An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Islamic Child abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Child abuse. Show all posts

Thursday, August 01, 2013

When too much Diversity and Cultural Enrichment is barely enough!!! NSW Sex Crimes Squad attached to Strike Force Longfield arrest Solicitor over female genital mutilation case.

Genital mutilation case lawyer charged with two counts of perverting the course of justice

Staff Writers
The Daily Telegraph
August 1 2013

A LAWYER involved in an alleged female genital mutilation case will face court today charged with two counts of perverting the course of justice.

Detectives from the Sex Crimes Squad and attached to Strike Force Longfield arrested the solicitor at his office in Sydney's inner west.

The strike force was set up to investigation claims two young girls had the procedure, also known as female circumcision, performed on them when they were aged six and seven.

Eight people remain before the court after being arrested by detectives last year. Findings are yet to be handed down in those cases

The lawyer has been charged with two counts of do act with intent to pervert the course of justice. He was granted conditional bail and will appear at Parramatta Local Court next week.

The barbarity of being kept in the dark ages

Mark Morri 
The Daily Telegraph
September 14, 2012 12:00AM

A SYDNEY sheik accused of involvement in the barbaric "genital circumcision" of sisters aged 6 and 7 is alleged to have told his Muslim community to lie about its widespread practice.

Police claim Sheik Shabbir Mohammedbhai Vaziri told members of the Dawoodi Bohra community at Auburn to lie to police when they questioned them over the mutilations.

Vaziri, 56, of Auburn, Helen Magennis, 68, a retired nurse of Campbelltown, and the children's parents have all been charged in relation to the alleged acts on the girls.

Police allege the procedures were carried out by Magennis.

A strike force of seven detectives from the NSW sex crimes unit was set up after an anonymous tip to the Department of Community Services several months ago.

It is the first time anyone has been charged with the offence in relation to children after legislation was passed in 1994.

Protect girls from cruel culture
FEW in Australia realise that female genital mutilation or FGM is an issue both here and in other modern multicultural nations.
Genital mutilation may not be isolated
A MAN has appeared in a Sydney court charged over the genital mutilation of two girls aged six and seven.

Family and Community Services Minister Pru Goward said she did not believe genital mutilation was rare in NSW.

Ms Goward said that female genital mutilation was an "abhorrent practice" and "a form of child abuse".

The two children are still in the care of their parents.

"They are good parents," NSW sex crimes unit head Detective Superintendent John Kerlatic said.

"It may seem a contradiction to say that when the parents are facing such serious charges. But they are not in any danger of any physical abuse."

The alleged genital mutilations occurred in the past 18 months at homes in Sydney.

Vaziri appeared in Burwood court yesterday on two counts of being an accessory after the fact to female genital mutilation, and hindering the police investigation.

Police allege Vaziri hindered the investigation by telling people to lie about the extent of female genital mutilation.

Magistrate Chris Longley said despite what many people would see as very serious charges, he was granting bail under strict conditions.

He said police opposed bail saying Vaziri was a flight risk.

Mr Longley ordered Vaziri surrender his passport and report to Auburn police daily and appear in Parramatta Local Court on September 26.

The parents were charged last Friday, granted bail and ordered to reappear in court on September 26.

Magennis is alleged to have carried out the procedure and was granted bail to reappear on October 3.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Multicultural Australia If all Cultures and Religions are equal what's the big deal with Female Genital Mutilation ?

Genital mutilation guidelines to help treat victims

Melissa Davey
Health Reporter
November 24, 2012

THOUSANDS of victims of genital mutilation live in NSW and experts say doctors are untrained in how to treat them, with many suffering from childbirth complications as a result of their condition.

With an increased intake of refugees from countries in Africa, the Middle East and south-east Asia, more women with genital mutilation are living in Australia, with most in NSW. 

It has prompted the state Health Department to develop the first guidelines for clinicians treating women affected by the barbaric procedure, which involves partial or total 
removal of the genitalia.
"We didn't want to be in that situation ever again."
An obstetrician specialising in the care of women with genital mutilation, Greg Jenkins, said it was often not identified by doctors until women were admitted to hospital in 
''That's really too late and it needs to be recognised earlier in their pregnancy so the opportunity for counselling and management is there,'' Dr Jenkins said. ''The difficulty is, in 
the country where they come from, genital mutilation is common so midwives there assume women have had it done and know what to do.''

Dr Jenkins works at Auburn Hospital, the only hospital with dedicated guidelines on how to care for mutilation victims. His program requires at least one senior midwife 
experienced in female genital mutilation and childbirth to be on hand at every shift. Women are assigned a midwife who they see exclusively throughout their pregnancy, with an interpreter available for those with little English.

''What prompted our guidelines was a 16-year-old girl who came into hospital in labour in 1993,'' Dr Jenkins said.
''She had quite a severe form of genital mutilation and the staff, who had never seen a case before, didn't know how to deal with it. She ended up with a nasty tear, and when 
the operating theatre consultant came in they didn't know what to do about it. We didn't want to be in that situation ever again.''

Dr Jenkins said he had not been consulted about the development of the clinical guidelines but said he supported anything that would help improve treatment. While they will not 
be mandatory, a NSW Health spokeswoman said hospitals would require ''very sound reasons'' for not implementing them.

Without specialised care, women with genital mutilation are at higher risk of birth complications, including foetal distress, hemorrhage and tearing.
One woman, who did not want to be identified, said hospital staff were uncertain of what to do when she was in labour with her second child and they saw her vagina had been 
almost closed through mutilation.

