A blog revealing the horrors of Islam,International Socialism,the misery these two evils are inflicting upon the free the world,and those it has already enslaved,along with various articles revealing the attacks from within upon the western Judeo Christian ethic by those we entrusted to preserve it. Videos and Pictures of many varied subjects from around the world, along with some jokes of mine and any funny ones you want to send me.

An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.
Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”
--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!
When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.
Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"
Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts
Monday, August 18, 2014
Monday, August 04, 2014
Why Labor Green Loon Independent "Co Party" now opposition sides with the SAVAGE
Wake up Labor, smell the threat
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
August 4 2014
A COUPLE of hundred men marched past the Lakemba Hotel in Sydney a week ago, chanting their support for Gaza, and with it a threat.
Here is what they shouted while waving black flags of jihad — and pray Labor finally listens:
Palestine is Muslim land
The solution is Jihad ...
You can never stop Islam
From Australia to al Sham (Syria)
One umma (Muslim community) hand in hand
From Lakemba to Gaza
One call “khalifa” (Caliphate)
That chant is a wake-up for a political class now too cowed or craven to judge between the civilised and the primitive.
Yes, we really do now have hundreds of people who feel free to demonstrate a common cause with terrorists waging the most hideous wars in Gaza, Syria and Iraq.
I can hear the usual “but but but” already, as in: but you’re ignoring that most Muslims are peace-loving, and saying such things risks alienating them or encouraging racists.
And there’s truth to that, which is why we’ve left the problem to fester to the point where we’ve had scores of jihadists fight in Syria and Iraq, including two suicide bombers and two beheaders.
But we’ve done more than simply ignore something that threatens our physical safety.
Our cultural and political institutions have also surrendered our values, or made them seem no better than some we’ve imported so recklessly.
Just last week, the NSW Community Relations Commission chairman, Vic Alhadeff, a Jew, had to resign for simply noting Palestinian terrorists were firing rockets at Israeli civilians, and Israel would naturally “do whatever is needed to defend its citizens”.
Yes, supporting a Western democracy against an Islamist terrorist tyranny now makes you unfit to foster proper community relations.
Sick, but what undid Alhadeff were the greatest viruses weakening our defence of Western culture — demographics and the cheapest form of democracy.
Import people and you import a culture. You also import voters, and Muslims now outnumber Jews here by five to one.
And look where those voters are — in the lap of a Labor Party now so debased that it will sell out our civilisation for seats.
Labor frontbencher Tony Burke, for instance, represents the Sydney seat of Watson, which now has an astonishing 20 per cent of Muslim voters. In fact, of the 20 seats with the most Muslim voters, many in western Sydney, Labor holds all but one.
It shows. Two years ago, the Gillard government dropped support for Israel in the United Nations after foreign minister Bob Carr spent an hour with prime minister Julia Gillard, as The Australian reported, “explaining the electoral problems in Sydney”.
Added The Sydney Morning Herald: “Many MPs in western Sydney, who are already fearful of losing their seats, are coming under pressure from constituents with a Middle East background.”
Last September, the Mufti of Australia even wrote to Labor members warning that union boss Paul Howe had a “bias” towards Israel, and if he became a senator, Labor would lose the Muslim votes that helped “successfully retain the majority of ALP seats in Western Sydney”. Howes was stopped.
On the weekend came even more startling claims — that the Gillard government downplayed a report warning that homegrown jihadists returning from foreign fights could launch serious attacks in Australia.
Former judge Anthony Whealy QC chaired a 2013 counterterrorism review and said Labor sat on his report for two months before quietly tabling it on Budget night last year, when the media was too busy to notice.
Whealy’s report warned of exactly the threat the Abbott Government is now trying to counter, suggesting laws to force people returning from Syria and Iraq, for instance, to explain exactly what they’d been doing.
Whealy says “the response from the previous government you would have to say was slow”, but is Opposition Leader Bill Shorten embarrassed? Hell, no.
He’s still protecting Labor votes by talking out of both sides of his mouth, saying yes, something needs to be done about extremists, but no, the Government risks demonising innocent people.
Meanwhile, his party continues to appease what should be resisted.
The NSW Labor Conference a week ago overwhelmingly approved a motion criticising Israel more than Gaza over the current war.
It even warned Israel that if it “continues to build and expand settlements”, Labor would punish it by pushing for “recognition of the Palestinian state” — handing victory to the Hamas terrorists, from whom nothing of any consequence was demanded in exchange.
How Labor has sold its soul — and sold out our values and allies.
But Labor’s Muslim voters should be pleased. I can hear them in Lakemba — represented in Parliament by Tony Burke — already chanting:
From Lakemba to Gaza
One call “khalifa”.
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
August 4 2014
Andrew Bolt and Miranda Devine speak up for Israel and Christians in Iraq
A COUPLE of hundred men marched past the Lakemba Hotel in Sydney a week ago, chanting their support for Gaza, and with it a threat.
Here is what they shouted while waving black flags of jihad — and pray Labor finally listens:
Palestine is Muslim land
The solution is Jihad ...
You can never stop Islam
From Australia to al Sham (Syria)
One umma (Muslim community) hand in hand
From Lakemba to Gaza
One call “khalifa” (Caliphate)
That chant is a wake-up for a political class now too cowed or craven to judge between the civilised and the primitive.
Yes, we really do now have hundreds of people who feel free to demonstrate a common cause with terrorists waging the most hideous wars in Gaza, Syria and Iraq.
I can hear the usual “but but but” already, as in: but you’re ignoring that most Muslims are peace-loving, and saying such things risks alienating them or encouraging racists.
And there’s truth to that, which is why we’ve left the problem to fester to the point where we’ve had scores of jihadists fight in Syria and Iraq, including two suicide bombers and two beheaders.
But we’ve done more than simply ignore something that threatens our physical safety.
Our cultural and political institutions have also surrendered our values, or made them seem no better than some we’ve imported so recklessly.
Just last week, the NSW Community Relations Commission chairman, Vic Alhadeff, a Jew, had to resign for simply noting Palestinian terrorists were firing rockets at Israeli civilians, and Israel would naturally “do whatever is needed to defend its citizens”.
Yes, supporting a Western democracy against an Islamist terrorist tyranny now makes you unfit to foster proper community relations.
Sick, but what undid Alhadeff were the greatest viruses weakening our defence of Western culture — demographics and the cheapest form of democracy.
Import people and you import a culture. You also import voters, and Muslims now outnumber Jews here by five to one.
And look where those voters are — in the lap of a Labor Party now so debased that it will sell out our civilisation for seats.
Labor frontbencher Tony Burke, for instance, represents the Sydney seat of Watson, which now has an astonishing 20 per cent of Muslim voters. In fact, of the 20 seats with the most Muslim voters, many in western Sydney, Labor holds all but one.
It shows. Two years ago, the Gillard government dropped support for Israel in the United Nations after foreign minister Bob Carr spent an hour with prime minister Julia Gillard, as The Australian reported, “explaining the electoral problems in Sydney”.
Added The Sydney Morning Herald: “Many MPs in western Sydney, who are already fearful of losing their seats, are coming under pressure from constituents with a Middle East background.”
Last September, the Mufti of Australia even wrote to Labor members warning that union boss Paul Howe had a “bias” towards Israel, and if he became a senator, Labor would lose the Muslim votes that helped “successfully retain the majority of ALP seats in Western Sydney”. Howes was stopped.
On the weekend came even more startling claims — that the Gillard government downplayed a report warning that homegrown jihadists returning from foreign fights could launch serious attacks in Australia.
Former judge Anthony Whealy QC chaired a 2013 counterterrorism review and said Labor sat on his report for two months before quietly tabling it on Budget night last year, when the media was too busy to notice.
Whealy’s report warned of exactly the threat the Abbott Government is now trying to counter, suggesting laws to force people returning from Syria and Iraq, for instance, to explain exactly what they’d been doing.
Whealy says “the response from the previous government you would have to say was slow”, but is Opposition Leader Bill Shorten embarrassed? Hell, no.
He’s still protecting Labor votes by talking out of both sides of his mouth, saying yes, something needs to be done about extremists, but no, the Government risks demonising innocent people.
