An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Malcolm Turnbull. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malcolm Turnbull. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Army chaplains to remove ‘conquer’ from 102-year-old motto because it is offensive to Muslims,Test for Turnbull: We know who is paying him but who's side is he on?

Australian Muslim Defense Force Chaplains, finally admit that they, and indeed their flock they represent,support  EVIL.

Can anyone tell me of any declared enemy of Australia, that Australia's Defense Forces or Police forces, have engaged in order to protect Australia and it's people from threats to them, by enemy combatant's and their sympathisers and their Progressive Leftist Labor Green Loon Australian based cheer squad, that were NOT EVIL and did not require CONQUERING / DEFEAT on  battlefield's throughout Europe,the Pacific and the Middle East and indeed on Australian soil during the first Muslim Terrorist attack upon Australian men women and children on January 1 1915 when two Muslims outraged at Australia's involvement in WW1, slaughtered four Australians and injured seven others before been CONQUERED,by local Police in what is known as the Battle of Broken Hill.

In 1915 Australia's Government SHOT the enemy in 2015 Australia's Government agrees to the Australian peoples ENEMIES DEMANDS that what was the Australian Peoples Defence Forces moto since 1913 is now deemed to be offensive to our resident boastful self declared enemy, Islam, and it's Progressive Left Labor Green Loon fifth column,led by none other than the Australian Liberal Party's (LNP) stammering,stuttering media anointed "Great Communicator" Lord Wentworth, Australian PM and wannabe first President of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull.

I am sure that this abomination took place under former PM Abbott's watch, the test for "Lord Wentworth" will be if he has the GUTS like would most definitely have been the case with Abbott, to over rule this insult to the 102,000 + killed and 225,8700 injured Australians fighting EVIL and protecting their Country and loved ones from it.

In 2015 Australia's Muslim friendly "Chattering Classes" have decreed that the deeds and  sacrifices of our finest , indeed those responsible for these very same people been able to freely exude their drivel at every and any opportunity available to them via THEIR ABC THEIR SBS,and the MSM, are offensive to their new best MUSLIM, Harmony Day, Multicultural Friends, and as such should relegated from Australia's History (YEAH ya got that? HIS Story) to be replaced by a more MUSLIM, Multicultural, Harmony Day friendly version of Australia's HIStory.

What's next, the Slouch Hat to be replaced by the Feiz ?

“The hijab is a head covering sanctioned in the Quran, which contains dress codes for both men and women.”
Real meaning: The hijab is part of Sharia law and Navy uniforms are now compliant with it.

Better the ADF resign on mass than be forced to wear this yoke of submission,and form a militia where they will be able to continue their crusade against evil instead of been forced to kneel to it and embrace it.

Turnbull's biggest test to date, will he side with Australian's or will he side with his new best friend Obama's people,the Muslims, and accede to the left's new masters demands?

There are approximately 400,000  MUSLIMS residing on Australian soil, Imagine the influence these ENEMY combatants / sleepers /supporters and facilitators of Islamic terror will have over any Australian Government should their number increase to say, God forbid, 500,000 residents embedded / sleeper  combatants?

What will they then demand and secure from the Australian Government of the day? 

Compulsory Sharia Law? Segregated sporting events? Segregated Schooling? 
We already are forced to pay a food tax that is not shown on our supermarket docket, the Muslim Halal Tax a tax that ensures that animals are slaughtered in the most inhumane manner possible so as to appease the muslim "God" allah. 

Wake up Australia it is at least a quarter to midnight and ticking fast.

If our government thinks so little of those prepared to defend us from evil and indeed are prepared to die doing so then it is up to Australians do show them support and demand that the government repeals this act of cowardly bastardry.

Another example of the Australian government representing everyone but the Australian people.


Army chaplains to remove ‘conquer’ from 102-year-old motto because it is offensive to Muslims

The Daily Telegraph
November 21 2015

THE Australian Army is removing the motto “In this sign conquer” from the 102-year-old hat badges of army chaplains because it is offensive to Muslims.

The move comes after an imam approved by the Grand Mufti was appointed to join the ­Religious Advisory Committee to the Services in June.

Australian Army chaplains have had the motto on their hat badges since 1913.