''[So] they cut [me],'' she said.
''But they didn't stitch the incision. After [I went home], I felt some of my genital tissue was sticking out and that the area was still opened wide.''
She went to see a doctor, who did nothing. ''So I lived with that condition until I had my third child,'' she said.
''The baby was big and during that labour the incision was enlarged more and I had complications. I was bleeding for 15 minutes and the midwife was anxious; she didn't realise what was happening to me.''

The draft guidelines will be released next month, when they will be considered by Local Health Districts before being implemented in early to mid-2013.

"FGM Parties": Cutters Flown in to UK for Clitorectomies

Sydney's Occupied Territories:Sheik Shabbir Mohammedbhai Vaziri and Helen Magennis, charged with Female Genital Mutilation

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Lakemba Mosque Miester Sheik Yahya Safi claims no Poof's in Islam.

Sheik Yahya Safi, head imam at Lakemba mosque, said same-sex marriage wasn't an issue in the Islamic community

The Daily Telegraph
June 26, 2012 12:00AM

Sheik Yahya Safi of Lakemba Mosque

A LEADING Sydney Muslim cleric has weighed into the same-sex marriage debate, claiming it is rare to find a gay Muslim.

Sheik Yahya Safi, head imam at Lakemba mosque, said same-sex marriage wasn't an issue in the Islamic community: "In Islam we believe it's a major sin to have such relations between men and men, a sexual relation," he said. "We don't discuss this because it's obvious."
Sheik Safi's comments come after the Salvation Army apologised for comments by a leading church official that homosexuals deserved to die.

Homosexuality was and is widely practised in Islamic conutries. To please the homosexuals among his followers he promised them pre-pubescent boys in Paradise. So after committing plunder, loot, rape and murder in this life, the followers of Islam get "rewarded" by untouched virginal youths who are fresh like pearls.The relevant verses from the Koran are:Koran 52:24Round about them will serve, to them, boys (handsome) as pearls well-guarded.Koran 56:17Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness.Koran 76:19And round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness: if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered pearls.
As mentioned in my previous article, famous poets in Arabia glorified homosexuality. As an example I am including a poem in 'Perfumed Garden' by Abu Nuwas:
O the joy of sodomy! So now be sodomites, you Arabs. Turn not away from it--therein is wondrous pleasure.Take some coy lad with kiss-curlstwisting on his temple and ride as he stands like some gazelle standing to her mate. A lad whom all can see girt with sword and belt not like your whore who has to go veiled.Make for smooth-faced boys and do your very best to mount them, for women are the mounts of the devils 
Need I say anything more after this colorful rendition by Abu Nuwas ?

In the true tradition of the Slave Trading Paedophile Prophet, Paedophilia is celebrated condoned and widely practiced by his modern day followers the victims been male and female of any age.

Faith FreedomThe permanent committee for scientific research and religious sanctions:
Bakr ben Abdullah Abu Zeid, Member
Saleh ben Fozan Al Fozan, Member
Abdel Aziz ben Abdullah ben Mohammed Aal Sheikh, Chairman
Fatwa (religious sanction)
Number 41409 dated 7/5/1421
August 8, 200
Praise is to God and blessings on the prophet that is the last of all prophets.
The permanent committee for scientific research and religious sanctions has looked onto the request of Abu Abdallah Mohammed Al Shamry which was sent to the committee from the general secretariat of the Committee of Higher  Scholars number 1809 date 3/5/1421. The requester asked the following:
Lately, It has spread on a large scale, especially in weddings, the habit of thighing little boys; what is the ruling of the Quran on this? Especially, that God’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) has thighed Ayesha (may God be pleased with her)
The committee, after studying the request, has ruled the following:
It is not the true guidance of Muslims throughout centuries to resort to the use of these unlawful practices, which were imported to our countries through the immoral videos that are being sent by the infidels and enemies of Islam.  As for the thighing of the messenger of God to his fiancée Ayesha, she was six years old and he could not engage in sexual intercourse with her because of her young age, therefore he used to place his penis between her thighs and rub it lightly.  In addition, the messenger of God had full control of his penis in contrary to the believers. Therefore, it is not permitted to practice thighing, whether in weddings, or at homes, or schools, due to its grave harm. And may God curse the infidels who brought these practices to our countries.  ARABIC BELOW …

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Australia: Pious Muslim student “upset by the way Australian women dressed and behaved” Jailed for sex attacks of Seven Australian Women & Children,but it is ok, the judge understood his pain “no Mosque and no support nearby”

Foreign student upset by the way women dressed jailed for sex attacks
Elissa Hunt
Herald Sun
May 31, 2011

So this piece of Paedophilic Muslim Shit,oops sorry, “Harmony Day Activist”, “Diversity Ambassador”,”Cultural Enricher” did not know” “Australian Laws prevented women from been molested” so in Libya there are no Laws preventing Libyan Women from been molested? If there are such laws, then why would he come to Australia and believe that Australian Law ALLOWED the sexual assault of Australian / women / children ? What part of the Australian Labor Party’s Open Borders, Come one, come all,All Cultures / Religions are equal policy that has manifested in Australia been overrun by the Australian Labor Party’s “Savages of Choice” coming here and behaving the same way they do in the Islamic Shit Holes they RAN AWAY FROM?
Identification + Internment + Repatriation to whatever Islamic SHIT HOLE it was They or their Parents / Grand Parents / Uncle’s /Aunties,Sponsors RAN AWAY FROM is the ONLY solution for the Islamic Menace / Insurgency in the West.

