bikie gangs. Anything less would be a complete abandonment of leadership by him," Senator Abetz said. "Individual union members are fed up with union bosses unilaterally spending their hard-earned money in more-than-questionable causes, be it at the Health Services Union, the CFMEU, the MUA or the ETU."
It would seem that while the Labor movement is losing its attempt to keep its foul wartime record a dark secret, it is unable to keep the lid on the activities of its current backers.
As a former national union leader, Bill Shorten has to clearly distance Labor from the shameful actions of the past and the discreditable activities of more recent members.
He should also deliver the long overdue national apology, well in time for next year's Australia Day celebration.
Sunday, December 08, 2013
THEIR ABC Won't tell full story on Labor Union Slush funds
ABC won't tell the full story of slush funds
Piers Akerman
The Sunday Telegraph
December 7,2013
EXPECT astonishment from the ABC's vast national audience when the federal government places trade-union slush funds front-and-centre of a major inquiry in the New Year.
The rusted-on viewers and listeners will be bewildered because the taxpayer-funded state-owned broadcaster has imposed a regimen of strict censorship on the key element in the inquiry - the misuse of money from the AWU association which was established with the assistance of legal advice from former Prime Minister Julia Gillard when she was a partner in the Victorian Labor law firm Slater & Gordon.
Those who don't take their news solely from the ABC would be well aware that the Victorian police are conducting a major inquiry into Ms Gillard's role in the establishment of the Australian Workers' Union Workplace Reform Association by her then boyfriend, Bruce Wilson and his AWU mate Ralph Blewitt in 1992.
Early last week, The Australian newspaper revealed that Fair Work Commissioner and former AWU boss Ian Cambridge has given sworn evidence of "gross irregularities" in the union slush fund that Ms Gillard advised on.
Wilson, who was in a long-term relationship with Ms Gillard in the 1990s is the target of a police investigation and Victorian fraud squad detectives have already seized files from Slater & Gordon, files which Wilson claims should be subject to client-lawyer privilege.
The detectives are seeking to establish whether the documents were created in furtherance of a fraud, which would render void the privilege claim and make them available as evidence.
The court heard Mr Cambridge had provided "substantial evidence" in his affidavit about misappropriation of union funds by Ms Gillard.
Lawyer Ron Gipp, representing lead fraud squad detective Ross Mitchell, said Mr Cambridge's evidence "puts it beyond any doubt" that there were "gross irregularities" in the funding of the association, which Ms Gillard referred to as a "slush fund" in an exit interview before she left Slater & Gordon.
He said statements from Mr Blewitt - "essentially a full confession by a co-accused" - describe the slush fund as a "scam".
Ms Gillard has repeatedly denied wrongdoing and said she had no knowledge of the fund's operations other than it was a "slush fund" for the re-election of union officials.
Money from the fund was used to purchase the Fitzroy house in Mr Blewitt's name at a 1993 auction, which Ms Gillard attended with Mr Wilson, who subsequently lived in the property.
Slater & Gordon handled the conveyancing and helped provide finance.
That's the background for ABC fans who have been kept in the dark and goes someway to explaining why many other Australians not affected by the ABC's news blackout are watching every legal move in this case.
In her exit interview with Slater & Gordon on September 1, 1995, Ms Gillard said: "It's common practice, indeed every union has what it refers to as a re-election fund, slush fund".
Whether every union does indeed have a slush fund is something the federal government should be looking into, and probably will, informed as it is by the material being developed by the ongoing AWU investigation.
Even without an official inquiry, it has emerged that money was used from a union slush fund known as the McLean Forum to finance campaigns in internal elections in the TWU's Queensland branch and to bankroll candidates in the Flight Attendants Association of Australia and the Health Services Union's NSW Branch.
Sums of at least $500,000 were reportedly spent in the TWU's Queensland campaign.
It was reported in March that a fund known as Industry 2020 donated funds for HSU elections and a 2008 article in The Sydney Morning Herald noted that former Prime Minister Julia Gillard "was a guest speaker at the inaugural fundraising lunch for the Industry 2020 fund at Flemington racecourse, which generated about $250,000 with nearly half that profit".