A Defence spokeswoman last night denied the motto was being changed because it was associated with the Crusades, when Christian armies fought Muslims in the Holy Land during the Middle Ages.

“The motto of the Australian Army Chaplains is being changed to better reflect the diversity of religion throughout the Australian Army,” she said.

“The new wording on the Australian Army Chaplaincy badge is under consideration and no decision has been made at this time.”

Former army major Bernard Gaynor, whose commission was terminated last year due to his outspoken views, said: “This is political correctness destroying our military heritage.”

Mr Gaynor, who is standing as the Australian Liberty Alliance senate candidate for Queensland, said political correctness in the military was highlighted by the appointment of an imam.

“The government must stop the political correctness. It must dismiss the Defence Imam for his views. And it must put Australia first,” he said.

Military historian Professor Peter Stanley from UNSW Canberra said: “The motto was acceptable 100 years ago but today has crusader connotations.”

Despite the perceived crusader links, he said the motto actually comes from Emperor Constantine’s vision before he won the battle of Milviian Bridge in 312AD and converted to Christianity: “Jewish chaplains already have a separate badge with a Star of David, so Muslim chaplains would not be expected to wear the current badge. They would have one with a crescent.”

Army chaplains are understood to have pushed for the change. Former principal chaplain to the army Monsignor Greg Flynn said: “We have been aware of this coming down the track and most chaplains would agree with the change. It is a reality.”

Professor Tom Frane, former Bishop to the Defence Force, said: “It seems like a crusading motto — triumphal. It is not the first time it has been misinterpreted. If times have changed it is worth another look.”

The army imam, Sheik Mohamadu Nawas Saleem, has previously called for sharia law to be introduced into Australia. He signed a petition supporting radical Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir, which has argued in favour of honour killings and said Muslim students should not be forced to honour Anzac Day.

Sheik Saleem works about 40 days a year for the Army and is paid $717 for each one:
almost $30,000 a year.

The sheik did not respond to requests for comment.

Sheik Saleem was supported for the role by Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, who this week sparked controversy by failing to come straight out and condemn the Paris terror attacks.

The Defence spokeswoman said: “There are 102 ADF permanent members who self-identify as Muslim. In addition there are 40 Active Reservists who have declared as Muslim.’’

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Malcolm and Angela delusional imbiciles that should both be taken into care.

 Stop Turnbull

The Bolt Report.Nov 15 2015

Turnbull "slaps down Abbott"

Merkel should be "Taken into Care" as soon as possible, for her and her Nations well being, as soon as possible.
It is simply no longer funny, kookie or "Progressive" it is now simply a suicide mission.
German Chancellor Calls for Tolerance of Muslim Migrants Following Paris Attacks

Sunday, October 11, 2015

PM Turnbull and Co. Still Rambling on about the fabled ­Islamophobia backlash that never seems to materialise.

The biggest threat is in pandering to Islam

The Sunday Telegraph
October 11 2015.

MALCOLM Turnbull was at it again on Friday, patronising ­ordinary Australians. After a week refusing to talk about the terrorist attack on NSW police HQ in Parramatta, the Prime Minister held a press conference in which at least he called the murder of police accountant Curtis Cheng by a 15-year-old Muslim gunman “religiously motivated” — though he couldn’t bring himself to specify a particular religion.

But then he was back to lecturing us about tolerance, commanding us to engage in “mutual respect”. Presumably he still has in mind the fabled ­Islamophobia backlash that never seems to materialise.

We’ve had three terrorist ­attacks on home soil in the last year, resulting in the deaths of three innocent Australians and serious injury to two police officers, not to mention the curtailment of our freedoms and a sense of foreboding that is now the backdrop of any public event.

Police and military personnel are under such threat they have been told not to wear their uniforms in public.

Journalists have had to move house or beef-up security due to Islamist intimidation. It’s now commonplace for camera crews to be physically assaulted by family members or supporters of Muslim defendants or suspects outside court. This is the new normal.

“They don’t realise that Australia is probably the most harmonious multicultural nation in the world”
Despite this assault on our way of life, there are no Islamophobic rampages. That is all a fantasy of moral poseurs, who reveal their own bigotry against ordinary Australians.