A FOREIGN student who sexually assaulted seven victims claimed he was upset at the way Australian women dressed and behaved, a court has heard.
Libyan masters student Almahde Ahmad Atagore, 28, was this morning jailed for at least three years over the assaults in August and September last year.
He had been in the country only a month, on a sponsorship funded by his government.
31 5 2011 Almahde Ahmad Atagore
But County Court Judge Margaret Rizkalla said Atagore wasn’t prepared for the cultural differences and felt isolated and depressed.
He indecently assaulted two teenagers leaving the Mentone Hotel, laughing at them afterwards.
Atagore returned another night to attack two more outside the same pub.
Two more victims, including a 13-year-old girl, were assaulted as they used escalators at Flinders St station.
Another, 17, was attacked outside Mentone train station.
Atagore was identified in footage from Flinders St and cameras outside the hotel, but when confronted by police denied he had molested the victims.
Judge Rizkalla said he struggled to adapt to Australian life, without a mosque nearby and with little support.
Atagore told a psychiatrist he was upset at the way local women dressed and behaved, leaving him feeling both angry and aroused.
But he now felt shame and regret for his crimes, the judge said.
She said Atagore was suffering from an adjustment disorder, which contributed to his offending, and would face a hard time in prison with his poor grasp of English.
But the attacks happened in public places and had left the victims fearful of public transport, robbing them of security and independence.
Several of the victims were in court and welcomed the maximum sentence of five years and three months, with at least three years to serve before being eligible for parole.
Atagore pleaded guilty to five counts of indecent assault, one of assault with intent to rape and one of committing an indecent act with a child.
Police were unable to check his criminal past due to unrest in Libya.
But Sen-Det Dion Achtypis said outside court that Atagore’s nationality was not a factor in his crimes.
“There are many, many overseas students in this country who are law-abiding citizens,” he said.

No this story is NOT a joke it is true check the link it works. How dare the Australian Labor Party bring these Sociopaths into Australia without first providing them with a Mosque on every street corner and “Support” so as they are able to control their Sociopathic urges and maintain some semblance of been civilized or at least house trained.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Australia: “Multicultural / Muslim outreach” Muslim Paedophile, Rapist,Mohamed Sabra,Sabra Limousines, pleads guilty to sexually assaulting a 14 year old girl.


Limo driver teen sex attack

The Sunday Telegraph

January 23, 2011

A 14-YEAR-OLD girl has been sexually assaulted by a limousine driver hired to ferry a group of teenage friends around Sydney after a late-night party at Bondi.

Copy of 23 1 2011 Limo driver teen sex attackThis brave son of allah, this swaggering Muslim RAT with a Gold Tooth,unrestrained under the Australian Labor Party’s filthy, putrid dead cat skin cloak of Multiculturalism. 

A Sydney court has heard the driver promised the girl she could ride to his next appointment to pick up rap star Kanye West and then plied her with alcohol.

After falling asleep on a back seat, the girl awoke to find the man, Mohamed Sabra, 34, of Bexley, fondling her breasts and performing oral sex on her, court documents allege.

Sabra, who owns Rockdale based Sabra Limousines, faced Sydney District Court on Friday after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting the girl in December 2008.

His victim, now 16, is the daughter of a prominent Sydney businessman, but neither can be named to protect her identity.

Agreed facts tendered at Sabra's sentencing submission hearing said the teen first met Sabra in November 2008 when a "family friend" arranged for him to drive her and a friend to the Rihanna-Chris Brown concert in Homebush.

On that occasion, the girl told Sabra she was 14-years-old, court documents said.

One month later she called his limo service and asked him to collect her and a group of friends from a party at Bondi where she had two alcoholic drinks.

In the limo, Sabra told the girl he "had an appointment to pick up singer Kanye West" who was touring Australia. The teen said she was a fan and the driver replied that she could "could go with him but there would not be enough room for her friends", court documents said.

She agreed and Sabra drove her to the Sydney CBD where she drank a Red Bull and vodka drink that he had poured in a champagne glass for her.

Sabra said he had a sore neck and asked the girl for a massage. She gave him a short massage and he started massaging her shoulders, court documents said. After waking during the alleged assault, the girl pushed Sabra away and said: "Why would you take advantage of me?", court documents said.

Sabra allegedly replied: "Why are you crying? If you didn't like it why didn't you stop me?"

The matter will return to court on January 28.

So what can be said ? it’s all been said before in Australia,England,Sweden,Denmark,France,Sudan,America,to name just a few, part of the Islamic agenda is to Rape and despoil their enemies “women” and girls at every opportunity or as the Muslim appointed “Grand Mufti of Australia” would say “Cat meat” there for the taking.

But hey think about all those Multicultural Restaurants,parades and tax payer funded “Harmony Days” you can go to .

Repatriate all Muslims from Judeo Christian Western Democracies NOW !!!!

Demand the right of return be enforced upon ALL Muslims NOW!!!

Identification + Internment + Repatriation to whatever Islamic shit hole these scum or their parents  / grand parents RAN AWAY from is the ONLY way to return Australia to the “Land of Oz”


Monday, September 20, 2010

Paedophilia, whoops!!!! sorry, “gender and cultural issues” rampant AGAIN inside Australia’s illegal entrant detention centres, Project SafeCon to the rescue.


Detention centre 'ripe for child sex abuse'

By Josh Jerga

Daily Telegraph
September 19, 2010 3:41PM

REFUGEE advocates say both the immigration department and the minister knew there was a risk of child sex abuse occurring at detention centres housing cross-cultural families.

West Australian police have confirmed they are investigating allegations two children were sexually abused at a location in regional WA.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Nick Anticich said police had received a complaint about child sex abuse however due to privacy reasons would not go into detail.

"The child abuse squad has launched an investigation and is trying to verify the allegations," he said.

