A blog revealing the horrors of Islam,International Socialism,the misery these two evils are inflicting upon the free the world,and those it has already enslaved,along with various articles revealing the attacks from within upon the western Judeo Christian ethic by those we entrusted to preserve it. Videos and Pictures of many varied subjects from around the world, along with some jokes of mine and any funny ones you want to send me.

An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.
Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”
--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!
When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.
Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Friday, September 25, 2015
Earthquake warnings for Australia.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Australia : "They share a stunning lack of humility. What unites them is their opinion that other Australians, “out there” in the suburbs, are selfish, parochial, gullible, redneck morons, easily led by evil Right Wing NutJobs (RWNJ)."
Miranda Devine: Turn Left to take the road to damnation
Miranda Devine
The Sunday Telegraph
September 13, 2015
IT is in the egalitarian nature of Australia that we have neglected to cultivate a class of genuine elites. Unfortunately, this vacuum at the top means that a bunch of chattering mediocrities have appointed themselves to the role of our moral and intellectual betters.
Some even have acquired posh accents and a haughty tone to give the impression of superiority.
They share a stunning lack of humility. What unites them is their opinion that other Australians, “out there” in the suburbs, are selfish, parochial, gullible, redneck morons, easily led by evil Right Wing NutJobs (RWNJ).
Our faux elites claim they are driven by altruism, at least when it comes to issues that don’t adversely affect them, like refugee, drug and climate policies.
They don’t live in suburbs affected by drug crime, and can afford to pay for rehab for their wayward offspring.
They don’t have to fish dead bodies out of the ocean or face the consequences of their demand for open borders.
They don’t compete for welfare resources or family reunion quotas with asylum seekers or live near areas of social friction.
They barely notice the soaring energy costs that arise from climate policies they push for reasons of guilt, moral vanity, and in-crowd identity.
Their compassion is employed only in those circumstances where it showcases their status and their membership of a virtuous elite.
Thus, the tragedy of Syria’s civil war only merited their tears after that photograph of a drowned Syrian toddler became a media focal point.
What followed was an unseemly contest to trumpet their sad feelings.
To any reasonable observer, these people are irrational and ridiculous, bordering on downright dangerous.
Their self regard is so extreme that it verges into mass delusion.
Or, to apply a more precise diagnosis, they suffer from an affliction know as “pathological altruism”.
This is the inspired coinage of American systems engineer Barbara Oakley.
In a 2013 paper for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, she defined it as “behaviour in which attempts to promote the welfare of … others results, instead, in harm that … was reasonably foreseeable.”
So, for instance, if you accidentally break a vase while helping a friend move house, that is not pathological altruism because the bad outcome was not foreseeable.
But if your brother is going through drug withdrawal and you get him more drugs to make him feel better, you are just “enabling his addiction. In this case, your well-meaning altruism is pathological.
Oakley cites examples such as “the overly attentive ‘helicopter’ father who threatens to sue instructors who give well-deserved bad grades, or the mother who attempts to protect her son by refusing to vaccinate him and who consequently fuels a loss of herd immunity underpinning a local whooping cough epidemic in which an infant dies”.
Closer to home, examples abound: drug liberalisers, who wants ice decriminalised might be motivated by a desire to help drug addicts.
But their remedies only exacerbate the harms and increase the numbers of addicts.
Similarly, well-meaning lefties, who talked Kevin Rudd into dismantling Howard-era border protections caused harm to those people they lured across the ocean, to those refugees whose places were taken, and damaged public confidence in our high level of migration. In other words, what might feel altruistic can end up making the situation worse.
“Altruistic intentions must be run through the sieve of rational analysis; all too often, the best long-term action to help others … is not intuitively obvious, not what temporarily makes us feel good, and not what is being promoted by other individuals, with their own self-serving interests,” Oakley says.
Elevating rational analysis over emotion is what the Prime Minister did last week when considering Australia’s response to the Syrian crisis: “It’s important that we act with our head as well as with our heart here.