Perhaps because they live in privileged inner-urban mono-cultural ­enclaves like the PM’s unrepresentative electorate of Wentworth, they don’t realise that Australia is probably the most harmonious multicultural nation in the world.

They keep predicting anti-Muslim backlashes and the good sense of Australians keeps proving them wrong. Take Friday afternoon. Despite all the hype, the protest outside Parramatta mosque was a fizzer.

Mild protests

Only 20 showed up, and they were outnumbered at least three to one by belligerent so-called anti-racists, who staged a counter protest, with such peace-lovers as the Socialist ­Alliance waving placards with Nazi swastikas. There were more police and journalists than there were actual protesters.

The placards of the protesters were hardly rabble-rousing, with slogans such as: “Parramatta mosque, will you publicly reject terrorism and sharia law” and “Muslim terrorists not wanted here and neither are their left-wing supporters”.

Mild compared to the Hyde Park protest in September 2012 against the release on YouTube of the American satirical movie Innocence of Muslims. There the placards read: “Behead those who insult the Prophet”, and violent thugs went on a rampage.

Six police officers were injured in the ensuing riot, which featured Islamic State charmers Mohamed Elomar and Khaled Sharrouf, of head-chopping fame. Those rioters you could legitimately call a menace to our ­social fabric, not to mention life and limb. Violent Islamist bullies who demand special treatment and reject Australia’s egalitarian values are the problem, not an anti-halal Facebook page.

If anything, Australia has pandered to the victim culture that cripples the Muslim community’s ability to tackle the poison in its midst.

Mirror doesn’t lie

What is it with these "Infidel" Women and their Death Wish?

When Ahmed Fahour, the Muslim CEO of Australia Post, who earned $4.8 million last year, starts telling us Australia’s Muslims are uniquely “excluded” and hard done by, you have to wonder if he ever looks in the mirror.

Success and prosperity in Australia are available to anyone, of any race or creed, provided they work for it, and Fahour is living proof. Rather than ­inspiring Muslims to follow his lead, he perpetuates the grievance mentality. In a speech last week, he ­reserved his harshest words for far-right “pockets of intolerance” he said promote the idea that Islam and the West are incompatible, and protest against mosques and halal certification.

He praised the Twitter hashtag “I’ll ride with you” that sprang up during the Martin Place siege, and was supposed to combat an impending Islamophobic backlash that never ­occurred.

“It ­restored a sense of belonging amongst Australian Muslims. It reinforced my sense of citizenship,” said Fahour.

But the hashtag was a bogus response to a virtually non-existent problem which neglected the real victims of the siege, two of whom were soon to die. The obscenity of prioritising theoretical victims of intolerance over actual victims of terrorism discredited the whole campaign. The hashtag became the symbol of the Left’s divisive fostering of unreasonable Muslim sensitivities. The hashtag’s solidarity should have been ­directed at the hostages in that cafe. Muslim and non-Muslim, should have been united in sympathy that day.

Instead, some used the opportunity to assert their moral superiority over people they mistakenly ­regard as less enlightened.

Friday, October 09, 2015

Australian PM silent for a week then ....Cue the "Right Wing Extreamists"

The Islamist, Progressive Left, MSM Playbook swings into action.
  • Assassinations
  • Shootings 
  • Gang Rape
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Paedophilia
  • Child Marriage
  • Consanguinity
  • Stabbing 
  • Welfare Dependence and Fraud 
  • Robbery
  • Home Invasion
  • Drug Importation and Distribution
  • Motor Vehicle Theft and Re Birthing
  • Urban Terrorism

 ...are what Islam is famous for in Australia and world wide.

Q. What's EVEN worse than the above ?

A. Objecting to it......

    and demanding that our leaders protect Australian's from     these Creatures and ASSASSINS and their Progressive Left     Cheer Squad......

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"  

Or Does the Koran Lie?


Turnbull calls for calm ahead of far-right wing protest at Parramatta mosque

Tyron Butson  

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has called for calm ahead of a far right protest outside the Parramatta mosque this afternoon and other similar planned rallies across the country, saying vilifying community groups is “contrary to our national interest”.