According to News limited, on Tuesday Child Abuse Squad detectives and specialist child interviewers flew to Leonora, the WA Goldfields town where a detention centre was established in June.

About 195 asylum seekers, including Afghans, Sri Lankans and Iranians and comprising of family groups are housed at the Leonora facility.

Victoria Martin-Iverson from the Refugee Rights Action Network said she had been aware of the allegations prior to media reporting.

Ms Martin-Iverson said she raised the potential risk of child sex abuse at Leonora with former immigration minister Chris Evans last month.

"I expressed to Mr Evans at a public forum the simple reality that we have families who are stressed and are in a situation where they have no power or control over who is with their children," she told AAP.

"That they are in no position to protect their children or deny access to their children. They created a situation which is ripe for abuse."

She said at the forum in Perth prior to the election, Mr Evans told her basically 'everything was fine' and rejected her comments.

Jack Smit of human rights group Project SafeCom said the immigration department and its minister had assured the public that those transferred to the centre were being placed in a safe and family-appropriate environment.

However they have now breached that commitment, Mr Smit said.

"They knew exactly what was promised to the Australian public about kids in detention and families in detention.

They have breached that agreement and now we have trouble," he told AAP.

"Really the minister as well as the immigration department is culpable of this happening.

"They've created circumstances which has enabled this kind of stuff. They're culpable to the extreme."

Mr Smit said the allegations demonstrated there was no consideration given to gender and cultural issues when the families were transferred to the Leonora facility.

As immigration spokesman said the department would not comment on police matters but stressed the safety and welfare of people in their care is the highest priority.

"Any allegations of inappropriate or criminal behaviour is treated extremely seriously and appropriate action is taken," he told AAP.

"For privacy reasons we are going to discuss issues relating to individuals in our care."

So just what are these “gender and cultural issues” that the Hate Australia, open borders advocates are alluding to here?

These Open Border advocates at Project SafeCom, CON, tell Australians that we are blessed to have illegal entrants in our country,every illegal entrant arriving adding yet another golden thread to Australia’s rich “Multicultural Tapestry of Cultural Diversity” and that the more who arrive here the better.

Are they berating their Open Borders facilitators,and fifth column partners, the Australian Labor Party for not recognizing the Islamic Religion’s followers preoccupation with Paedophilia and not taking steps to prevent,what is in effect, their Religious and cultural (issues) practices?

Just what parts of the “Rich Tapestry of Multiculturalism” did they think they were going / not going, to get? or are these fifth column Australia Haters just getting in first for what is going to be an up coming public relations disaster for them and their fifth column partners the Australian Labor Government.

Another example of the manifestations of the  Religious and Cultural norms of the people that Jack Smit and his Project SafeCon mob demand Australians acquiesce to at every turn under the threat of their Taxpayer funded rabid “student activist’s” storm troopers branding any rejection of their sick ideology as RACISM.

This is NOT the first time the manifestations of Islam inside Illegal entrant detention centers has been exposed,I have on file (some where) records of these incidents and will update this post with them as soon as I can find them


Muslims Assault Non-Muslim in Immigration Detention Centres
20 May 2002

A deeply disturbing scandal has emerged in Australia’s immigration detention centres where Christians and other non-Muslim asylum-seekers have been “stoned, assaulted, sexually harassed and abused by Islamic fanatics”.
Reza, an Iranian Christian, was blinded in one eye last August when a group of Afghan Muslim men stoned Christians leaving the dining hall in Woomera detention centre.  In another incident a Christian man was kicked to the floor and his cross was ripped from his neck.
In December 2001 an eighteen-year-old Mandean girl (a small religious group which follows the teachings of John the Baptist) was shouted at by Muslim men in a dining hall who called her a “dirty, filthy infidel” who shouldn’t be allowed to serve food to Muslims.  When she attempted to argue back she was “pushed to the ground and kicked and abused.”  In a similarly shocking incident a blind Mandean man was seized by Muslim men, held down and defecated on before being left in a locked toilet.

In other incidents non-Muslim girls have faced sexual harassment and verbal abuse because they do not wear Islamic veils, the doorways of Mandean asylum seekers have been defecated in, and a local Islamic mullah has even called for a jihad (holy war) against Mandeans at the Port Hedland detention centre.  Non-Muslim men, women, and even children, many of whom fled Muslim-majority countries like Iran in the first place because they were being persecuted for their faith, are now facing abuse of a horrific nature from Muslim conservatives in Australia’s detention centres.

The majority of asylum seekers in Australia are Muslims.  Witnesses say that extremist Shiah Muslims, particularly Iranians, Afghans and Iraqis, are often those behind the violence.  The BBC quotes Dr Graham Thom, Amnesty International’s Refugee Co-ordinator, as saying “The reports we’re hearing say that Mandeans, Tamils and other Hindus, Christians - in particular Christian converts - are facing violence or threats of violence from certain Islamists within the detention centres.  They are being called infidels.  They are being refused access to kitchens and things like that because people think they are unclean as infidels.  This has escalated at times when there is a serious breakdown of order within the detention centre when there are riots and things like that and these groups, who often refuse to participate in riots, are physically assaulted.”

Chaplains, pastoral workers and staff at the Woomera, Curtin and Port Hedland detention centres in Australia have spoken up about an atmosphere of Islamic intimidation and terror in which the authorities seem powerless to protect the non-Muslims.
Whilst Muslim asylum-seekers have access to halal meat and mosques, many non-Muslims’ religious and dietary needs are not being met.  In Woomera Mandeans are now even allegedly forced to hold their religious meetings in secret, and in Curtin no Mandean services are being held at all because the authorities simply cannot guarantee the protection of the participants, and even Christian services, including baptisms, have been severely restricted.