In that article it was also suggested that "two other fundraisers have been held for Industry 2020, including a small event at Melbourne's Greek Museum in Melbourne last year attended by (current Opposition leader) Mr (Bill) Shorten".
The Age reported in May that ASIC records in May showed that Industry 2020 was a registered company under Mr Cesar Melhem's sole directorship. Mr Melhem was formerly the AWU Victorian Secretary but is now a Victorian Labor MP, a more recent search however indicated that two companies, Industry 2020 Pty Ltd and Industry 2020 Ltd are both under voluntary external administration.
Two weeks ago, The Age reported that the nation's largest construction union, the CFMEU, had used a drug and alcohol charity to raise up to $1 million for union activities.
It has also been revealed that the Queensland branch of the Shop, Distributive and Allied Union has for a decade had an undisclosed internal slush fund - wrongly promoted to contributors as being tax deductible - to support union boss, Mr Chris Ketter's, re-election as State Secretary of the union. Mr Ketter was the ALP's lead Senate candidate in Queensland at the 2013 election.
The ongoing court case against former Labor MP and former HSU boss Craig Thomson over his alleged misuse of trade union funds has given added impetus to the need for a wider investigation into trade unions and their handling of members' funds.
The establishment of slush funds, the practice Ms Gillard regards as "common place" and carried out by "every union" must be examined to ensure that such operations are held to the same exacting standards of governance as organisations which hold investors' money.
Trade union members deserve to know who is responsible for holding their compulsory contributions and how their cash is being spent.
For too long, the union bosses have insisted that the Labor Party turn a blind eye to union activities.
Next year, the ALP must be given the opportunity to demonstrate it truly has the workers' interests at heart.
It will send a disgraceful message if it doesn't champion the broadest inquiry into the operation of slush funds and the union movement's handling of members' money more generally.
Surely it has nothing to hide?
Piers Akerman
The Sunday Telegraph
December 7,2013
EXPECT astonishment from the ABC's vast national audience when the federal government places trade-union slush funds front-and-centre of a major inquiry in the New Year.
The rusted-on viewers and listeners will be bewildered because the taxpayer-funded state-owned broadcaster has imposed a regimen of strict censorship on the key element in the inquiry - the misuse of money from the AWU association which was established with the assistance of legal advice from former Prime Minister Julia Gillard when she was a partner in the Victorian Labor law firm Slater & Gordon.
Those who don't take their news solely from the ABC would be well aware that the Victorian police are conducting a major inquiry into Ms Gillard's role in the establishment of the Australian Workers' Union Workplace Reform Association by her then boyfriend, Bruce Wilson and his AWU mate Ralph Blewitt in 1992.
Early last week, The Australian newspaper revealed that Fair Work Commissioner and former AWU boss Ian Cambridge has given sworn evidence of "gross irregularities" in the union slush fund that Ms Gillard advised on.

Wilson, who was in a long-term relationship with Ms Gillard in the 1990s is the target of a police investigation and Victorian fraud squad detectives have already seized files from Slater & Gordon, files which Wilson claims should be subject to client-lawyer privilege.
The detectives are seeking to establish whether the documents were created in furtherance of a fraud, which would render void the privilege claim and make them available as evidence.
The court heard Mr Cambridge had provided "substantial evidence" in his affidavit about misappropriation of union funds by Ms Gillard.
Lawyer Ron Gipp, representing lead fraud squad detective Ross Mitchell, said Mr Cambridge's evidence "puts it beyond any doubt" that there were "gross irregularities" in the funding of the association, which Ms Gillard referred to as a "slush fund" in an exit interview before she left Slater & Gordon.
He said statements from Mr Blewitt - "essentially a full confession by a co-accused" - describe the slush fund as a "scam".
Ms Gillard has repeatedly denied wrongdoing and said she had no knowledge of the fund's operations other than it was a "slush fund" for the re-election of union officials.