“While I think we are all in the grip of grief, really, as we saw the tragedy unfolding on our television screens, the responsibility of government ... is to act in a measured and considered way.”
But for taking time to consider, he was criticised.
In our emotionally incontinent culture, driven by the sentimental narcissism of social media, true altruism can seem cruel.
Oakley cites examples of saying “no” to the student who demands a higher grade or to the addict who needs another hit.
“The social consequences of appearing cruel in a culture that places high value on kindness, empathy, and altruism can lead us to misplaced ‘helpful’ behaviour and result in self-deception regarding the consequences of our actions.”
Thus our faux elites damned the Abbott government as cruel when it went about rescuing our immigration system from criminal people smugglers.
They refuse to acknowledge that only because we “stopped the boats” is it possible to offer 12,000 Syrians a new home.
Similarly, they slam the government for skewing the intake towards persecuted minorities, particularly Christians against whom a religious genocide is being waged in the Middle East.
In order to showcase their tolerance they falsely claim helping the most needy is Islamophobic.
No, the altruism flaunted by our phony elites isn’t really about helping refugees or drug addicts or saving the planet.
It’s all about burnishing their reputations.
The road to hell is paved with their good intentions.
Miranda Devine
The Sunday Telegraph
September 13, 2015
IT is in the egalitarian nature of Australia that we have neglected to cultivate a class of genuine elites. Unfortunately, this vacuum at the top means that a bunch of chattering mediocrities have appointed themselves to the role of our moral and intellectual betters.
Some even have acquired posh accents and a haughty tone to give the impression of superiority.
They share a stunning lack of humility. What unites them is their opinion that other Australians, “out there” in the suburbs, are selfish, parochial, gullible, redneck morons, easily led by evil Right Wing NutJobs (RWNJ).
Our faux elites claim they are driven by altruism, at least when it comes to issues that don’t adversely affect them, like refugee, drug and climate policies.
They don’t live in suburbs affected by drug crime, and can afford to pay for rehab for their wayward offspring.
They don’t have to fish dead bodies out of the ocean or face the consequences of their demand for open borders.
They don’t compete for welfare resources or family reunion quotas with asylum seekers or live near areas of social friction.
They barely notice the soaring energy costs that arise from climate policies they push for reasons of guilt, moral vanity, and in-crowd identity.
Their compassion is employed only in those circumstances where it showcases their status and their membership of a virtuous elite.
Thus, the tragedy of Syria’s civil war only merited their tears after that photograph of a drowned Syrian toddler became a media focal point.
What followed was an unseemly contest to trumpet their sad feelings.
To any reasonable observer, these people are irrational and ridiculous, bordering on downright dangerous.
Their self regard is so extreme that it verges into mass delusion.
Or, to apply a more precise diagnosis, they suffer from an affliction know as “pathological altruism”.
This is the inspired coinage of American systems engineer Barbara Oakley.
In a 2013 paper for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, she defined it as “behaviour in which attempts to promote the welfare of … others results, instead, in harm that … was reasonably foreseeable.”
So, for instance, if you accidentally break a vase while helping a friend move house, that is not pathological altruism because the bad outcome was not foreseeable.
But if your brother is going through drug withdrawal and you get him more drugs to make him feel better, you are just “enabling his addiction. In this case, your well-meaning altruism is pathological.
Oakley cites examples such as “the overly attentive ‘helicopter’ father who threatens to sue instructors who give well-deserved bad grades, or the mother who attempts to protect her son by refusing to vaccinate him and who consequently fuels a loss of herd immunity underpinning a local whooping cough epidemic in which an infant dies”.
Closer to home, examples abound: drug liberalisers, who wants ice decriminalised might be motivated by a desire to help drug addicts.
But their remedies only exacerbate the harms and increase the numbers of addicts.
Similarly, well-meaning lefties, who talked Kevin Rudd into dismantling Howard-era border protections caused harm to those people they lured across the ocean, to those refugees whose places were taken, and damaged public confidence in our high level of migration. In other words, what might feel altruistic can end up making the situation worse.