The widespread suffering and “constant discrimination” is leading to deep emotional distress and psychological trauma.  Jim Monaghan, a Christian chaplain at Woomera, says that “at present the families there are very vulnerable.  There have been attempted suicides and other forms of self-harm ... they are desperate.”

These shocking reports, which have been publicised by Australia’s The Age newspaper, the BBC, and Amnesty International, have raised a new factor in the debate surrounding Australia’s immigration policy, which is often criticised as being harsh.

The reports also raise disturbing questions about the state of asylum centres in Europe, America and other countries in the developed world.  Could Christians and other non-Muslim asylum-seekers be suffering similar discrimination in other contexts where Muslims also make up the majority of asylum-seekers?

The Barnabas Fund’s e-mail news service provides our supporters with short urgent news briefs and prayer requests for suffering Christians around the world.
Please do share these news items with your Christian friends and churches.  All news items are available on our website in a more colourful user-friendly presentation format which you can access, print and pass on.
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Return to Project Open Book

Why are Muslims so Liberated, the left would no doubt say “Progressive” in their sexual practices / perversions ?

Question: 'It has become widespread these days, and especially during
weddings, the habit of mufa'khathat of the children. (mufa'khathat -
literally translated, it means "placing between the thighs" which means
placing the male member between the thighs of a child).

What is the opinion of scholars, knowing full well that the prophet, the
peace of Allah be upon him, also practiced the "thighing" of Aisha - the
mother of believers - may Allah be pleased with her ?

Answer: After studying the issue, the committee has answered as follows:

As for the prophet, his thighing his fiancée Aisha when she was six years of
age and not able to consummate the relationship was due to her small age.
That is why the Prophet used to place his male member between her thighs and
massage it, as the prophet had control of his male member not like other

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand
Ayatollah, 1979-89 said in his official statements:

"A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However,
he should not penetrate. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia).
If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible
for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one
of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the
sister. It is better for a girl to marry when her menstruation starts, and
at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying
his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven."

Khomeini, "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990

"It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is
still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs,
and to kiss her."

Ayatu Allah Al Khumaini's "Tahrir Al wasila" p. 241, issue number 12

"Young boys or girls in full sexual effervescence are kept from getting
married before they reach the legal age of majority. This is against the
intention of divine laws. Why should the marriage of pubescent girls and
boys be forbidden because they are still minors, when they are allowed to
listen to the radio and to sexually arousing music?

More Golden Threads ready to be woven into the Australian Labor Party’s rich tapestry of Multiculturalism.

Animal Rights Activists where are you ?

Dr Homa Darabi Foundation

Khomeini's Teachings on sex with infants and animals

Islamic Teachings on sex with infants:

"A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."

The complete Persian text of this saying can be found in "Ayatollah Khomeini in Tahrirolvasyleh, Fourth Edition, Darol Elm, Qom"

Islamic Teachings on sex with animals:

"The meat of horses, mules, or donkeys is not recommended. It is strictly forbidden if the animal was sodomized while alive by a man. In that case, the animal must be taken outside the city and sold."

Editor's notes: I wonder if it is OK to sodomize a dead animal? What happens if the buyer brings the poor animal back into the city?

"If one commits an act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned, and the price of it paid to its owner by him who sodomized it."

Editor's note: The poor animal first is sodomized and then killed and burned. What an Islamic justice towards animals? Where are the animal
rights group?

"It is forbidden to consume the excrement of animals or their nasal secretions. But if such are mixed in minute proportions into other foods their consumption is not forbidden."

"If a man (God protect him from it!) fornicates with an animal and ejaculates, ablution is necessary."

Editor's note: It does not say who should have ablution: the animal or the man?


Friday, July 30, 2010

Ayaan Hirsi Ali “Christianity can combat the rise of conservative Islam”


Christianity can combat conservative Islam threat

By Heather Tyler From:
The Daily Telegraph
July 30, 2010

AYAAN HirCopy of 30 7 2010 Christianity can combat conservative Islam threatsi Ali is shivering in the teal, wool coat that envelopes her on this wet winter day in Sydney.

She looks bird-like. But behind the fragile-looking exterior is a steely mind that has earned her the distinction of being one of the world's most controversial writers, feminists and activists.

Somali-born Muslim Hirsi Ali was a refugee turned Dutch MP when she helped make Submission, the anti-Islamic short film that led to the assassination of its maker, Theo Van Gogh, in 2004.

Ali received death threats, exacerbated by her public rejection of Islam. Since then she has had bodyguards 24/7. Even in Sydney, plain-clothes police shadow her every move.

Hirsi Ali was eight when her family left Somalia. She was granted asylum in The Netherlands in 1992, after she ran away from an impending arranged marriage. She now lives in the US.

Hirsi Ali emphatically rejects calls in Australia to allow a limited form of female circumcision. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has discussed backing "ritual nicks", a modified form of genital mutilation.

University of Newcastle's professor of perinatal and infant psychiatry Dr Louise Newman said some doctors had been approached to perform the procedure.

Hirsi Ali, herself a victim of genital mutilation, says girls who underwent a ritual nick in hospital would probably be subjected to the more radical form anyway.

"Most parents who believe in female circumcision believe in the full form," she says. "I can understand where the Australian doctors are coming from, but it's wrong."

Hirsi Ali favours a strict detection system, where girls at risk are medically examined every 12 months to make sure they haven't been mutilated. She advocates severe penalties for parents who try to force their daughters into mutilation.

