An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Christmas Island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Island. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Labor Governments Islamic Colonization of Australia continues unabated

Two asylum seeker boats intercepted by Australian government authorities

Daily Telegraph
August 12, 2012

AUTHORITIES have intercepted two boats believed to be carrying asylum seekers.

Border protection boat ACV Hervey Bay stopped a boat west of the Cocos Islands on Saturday night.

Initial indications suggest there were 31 people, claiming asylum, on board.

Later, HMAS Broome, operating in coordination with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, intercepted another boat northwest of Ashmore Islands.

Australian Prime Minister, Madame Julia Gillard,(front r) seen here scouring the seas to Australia's North for future Labor Voters.

It is believed there were 87 passengers on board.

The passengers on both boats will be transferred to Christmas Island for security, health and identity checks.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said on August 8 after a 25th boat arrived with more than 100 asylum seekers on board: "More than 22,000 people have now turned up on 379 boats under Labor, and this latest arrival is the largest."

ACV Hervey bay stopped twp asylun seeker boats the day before.

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen is not confident the political deadlock on asylum seeker policy will end soon, despite the findings of an expert panel being due tomorrow.

The panel, headed by former defence chief Angus Houston, will hand down its findings to Mr Bowen tomorrow, after Labor asked it to come up with policy solutions to break the impasse between the minority government, the opposition and the Greens.

But the opposition has already dismissed the panel's findings without seeing them, saying it stands by its policy of processing asylum seekers on Nauru, reintroducing temporary protection visas and getting the navy to turn back boats when it's safe to do so.
Asked today if he believed the deadlock would be broken this week, Mr Bowen was not optimistic.

"It takes a particular type of arrogance to reject a report's recommendations before you have even seen them, when we are dealing with people's lives ...,'' he told ABC television.

Mr Bowen said the time for arguing about the benefits of Nauru versus the government's Malaysia solution had passed.

While the government was happy for its policies to be held up to scrutiny by the expert panel, the opposition was not, he added.

"They have stuck to their sound bites, stuck to their sound grabs,'' he said.

Mr Bowen said he was not yet aware of the panel's recommendations.

Border protection boat ACV Hervey Bay stopped a boat west of the Cocos Islands on Saturday night.

Initial indications suggest there were 31 people, claiming asylum, on board.

Later, HMAS Broome, operating in coordination with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, intercepted another boat northwest of Ashmore Islands.

It is believed there were 87 passengers on board.

The passengers on both boats will be transferred to Christmas Island for security, health and identity checks.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said on August 8 after a 25th boat arrived with more than 100 asylum seekers on board: "More than 22,000 people have now turned up on 379 boats under Labor, and this latest arrival is the largest."

ACV Hervey bay stopped twp asylun seeker boats the day before.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Military sources suspect people smugglers deliberately capsized boats

Illegal entrants deliberately sinking their boats ? 
Say it ain't so!!!!

The joint criminal enterprise continues between the Refugee Industry and the Australian Union GetUp funded, Labor / Green Loon "Independents" Minority Socialist "Co Party" parody that passes for governance in Australia 2012.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hussein Obama interviewed by Australian TV, Australia and the USA do have so much in common,both nations are ruled by a lunatic.


Full interview with Hussein Obama & Rudd Government publicist

And just who is the man Hussein Obama says he has so much in common with?


PM turns his failure into a $1 billion disaster

By Andrew Bolt
The Daily Telegraph
April 14, 2010

KEVIN Rudd spent his first two years in power smashing stuff.

Now, in this election year, he's spending up to $1 billion of your money to fix the damage.

That's right: Rudd is spending at least $1 billion to fix the havoc he's unleashed by handing out free insulation, splurging on overpriced school buildings, relaxing boat people laws, letting in an unsustainable 300,000 people a year - and more.

Oh, I know. You think I'm far too hard on a PM with the air of a particularly methodical Christian dentist. But one disillusioned day you will hear from many who now work with him that how Rudd seems is bizarrely different to how he is.

I don't just mean that this prissy churchgoer is privately a foul-mouthed, arrogant and paranoid control freak, but that many of his brightest ideas swiftly flop.