Tensions have been high since a police employee was gunned down by 15-year-old Farhad Jabar in Parramatta, prompting calls from far right and nationalist groups for protests against Islam.

Police earlier warned a protest in the Parramatta CBD would cause wide-spread road closures and traffic chaos.

This afternoon Mr Turnbull called for calm, saying Australia is a “harmonious” and “multicultural” country, dedicated to peace.

“Australia is the most successfully harmonious multicultural country in the world,” he told reporters today.

“And that is because of a fundamental Australia value: mutual respect.

"Respect is a two way street."

When asked about today’s rally, organised by the nationalist group Party for Freedom, Mr Turnbull suggested the group was stirring up trouble.

“If you are doing anything to vilify another group in the community, how are you doing anything but working in contrary to our national interest… working against our national interest?” he said.

Mr Turnbull called on all Australians, including Australia’s Islamic community, to fight radicalisation and extremism by education and “mutual respect”.

NSW police say Marsden Street, in between George and Macquarie Streets, may be closed between 4pm and 7pm as a result of a police operation surrounding the protest activity.

Superintendent Wayne Cox, Commander of Parramatta Local Area Command, has reminded the public that police have not authorised any formal applications for public assemblies in Parramatta today.

"NSW Police want to remind any member of the public against engaging in reprisal actions or inciting violence against any community group or individuals."

"Anyone engaging in this type of unlawful behaviour can be charged and prosecuted."

"As police, our message is that any act of violence, regardless of the motivation will not be tolerated, and will be treated as the serious offence that it is."

A Facebook page dedicated to the “Bulldoze the Mosque Rally” in Parramatta states that the group is also tired of “weak political leaders and their refusal to accept the truth that Islam is a terrorist ideology”.

A heavy police presence is expected as part of the operation.

"Equally the rights of citizen's to hold peaceful assemblies are balanced with other rights including the undertaking of lawful business activities and the safety and security of the broader community," Superintendent Cox said.

For details about route changes or to plan your trip go to or call 131 500.

Australian PM Malcolm of Lakemba Turnbull channels Hillary Clinton's email practices

If it's good enough for Hillary it's good enough for Malcolm of Lakemba Turnbull.
Same Ideology Same M/ O 

Hillary Clinton Private Email scandal

Prime Minister defends use of private email

Friday, 9 October 2015

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has defended his continuing use of non-government email, saying the nation's secrets are safe.

News Corp on Friday reported Mr Turnbull was running a private email server and using it for official business, rather than government IT systems. But Mr Turnbull told reporters he had sought advice on the situation, and sensitive communications were only sent through government channels.

He said many government ministers used private methods of communication including email and SMS messages, and to do otherwise would be impractical.

'To suggest that...every piece of Government or communication by a politician that relates to his or her office can only be transmitted on a government email account or to a government email account would mean you could never write a letter to your constituent, you could never use SMS,' he said.

Mr Turnbull said 'national classified information' had not been sent on 'services other than those approved for it'.

'Obviously any material that is classified or sensitive remains within the Government system,' he said.

He added that people shouldn't assume government email services are more secure than private ones.

Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull still silent after Assassination of Mr Curtis Cheng.

Time to talk about terror, Mr Turnbull

The Daily Telegraph
October 9, 2015 

THREE days. That’s how long Police Minister Troy Grant says it can take a Muslim youth to be turned into a terrorist.

Three days. That’s how long Malcolm Turnbull has been silent on the threat of terrorism in Australia.

At a time when the nation is crying out for leadership, is ­desperate for someone to espouse our values, acknowledge our fears and lead the fight to expunge ­religious extremism from our midst, the prime ­minister has been silent as a statue.

Instead it has been left to Premier Mike Baird — a man more in tune with ordinary people — to come out and say what the nation already knows: “This (the murder of Curtis Cheng) is a terrorist incident. That’s what it is — there is no doubt about it. We have to ensure that we don’t see incidents like this again.”

He also said there was “no doubt” that Sydney had an Islamic extremist problem. Baird’s simple words have captured the mood of average Australians, while Mr Turnbull’s haughty refusal to even discuss the problem gives the distinct impression that we hysterical and weak-minded mortals are all in a dither over nothing while he concentrates on weightier matters such as, er, launching finance apps.