Meanwhile, his party continues to appease what should be resisted.
The NSW Labor Conference a week ago overwhelmingly approved a motion criticising Israel more than Gaza over the current war.
It even warned Israel that if it “continues to build and expand settlements”, Labor would punish it by pushing for “recognition of the Palestinian state” — handing victory to the Hamas terrorists, from whom nothing of any consequence was demanded in exchange.
How Labor has sold its soul — and sold out our values and allies.
But Labor’s Muslim voters should be pleased. I can hear them in Lakemba — represented in Parliament by Tony Burke — already chanting:
From Lakemba to Gaza
One call “khalifa”.
Sunday, August 03, 2014
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Kevin Rudd Gives away $75 million to Gazan Islamic terrorists and their supporters
Rudd hands another $20m to Gaza recovery
February 28, 2009 10:44pm
THE federal government will give a further $20 million to help with the recovery and reconstruction of Gaza.
The new funding is an addition to $10 million provided in January for emergency and humanitarian relief through United Nations and international and Australian non-governmental organisations.
A 22-day Israeli offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip ended on January 18 after causing massive devastation and killing more than 1300 Palestinians.
It's not funny you moron!!!!!
Please, someone tell this arse clown idiot in search of a village, Australian Prime Minister, to stop giving away millions upon millions of Australian Taxpayers hard earned money to United Nations sponsored Muslim Terrorists and their Muslim supporters.
Australians are dieing in hospitals because of inadequate treatment due to staff and equipment shortages,Australian women are delivering their own dead babies into toilet bowls alone after been told to squat on waiting room floors until they can be attended to, all this is happening in the middle of Sydney,as Labor's Medi DONT Care health system rots away before their eyes, and this GOOSE, this incompetent FOOL gives away $75 Million to people who HATE our GUTS and have sworn to eliminate "Infidels" like us, ie anyone who is not a Muslim, from the planet
God Help us!!!
See how Australian Taxpayers hard earned money is used
Rudd's Messiah President Obama has promised $900 million of US taxpayers moneyto help theses savages re arm and re supply
In a statement released by Foreign Minister Stephen Smith's office on Saturday, it was announced the new funding will be committed at an international donors conference on the recovery of Gaza in Egypt on Monday.
Assessments of damage to infrastructure in Gaza are continuing, the statement said.
United Nations agencies report widespread damage to vital infrastructure, resulting in a lack of shelter and energy, deterioration of water and sanitation services and overcrowding.
It is estimated 100,000 people are displaced and living in shelters.
The Australian government has committed $75 million to the Palestinian territories since December 2007.
More of the infamous members of the Religion of PEACE and what Australian Taxes are funding
February 28, 2009 10:44pm
THE federal government will give a further $20 million to help with the recovery and reconstruction of Gaza.
The new funding is an addition to $10 million provided in January for emergency and humanitarian relief through United Nations and international and Australian non-governmental organisations.
A 22-day Israeli offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip ended on January 18 after causing massive devastation and killing more than 1300 Palestinians.

Please, someone tell this arse clown idiot in search of a village, Australian Prime Minister, to stop giving away millions upon millions of Australian Taxpayers hard earned money to United Nations sponsored Muslim Terrorists and their Muslim supporters.
Australians are dieing in hospitals because of inadequate treatment due to staff and equipment shortages,Australian women are delivering their own dead babies into toilet bowls alone after been told to squat on waiting room floors until they can be attended to, all this is happening in the middle of Sydney,as Labor's Medi DONT Care health system rots away before their eyes, and this GOOSE, this incompetent FOOL gives away $75 Million to people who HATE our GUTS and have sworn to eliminate "Infidels" like us, ie anyone who is not a Muslim, from the planet
God Help us!!!
See how Australian Taxpayers hard earned money is used
Rudd's Messiah President Obama has promised $900 million of US taxpayers moneyto help theses savages re arm and re supply
In a statement released by Foreign Minister Stephen Smith's office on Saturday, it was announced the new funding will be committed at an international donors conference on the recovery of Gaza in Egypt on Monday.
Assessments of damage to infrastructure in Gaza are continuing, the statement said.
United Nations agencies report widespread damage to vital infrastructure, resulting in a lack of shelter and energy, deterioration of water and sanitation services and overcrowding.
It is estimated 100,000 people are displaced and living in shelters.
The Australian government has committed $75 million to the Palestinian territories since December 2007.
More of the infamous members of the Religion of PEACE and what Australian Taxes are funding
Kevin Rudd,
united nations
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Gaza: United Nations retracts School Bombing LIE
Hey how about this, the United Nations LIED who would have thought such a thing possible from the International Socialist ?
Ok picture this, you run a school in an area where Islamic terrorist and assassins, are hiding, some of these terrorists and assassins are killed by the Israeli offensive, why would you then release a press statement to the worlds fawning media that the children inside your school were KILLED as a result of Israel hunting down and killing the Islamic terrorists and assassins?
The United Nations are now saying they were in error in their initial press release, that they now know NO children were killed in their school as a result of the Israeli's hunting down and killing Islamic terrorists and assassins.
If I ran a school, indeed If I was the maintenance man in a school, I am sure I would notice if there were DEAD children littered throughout my school, I would not need a month to decide if there were in fact DEAD children inside my school or not.
But hey that's just me, who am I to question the cognitive and perceptual abilities of those all knowing all wise United Nations carers and sharers, but hey what a great headline it was:
Ok picture this, you run a school in an area where Islamic terrorist and assassins, are hiding, some of these terrorists and assassins are killed by the Israeli offensive, why would you then release a press statement to the worlds fawning media that the children inside your school were KILLED as a result of Israel hunting down and killing the Islamic terrorists and assassins?
The United Nations are now saying they were in error in their initial press release, that they now know NO children were killed in their school as a result of the Israeli's hunting down and killing Islamic terrorists and assassins.
If I ran a school, indeed If I was the maintenance man in a school, I am sure I would notice if there were DEAD children littered throughout my school, I would not need a month to decide if there were in fact DEAD children inside my school or not.
But hey that's just me, who am I to question the cognitive and perceptual abilities of those all knowing all wise United Nations carers and sharers, but hey what a great headline it was:
"UN School bombed by Israel, children killed"
Yeah that's much better PR for your partners in crime than:
"Israel kills Islamic terrorists and assassin's"
"Israel kills Islamic terrorists and assassin's"
Friday, February 06, 2009
Hamas caught with $15million in cash at Rafah border
Hamas negotiators stopped with suitcases stuffed with $15m
February 6, 2009 - 6:09AM
Hamas negotiators left Egypt without a long-term ceasefire with Israel on Thursday - but not before some members of the militant group's delegation were stopped at the Gaza border with millions in cash.
The delegation walked away from the ceasefire talks because of disagreements over the blockage on Gaza, and over border security, but talks will continue at a later date. Egypt had set Thursday as an expected date for reaching a long-term truce deal.
An Egyptian security official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media, said the group initially refused to be searched by Egyptian authorities at the Rafah border crossing. When the group relented, authorities found $US7 million ($10.9 million) and 2 million euro ($4 million) in cash in their suitcases. Another security official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said $US9 million and 2 million euro were found. The discrepancy could not be immediately explained.
The money was later deposited in an account in Egypt by a Hamas member who stayed behind while the rest of the delegation was allowed to return to Gaza, the second security official said. It was not clear what would happen to the money.
There was no immediate comment from Hamas.
The incident is a sensitive one for Egypt, particularly now when Israel is demanding a halt to Hamas smuggling into Gaza as part of truce negotiations. Israel complains that Hamas - which gets funding from Iran, Syria and donations from supporters - smuggles money and weapons through Egypt into the Gaza Strip.
Mostly the smuggling is done through tunnels at the border. But in the past - before border crossings were tightly sealed in 2007 - Hamas officials had brought in cash as well. In 2006, a senior Hamas official bragged about successfully carrying $42 million across the border.
Arab banks have generally refused to transfer money to Gaza for fear of running afoul of the United States, which considers Hamas a terrorist organisation. The money has helped keep afloat the Hamas government, which is generally shunned by foreign governments.