The truth is his skill at spinning has so far saved Rudd's reputation as a manager.

But check the substance rather than the image and you find he already qualifies as possibly the most incompetent prime minister since World War II.

And, no, I haven't forgotten Whitlam.

Take Monday's announcement that his Government will spend another $14 million on a taskforce to tackle the massive rorting of its $16.2 billion school stimulus scheme.

This so-called "Building the Education Revolution" spendathon was always destined to be a colossal waste.

But even I couldn't predict the rorting.

In NSW builders have charged $800,000 a time for more than 40 covered outdoor learning areas which state government costings say should have cost $250,000 each.

In Victoria, even a dying school with just two children was given $150,000, and from everywhere came complaints that BER developers were charging "management fees" of up to 21 per cent.

That's all your money, folks. Blown in what some now call the Builders' Early Retirement fund. Now the Government is spending even more of your money - $14 million - on a taskforce to stop the looting of what's left of our $16.2 billion.

Or to seem to.

Why did Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard only now announce this "safeguard" when it's been clear for months that your taxes were being wasted like never before in our history?

Three reasons, all squalid.

First, Sunday Night on Channel Seven last weekend ran a devastating report on this scandal. Second, it's election year, and a taskforce makes you seem you're dealing with the problem.

Sunday Night “Building Education Revolution” report.

And third, although Gillard refuses to admit it, she has an advance report on this BER racket from the Auditor-General that is likely to be devastating, and it's a fair bet she set up her taskforce to short-circuit the criticism she'll get when it's released.

This BER rorting is the biggest Rudd waste so far. But the more graphic symbol is his free insulation scheme.

Rudd barged ahead even after his own department was warned in writing a year ago that rushing out these freebies could attract shysters, burn houses and kill people.

It all happened, as Rudd was warned, with four installers dead, 120 homes set on fire and more than 300,000 homes fitted with potentially lethal or near-useless junk.

To fix the disaster and compensate the losers, the Government may now have to spend anything up to $1 billion. It also means taxpayers must pay millions to take out insulation that Rudd made them pay millions to put in. It couldn't get crazier.

Correction. It already has. See, Rudd meant this giveaway to "stimulate" the economy and put people in jobs. But the day before Easter (a good time to bury bad news) his government announced, in effect, that his insulation scheme had killed off the very industry he'd meant it to help.

The Government said it would now give insulation manufacturers $15 million to help them stockpile all the batts and foil they can no longer sell, now that Rudd's scheme has stuck the stuff in a million more ceilings.

Those stockpiles of unsellable batts are a clear sign that these once healthy businesses have been poleaxed. Indeed, an industry which once predicted Rudd's free insulation plan would create 4000 jobs now says its collapse has cost the jobs of 6000.

That's why Rudd has spent another $41 million of your money to help retrain the people sacked from an industry he spent billions to "stimulate".

And still this lunatic incompetence doesn't end. To fix this mess before the election, Rudd has switched his entire emissions trading team on to it.

Remember them? They're the 154 public servants Rudd originally hired to work on what until this year he called "the greatest moral, economic and social challenge of our time" - the man-made global warming he told us his great new green tax on everything would help stop.

But that tax is now blocked in the Senate, and public support for it is falling like a batt out of hell, so Rudd has put "the greatest moral, economic and social challenge of our time" on the backburner and set his $57 million-a-year team of planet-savers to work on insulation instead.

And still this comedy is not done. Rudd last weekend froze the processing of refugee applications from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan to stop the tide of boats he unleashed by weakening our boat people laws two years ago. Boat people were a problem John Howard had fixed, cutting arrivals to just 18 boats over six years. Rudd unfixed that problem by going soft, so he's now luring in more than 10 boats a month.

The Christmas Island detention centre is full and fixing this will cost hundreds of millions more of your dollars, with the 2000 people who've arrived just this year costing some $80,000 each to process.

Then there's the whole new "Department of Population" Rudd abruptly created to hose down the alarm he'd raised by not only letting in a record 300,000 immigrants last year, but by then endorsing predictions that our population will explode to 36 million by 2050.