Just as silent has been much of the official Islamic leadership in this country, as the Police Minister — himself a former officer who knows trouble when he sees it — has noted. If they are truly opposed to extremism and if Islam is truly a religion of peace they should be the first ones to stand up and be counted among the many Australians expressing their shock and abhorrence at this act and those before it.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister is doing little to cement his self-­proclaimed reputation as a master communicator who rolled Tony Abbott because the latter was ­incapable of conveying clear ­messages. Say what you like about our last PM, at least he knew ­terrorism when he saw it.

If indeed Mr Turnbull is ­resetting the national response to extremism then let him say so, and more than that let him outline what action his government will take to ensure we expunge this threat from our communities.

Or if he does not see it as a major threat, let him come clean and declare that to the Australian people. Our nation needs straight talk and leadership. It is time our Prime Minister showed he is ­capable of both.


THE threat of terror comes from both within and without any nation, as does the challenge of integrating the masses of asylum seekers from Syria into the West. Australia, to the great credit of the former prime minister, is playing its part with the intake of 12,000 Syrian refugees, yet even this fine humanitarian act is not without its risks.

In Europe, which is being overrun by fleeing migrants not seen since World War II, even the most progressive leaders are realising the continent is at breaking point.

There are reports that just one in five of the migrants entering ­Europe are from Syria — putting lie to claims that a colossal EU-wide effort is needed to accommodate the refugees from that sorrowful war-torn country. The chief victims of this, of course, are the genuine Syrian refugees.

Now Europe is planning a mass deportation of non-genuine refugees in response to the ever-growing ­influx and deploying warships to, you guessed it, stop the boats.

Of course in Australia it is a method already tried and proven. Once more Tony Abbott’s hardline stance on national security and border protection has been vindicated.

As Europe is in crisis, swamped by an unchecked wave of asylum seekers, Australia is planning to provide a safe haven to thousands of genuine refugees whose credentials and background will be checked — a response of both compassion and intelligence.

Who’s the humane one now?

Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull's silence following "rebellious school boy" incident.

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Nothing to see here Please move along................Oh and don't HATE those sworn to destroy you.

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...”

―Recep Tayyip Erdogan,  The Moderate Islamic leader of Turkey, the man US President Obama said he most wants his daughters to emulate, the world leader he admires MOST.

All good, nothing to see here,If ONLY Australians could get it through their thick skulls that they deserve to be killed gang raped stabbed shot bashed stolen from by Muslims there would be Peace.

Australians must not HATE their boastful Muslim Executioners,Gang Rapists,Shooters,Knifers, Robbers,Assailant's for to do so would be Racist and Bigoted, and above all else there is nothing worse than been a Racist Bigoted Australian is there ?

By The Way Remember Islam Means Peace and therefore only Peace can come of the enactment of the edicts of the "Holy Koran"

Its a win win Australian's Die and there is even more Peace.

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Julie Bishop WTF are you doing?

We should reject UN’s sick circus

Andrew Bolt 
Herald Sun
October 1, 2015 

WELL, that didn’t take long. Just two weeks as Prime Minister and Malcolm Turnbull is already promising to lick the boots of the tyrants who infest the United Nations.

Yes, the Turnbull Government is asking for the tremendous honour of joining the UN’s Human Rights Commission.

And if we’re really good, Australia may join some of the moral paragons on that body supervising our human rights — China, Congo, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Vietnam.

No, that’s not a joke. These countries really are judges on a UN body meant to save us from exactly such thugs, thieves, theocrats and dictators. We will legitimise a pack of hypocrites we should shun and, in joining, will put ourselves at their level.

Sure, the Left is cheering, but check the company we’ll keep. Across the table will be Russia, which has stolen Crimea, invaded Ukraine and supplied to rebels the missile and the men that shot down the MH17 jet carrying Australian citizens.

Also rubbing shoulders with us will be the Saudi autocrats, about to behead and crucify Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, who protested for democracy in 2012, when he was only 17. And we’ll nod thoughtfully as the communist autocrats ruling China, Cuba and Vietnam define for us what should be meant by “human rights”.

I hope the UN’s showers are industrial strength.