"An annual check that takes two minutes is far less traumatic than the alternative," she says. "Educating parents against the practice is also key."

Hirsi Ali has written several memoirs: Infidel, The Caged Virgin and the most recent, Nomad, in which she recounts her life after breaking with her family, her religion and how she struggled to be educated and assimilate into Western society.

"I had to learn to question, to fight for my rights and not to submit to everything bad that could happen to me," she says.

Hirsi Ali urges the West to help Muslim immigrants integrate and overcome the temptation of fundamental Islam.

"It's not parents putting children and vulnerable young people in ghettos, but fundamentalists who want them isolated from society.

"Fundamentalists do not want integration," she says." They teach young people that democracy, free thinking, is bad."

Hirsi Ali is now an atheist, and counts British atheist campaigner Richard Dawkins as a close friend.

But she believes Christianity can combat the rise of conservative Islam.

"Churches should do all in their power to win this battle for the souls of humans in search of a compassionate God, who now find that a fierce Allah is closer to hand," she writes in Nomad.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Down Under
Australia's Gold Coast invaded by Muslim Tourists
Ayaan Hirsi Ali Down Under Lateline

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Australia : Rev.Fred Nile’s bill to ban Muslims wearing Disguises in Public introduced to NSW upper house


Fred Nile's bill to ban the burqa to be debated

Daily Telegraph
June 23, 2010

CHRISTIAN Democratic Party MP Fred Nile  has succeeded in introducing a bill to ban the wearing of the burqa in the NSW Upper House.

Mr Nile introduced his private member's bill, seeking to ban the wearing of the burqa and other face veils in public, shortly after 8pm on Tuesday.

23 6 2010 Burka Ban Fred Nile 

Last month, a debate on the same bill was voted down by the NSW Upper House.

Greens MP John Kaye said only the four Greens MPs and Family First MP Gordon Moyes voted against introducing the bill on Tuesday.

"Last month the coalition and the government did the right thing and said no, they would not allow the Upper House to be home to this kind of racist dog whistling," Mr Kaye said.

"This time they caved in."

23 6 2010 Fred Nile Burka Ban 2

Mr Kaye said Mr Nile's bill has opened the door to a "dangerous and divisive attack on one of NSW's communities".

"Letting loose the ugly bigotry that lies behind this bill will only encourage hostility to the Muslim community," he said.

"While no woman should be forced to wear a burqa or any other form of clothing, this absurd bill will do nothing to enhance the rights of women."

Mr Nile has denied the bill is racist, saying his concern lay with issues of security and women's rights.

The bill has been adjourned until September 2010.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Muslim Gang Rapist denied Parole because of drug addiction

Gang rapist denied parole over marijuana addiction
Nathan Klein
The Daily Telegraph
June 17, 2010 12:26PM  
AN ADDICTION to marijuana has halted one of the notorious Skaf gang rapists from being released on parole for a second time.