Israel and Hamas do not talk directly, so Egypt has been mediating talks on solidifying the shaky ceasefire that went into effect on January 18, ending Israel's three-week offensive on Gaza.
But a Hamas official, Mohammed Nasr, said Thursday that differences over opening the border crossings into Gaza were preventing the deal. Nasr was part of the negotiating team that left Cairo, but he is from the Syria arm of Hamas and not the group returning to Gaza.
Hamas demands that any truce include the full opening of borders into Gaza, which Israel and Egypt have largely kept sealed since Hamas seized control of the territory from Palestinian rivals Fatah in 2007. Hamas also wants a role in administering the border crossings in recognition of its power in Gaza.
Israel says it won't ease the blockade of the densely populated and impoverished coastal strip without international guarantees
Hamas will be prevented from smuggling more weapons into Gaza. It does not want Hamas to have a role in controlling Gaza's border crossings.
Nasr said smuggling would only stop if the borders were open.
"The main point revolves around us getting a clear and honest commitment to lift the blockade completely. We still didn't get that,"
Nasr told The Associated Press before leaving to Damascus. "We have no agreement until we have an agreement on everything."
The deputy head of Hamas, Moussa Abo Marzouk, told the AP by telephone from Damascus that talks have failed so far because of what he called "Israeli stubbornness and setting new conditions at each stage".
He said Israel said it would open the crossings by 70 per cent without giving Hamas details how this percentage would be defined.
Nasr said his group is expecting answers from the Israelis on the border issue. His comments came as Israel's point man on the negotiations arrived in Egypt for talks.
February 6, 2009 - 6:09AM
Hamas negotiators left Egypt without a long-term ceasefire with Israel on Thursday - but not before some members of the militant group's delegation were stopped at the Gaza border with millions in cash.
The delegation walked away from the ceasefire talks because of disagreements over the blockage on Gaza, and over border security, but talks will continue at a later date. Egypt had set Thursday as an expected date for reaching a long-term truce deal.
An Egyptian security official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media, said the group initially refused to be searched by Egyptian authorities at the Rafah border crossing. When the group relented, authorities found $US7 million ($10.9 million) and 2 million euro ($4 million) in cash in their suitcases. Another security official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said $US9 million and 2 million euro were found. The discrepancy could not be immediately explained.
The money was later deposited in an account in Egypt by a Hamas member who stayed behind while the rest of the delegation was allowed to return to Gaza, the second security official said. It was not clear what would happen to the money.
There was no immediate comment from Hamas.
The incident is a sensitive one for Egypt, particularly now when Israel is demanding a halt to Hamas smuggling into Gaza as part of truce negotiations. Israel complains that Hamas - which gets funding from Iran, Syria and donations from supporters - smuggles money and weapons through Egypt into the Gaza Strip.
Mostly the smuggling is done through tunnels at the border. But in the past - before border crossings were tightly sealed in 2007 - Hamas officials had brought in cash as well. In 2006, a senior Hamas official bragged about successfully carrying $42 million across the border.
Arab banks have generally refused to transfer money to Gaza for fear of running afoul of the United States, which considers Hamas a terrorist organisation. The money has helped keep afloat the Hamas government, which is generally shunned by foreign governments.
Israel and Hamas do not talk directly, so Egypt has been mediating talks on solidifying the shaky ceasefire that went into effect on January 18, ending Israel's three-week offensive on Gaza.
But a Hamas official, Mohammed Nasr, said Thursday that differences over opening the border crossings into Gaza were preventing the deal. Nasr was part of the negotiating team that left Cairo, but he is from the Syria arm of Hamas and not the group returning to Gaza.
Hamas demands that any truce include the full opening of borders into Gaza, which Israel and Egypt have largely kept sealed since Hamas seized control of the territory from Palestinian rivals Fatah in 2007. Hamas also wants a role in administering the border crossings in recognition of its power in Gaza.
Israel says it won't ease the blockade of the densely populated and impoverished coastal strip without international guarantees
Hamas will be prevented from smuggling more weapons into Gaza. It does not want Hamas to have a role in controlling Gaza's border crossings.
Nasr said smuggling would only stop if the borders were open.
"The main point revolves around us getting a clear and honest commitment to lift the blockade completely. We still didn't get that,"
Nasr told The Associated Press before leaving to Damascus. "We have no agreement until we have an agreement on everything."
The deputy head of Hamas, Moussa Abo Marzouk, told the AP by telephone from Damascus that talks have failed so far because of what he called "Israeli stubbornness and setting new conditions at each stage".
He said Israel said it would open the crossings by 70 per cent without giving Hamas details how this percentage would be defined.
Nasr said his group is expecting answers from the Israelis on the border issue. His comments came as Israel's point man on the negotiations arrived in Egypt for talks.
Islamic Sociopaths Inc.,
Mohammed Nasr,
Rafah border crossing
Monday, January 19, 2009
Iranian Hamas connection
Islamic Sociopaths Inc.,
Islamic Terrorism,
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Protesters target cafe in Gaza row
By EVAN HARDING and DYLAN THORNE - The Southland Times
Stuff.co.nz Saturday, 17 January 2009
Protesters took to the streets of Invercargill yesterday, targeting a city cafe that is refusing to serve Israeli nationals.

About 15 placard-waving protesters stood opposite the Mevlana Cafe in Esk St at lunchtime chanting "Kiwis don't discriminate, Kiwis don't give in to hate". The words were aimed at cafe owners Mustafa and Joanne Tekinkaya, who ordered Israeli sisters Natalie Bennie and Tamara Shefa out of their cafe on Wednesday because of their nationality.
The Tekinkayas said they would not serve any Israelis in their cafe until Israel stopped killing innocent women and children on the Gaza Strip. The protesters said they were taking the peaceful protest action against the cafe owners because they had subjected the Israeli sisters to hate and discrimination, which was unfair, heavy-handed and unacceptable in New Zealand. Five hours after the protest action took place, Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully said he was disappointed to read what had happened to the two Israeli women.
Responding to calls by the Israeli ambassador for the Government to take action, Mr McCully told The Southland Times people had very strong views on the situation in the Middle East. "But it's to be hoped that this sort of thing isn't to be imported into New Zealand." He would not answer further questions on the issue. One of the Esk St protesters, Anna Chilton, who is of Jewish descent, said the cafe owners had been heavy-handed towards the women. "It is inappropriate and embarrassing for Invercargill and New Zealand. It's a nationwide racist embarrassment," she said. Emily Beale, of Invercargill, said the cafe owners had brought the war to Invercargill. "We are against the war as well but don't bring it here, don't discriminate."
Standing outside the cafe, on the other side of the road from the protesters, Carl and Racheal Goldsmith and son Dante O'Kane were staging a protest of their own against Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Mrs Goldsmith, who said they were anti-war but not anti-Israel, said she had always wanted to protest against the conflict in Gaza but had needed a catalyst. She did not necessarily support the stance taken by the cafe owners in refusing to serve Israelis but said she supported their point. "I think it's a much wider issue (than discrimination)." She knew what it was like to lose a child, she said. "It doesn't matter what country it's in, it's still tragic."
Several people being served at the Mevlana Cafe said the cafe owner was standing up for what he believed in. Robert Guyton, of Riverton, said Mr Tekinkaya felt passionately about the death of innocent women and children and "who could blame him?" He added he empathised with the two Israeli women ordered out of the cafe.
Cafe owner Mustafa Tekinkaya, a Turkish Muslim, has said throughout this week his actions had nothing to do with racism. He declined to comment on the protest action taken against him, but pointed to a sign on his shop window, which said "Stop the War". "That's what it's all about," Mr Tekinkaya said.
Turkish Kebabs, also in Esk St, said on Wednesday it, too, would not serve Israelis until the war stopped. However, A La Turka, the Turkish Kebab House in Dee St, had a sign on its window yesterday saying everyone was welcome.