Money from the fund was used to purchase the Fitzroy house in Mr Blewitt's name at a 1993 auction, which Ms Gillard attended with Mr Wilson, who subsequently lived in the property.
Slater & Gordon handled the conveyancing and helped provide finance.
That's the background for ABC fans who have been kept in the dark and goes someway to explaining why many other Australians not affected by the ABC's news blackout are watching every legal move in this case.
In her exit interview with Slater & Gordon on September 1, 1995, Ms Gillard said: "It's common practice, indeed every union has what it refers to as a re-election fund, slush fund".
Whether every union does indeed have a slush fund is something the federal government should be looking into, and probably will, informed as it is by the material being developed by the ongoing AWU investigation.
Even without an official inquiry, it has emerged that money was used from a union slush fund known as the McLean Forum to finance campaigns in internal elections in the TWU's Queensland branch and to bankroll candidates in the Flight Attendants Association of Australia and the Health Services Union's NSW Branch.
Sums of at least $500,000 were reportedly spent in the TWU's Queensland campaign.
It was reported in March that a fund known as Industry 2020 donated funds for HSU elections and a 2008 article in The Sydney Morning Herald noted that former Prime Minister Julia Gillard "was a guest speaker at the inaugural fundraising lunch for the Industry 2020 fund at Flemington racecourse, which generated about $250,000 with nearly half that profit".
In that article it was also suggested that "two other fundraisers have been held for Industry 2020, including a small event at Melbourne's Greek Museum in Melbourne last year attended by (current Opposition leader) Mr (Bill) Shorten".
The Age reported in May that ASIC records in May showed that Industry 2020 was a registered company under Mr Cesar Melhem's sole directorship. Mr Melhem was formerly the AWU Victorian Secretary but is now a Victorian Labor MP, a more recent search however indicated that two companies, Industry 2020 Pty Ltd and Industry 2020 Ltd are both under voluntary external administration.
Two weeks ago, The Age reported that the nation's largest construction union, the CFMEU, had used a drug and alcohol charity to raise up to $1 million for union activities.
It has also been revealed that the Queensland branch of the Shop, Distributive and Allied Union has for a decade had an undisclosed internal slush fund - wrongly promoted to contributors as being tax deductible - to support union boss, Mr Chris Ketter's, re-election as State Secretary of the union. Mr Ketter was the ALP's lead Senate candidate in Queensland at the 2013 election.
The ongoing court case against former Labor MP and former HSU boss Craig Thomson over his alleged misuse of trade union funds has given added impetus to the need for a wider investigation into trade unions and their handling of members' funds.
The establishment of slush funds, the practice Ms Gillard regards as "common place" and carried out by "every union" must be examined to ensure that such operations are held to the same exacting standards of governance as organisations which hold investors' money.
Trade union members deserve to know who is responsible for holding their compulsory contributions and how their cash is being spent.
For too long, the union bosses have insisted that the Labor Party turn a blind eye to union activities.
Next year, the ALP must be given the opportunity to demonstrate it truly has the workers' interests at heart.
It will send a disgraceful message if it doesn't champion the broadest inquiry into the operation of slush funds and the union movement's handling of members' money more generally.
Surely it has nothing to hide?
Friday, October 12, 2012
Misogynist Labor and their Financiers are at it again
Offensive joke about Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's female Chief of Staff Peta Credlin
The Daily Telegraph
October 11, 2012 3:02PM
A COMPANY representing a comedian has apologised to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and his chief of staff Peta Credlin for what Prime Minister Julia Gillard has described as an "offensive" joke.
A co author of this story, Simon Benson, refused to allude to,in anyway, as to the nature and contents of the "joke" in anyway shape or form because of litigation concerns.
A distasteful and offensive joke about Ms Credlin was made at a union dinner in Canberra last night attended by Julia Gillard and senior Cabinet Ministers.
Manic Studios this afternoon said in a statement it unreservedly apologised to Ms Credlin and Mr Abbott for the joke made at the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union dinner at Parliament House.