Mahmoud Sanoussi was one of 14 men who gang-raped a young woman 25 times a decade ago.
Although jailed for 11 years, he was paroled last May after showing remorse and admitting his guilt.
But court-ordered drug tests revealed Sanoussi had tested positive to cannabis use four times since October, which led to his freedom being revoked in March.
Appearing via video link from Long Bay jail yesterday, Sanoussi pleaded with the parole authority to give him "one last chance to prove himself''.
He told the authority last week he was prepared to abide by a curfew or wear a surveillance bracelet.
His solicitor Louise Coorey added that her client had also sought work while in custody and had received numerous offers of employment.
Authority Judge Terence Christie ruled he had breached his parole too many times to warrant release for a second time.
The parole board will meet again later in the year to discuss Sanoussi's progress in custody and will determine eligibility for release in March 2011.
Evil Rapist Back on the Street
THE first of the notorious Skaf gang rapists is to be recommended for release from jail next month after receiving a discounted sentence.
Mahmoud Sanoussi was one of 14 men who gang-raped a teenage girl 25 times in western Sydney.
He was jailed for 11 years but is eligible for parole after receiving a discounted sentence because he pleaded guilty and showed remorse.
Sanoussi, 23, appeared via video link at a State Parole Authority hearing on Friday where submissions were made to release him back into the community. The decision was adjourned to next month.
"We've asked for further documents, further material,'' a spokesman said.
The authority will take into account his rehabilitation and his behaviour in prison.
But Sanoussi's possible release has sparked grave concerns from Corrective Services Commissioner Ron Woodham, who has stepped in to try to keep one of the country's worst gang rapists behind bars.
Mr Woodham believes Sanoussi is a risk to society, and is preparing a formal submission to be presented to the NSW State Parole Authority.
Victims groups share his concerns, saying yesterday that Sanoussi's release is too soon.
Sanoussi, aged 15 at the time of the attack, and his brother, Mohammed, were part of the "brutal gang of rapists'' who terrorised a young woman in Sydney in August 2000.
The gang took their victim, Miss C, to a toilet block where Mohammed Skaf asked her if she liked it "Leb style'' before raping her. He left the cubicle and Sanoussi (Mahmoud) came in and raped her.
For the next six hours, Miss C was subjected to multiple rapes and death threats at three isolated locations.
Ringleader Bilal Skaf was sentenced to a record 55 years jail. His sentence was halved on appeal.
Sanoussi was jailed for a maximum 11 years with a six-and-a-half year non-parole period.
NSW Rape Crisis Centre manager Karen Willis said she was concerned about his release.
The victims of the gang rapes would also be in fear.
"It was a vicious, appalling crime,'' Ms Willis said.
"If we are going to release serious sex offenders back into the community, we need to be absolutely sure that they are completely rehabilitated and no one is going to suffer in such a way as their victims did.
"Unless they're absolutely sure, then they can't release him.''
Miss C, who moved overseas, is still recovering from her ordeal.
If granted parole, Mr Woodham has the power to apply to the Supreme Court to keep Sanoussi in jail, following changes to the NSW Serious Sex Offenders Act to allow for continued detention of an offender past their release date "for the safety and protection of the community''.
During the sentence of the Skaf gang rapists, the judge described their crimes as worse than murder.
"These cases concern one of the greatest outrages, in criminal terms, that has been perpetrated on the community in Sydney ... military organised gang rape involving 14 young men,'' Judge Michael Finnane said in 2002.
Sanoussi served part of his sentence in juvenile justice before moving to an adult prison.
The Sunday Telegraph (15-6-2008)
Ellen Connolly
Lebanese Muslim gang leader sentenced to 38 years jail for racially motivated pack-rapes of Australian girls
Anna Marshall 4 August 2006
17 6 2010 Lebanese Muslim gang leader sentenced to 38 years jail for racially motivated pack-rapes of Australian girls
Bilal Skaf, the leader of a Lebanese gang which perpetrated racially motivated pack-rapes on Australian teenage girls in Sydney in 2000, was last week sentenced to a further term of imprisonment. Added to the the 28 years he is serving for other pack-rapes, his maximum term is 38 years.
His younger brother and accomplice Mohammed was sentenced to 15 years jail. With other sentences he will serve a maximum of 26 years.
To show their disdain for Australian culture and Australian females, gangs of Lebanese Muslims carried out violent, racist pack-rapes on young Australian girls around Sydney in 2000. Over 50 young girls were pack-raped during this rampage.
Bilal Skaf, the leader of one gang organised the pack rape of a sixteen-year-old girl known as Miss D near a soccer field in the Sydney suburb of Gosling on the night of August 12, 2000. Fourteen Lebanese youths-pack raped Miss D that night.
Nine of the men were brought to trial. Skaf made history when he was sentenced to 55 years jail. He appealed, and the conviction was overturned on a technicality. On April 18 this year a jury finds the brothers guilty for the second time.
Justice Michael Finnane who presided over the Skafs' trial, described the assaults, in August 2000, as "one of the greatest outrages in criminal terms that has been perpetrated on the community in Sydney ... militarily organised gang rape involving 14 young men".
"What this trial showed was that he was the leader of the pack, a liar, a bully, a coward, callous and mean," Finnane said of Bilal Skaf. "He is in truth a menace to any civilised society".
Apart from the Skaf brothers, those sentenced on October 11, 2002 following the original trial were:
    * Belal Hajeid, aged 20, sentenced to 23 years
    * Mahmoud Chami, 20, sentenced to 18 years
    * Tayyab Sheikh, 18, sentenced to 15 years
    * Mohammed Sanoussi, 18, sentenced to 21 1/4 years
    * Mahmoud Sanoussi, 17, sentenced to 11 1/4 years
    * 'H', 19, sentenced to 25 years
    * Mohamed Ghanem, 19, sentenced to 40 years
Skaf is a weedy little bastard. Over the next 30 years he will most likely get a greater appreciation of the impact of rape.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Australia:Fred Nile calls for Burqa Ban.


 Islam means peace      Burkah killer 

Right says Fred Nile, ban the burqa

By Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph
May 14, 2010

THE Reverend Fred Nile will introduce a Bill to parliament calling for a ban on the Islamic burqa head and body veil.

The Christian Democrats MP wants NSW to follow France and other European countries, which have moved to ban women from wearing the full head and body covering in public.

But Muslim leaders yesterday said it was inappropriate for a man to tell a woman to remove clothing.

The private member's Bill will likely be introduced next Thursday.

"We should establish that in Australia we are an open society, that people don't cover up their faces. If they are involved in criminal activity they do," Mr Nile said yesterday.

"They do it with the burqa, it is not part of our culture and tradition."

Copy of 14 5 2010 Right says Fred Nile, ban the burqa

Fred Nile says this image doesn't fit Australian values

Muslim spokesman Keysar Trad attacked the proposed law, and said it was an attack on women's freedom.

"Muslim women will be disgusted, especially that a man who is supposedly a man of God is telling them to remove items of clothing and telling them how to dress," he said. "While I don't advocate the face cover, I will defend the rights of any Muslim woman who wishes to wear it and if she doesn't choose to wear it, I defend her as well."

Mr Nile asked the State Government to ban the burqa eight years ago in a move that sparked a furore at the time.

But his private member's Bill will almost certainly not succeed because he lacks the required numbers.

Opposition spokeswoman for women Pru Goward said society was split but the burqa did not fit with her view of women's rights in the same way as the overt sexualisation of women at the opposite end of the spectrum.

"It is very difficult ... everyone has the choice to dress the way they want to. The question is are they dressing like that because they have to or because they feel they have to? You can't answer that question," she said.

Mr Nile told parliament on Wednesday night there were also security fears as terrorists in the Middle East and Russia had launched attacks while concealing their identity under a burqa.

Belgium the Brave

Monday, April 12, 2010

Family of Yemeni Paedophile victim demand allah’s law


Read the shocking disgusting details of these sick F*c*s and their perverted Religion of Peace

Husband of dead Yemeni child bride should die: family

April 12, 2010

12 4 2010 Husband of dead Yemeni child bride should die family

The family of a 13-year-old Yemeni girl who died after being sexually violated by her husband a few days into her arranged marriage is demanding his execution.