And we still don't know how much in total we must pay for all Rudd's other failures – Fuel Watch, Grocery Watch, the scrapped tender of his first broadband scheme, the lobbying for his pan-Asian body, the botched Green Loans plan, the rorted solar hot-water scheme, the "Ideas Summit" fiasco and the new nuclear disarmament body.

More amazing is that Rudd retains the air of a man who knows just what he's doing, and is across every detail. Watch him now sell his latest multi-billion-dollar plan - a health shake-up that Ken Baxter, former head of the premier's departments in the Victoria and NSW, warns will create a bureaucratic monster that will eat money.

But look at Rudd. See how assured and competent he seems, even as his last schemes still fall around his ears?

Amazing gift, that, and you're paying billions for it.

Beijing’s highest ranking representative in Australia, Australian Prime Minister, Lu Kewen aka Kevin 07,has finally ground to a halt, he simply has run out of acronyms, bumper stickers, and babies to kiss, he is now after two years as one commentator said “haunting hospital wards” pushing his new plan for Australia’s crippled bankrupt FREE Health Care system , Medicare.

Copy of 4 4 2010 Kevin's above, he's even big in Hong Kong

Lu Kewen electioneering in Hong Kong 2007

The word has gone out for his and his party’s most loyal media cheer squad, the Australian taxpayer funded, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) to go into damage control and try and get some positive spin on their PM by having the Messiah praising him from the White House as the Messiah’s man down under, who was so much like,of all things the Messiah himself.

America is now bankrupt, Australia is far from that however when Lu Kewen took office in November 2007 he inherited from the previous conservative Howard government a surplus of some $25 BILLION dollars a little over two years into his first term he has turned that surplus into a $300 Billion deficit.

He is with doubt the most incompetent Prime Minister in the history of the nation he and his government make the infamous far left Labor Whitlam government of the 70’s appear conservative in comparison, its no wonder Hussein Obama has such high regard for Lu Kewen, Kevin 07, or as Bill Clinton calls him “Prime Minister Rude”.

2GB’S Alan Jones  with Daily Telegraph’s Piers Akerman.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rudds OPEN Door for Illegal Aliens exposed

Rudd’s open door to illegals

Piers Akerman
Saturday, July 11, 2009

The great cover-up of the illegal asylum-seeker traffic to Australia is beginning to unravel.

The Rudd government’s relentless claims that “push” factors - the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, unrest in Pakistan - have been responsible for driving more refugees to our shores are proving to be hollow.
The “pull” factors - Labor’s softening of the Howard government’s hard line against people-smugglers and opportunistic asylum-seekers - remain the principal factors in the huge increase in numbers of undocumented illegal arrivals in Australia, the biggest since 2001.

Now it is revealed that a refugee advocate Ian Rintoul was in constant mobile-phone contact with boatloads of refugees even as they prepared to leave Indonesian waters for Christmas Island.

According to reports in The Australian newspaper last Friday, Rintoul acted as a conduit for messages between asylum-seekers aboard an illegal people-smuggling boat in Indonesian waters, Pakistani people-smuggling facilitators and Australian authorities.

His role came to light when he contacted the Australian Border Protection Command about the plight of passengers, including women and children, aboard an Australia-bound vessel, which contacts in Pakistan had conveyed to him.

Rintoul was in touch with both the Pakistan end of the operation and those aboard the vessel, who apparently feared for their lives and wanted to be rescued.

As the boat was still in Indonesian waters, the Indonesian navy was alerted and brought into the operation.

Although it could not locate the vessel, its passengers have indicated that they reached safety on an island in East Nusa Tenggara province.

Will the Australian Federal Police investigate Rintoul’s involvement in the incident?

Since Labor came to office, Immigration Minister Chris Evans has moved with ferocious haste to remove possible impediments for queue-jumpers.

There’s no doubt the new arrivals reaching Christmas Island, where they are assured of residency permits within 90 days, are jumping the queues administered by the UN High Commission for Refugees and bodies such as the International Organisation for Migration.

Acting under the radar, Evans has surreptitiously removed the character test that used to apply to new arrivals and protected Australians from those whose general conduct was questionable.

Shadow immigration minister Sharman Stone says Senator Evans directed the Immigration Department to disregard a person’s character, the provision of bogus documents, behaviour that was disreputable and acts that fell short of criminal fraud.