Its a Turkish thing: Turkish Jewish community is in doubt
Mein Kampf sales soar in Turkey
Mein Kampf, the book Hitler wrote in prison before he rose to power in 1933, has become a bestseller in Turkey, provoking consternation. The dreams of creating a master race are being snapped up by young Turks. Its publishers believe that more than 100,000 copies have been sold in the past two months. Its sudden appeal has alarmed Turkey's Jewish community and is causing concern in the EU. A German diplomat said its success "might not give the right signals" to Europeans in advance of Turkey's opening accession talks in October. Full story here at the Guardian

More on the IslamoNazi "Love affair" at Islams finest on parade in Toronto
By EVAN HARDING and DYLAN THORNE - The Southland Times
Stuff.co.nz Saturday, 17 January 2009
Protesters took to the streets of Invercargill yesterday, targeting a city cafe that is refusing to serve Israeli nationals.

About 15 placard-waving protesters stood opposite the Mevlana Cafe in Esk St at lunchtime chanting "Kiwis don't discriminate, Kiwis don't give in to hate". The words were aimed at cafe owners Mustafa and Joanne Tekinkaya, who ordered Israeli sisters Natalie Bennie and Tamara Shefa out of their cafe on Wednesday because of their nationality.
The Tekinkayas said they would not serve any Israelis in their cafe until Israel stopped killing innocent women and children on the Gaza Strip. The protesters said they were taking the peaceful protest action against the cafe owners because they had subjected the Israeli sisters to hate and discrimination, which was unfair, heavy-handed and unacceptable in New Zealand. Five hours after the protest action took place, Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully said he was disappointed to read what had happened to the two Israeli women.
Responding to calls by the Israeli ambassador for the Government to take action, Mr McCully told The Southland Times people had very strong views on the situation in the Middle East. "But it's to be hoped that this sort of thing isn't to be imported into New Zealand." He would not answer further questions on the issue. One of the Esk St protesters, Anna Chilton, who is of Jewish descent, said the cafe owners had been heavy-handed towards the women. "It is inappropriate and embarrassing for Invercargill and New Zealand. It's a nationwide racist embarrassment," she said. Emily Beale, of Invercargill, said the cafe owners had brought the war to Invercargill. "We are against the war as well but don't bring it here, don't discriminate."
Standing outside the cafe, on the other side of the road from the protesters, Carl and Racheal Goldsmith and son Dante O'Kane were staging a protest of their own against Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Mrs Goldsmith, who said they were anti-war but not anti-Israel, said she had always wanted to protest against the conflict in Gaza but had needed a catalyst. She did not necessarily support the stance taken by the cafe owners in refusing to serve Israelis but said she supported their point. "I think it's a much wider issue (than discrimination)." She knew what it was like to lose a child, she said. "It doesn't matter what country it's in, it's still tragic."
Several people being served at the Mevlana Cafe said the cafe owner was standing up for what he believed in. Robert Guyton, of Riverton, said Mr Tekinkaya felt passionately about the death of innocent women and children and "who could blame him?" He added he empathised with the two Israeli women ordered out of the cafe.
Cafe owner Mustafa Tekinkaya, a Turkish Muslim, has said throughout this week his actions had nothing to do with racism. He declined to comment on the protest action taken against him, but pointed to a sign on his shop window, which said "Stop the War". "That's what it's all about," Mr Tekinkaya said.
Turkish Kebabs, also in Esk St, said on Wednesday it, too, would not serve Israelis until the war stopped. However, A La Turka, the Turkish Kebab House in Dee St, had a sign on its window yesterday saying everyone was welcome.
Its a Turkish thing: Turkish Jewish community is in doubt
Mein Kampf sales soar in Turkey
Mein Kampf, the book Hitler wrote in prison before he rose to power in 1933, has become a bestseller in Turkey, provoking consternation. The dreams of creating a master race are being snapped up by young Turks. Its publishers believe that more than 100,000 copies have been sold in the past two months. Its sudden appeal has alarmed Turkey's Jewish community and is causing concern in the EU. A German diplomat said its success "might not give the right signals" to Europeans in advance of Turkey's opening accession talks in October. Full story here at the Guardian

More on the IslamoNazi "Love affair" at Islams finest on parade in Toronto
"Stop the War". "That's what it's all about," Mr Tekinkaya said.
"One woman I didn't serve made huge noise. I love it, I love it - it's how I want it to be."
Friday, January 16, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thousands rally for Israel world wide
Support for Israel grows world wide
Towards the end of this video you will see the "usual suspects" aka "Pious Peace Loving Muslims" and their supporters, engaged in their usual rants and acts of urban terrorism, their behavior is in stark contrast to the behavior of the Jews and their supporters, a classic case of Garbage IN Garbage OUT, clearly exposure to the "Holy Koran" does have some rather un Godly consequences, unbridled blood lusting savagery been just one.
Former British PM Tony Blair was reported as saying the other day, that he reads the Koran daily and can understand how Islam became such a civilizing influence on the world,based on the behavior,writings and verbalised threats to mankind by Islams finest, almost 24/7 clearly the definition of civilizing has changed, to this day surely it cannot be argued that the Islamic nations are leaders in the subjugation of men and women and the greatest oppressors of mankind leaving Communist / Socialist nations green with envy.
I believe that Mr Blair is now some sort of Middle Eastern liaison officer, (Islam apologist ?) perhaps that's why he is reading the Koran in an effort to get some street cred with Islamic Mobsters he has deal with
Thousands world wide rally for Israel
Towards the end of this video you will see the "usual suspects" aka "Pious Peace Loving Muslims" and their supporters, engaged in their usual rants and acts of urban terrorism, their behavior is in stark contrast to the behavior of the Jews and their supporters, a classic case of Garbage IN Garbage OUT, clearly exposure to the "Holy Koran" does have some rather un Godly consequences, unbridled blood lusting savagery been just one.
Former British PM Tony Blair was reported as saying the other day, that he reads the Koran daily and can understand how Islam became such a civilizing influence on the world,based on the behavior,writings and verbalised threats to mankind by Islams finest, almost 24/7 clearly the definition of civilizing has changed, to this day surely it cannot be argued that the Islamic nations are leaders in the subjugation of men and women and the greatest oppressors of mankind leaving Communist / Socialist nations green with envy.
I believe that Mr Blair is now some sort of Middle Eastern liaison officer, (Islam apologist ?) perhaps that's why he is reading the Koran in an effort to get some street cred with Islamic Mobsters he has deal with
Muslim child abuse caught on camera
In any other culture or "Religious" organization what you are about to view, would, rightly be called Child Abuse and condemned by all,including those self appointed arse clowns down at the United Nations.
However they and the rest of the International Socialist movement are silent when this Child Abuse is perpetrated by their long standing Allys and soul mates in Islam, in this example of Islamic mental and physical child abuse,the leftist chic Islamic Terrorist's of choice,Hamas show the world what been a "good peace loving Muslim" is all about,after all as we are all constantly reminded,under threat of death,Islam is a "Religion of Peace" and what better way to produce "Peace Loving" Muslims than to inculcate the following values and beliefs in the minds of Islamic children.
However they and the rest of the International Socialist movement are silent when this Child Abuse is perpetrated by their long standing Allys and soul mates in Islam, in this example of Islamic mental and physical child abuse,the leftist chic Islamic Terrorist's of choice,Hamas show the world what been a "good peace loving Muslim" is all about,after all as we are all constantly reminded,under threat of death,Islam is a "Religion of Peace" and what better way to produce "Peace Loving" Muslims than to inculcate the following values and beliefs in the minds of Islamic children.
Islamic Child abuse,
Islamic Terrorists
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Islam,"The Religion of Peace" and the Godless blood lusting savages who are it's followers
"Rats in the Silo" Islams 5th column come out to demonstrate their support for Islamic terrorism and the destruction of Israel.
Los Angeles:
"Long Live Hitler, Put Jews in Ovens"
Via Atlas Shrugs, London.
London: Islamic Zoo,Terror Supporters erupt.
Islamic Sociopaths Inc.,
Islamic Terrorism
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Hamas Terror supporters hold candle light vigil, in Australia's capitol, Canberra.
Thousands of candles lit in Gaza vigil
January 10, 2009 08:29pm
MORE than 4000 candles in white paper bags have been lit on the front lawn outside Parliament House in Canberra as part of a vigil against the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Religious leaders from the Islamic, Catholic, Anglican and Uniting faiths were also present to show their solidarity and support for peace in the Middle East region.