Don’t believe the sanctimonious drivel about how joining such bodies does not compromise our beliefs. Horse manure. To win our temporary seat on the Security Council the Rudd government diverted hundreds of millions of dollars of aid money to African countries whose votes we needed.

Worse, to further curry favour with an important bloc of Muslim votes we saw Rudd as foreign affairs minister sucking up to Arab autocracies while attacking democratic Israel’s nuclear weapons program.

Then there’s the humiliating self-abasement in crawling for the votes of inferior countries. Labor foreign affairs spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek gave a perfect example yesterday, wondering whether “the massive cuts to our aid budget make it impossible for Australia to be a good global citizen”.

“The Australian Government will certainly have some explaining to do during the course of its bid for the human rights council spot.”

Pardon? We have to defend our human rights record to countries that have voted already for a gaggle of dictators?

Only a fool coached in our universities of Western self-loathing could think the UN is a better arbiter of our goodness than we are ourselves.

But I should cut Malcolm Turnbull some slack. Joining this sick circus might not be his fault.

Perhaps he simply couldn’t say no to Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop, given her secret help to snatch the top job from Tony Abbott.

I mean, have you seen how Bishop is partying at the UN? There she was again this week, addressing the UN General Assembly like a world leader, with her boyfriend rubbernecking beside her in a seat normally meant for officials doing business for Australia.

The day before, some anonymous leaker boasted to a friendly Fairfax journalist that the UN’s “doors ... have mysteriously swung open” to Bishop now that her boss was Turnbull and not Abbott, so rude to thugs.

Gosh, she’d even “received a last-minute invitation to attend a Sunday lunch being hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for the leaders of about 20 nations to discuss climate change”.

Now, which serial leaker would have leaked that, Julie? And note how eagerly Bishop pays homage to the UN’s multi-billion-dollar green faith, like it’s the entry price to a feed.

Ooh, but how exciting it all is for Bishop. Between gigs at the UN, she even had a star-studded dinner party in Manhattan, which the dutiful reporter noted was “a more raucous affair”, “full of big names” including actor Hugh Jackman and wife Deborra-lee Furness, Mariah Carey, Robert De Niro and glamorous more.

Marvellous. Imagine how many more hot invitations come Bishop’s way once we join the Human Rights Council.

So I was not surprised that someone — you again, Julie? — briefed journalists how Bishop had tricked that silly Abbott when he tried to stop this bid, first launched by Labor, to join a council Abbott considered “discredited”.

According to a Fairfax reporter in New York, Bishop had “been ordered by Mr Abbott to abandon the bid, an about face that might have caused Australia diplomatic embarrassment”, but “Bishop was yet to carry out the instruction when Mr Turnbull deposed Mr Abbott”.

Smart work, Bishop! A cunning delay.

How the UN will reward you. How dictators will laugh. And how Australians will pay.


 stop turnbull

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tony Abbott first interview since leadership coup with Ray Hadley.

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott interviewed by Ray Hadley

Lanai Scarr National Political Reporter
The Daily Telegraph
September 29,2015.

TONY Abbott is confident he would have won the next election had he been left as Prime Minister.

The dumped PM, who lost his job to Malcolm Turnbull in a coup two weeks ago, this morning dismissed negative opinion polls and said he had never done well in public opinion polls.

“I am confident that if I had continued at head of this government that’s what we would have had (a victory),” Mr Abbott told 2GB’s Ray Hadley.

“If you look at my polling I’ve always done badly in the polls.

“You can be not popular in the ratings and at the same time lead a very effective opposition and government.”

Mr Abbott said internal party polling in the lead up to the Canning by-election showed the Liberal party would have won 57 per cent of the vote which is about what the final result was on the day.

He said the timing of the leadership spill was carefully coordinated to ensure a challenge was successful.

Turnbull wins Liberal leadership

“Because a strong result in Canning would have put paid to this notion that somehow I wouldn’t survive the next election,” Mr Abbott said.

He said he was doing OK after losing the nation’s top job, however was still not yet ready to make a decision on his future.

“57-years-old is still young,” he said of his age.

“I’m not ready to retire and I still have a lot to contribute to public life.”