Evans’ latest direction also widens the scope of considerations to allow people who are found not to be of good character to nevertheless enter and remain here in Australia.

This may well be why the Government has done nothing about accused East Timorese human-rights violator and murderer Guy Campos, who is still at large, having entered Australia on a pilgrim’s visa for the World Youth Day celebrations last year.

Evans has significantly increased the “pull” factor for illegal entrants by changing rules that required the expectations of the community to be considered when decisions were taken on whether to refuse illegal immigrants entry to Australia or remove them from the country.

Someone who commits serious crimes against the Migration Act is no longer considered to be of character concern.

Further, this minister has personally overturned the decisions of the Migration and Refugee Review Tribunal and the courts more than 1000 times.

Yet he has claimed in his statements that ministerial intervention cannot result in a fair outcome and has stated that he doesn’t want to “play God”.

Evans has also said he wants to delegate his powers back to tribunals and the department, but has not done so.

As with so many of the public statements of the Rudd ministry, there’s a huge gulf between what is said and what is done.

The previous Coalition government managed to halt the number of unsafe and illegal people-smuggling boats attempting the hazardous voyage to Australia.

The Rudd government has abolished almost every barrier to this traffic.

It has discarded temporary protection visas, it has dropped the 45-day rule that required applications for protection visas to be made within 45 days of arrival in this country, and it has now proposed a new category of visa for those who currently are ineligible for refugee protection under United Nations High Commission for Refugees rules.

Waiving the rules for those who can afford to jump the queue, those who have been living safely for the most part in third nations and not in refugee camps, hurts the most needy: those living under blue plastic in camps around the world.

Yet once again, we see the Rudd government secretly destroying policy that clearly worked and replacing it with flawed regulation that relies on ministerial discretion.

Such flouting of the community will is doubtless going to result in increased numbers embracing unwholesome anti-immigration groups.

Simply flood Australia with as many illegal hostile aliens and impose their predominantly Muslim culture,facilitated by satellite Labor Party groups,"concerned citizens" and other fronts for International Socialism,and bingo who they gonna vote for?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

More Proof that Kevin 07's illegal alien policies are working as another 73 illegals are greeted by the Royal Australian Navy

Navy intercepts suspected asylum boat

The Sunday Telegraph
July 12, 2009

A BOAT carrying more than 70 suspected asylum seekers has been intercepted by the Australian navy off Christmas Island. The boat, sighted yesterday at 2.20pm about 80 nautical miles north-west from Christmas Island, was surveyed by HMAS Armidale from 6pm before being intercepted.

Initial indications suggest 73 people were on board the vessel.

A spokesman for Minister for Home Affairs Brendan O'Connor confirmed the boat was not the one carrying a group of 74 Afghan asylum seekers who went missing after their vessel broke down in the Sape Strait last Wednesday.

"This one that arrived yesterday is a completely different one,'' the spokesman said.

The group will be transferred to Christmas Island where they will undergo security,identity and health checks to establish their identity and reasons for travel.

"Success" and even more "Success",more proof Kevin Rudd's Open Boarders Policies are working,with yet another boatload of illegal aliens entering Australian sovereign territory to be greeted by the Royal Australian Navy, and safely escorted to sanctuary at Christmas Island, where they will be "processed" ie. asked to answer yes or no to the following 1.are you a terrorists you have a criminal record,given full medical and dental treatments where required,free legal representation,unlimited free unmonitored access to the Internet and international telephone services to anywhere in the world,free access to child minding services,schooling,"skills courses",clothing shoes ans anything else their hearts desire. Following the "welcoming" at the aptly named Christmas Island, they are given Medicare cards giving them free and unlimited access to Medical and Dental services,Free Legal services so as to sue the Australian people should they feel their rights may have been violated during the "welcoming process",express access to FREE public housing along with unfettered access to Social Security benefits and services, free education, text books, uniforms, "white goods" vouchers and unlimited access to employment training scams / schemes, but hey why would they bother,no need to work here when Kevin 07 and his cabal of left wing apologists for Islam and International Socialism,simply take Australian aka.infidel "Working Families" taxes and redistribute them to illegal aliens they,correctly see as life long Labor Party voters after all they are not about to bite the hand that feeds,cloth's and houses them,
"It's about getting the balance right"
....remember that Kevin 07 election slogan "Working Families" ? that's what so many of you voted for in 2007, or at least that's what Kevin 07 tells us. yeah "........getting the balance right" yeah!!!!! feel that balance.