The paper bags were carefully laid out across the lawn to spell out both English and Arabic translations of the words, "Save Gaza Now".
The display's artist, Jorge Pujol, designed the Sorry, the First Step display after last year's historic apology to Indigenous Australians by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
“The candle message is pretty much a silent message. It's a message of light,” Keysar Trad, from the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, told the gathering.
“We are lighting candles to bring about light, dissipate this evil of destruction.”
The vigil concludes a day of protests in Canberra over the conflict.
Australian Terror supporters Rally in Canberra 1
Australian Terror supporters Rally in Canberra 2
Australian Terror supporters Rally in Canberra 3
Australia's useful idiots have no limit to their idiocy and confected compassion,the usual parade of unelected,school teachers,'students",public servants,carers and sharers,the unemployable,publicly funded parasites, Union officials, Union members, and other assorted leftists, and free loading God Botherer's with clearly, not much to do today.
Under the ever present main stream, pro Hamas media eye, they cried on cue and shouted for the destruction of Israel in their quest for "peace" in a way that only Islamist's aka members of the "Religion of Peace" and their adoring new age Christian / atheist fan club can,
Ingratiating themselves to Australia's imported and purpose home bred Islamic Terrorist's and terrorism supporters,members of the Religion of Peace,aka Islam, and it's two faced carpet bagger's / community leaders clearly loved every minuet of their HATE FEST,just what would these arse clowns do without Israel and the west to blame 24/7 for every hurt they feel?
I can only assume they believe that they will in exchange for their betrayal of Australia they will be spared their lives should the Mongrel Dog of Islam take over here in Australia as it has in Gaza, why else would "Catholic, Anglican and Uniting faith" and other sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome, make such unashamed arse clowns of themselves by this Curr like behavior? when Australians who feel their only chance of survival and to appease Islams Satanic Beast,is to jump into bed with Islamic Terrorists and their Australian based representatives,all those who fought and died for us must be wondering why the hell they bothered.
I wonder just how many of these new age God loving "Christians" and atheist's live in Sydney's occupied territories in the south western Sydney suburbs with the Godless savages they marched with today.
January 10, 2009 08:29pm
MORE than 4000 candles in white paper bags have been lit on the front lawn outside Parliament House in Canberra as part of a vigil against the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Religious leaders from the Islamic, Catholic, Anglican and Uniting faiths were also present to show their solidarity and support for peace in the Middle East region.
The paper bags were carefully laid out across the lawn to spell out both English and Arabic translations of the words, "Save Gaza Now".
The display's artist, Jorge Pujol, designed the Sorry, the First Step display after last year's historic apology to Indigenous Australians by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
“The candle message is pretty much a silent message. It's a message of light,” Keysar Trad, from the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, told the gathering.
“We are lighting candles to bring about light, dissipate this evil of destruction.”
The vigil concludes a day of protests in Canberra over the conflict.
Australian Terror supporters Rally in Canberra 1
Australian Terror supporters Rally in Canberra 2
Australian Terror supporters Rally in Canberra 3
Australia's useful idiots have no limit to their idiocy and confected compassion,the usual parade of unelected,school teachers,'students",public servants,carers and sharers,the unemployable,publicly funded parasites, Union officials, Union members, and other assorted leftists, and free loading God Botherer's with clearly, not much to do today.
Under the ever present main stream, pro Hamas media eye, they cried on cue and shouted for the destruction of Israel in their quest for "peace" in a way that only Islamist's aka members of the "Religion of Peace" and their adoring new age Christian / atheist fan club can,
Ingratiating themselves to Australia's imported and purpose home bred Islamic Terrorist's and terrorism supporters,members of the Religion of Peace,aka Islam, and it's two faced carpet bagger's / community leaders clearly loved every minuet of their HATE FEST,just what would these arse clowns do without Israel and the west to blame 24/7 for every hurt they feel?
I can only assume they believe that they will in exchange for their betrayal of Australia they will be spared their lives should the Mongrel Dog of Islam take over here in Australia as it has in Gaza, why else would "Catholic, Anglican and Uniting faith" and other sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome, make such unashamed arse clowns of themselves by this Curr like behavior? when Australians who feel their only chance of survival and to appease Islams Satanic Beast,is to jump into bed with Islamic Terrorists and their Australian based representatives,all those who fought and died for us must be wondering why the hell they bothered.
I wonder just how many of these new age God loving "Christians" and atheist's live in Sydney's occupied territories in the south western Sydney suburbs with the Godless savages they marched with today.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Hamas Childrens TV Islams maddest of Dogs on Parade
Hamas feeding kids a TV diet of hatred
Piers Akerman
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 06:37pm
ISRAEL’S Operation Cast Lead is unfolding like a familiar soap opera on the nightly news.
A series of Palestinian terrorists making blood-curdling threats against Israelis, a hail of missiles aimed at Israeli civilian targets, retaliatory strikes against the terrorists - who unfailingly seek to shelter behind innocent civilians - followed by scenes of weeping parents at crowded hospitals.
It is a plot line designed to soften the hardest heart. Unfortunately, those who buy the tear-jerking material unquestioningly are being duped.
No one, let alone a parent raised in a Western culture, could imagine placing children directly in harm’s way or encouraging impressionable infants to worship death but that is what the thugs and murderers responsible for the slaughter in Gaza have been doing.
It is an Islamist thing and Palestinian TV, often subsidised by the United Nations and European Union, is full of it.
In regular drama directed at kindergarten-aged children, children are taught that martyrdom is a beautiful state to aspire to, that suicide bombers are heroes and heroines and that even cartoon characters can sing and dance and murder their way into paradise.
Palestinian Media Watch and the Middle East Media Research Institute have been documenting this extraordinary perversion in recent years.
Among the scripts translated from Arabic is a cute story of the four-year-old daughter of female suicide bomber Reem Riyashi, shown singing to her dead mother and swearing to follow in her explosive footsteps. The video clip, aired on Hamas TV, depicts the little child asking her mother what she is carrying (it is explosives) and why she is putting on a hijab. All is made clear when the local newspaper (and headstone) reveals that mummy dearest was no soccer-mum but indeed a bomber-mum.
“Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now, I know what was more precious than us . . . may your steps be blessed,” the little girl sings.
“Send greetings to our Messenger (Mohammed) and tell him: ‘Duha loves you.’ My love will not be (merely) words. I am following Mummy in her steps.”
At which point she finds some explosives her bomb-loving mum left in a drawer and picks up a stick, happily singing: “Oh Mummy, Oh Mummy.”
Don’t think this is some aberration. Abhorrent agitprop is the currency of Palestinian children’s television programming, with even cartoon characters depicting martyrdom as a highly desirable goal.
In a regular show on Hamas TV early last year, giant rabbit “Assud” replaced his brother “Nahoul” - a giant bee who had died after failing to get into hospital in Egypt for surgery.
Assud told his young audience: “We are all ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our homeland. We will sacrifice our souls and everything we own for the homeland”, vowing also to “get rid of the Jews and eat them up”.
Regular viewers would recall Nahoul himself replaced “Farfour”, the Hamas mouse who was shown being “killed” on the show by an Israeli soldier in 2007.
Farfour Martyred Mouse
As the young female host Saraa Bahoum told her audience: “Yes, my dear children, we have lost our dearest friend Farfour. Farfour was martyred while defending his land, the land of his fathers and forefathers. He was martyred at the hand of criminals, the murderers, the murderers of innocent children who killed Iman Hijo, Muhammed Al-Dura and many others.”
The martyred mouse was more likely a victim of copyright lawyers who saw too close a resemblance to Disney’s Mickey Mouse but that wasn’t in the script.
The bee made that clear when he said: “I want to continue in the path of Farfour - the path of Islam, of heroism, of martyrdom, of the mujahidin. Me and my friends will follow in the footsteps of Farfour. We will take revenge upon the enemies of Allah, the killer of the prophets and of the innocent children, until we liberate Al-Aqsa from their impurity. We place our trust in Allah.”