Mr Abbott also lamented that he never watched his back while Prime Minister which may have led to his demise.

“I never believed in watching my own back,” Mr Abbott said in his first public interview since being rolled.

“Any leader who is watching his back is not focusing on the main job at hand. If the leader ever starts to play internal politics than the leader is in trouble.

“I always knew that politics was a brutal bruising business. It is a game of snakes and ladders and I’ve got a snake at the moment.”

Mr Abbott urged voters to stick with the Coalition at the next election and Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister.

“I can appreciate there are a lot of people out there who are dismayed by what has happened,” he said.

“But it would be even worse if we end up with the sixth prime minister in six years.”

Mr Abbott also denied that he ever thought about cutting loose former Treasurer Joe Hockey and his chief-of-staff Peta Credlin in order to placate any push for a change of leader.

“The idea that those people hungry for advancement would be mollified by if Joe went or my chief-of-staff is just wrong,” he said.

“They were not going to be put off if they were thrown a few human sacrifices and it is wrong to feed this beast.

“Joe and I were blood brothers when it comes to economic policy. The idea that I would have sacrificed Joe to save myself is just dead wrong.”

Mr Abbott also refused to weigh in on if he felt betrayed by his former deputy Julie Bishop and close ally Scott Morrison.

“I’d rather focus on the good work that they did,” he said.

“In the end all of us have got to answer to God and our consciousnesses and I am not going to get into who should have said what.”

On Scott Morrison in particular, Mr Abbott said: “At some point in time I’m sure we’ll have a conversation and we will resolve these things.”

Mr Abbott also urged politicians to stop the revolving door of prime ministers for the sake of the nation.

“This is a real problem for our country. The government can’t do what is necessary if you are subject to death by polls,” he said.

“We’ve had five prime ministers in five years. We are worse than Italy and only just better than Greece.

“For a country that has always had stable and effective government this is hardly the face we want to put to the world.”

Malcolm Turnbull acted when he did because he knew Canning by-election would strengthen Tony Abbott

Daniel Meers
The Daily Telegraph
September 29 2015.

FORMER Prime Minister Tony Abbott says Malcolm Turnbull executed him the week before the Canning by-election because he was on track for a strong result at the Canning ballot box.

In a 30 minute interview with Radio 2GB host Ray Hadley, aired live on television, Mr Abbott said his executioners were aware internal polling in Canning showed the government was on track for 57 per cent of the vote.

“One of the reasons why the ballot had to be brought on the week it was brought on by the proponents of a ballot was because a strong result in Canning, which is what we were going to get, would have put 

paid to this notion that somehow I was unelectable because of the polls,’’ he said.


Monday, September 28, 2015

The Truth about Tony Abbott............

Loss of Tony Abbott as prime minister is a time of sorrow

Andrew Bolt
The Daily Telegraph
September 28 2015

NOW Tony Abbott is gone I can finally tell the truth about him. Folks, you made a big mistake with this bloke.

No, no. The mistake wasn’t that you voted for him.

In fact, you got one of the finest human beings to be Prime Minister.

In many ways he seemed too moral for the job, yet he achieved more in two years than the last two Labor prime ministers achieved in six.

Compare. Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard left us with record deficits after blowing billions on trash — on overpriced school halls, “free” insulation that killed people, green schemes that collapsed, “stimulus” checks to the dead.

They meanwhile opened our borders to 50,000 illegal immigrants and drowned 1200. They hyped the global warming scare and forced us to pay a job-killing carbon tax just to pretend they were saving us.

But Abbott? I won’t go through the whole list: how he stopped the boats, curbed spending, scrapped the useless carbon and mining taxes, led the world’s defiance of deadly Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and made us safer from terrorism.

He even signed three free trade deals to secure jobs for our kids — including one with China that the last three governments couldn’t clinch.

And he did all this in the face of astonishing heckling and even vilification from our media class, and despite often feral opposition in the Senate.

But your mistake was not to care about all that. Deeds didn’t count with you. Image was all.

And so you told the pollsters you didn’t like Abbott. You believed the vicious crap written about him, until his MPs finally panicked and dumped him.