"The joke was a last-minute inclusion and crossed the line," spokesperson Piers Grove said.
"We did not run the joke past anyone. Nobody from the CFMEU or the Labor party or anyone else in attendance at the dinner knew of the joke until it was told.
"The poor reaction the joke received is testament to the fact that we exercised poor judgment.
INDEPENDENT MP Rob Oakeshott says the current gender war in politics is about preparing for the next election.
"We unreservedly apologise to all parties for any offence."
Treasurer Wayne Swan was still present when the joke was made and made a speech after the comedian's performance.
"The comedian’s comments were clearly very inappropriate and offensive. There’s no place for those kinds of comments and I made that clear to the union this morning," Mr Swan said.
The PM this morning called the union and expressed her anger at the joke.
“I was not in attendance when these remarks were made at the CFMEU dinner last night but I did hear this morning that offensive remarks had been made and let me be very clear, reports to me the remarks were made are deeply offensive, they’re wrong," she said.
"The comments should never have been made.
"It was wrong for them to have been made and offensive for them to have been made.
"In those circumstances as soon as I possibly could I rang the national secretary of the CFMEU and indicated I thought these comments were offensive.
"I understand the CFMEU has put out a statement in relation to this matter but clearly there is no place for offensive comments of this nature.”
The joke delivered by a comedian known as Fair Go For Billionaires, hired by the CFMEU, contained lewd and offensive references to Ms Credlin. Offensive remarks were also made about Mr Abbott.
The Prime Minister and senior Ministers had left the function, held in Canberra, before the joke was made.
However, several Labor MPs were believed to be still in attendance.
"It was very distasteful,'' said one Labor source present.
"No one was happy about it.''
A senior Government source said the PM had already left the dinner before the comedian began.
According to another source a "silence'' descended over the room when the joke was made.
The CFMEU this morning distanced itself from the comedian, with a senior official saying he was "horrified'.
"We did not know what he was going to say, had we known we would have pulled him of stage."
"Its not the form of our union...and it’s not something we would tolerate.''
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Even IF you can afford Electricity in Australia Labor Green Loons Financiers are going to make sure you only get it when they say you can have it no matter the price.
Blackouts expected as NSW power workers plan to strike
Barclay Crawford
The Sunday Telegraph
October 07, 201212:00AM
MORE than 500,000 homes across NSW risk being left in the dark this month with rolling blackouts expected across the state as power workers walk off the job.
One in six homes could be hit by blackouts during the evening peak following a decision by Fair Work Australia to allow workers to take industrial action at the state's biggest power supplier, Macquarie Generation.
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union and eight other unions have been cleared to strike at the Liddell and Bayswater power stations in the Hunter Valley in defiance of state government action to strip them of lucrative conditions negotiated with the former NSW Labor government.
The two plants, controlled by Macquarie Generation, produce 40 per cent of the state's energy needs.
While the approved strike is only for 48 hours, the plants would effectively be shut for two weeks because of the time it takes to close them down and then restart them.
The blackout threat has been exacerbated by an explosion at Eraring Energy's Lake Macquarie power plant, which has forced it to shut down until November.
The plant is responsible for about 11 per cent of the state's electricity needs.
The Eraring closure and the proposed strike action come at the worst possible time for NSW, with a hot October predicted to send power demand soaring.
A source said 124 operators at Macquarie Generation earn $250,000 a year once overtime and superannuation are taken into account, with at least one operator on more than $300,000.
Other perks include $2.2 million spent funding a half-hour shower allowance, despite the fact most operators don't raise a sweat on the job, and a lucrative superannuation scheme. But a senior union source said the government was looking to "pick a fight" with them.
The O'Farrell Government believes the power perks are unsustainable and only add to the cost of NSW power bills.
Despite their excessive conditions, workers are also pushing for a five per cent pay rise.
"The work practices in the government's energy business are unsustainable and are only adding to the power costs of consumers," a spokesman for Energy Minister Chris Hartcher said.