Hamas Bee replaces Hamas Mouse
Indoctrinating children to become suicide bombers and human shields is a declared goal of Hamas, as Fathi Hamad, a representative of the terrorist organisation, proudly told the Palestine Authority Legislative Council last year.
“For the Palestinian people death became an industry at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel and the children excel,” Hamad said.
“Accordingly (Palestinians) created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: ‘We desire death as you desire life’.”
To ensure that the “death industry” doesn’t experience a slow-down, Hamas has placed its fighters in civilian homes, schools and hospitals.
It would be inhuman in the extreme not to feel sympathy for the children being used in this callous manner but it would be unintelligent not to ask why those who are exploiting them are not being called to account.
Hamas Bee
Pioneers of Tomorrow Hamas Bunny
Gaza Children Play Hamas Fatah
Basmallah From Saudi TV Apes & Pigs
Hamas Women suicide bombers
Hamas Bombs more precious than children
Piers Akerman
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 06:37pm
ISRAEL’S Operation Cast Lead is unfolding like a familiar soap opera on the nightly news.
A series of Palestinian terrorists making blood-curdling threats against Israelis, a hail of missiles aimed at Israeli civilian targets, retaliatory strikes against the terrorists - who unfailingly seek to shelter behind innocent civilians - followed by scenes of weeping parents at crowded hospitals.
It is a plot line designed to soften the hardest heart. Unfortunately, those who buy the tear-jerking material unquestioningly are being duped.
No one, let alone a parent raised in a Western culture, could imagine placing children directly in harm’s way or encouraging impressionable infants to worship death but that is what the thugs and murderers responsible for the slaughter in Gaza have been doing.
It is an Islamist thing and Palestinian TV, often subsidised by the United Nations and European Union, is full of it.
In regular drama directed at kindergarten-aged children, children are taught that martyrdom is a beautiful state to aspire to, that suicide bombers are heroes and heroines and that even cartoon characters can sing and dance and murder their way into paradise.
Palestinian Media Watch and the Middle East Media Research Institute have been documenting this extraordinary perversion in recent years.
Among the scripts translated from Arabic is a cute story of the four-year-old daughter of female suicide bomber Reem Riyashi, shown singing to her dead mother and swearing to follow in her explosive footsteps. The video clip, aired on Hamas TV, depicts the little child asking her mother what she is carrying (it is explosives) and why she is putting on a hijab. All is made clear when the local newspaper (and headstone) reveals that mummy dearest was no soccer-mum but indeed a bomber-mum.
“Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now, I know what was more precious than us . . . may your steps be blessed,” the little girl sings.
“Send greetings to our Messenger (Mohammed) and tell him: ‘Duha loves you.’ My love will not be (merely) words. I am following Mummy in her steps.”
At which point she finds some explosives her bomb-loving mum left in a drawer and picks up a stick, happily singing: “Oh Mummy, Oh Mummy.”
Don’t think this is some aberration. Abhorrent agitprop is the currency of Palestinian children’s television programming, with even cartoon characters depicting martyrdom as a highly desirable goal.
In a regular show on Hamas TV early last year, giant rabbit “Assud” replaced his brother “Nahoul” - a giant bee who had died after failing to get into hospital in Egypt for surgery.
Assud told his young audience: “We are all ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our homeland. We will sacrifice our souls and everything we own for the homeland”, vowing also to “get rid of the Jews and eat them up”.
Regular viewers would recall Nahoul himself replaced “Farfour”, the Hamas mouse who was shown being “killed” on the show by an Israeli soldier in 2007.
Farfour Martyred Mouse
As the young female host Saraa Bahoum told her audience: “Yes, my dear children, we have lost our dearest friend Farfour. Farfour was martyred while defending his land, the land of his fathers and forefathers. He was martyred at the hand of criminals, the murderers, the murderers of innocent children who killed Iman Hijo, Muhammed Al-Dura and many others.”
The martyred mouse was more likely a victim of copyright lawyers who saw too close a resemblance to Disney’s Mickey Mouse but that wasn’t in the script.
The bee made that clear when he said: “I want to continue in the path of Farfour - the path of Islam, of heroism, of martyrdom, of the mujahidin. Me and my friends will follow in the footsteps of Farfour. We will take revenge upon the enemies of Allah, the killer of the prophets and of the innocent children, until we liberate Al-Aqsa from their impurity. We place our trust in Allah.”
Hamas Bee replaces Hamas Mouse
Indoctrinating children to become suicide bombers and human shields is a declared goal of Hamas, as Fathi Hamad, a representative of the terrorist organisation, proudly told the Palestine Authority Legislative Council last year.
“For the Palestinian people death became an industry at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel and the children excel,” Hamad said.
“Accordingly (Palestinians) created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: ‘We desire death as you desire life’.”
To ensure that the “death industry” doesn’t experience a slow-down, Hamas has placed its fighters in civilian homes, schools and hospitals.
It would be inhuman in the extreme not to feel sympathy for the children being used in this callous manner but it would be unintelligent not to ask why those who are exploiting them are not being called to account.
Hamas Bee
Pioneers of Tomorrow Hamas Bunny
Gaza Children Play Hamas Fatah
Basmallah From Saudi TV Apes & Pigs
Hamas Women suicide bombers
Hamas Bombs more precious than children
Garbage IN Garbage OUT
No wonder the Left and their apologists have such a long standing love affair with Islam, they have so much in common with each other, same m.o, same grab bag of lies and deceit same promises of utopia just around the corner but first you must sacrifice.... (insert cause here )
No wonder the Left and their apologists have such a long standing love affair with Islam, they have so much in common with each other, same m.o, same grab bag of lies and deceit same promises of utopia just around the corner but first you must sacrifice.... (insert cause here )
Child Martydom,
Childrens TV,
Islamic Terrorism,
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Islams Finest on Parade in Toronto
Islams Finest Terrorism supporters on Parade in Toronto Canada
This video is a few days old however the ending is in keeping with these neanderthal rock apes usual behavior when allowed to roam off the leash and says it all,in case you can't quiet understand their chanting, the "Religion of Peace" followers, peace mantra included the following:
Hamas / Islamic Terrorism supporters call for the extermination of Israel
Fort Lauderdale, Florida December 30 2008 ,
Full video of Fort Lauderdale, Islams Finest & "Peace Activists" on Parade 30 12 08
This video is a few days old however the ending is in keeping with these neanderthal rock apes usual behavior when allowed to roam off the leash and says it all,in case you can't quiet understand their chanting, the "Religion of Peace" followers, peace mantra included the following:
"Hitler Didn't Do a Good Job"
"You are the product of monkeys,You are the product of pigs!
"You are the brothers of monkeys,You are the brothers of pigs,
You are the product of monkeys,You are the product of pigs!"
(2001) From Egypt’s second most influential newspaper, Al-Akhbar. “Our thanks go to the late Hitler,who wrought in advance, the vengeance of the Palestinians upon the most despicable villains on the face of the earth. However,we rebuke Hitler for the fact
that the vengeance was insufficient.”
"You are the product of monkeys,You are the product of pigs!
"You are the brothers of monkeys,You are the brothers of pigs,
You are the product of monkeys,You are the product of pigs!"

that the vengeance was insufficient.”
"Hitler Didn't Do a Good Job" interesting chant coming from a follower of a Religion and cultural group that denies, the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews ever took place, so how many Jews do Muslims think Hitler should have slaughtered in world war two?
Mohammad Amin al-Husayni meeting with Adolf Hitler
Hitler's thoughts on Islam
“Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers—already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity!—then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism,that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone.
Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world.Christianity alone prevented them from doing so.”
-Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 667
The Nazi's were joined by the Muslims in WW 2 in their attempts to eliminate the Jewish people, the Nazi's are no longer necessary, the baton has been handed to their ally's the 1.5 billion strong army of the Religion of Peace, Islam.

“Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers—already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity!—then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism,that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone.
Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world.Christianity alone prevented them from doing so.”
-Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 667
The Nazi's were joined by the Muslims in WW 2 in their attempts to eliminate the Jewish people, the Nazi's are no longer necessary, the baton has been handed to their ally's the 1.5 billion strong army of the Religion of Peace, Islam.
al-Husayni greeting Bosnian SS volunteers.