"......identity and health checks to establish their identity and reasons for travel."
Surely the "reason for travel" is obvious,even to the most dedicated apologist for Kevin 07.

10,000 Illegals Massing in Malaysia preparing to invade Australia

"You bone head, O'Connor, you are supposed to send them back to whence they came,NOT invite them in, this is the fifteenth bloody boatload this year you dope.
Whilst your Dear Leader Kevin 07 continues full speed ahead in his war against prosperity, you and that arse clown immigration Minister,are ensuring that as many illegals as possible are able to walk in the door totally unhindered whenever they want."

194 MORE "Illegal immigrants" found entering Australian waters

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rudds Australia: Illegal Immigrants reach Paradise and Australian taxpayers will PAY

Asylum-seekers on Christmas Island receive payments

By Andrea Hayward
April 29, 2009 11:43pm

A FAMILY of four asylum-seekers living on Christmas Island in community detention receives up to $1000 a fortnight from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).
DIAC spokesman Sandi Logan said 33 asylum-seekers who had undergone health and security checks were living in houses in the community while awaiting outcomes of their visa applications.

A further 40 asylum-seekers, mostly family groups, women, children and those with special needs, are in alternative detention while 193 single men are detained at the Christmas Island Detention Centre.

Women and children are not housed in the detention centre itself, and instead live in alternative detention called the construction camp near the Poon Saan neighbourhood on the island.

Mr Logan said adults in community detention were given $100 cash and $360 in store credit, which can be used at one of two local stores, a fortnight to buy food and other items.

A family of two adults and two children would receive $300 cash and $766 store credit each fortnight, which is administered by the Red Cross.

There were no figures available for the number of families on the island.

Those under the age of 18 who were deemed unaccompanied minors in community detention receive $50 a week and each household consisting of up to five minors, who are looked after by a carer, is given $900 a week for food and supplies.

Mr Logan said those on community detention had to cook and buy their own food.

"We can't put them out in community detention and let them starve," he said.

Some chose to save their money and buy luxury items including sunglasses and MP3 players, and were entitled to do so, Mr Logan said.

Inside the detention centre, detainees have 20 internet terminals.

"There is also a telephone available in each of the (eight) compounds and they are issued with a phone card each week to make phone calls, it could be to their representatives, to friends or to others ...," Mr Logan said.

The calls are unrestricted and include international calls.

Mr Logan said the detainees are encouraged to participate in activities and are rewarded for attending English classes and helping out in the detention centre.

The reward system has been in place for some time in Australian detention centres, Mr Logan said.

Detainees are free to move around the inside of the detention centre, often playing cricket and soccer on the oval, but have a night-time curfew when they go back to their single rooms.

The centre was built by the Howard government at a cost of $400 million and is located on the remote corner of Christmas Island, an Australian territory 2,600km northwest of Perth.

More than 200 people including 38 DIAC staff are on the island to support the centre.

More than 130 asylum-seekers picked up in the interception of four boats since Saturday, including two today, will also be taken to Christmas Island. It is not known when they will arrive on the island.

Anything Rudd's illegal Muslims want or demand,but NOTHING for Australians in need.

Pauline dudded of urgent treatment

Rudd's Australia:More Illegals arrive at Barrow Island

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rudd's Australia: More illegals arrive at Barrow Island

More asylum seekers intercepted off WA coast

By Allison Rehn
The Daily Telegraph
April 22, 2009 02:30pm

ANOTHER boatload of asylum seekers has been intercepted off the West Australian coast.

The Federal Government has just confirmed the Royal Australian Navy patrol boat HMAS Wollongong made the interception approximately 47 nautical miles from south-west of Barrow Island.

Border Protection Command aircraft first spotted the vessel, which then alerted the HMAS Wollongong.