"Workers at these plants come under Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Fair Work regime, which has to be conscious when it approves industrial action that these work practices are placing an additional burden on electricity consumers." Peter McPherson, a Unions NSW industrial officer for the state's northern region, said negotiations were continuing and they were "looking to avoid an industrial action".
Australia Haters,
Australian Labor Party,
CO2 Tax,
Fair Work Australia,
Green Loons,
Julia Gillard,
The Mob,
Union Bludgers,
Union Mafia,
Union Parasites,
War Against Australia
Monday, October 01, 2012
Australias Union SCUM; Labors Union C***S and Financiers flex their Monthly's on QLD Childrens Hospital Construction.
Madame Gillards Financiers the Lowest of the Low... no wonder Australia has a drug Problem when one of the big two Political parties is financed by these OOPS SORRY ABOUT THE WORD THAT USED TO BE HERE,A DRAFT THAT SLIPPED THROUGH, how else could these THUGS raise money to fund their political party when they are not kicking sick children out of Hospital beds.
Pack of Poo Poking AND HERE the lot of yas, Union SCUM.
Cannot wait to se yas hanging by whats left of ya nuts from the nearest light pole.
I know one of these spineless gutless Union Pricks they are as weak as water pathetic BLUDGERS dedicated to sponging off Australians in anyway they can at any cost to the economy.
The most useless pack of Bludgers you could find,the same type that withheld food and ammunition to the Australian Military Forces during WW2 in exchange for MONEY as they HID from those determined to kill Australians and take over Australia, in the pathetic hope they would be spared the will of Australia's enemies in exchange for betraying and sabotaging Australia's Soldiers in New Guinea in WW2 .... Bastard Cowardly Bludgers fund the Australian Labor Party
via COMPULSORY Union Dues.The Lowest of the Low a Unionist.
Hospital standoff sees subbies sidelined
From: The Australian
September 06, 2012 12:00AM
UP to 2000 people have been affected by a month-long strike at the site of the new $1.4 billion Children's Hospital in Brisbane, despite the construction union being directed to resume work two weeks ago.
While 600 full-time workers have not been able to work for a month, Electrical Contractors Association Australia workplace relations manager Jason O'Dwyer said the dispute had worked its way along the supply chain.
"You've got the 600 people on site who are not able to work, but now it's got well beyond them, and possibly three times that number of people are also being affected," he said.
"In a lot of cases, the businesses that had contracts to supply to the hospital were able to shuffle other work around so they still had something to go on with, but we've had reports of the suppliers having to put some of their workers on notice that work's drying up."
Mr O'Dwyer claimed that because of a Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union picket line many subcontractors were unable to access the site and complete work or get their tools so they could go on to other jobs.
"These are people who aren't even involved in the original dispute but are now not able to work because they can't get their tools."
The dispute at one of the biggest building projects in Queensland centres around an insistence from the union to renegotiate an agreement originally set to cover wages up to 2014.
This happened after a subcontractor allegedly went bankrupt after another firm undercut it for the gyprocking of internal walls at the hospital site.
Builder Abigroup was granted an injunction in the Federal Magistrates Court on August 16, which prevented the CFMEU from industrial action by banning union organisers from within 100m of the site. The CFMEU is believed to be arguing the picket is a "community protest" and not a formal strike.
CFMEU Queensland state secretary Michael Ravbar did not return calls, but when The Australian visited last week there was no activity and the only people on site were security guards.
Mr O'Dwyer said that subcontractors were further being pressured by the main contractor, Abigroup, which said they were free to work at the site because of the August 16 injunction. "But in practice the subcontractors' employees are just not prepared to take that risk, given that there have been threats to their physical wellbeing if they access the site."
The hospital is due for completion next year, and Abigroup is subject to fines that could exceed $100,000 a day if work is delayed.
A statement from Abigroup said it was "experiencing a CFMEU campaign of unlawful work stoppages and blockades as a result of resisting unsustainable union demands". "Abigroup is taking legal action . . . to prevent further stoppages and to protect its employees, clients and the company," it said.
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