Your mistake was that you couldn’t look behind the flim flam — the way Abbott looked, the way he spoke, the way he walked, the way he ate an onion — to see what he’d actually done for you and for your country.

You even laughed at some of his finest qualities and emblems of his public service. Journalists ridiculed his work as a lifesaver by mocking his costume and body hair. They dismissed his fire fighting service as just a photo-op. Wrote off his patriotism as bigotry.

When he defended women, he was called insincere. When he warned that our finances were in strife or that terrorism menaced us, they called him a scaremonger.

And you believed them. You let people treat like absolute dirt a man who had a record of volunteerism no prime minister has equalled — working in Aboriginal communities, lifesaving, firefighting, helping people in natural disasters, and raising money for women’s shelters and a hospice for dying children.

And none of it was done just to puff his CV for an election pamphlet.

The only reason I know Abbott helped people secure their homes after one Sydney storm is that my wife’s uncle asked the head of the team getting the tree off his house if that really was Abbott over there, helping to cut it away.

Shush, said the captain. He doesn’t like people knowing.

Now, I must declare straight up — I call Tony Abbott a friend.

So you’ll call me biased. You’ll laugh that I can write this massive praise of him when almost everyone else is horse-laughing. And you’ll say that’s why I see more qualities in Abbott than are actually there.


But you’ll just be making another mistake.

See, I don’t think Abbott is a great man because he’s my friend. He’s my friend because he’s a great man. Greater than the people who tore him down.

He’s my friend especially because he’s not those things that so many journalists wrote — including some who must have known what they wrote were lies.

Truth is that Abbott is not a thug, bully, racist, fool, liar, woman-hater, homophobe or bigot. He’s not cruel or lacking compassion.

If he were any of those things he would not be my friend. Those are deal breakers for me. Those I love best are people of honour, warmth and kindness.

Tony Abbott is one such man, and that he has been betrayed and deposed doesn’t just break my heart. It makes me fear for this country. I can only hope that Australians will one day wake up to what they’ve tossed away.

Sorry to sound so melodramatic, but here are some glimpses of the man I know — ones that put the lie to the trash that even big-name correspondents peddled about him.

A woman hater? Ask his daughters or female chief of staff. Ask the many women on his staff, so loyal that he had one of the lowest turnovers of modern prime ministers.

A crash-through insensitive bully with no people skills? Ask my children how gentle he was when he called around. Ask one of my 2GB listeners, Pat, who rang in to say how moved he was that Abbott, on the way to a crucial Question Time on the day the carbon tax was repealed, still had the time to ring Pat’s dying brother.

Or consider this: just minutes after Malcolm Turnbull told Abbott he was challenging for his job, Abbott still honoured a promise to meet girl guides, rather than hit the phones to save himself.

Too loyal? Well, true, yet when I once asked why he wouldn’t buy off his critics by sacking Joe Hockey as Treasurer, Abbott told me he knew Hockey actually had the talent to be great, and would be if given another chance.

A homophobe? Abbott actually had a deep friendship with one of my friends, too, the out-and-proud gay commentator Christopher Pearson, and even helped carry the coffin of this much-missed man.

In fact, when one Fairfax writer this year accused Abbott — on entirely fictitious evidence — of having had a “possibly homophobic” moment, a gay adviser on Abbott’s staff texted me in rage: “If PM was so homophobic he wouldn’t be sharing the C1 car with me.”

Every Prime Minister thinks they don’t get the press they deserve. But I bet Abbott’s friends would agree that none could have been so different in the flesh from what you read in the papers — and so much better. Shame on the journalists responsible for this great slander.

Yes, I know Abbott made mistakes, and I was hard on the worst. I know he was too stubborn. And I know he was clumsy in selling himself.

I admit I even quarrelled with him privately when he too-nobly refused to whack Labor leader Bill Shorten over some detail of national security.

No, the country before politics, he declared. I could have shaken the silly bugger, who played politics like it was cricket when everyone else was cage fighting.

God, he wouldn’t even do the populist thing and just promise to build our next submarines in Adelaide, and to hell with the cost or national interest.

But that was Abbott, and for me character always counts in the end.

That’s why I say: this country has despised and rejected a great servant. It is a time of sorrow.

Why Turnbull is a Labor Stooge

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