Ilham al-Ashi died on Friday, five days after marrying Abed al-Hekmi, 24, in a case that has again brought into sharp focus the plight of Yemen's so-called "brides of death".

The medical report from the main hospital in the Hajja province, north of the capital, said she suffered a deep rupture in the genitals.

"I demand the implementation of Allah's law. I demand punishment," the mother of the girl, Nejma al-Ashi, said, referring to execution, which is the penalty for murder in the Muslim country.

In the hut village of Al-Asha, about 200km northwest of the capital, Sana'a, the mother said her daughter had been "fine and full of health" when she got married.

The husband's family in a neighbouring village told her a few days after the wedding that her daughter "was sick, suffering malaria, and that the spirits have possessed her in the wedding".

"I responded: Have fear for God. My daughter has no problems," she added.

But her daughter, the latest victim of the widespread custom of under-age marriage in the tribe-structured society, had been in trouble for days, according to medical staff who had seen her earlier in the week.

An Uzbek gynaecologist at a medical clinic, Zahra Makyayeva, said she saw Ashi on the second day of her marriage, after her husband brought her in asking to "tear her hymen" - proving they had not consummated their marriage.

The doctor said she refused because "it was forbidden" and advised the husband to go to a government hospital, pointing out that the girl, who was too shy to allow the doctor to check her, appeared frail.

But instead of going to a hospital, Hekmi stopped at the clinic's pharmacy asking for sleeping pills or tranquilisers, but when he failed to obtain such pills, he asked for a sexual performance enhancer, which he got.

"We realised he wanted to drug the girl," said Sheikh Ali al-Huda, the owner of the clinic.

Three days later, Hekmi took his wife back to the clinic, where she was diagnosed with urine retention and found to have vaginal injuries and infection, according to nurse Fathiya Haidar.

"We gave her medication and she left. The morning after we heard she died," she said.

The brother of the girl, Abdullah, who had married the sister of Hekmi on the same day as part of the traditional custom of Sheghar, or swap marriage, accused his brother-in-law and his family of killing his sister.

"They have killed her: her husband and his family. They tied down my sister and killed her," he said.

Hekmi remains in custody and, according to a police report, has admitted forcing himself onto his wife when she refused to have sex with him.

Yemeni Paedophile rapes and kills 13 year old wife
Pious Islam: Islamic Boy Love
Islamic Sociopaths Inc. 95,000 descendants of the most infamous Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader known as Mohammed are sueing ten news papers for publishing pictures of their beloved Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Yemeni Paedophile rapes and kills 13 year old wife


Yemeni child bride dies of bleeding after intercourse

The Australian
April 08, 2010

A 13-year-old Yemeni girl who was forced into marriage died five days after her wedding when she suffered a rupture in her sex organs and hemorrhaging, a local rights organization said today.

Ilham Mahdi al Assi died last Friday in a hospital in Yemen's Hajja province, the Shaqaeq Arab Forum for Human Rights said in a statement quoting a medical report.

She was wedded the previous Monday in a traditional arrangement known as a "swap marriage," in which the brother of the bride also married the sister of the groom, it said.

"The child Ilham has died as a martyr due to the abuse of children's lives in Yemen," the non-governmental organization said.

Her death was a "flagrant example" of the results of opposing the ban on child marriage in Yemen, which was leading to "killing child females," it said.

The marriage of young girls is widespread in Yemen, which has a strong tribal structure.

The death of a 12-year-old girl in childbirth in September illustrated the case of the country's "brides of death," many of whom were married off even before puberty.

Controversy heightened in Yemen recently over a law banning child marriage in the impoverished country through setting a minimum age of 17 for women and 18 for men.

Thousands of conservative women demonstrated outside parliament last month, answering a call by Islamist parties opposing the law.

A lesser number of women rallied at the same venue a few days later in support of the law, the implementation of which was blocked pending a request by a group of politicians for a review.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sadui Arabia: Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal

Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal

The Daily Telegraph
April 13, 2009 02:45pm

A JUDGE has refused to overturn his ruling declaring the arranged marriage of an eight-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man legal - despite her mum's appeal.

Saudi Arabian judge Sheikh Habib Habib insists the girl's marriage to her father's friend is binding, although she can file for divorce when she reaches puberty.

But what if this little 8 year old girl wanted to remain a virgin until such time as she chose to marry a real man in a real marriage?

This piece of Islamist Paedophile Crap is simply following in the footsteps of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, with his vile filthy custom of interferring with young children.

Hussein Obama now demands we must RESPECT this quirkey little trait in Islamic culture.

The mother's attorney Abdullah Jutaili said the girl's father arranged the marriage with his "close friend" to pay off a monetary debt.

A relative said the girl's mother, who is divorced from the father, will continue to seek to overturn the marriage.

And Hussein Obama BOW's and apologises to this, look out America.

Hussein Obama seen here executing his now infamous "O BowMa" upon the King of Saudi Arabia, who was described by American commentator Dennis Miller as been a "Mysogynist Pig"

Monday, January 12, 2009

Muslim child abuse caught on camera

In any other culture or "Religious" organization what you are about to view, would, rightly be called Child Abuse and condemned by all,including those self appointed arse clowns down at the United Nations.
However they and the rest of the International Socialist movement are silent when this Child Abuse is perpetrated by their long standing Allys and soul mates in Islam, in this example of Islamic mental and physical child abuse,the leftist chic Islamic Terrorist's of choice,Hamas show the world what been a "good peace loving Muslim" is all about,after all as we are all constantly reminded,under threat of death,Islam is a
"Religion of Peace" and what better way to produce "Peace Loving" Muslims than to inculcate the following values and beliefs in the minds of Islamic children.

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