Islams leaders world wide have told the world their purpose is to "drive Israel into the sea"
Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husayni talking with Moslem Waffen SS recruits from the Legion Aserbaidschan.
In 1943, Amin Al Husseini founded and lead the Hanzar Division of Muslim Nazis. Here they are engaged in traditional Muslim prayer.
In 1943, Amin Al Husseini heads the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslims. It was Hitler's largest SS Division and was responsible for the genocide of Serbians, Gypsies and Jews. It lies at the root of today's unrest in Serbia/Bosnia-Hercegovina/Croatia.
Hamas, Gaza.




Hamas / Islamic Terrorism supporters call for the extermination of Israel
Fort Lauderdale, Florida December 30 2008 ,
"Go Back to the Oven"
Full video of Fort Lauderdale, Islams Finest & "Peace Activists" on Parade 30 12 08
Islamic Terrorism,
Muslim thuggery in the west,
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Australian based Hamas / Islamic Fifth Column and terrorism supporters demand Australia help fund Hamas terrorism.
Australian based Hamas Fifth Column, demand Australian's pay more(Jizyah Tax?) to help fund Hamas terrorism.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Islams Love of it's children .........
"Teach your children well .... blah blah and know they love you .......
Whilst the ever politically correct new age "she males" of the west are harangued from birth, to at all costs to be in "touch with their feelings" and that "there has to be a better way" or "war is not the answer" and to tolerate whatever foreign cultural ideology, no matter how obscene or perverse is imposed upon them, by their new age drug fucked post 70's hippie parents and leftist's "educators" those, who are by the moral compass of their very lives, and indeed what they believe to be the only moral code for mankind,the ramblings of the Pirate Paedophile, slave trader,misogynist and mass murderer Mohammed, the Koran, are taught from birth, how to at every opportunity to slaughter all and any who dare subscribe to, or desire any thought or deed not approved of by their "Holy" Koran.
I believe Islam has the upper hand for one reason and one reason only, there are so many Jews / Christians, "progressives" and leftists ensuring it's followers "rights" are protected and it's goals facilitated, under the guise of civil rights and social justice.
I find it weird that the Liberal intelligencia that is the left,the beautiful people, the free thinkers and beard strokers, the self appointed custodians and arbitors of all that is good and right, in what they see as their Godless Humanist world, rush at every opportunity to slander and defame at every opportunity the very institutions that have enabled the creation of a society where they are able to exist and express their belief's without persecution or penality,whilst at every opportunity giving any and all the support they can to an governance / ideology that if it were to be the governance/ideology they found themselves living under, they would simply not exist, let alone have the right to proffer a differing opinion least of all an opinion demanding tolerance of views differing to those of those who they champion now.
Maybe thats why the first thing the movers and shakers of the Russian revolution made it their first priority to execute all the "beautiful progressives" who so vigoriously worked for the imposition of Communism.
Islam cannot stand on its own merits simply because it has none, look at what Islam manifests to see its worth, how dare these creatures call the perversions of the Koran the word of God.
If Islam was a medication it would be withdrawn by the FDA because of the Lunatic Psychosis that manifests in the mind of the patient after exposure to it.
Whilst the ever politically correct new age "she males" of the west are harangued from birth, to at all costs to be in "touch with their feelings" and that "there has to be a better way" or "war is not the answer" and to tolerate whatever foreign cultural ideology, no matter how obscene or perverse is imposed upon them, by their new age drug fucked post 70's hippie parents and leftist's "educators" those, who are by the moral compass of their very lives, and indeed what they believe to be the only moral code for mankind,the ramblings of the Pirate Paedophile, slave trader,misogynist and mass murderer Mohammed, the Koran, are taught from birth, how to at every opportunity to slaughter all and any who dare subscribe to, or desire any thought or deed not approved of by their "Holy" Koran.
I believe Islam has the upper hand for one reason and one reason only, there are so many Jews / Christians, "progressives" and leftists ensuring it's followers "rights" are protected and it's goals facilitated, under the guise of civil rights and social justice.
I find it weird that the Liberal intelligencia that is the left,the beautiful people, the free thinkers and beard strokers, the self appointed custodians and arbitors of all that is good and right, in what they see as their Godless Humanist world, rush at every opportunity to slander and defame at every opportunity the very institutions that have enabled the creation of a society where they are able to exist and express their belief's without persecution or penality,whilst at every opportunity giving any and all the support they can to an governance / ideology that if it were to be the governance/ideology they found themselves living under, they would simply not exist, let alone have the right to proffer a differing opinion least of all an opinion demanding tolerance of views differing to those of those who they champion now.
Maybe thats why the first thing the movers and shakers of the Russian revolution made it their first priority to execute all the "beautiful progressives" who so vigoriously worked for the imposition of Communism.
Islam cannot stand on its own merits simply because it has none, look at what Islam manifests to see its worth, how dare these creatures call the perversions of the Koran the word of God.
If Islam was a medication it would be withdrawn by the FDA because of the Lunatic Psychosis that manifests in the mind of the patient after exposure to it.
Hamas pre school graduation
The red on the little girls hands represents the blood of the descendants
of the "Apes and Pigs" aka the Jewish people (and the Infidels.)
Islamic Paedophilia of the mind
The red on the little girls hands represents the blood of the descendants
of the "Apes and Pigs" aka the Jewish people (and the Infidels.)
Islamic Paedophilia of the mind
Israel please dont stop until the job is done
Israel is now in a position where it can put the Islamic threat of world domination back a long way.
I know it's easy to sit at a computer keyboard thousands of miles away pontificating about matters, that so far, thank God, I (I must point out that even though personally I have not suffered at the hands of the followers of the Religion of Peace based in what are known as Sydney's occupied territories, Sydney Police estimate that at least 100 + Sydney teenage girls have been the victims of Islamic gang rape, only a hand full of Islamic gang rapists have been brought to justice, let alone charged) have yet to physically suffer the consequences of Islams blood lust, it's easy to be an expert so far away, however me and many Australians have witnessed the malignant pathology of the Islamic mindset already entrenching itself here in Australia, following years of leftist immigration policies based on the myth of Multiculturalism, that gave preference to Islamic applicants and other anti Judeo / Christian Western cultures into Australia.
I believe that Israel is and has been nothing more than the canary in the coal mine since its inception, could 2009 be the year and the time when someone in the civilized world has the balls to call Islams bluff?
Israel has nothing to lose, with the USA soon to be under the control of a man with no experience in anything other than what he describes as been a "community organizer" or Acorn activists,aka another product of the Mob's / lefts Chicago Democrat carisma (Camelot) factory,Israel's days as a Jewish sovereign state are numbered should it need the military might of the USA, I fear it's days are numbered, given Barack Obama's victory in the November 08 presidential elections many could argue that this is what the American people voted for, it is my belief that the majority of Americans will not be cheering at the destruction of Israel should the "Palestinians" ( Islamists) prevail, however it's a long way away from the next Presidential election and four years of pro Islamic US foreign policy would undoubtedly mean the end of Israel and the start of the Islamisation of the Judeo Christian Western world.
President elect Obama has made his loyalties clear, when it comes to siding with Judeo Christian values or Islamic values, in his book he boasted about his intentions to "...side with Islam" if put to the test.
The American people voted for this mindset and the full ramifications of this mindset are obviously yet to be felt, 2009 and beyond will be interesting times to say the least.
Israel please just go fo it, show the world Islam is what it is and when put to the test will run out of women and babies and the disabled to hide behind as they try to slaughter Jews or anyone else they decide should die to further their Koranic inspired beliefs.
The "Palestinians" aka the UN / left's and main stream media's favourite Islamic terrorists,are a cowardly mob, motivated by the most base of human desires, thats why they subscribe to the cult of Islam, for only Islam can offer these base depraved desires to it's followers, have shown they are easily defeated should they be put to the test as are most of "Allah's brave warroriers"
Who can forget the seeing the live TV footage of the lefts and main stream medias & Saddams elite Allah inspired Faydein Guard, running almost naked along the banks of the Tigress River stripping themselves of their Iraqi military uniforms lest they be identified (and killed or captured) as "Allah's brave Iraqi warroriers" as the US and co alition forces moved into Baghdad.