Minister for Home Affairs Bob Debus said initial indications are that there are 32 people on board, all adult males.

Mr Debus said the successful interception demonstrated the effectiveness of Border Protection Command's targeted surveillance.

"Officers from Customs and Border Protection and the Royal Australian Navy continue to work together to protect Australia's maritime domain from unauthorised arrivals," Mr Debus said.

"The Australian Government is committed to strong border security arrangements to deal effectively and appropriately with people smugglers."

The group will be transferred to HMAS Wollongong and then taken to Christmas Island where they will undergo health, security and other checks to establish their identity and reasons for their voyage.

It is the seventh boat of asylum seekers to arrive in Australian waters this year.

More Rudd government supporters and future social security recipients from the middle east land on Australian soil.
The eighth boat so far this year, Rudd's answer is to pay Indonesia and extra $40million on top of the half billion we pay them already.
Why are these illegals coming back since the Howard governments illegal entrant policies were abandoned by Australia's Dear Leader, Comrade Rudd?

Well according to the Indonesians this is why.....

Refugees 'reacted to law change': Indonesia

Paul Maley
The Australian
April 22, 2009

INDONESIA experienced an increase in the number of suspected refugees transiting through its borders at the same time Australia was softening its border protection policies.

Indonesia's ambassador to Australia, Primo Alui Joelianto, said Indonesian-based people-smugglers had exploited changes to Australian law as a way of drumming up business.

And as the political row over the surge in boat arrivals deepened - with Kevin Rudd branding Malcolm Turnbull "opportunistic" over his handling of the issue - senior government sources told The Australian another boat was due to be intercepted "within days". They are likely to join asylum seekers, who landed earlier this month, on Christmas Island.

Yesterday, Mr Joelianto said Indonesia had seen a spike in suspected refugees transiting the sprawling archipelago.

Significantly, Mr Joelianto dated the start of the increase at September last year, the same time the Rudd Government announced a series of policy changes aimed at softening Australia's treatment of refugees. But at the same time, the ambassador acknowledged Labor's claim about the causes of the surge, saying violence abroad and the scourge of people-smuggling were at the root of the problem.

Speaking to The Australian, Mr Joelianto said the problem of irregular migration was too big for Indonesia to handle alone.

When asked if more suspected refugees had been coming into Indonesia, heading for the main transit points for people journeying to Australia, Mr Joelianto replied: "We noted, especially after September 2008, the influx, the flow of illegal migrants get more and more," he said. "But I think we have to see the root cause - conflict, the political instability, economic problems in the origin country; that's why this problem is not easy to tackle."

But Mr Joelianto suggested people-smugglers were also using the policy changes as a way of drumming up business.

"I think maybe the traffickers use this as a trial to organise more of flowing of the refugees, because they get the money for that," Mr Joelianto said.

"So maybe they use this new policy, but I don't know exactly."

Mr Joelianto's assessment echoed that of Immigration Minister Chris Evans, who said the smugglers had used changes to Australian law as a "marketing tool".

Indonesian lawmakers planned to pass legislation outlawing people-smuggling, a high priority for the Australian Government, Mr Joelianto said.

His assurance came as Mr Rudd announced Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had signed the extradition to Australia of Iraqi-Iranian citizen Hadi Ahmadi.

Mr Rudd said Mr Ahmadi was suspected of organising the passage of four boats carrying more than 900 "unlawful non-citizens" to Australia.

Yesterday, Mr Ahmadi's lawyer, Joel Tannos, said Australia now had a month to organise the extradition.

"If it's not done within that time, the presidential decree lapses. So the time it's done is up to Australia," Mr Tannos said.

Presidential legal adviser Denny Indrayana said he expected the extradition to be acted on quickly.

"The two countries will follow up and accelerate the bureaucratic process on this," Dr Indrayana said.

The development came as police in the Northern Territory began interviewing survivors of last Thursday's boat blast that killed five asylum seekers and seriously injured dozens more.

When asked if a return the Pacific Solution of offshore processing would assist Jakarta's management of the problem, Mr Joelianto said the fight against smugglers was the key.

Additional reporting: Stephen Fitzpatrick

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