The second world war saw Hitlers armies constantly betrayed by these same "Holy Warroriers" in Egypt, for when they started to realise they were no longer on the winning team they soon started offering allied forces their services,they of course could not be trusted as far as they could be thrown needless to say the rest is history, their allys the Japanese were at least bound by honour, a character trait that has only ever burdend the Islamic mindset in matters concerning their wives and daughters, as in gee did they shame me? or do I feel less of a man? because they are around, and If I answer yes to the pervious hey guys when is a good time to kill them, you free Friday?
Go Israel!!! as I know you are well aware, cease fire (Hey UN we are on the end of a hiding to nothing here start earning your bribe money and start demanding a fricking cease fire) is Hudna, Hudna is "gee we are getting our arses kicked here give us time to re supply so we can start killing Jews / infidels again"
I wish Israel well, I hope it kicks Islams / UN's arse from one end of Gaza to the other,
Why? because I believe this is it's last chance to do so.
To believe in the Koran, Islam, is to believe in all the obscene absurdities ever imagined by man since creation, to credit these belief's as been the word of God, is to prove conclusively the total Satanic inspired insanity of it's proponents.
God Bless Israel.
I know it's easy to sit at a computer keyboard thousands of miles away pontificating about matters, that so far, thank God, I (I must point out that even though personally I have not suffered at the hands of the followers of the Religion of Peace based in what are known as Sydney's occupied territories, Sydney Police estimate that at least 100 + Sydney teenage girls have been the victims of Islamic gang rape, only a hand full of Islamic gang rapists have been brought to justice, let alone charged) have yet to physically suffer the consequences of Islams blood lust, it's easy to be an expert so far away, however me and many Australians have witnessed the malignant pathology of the Islamic mindset already entrenching itself here in Australia, following years of leftist immigration policies based on the myth of Multiculturalism, that gave preference to Islamic applicants and other anti Judeo / Christian Western cultures into Australia.
I believe that Israel is and has been nothing more than the canary in the coal mine since its inception, could 2009 be the year and the time when someone in the civilized world has the balls to call Islams bluff?
Israel has nothing to lose, with the USA soon to be under the control of a man with no experience in anything other than what he describes as been a "community organizer" or Acorn activists,aka another product of the Mob's / lefts Chicago Democrat carisma (Camelot) factory,Israel's days as a Jewish sovereign state are numbered should it need the military might of the USA, I fear it's days are numbered, given Barack Obama's victory in the November 08 presidential elections many could argue that this is what the American people voted for, it is my belief that the majority of Americans will not be cheering at the destruction of Israel should the "Palestinians" ( Islamists) prevail, however it's a long way away from the next Presidential election and four years of pro Islamic US foreign policy would undoubtedly mean the end of Israel and the start of the Islamisation of the Judeo Christian Western world.
President elect Obama has made his loyalties clear, when it comes to siding with Judeo Christian values or Islamic values, in his book he boasted about his intentions to "...side with Islam" if put to the test.
The American people voted for this mindset and the full ramifications of this mindset are obviously yet to be felt, 2009 and beyond will be interesting times to say the least.
Israel please just go fo it, show the world Islam is what it is and when put to the test will run out of women and babies and the disabled to hide behind as they try to slaughter Jews or anyone else they decide should die to further their Koranic inspired beliefs.
The "Palestinians" aka the UN / left's and main stream media's favourite Islamic terrorists,are a cowardly mob, motivated by the most base of human desires, thats why they subscribe to the cult of Islam, for only Islam can offer these base depraved desires to it's followers, have shown they are easily defeated should they be put to the test as are most of "Allah's brave warroriers"
Who can forget the seeing the live TV footage of the lefts and main stream medias & Saddams elite Allah inspired Faydein Guard, running almost naked along the banks of the Tigress River stripping themselves of their Iraqi military uniforms lest they be identified (and killed or captured) as "Allah's brave Iraqi warroriers" as the US and co alition forces moved into Baghdad.
The second world war saw Hitlers armies constantly betrayed by these same "Holy Warroriers" in Egypt, for when they started to realise they were no longer on the winning team they soon started offering allied forces their services,they of course could not be trusted as far as they could be thrown needless to say the rest is history, their allys the Japanese were at least bound by honour, a character trait that has only ever burdend the Islamic mindset in matters concerning their wives and daughters, as in gee did they shame me? or do I feel less of a man? because they are around, and If I answer yes to the pervious hey guys when is a good time to kill them, you free Friday?
Go Israel!!! as I know you are well aware, cease fire (Hey UN we are on the end of a hiding to nothing here start earning your bribe money and start demanding a fricking cease fire) is Hudna, Hudna is "gee we are getting our arses kicked here give us time to re supply so we can start killing Jews / infidels again"
I wish Israel well, I hope it kicks Islams / UN's arse from one end of Gaza to the other,
Why? because I believe this is it's last chance to do so.
To believe in the Koran, Islam, is to believe in all the obscene absurdities ever imagined by man since creation, to credit these belief's as been the word of God, is to prove conclusively the total Satanic inspired insanity of it's proponents.
God Bless Israel.
Islamic Terrorism,
sociopaths inc.,
united nations
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Islamic Assassins and terrorists supporters rampage through Sydney streets .
Purpose Bred Islamic Assassins rampage through Sydney streets in a show of support for "Palestinian" Terrorists
Again note the desecration of the Australian Flag "Guilt by Association" with these Godless savages,this is the flag of a nation founded and made possible by all the Religious and cultural beliefs that these Godless swine have vowed to destroy the moment it is within their power to do so,these Assassins are in our country for one purpose and one purpose only to do what they and their parents and grand parents and those before them did to the various Islamic countries they ran away from, make Australia like the Islamic nations that spawned them,unfit for human habitation.
I have to admit it is comforting to know that Annie " I used to be lunatic from the gracious days" & "I may be mad I may be blind I may be viciously unkind " Lennox, and Bianca Jagger and that doyen of social justice and all that is morally correct in the world "Mad Red" Ken Livingston are on the job doing whatever they can for the cause of peace,as if.
I noted that the medias coverage of the counter pro Israeli protest was at least the best part of 3 seconds.. I guess the media would rather see salivating Satan worshiping savages and their demonic off spring on the television screens of the nation delivering their Islamic leftist supported message of PEACE.
I know where the medias support lies in the "Palestinian cause" I wonder where they think average Australia's support lies? I mean EVEN the lefts media created celebrity & grade 4 Queensland public servant, and now Labor PM,Kevin 07, says he believes in God, or was that just an election line thrown to the "Working Families" ?
Again note the desecration of the Australian Flag "Guilt by Association" with these Godless savages,this is the flag of a nation founded and made possible by all the Religious and cultural beliefs that these Godless swine have vowed to destroy the moment it is within their power to do so,these Assassins are in our country for one purpose and one purpose only to do what they and their parents and grand parents and those before them did to the various Islamic countries they ran away from, make Australia like the Islamic nations that spawned them,unfit for human habitation.
I have to admit it is comforting to know that Annie " I used to be lunatic from the gracious days" & "I may be mad I may be blind I may be viciously unkind " Lennox, and Bianca Jagger and that doyen of social justice and all that is morally correct in the world "Mad Red" Ken Livingston are on the job doing whatever they can for the cause of peace,as if.
I noted that the medias coverage of the counter pro Israeli protest was at least the best part of 3 seconds.. I guess the media would rather see salivating Satan worshiping savages and their demonic off spring on the television screens of the nation delivering their Islamic leftist supported message of PEACE.
I know where the medias support lies in the "Palestinian cause" I wonder where they think average Australia's support lies? I mean EVEN the lefts media created celebrity & grade 4 Queensland public servant, and now Labor PM,Kevin 07, says he believes in God, or was that just an election line thrown to the "Working Families" ?
Friday, January 02, 2009
Sydney: Suburban Park occupied by Muslim terror supporters
Islamic terror supporters occupy public park as a show of support for Gaza terrorist's
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