“Altruistic intentions must be run through the sieve of rational analysis; all too often, the best long-term action to help others … is not intuitively obvious, not what temporarily makes us feel good, and not what is being promoted by other individuals, with their own self-serving interests,” Oakley says.
Elevating rational analysis over emotion is what the Prime Minister did last week when considering Australia’s response to the Syrian crisis: “It’s important that we act with our head as well as with our heart here.
“While I think we are all in the grip of grief, really, as we saw the tragedy unfolding on our television screens, the responsibility of government ... is to act in a measured and considered way.”
But for taking time to consider, he was criticised.
In our emotionally incontinent culture, driven by the sentimental narcissism of social media, true altruism can seem cruel.
Oakley cites examples of saying “no” to the student who demands a higher grade or to the addict who needs another hit.
“The social consequences of appearing cruel in a culture that places high value on kindness, empathy, and altruism can lead us to misplaced ‘helpful’ behaviour and result in self-deception regarding the consequences of our actions.”
Thus our faux elites damned the Abbott government as cruel when it went about rescuing our immigration system from criminal people smugglers.
They refuse to acknowledge that only because we “stopped the boats” is it possible to offer 12,000 Syrians a new home.
Similarly, they slam the government for skewing the intake towards persecuted minorities, particularly Christians against whom a religious genocide is being waged in the Middle East.
In order to showcase their tolerance they falsely claim helping the most needy is Islamophobic.
No, the altruism flaunted by our phony elites isn’t really about helping refugees or drug addicts or saving the planet.
It’s all about burnishing their reputations.
The road to hell is paved with their good intentions.
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
William Tyrrell Do you know where he is? if so PLEASE Call 1800 333 000
Somebody saw something. Somebody knows something. Somebody can help bring William home. Is that somebody you?
Call Crime Stoppers now on 1800 333 000
Call Crime Stoppers now on 1800 333 000
Paedophile Paul Bickford visits wife’s home, group linked with him part of William Tyrrell investigation
EXCLUSIVE Taylor Auerbach
DAYS after it was revealed a community group linked to paedophile Paul Bickford was being investigated by detectives attached to the hunt for missing toddler William Tyrrell, he has been photographed for
the first time visiting his “wrecked” wife’s home on the NSW mid-north coast.
Initial inquiries last night suggested Bickford was not in breach of an AVO or court orders placed on him at the time of his 16-month suspended jail sentence handed down on February 19.
The Daily Telegraph spotted Bickford — former president of support group GAPA (Grandparents As Parents Again) — leaving the home at 9.15am in a white sedan. He drove to the shops and returned roughly
15 minutes later.
“We’ve made inquiries and the indications are that he is not in breach of anything,” detective Inspector Gary Jubelin, leader of the William Tyrrell investigation strike force, said.
Bickford pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting an 11-year-old girl who suffers from Asperger’s syndrome during a drive to the shops to buy her lollies.
“He’s a bloody fool (for pleading guilty),” his wife Sandra said.
“He didn’t want to go to jail … he’s innocent.
“We’ve had a very emotional weekend. We have been interviewed by the detectives from Sydney before, they questioned everyone in our group.”
Mrs Bickford said homicide detectives had interviewed she and her husband extensively over their knowledge, if any, of William.
Mrs Bickford claimed last week that her husband was banned from living with her and the child residing at the same address. A teenage boy was also seen visiting the house yesterday while Bickford was
The family of Bickford’s victim described him as “the lowest of the low” and said they wanted him exposed as a convicted paedophile.
“It was extremely difficult and it was also extremely disappointing what the end result was — the fact that he got a 16-month slap on the wrist and let go again,” her grandfather said.
“(The victim) is very volatile. One minute she’s quite calm and totally fine, and the next minute she’s not.”
The Saturday Telegraph revealed last week that Paul Bickford was a member of a paedophile ring being looked at as part of the police investigation into William’s abduction.
Tony Jones — also a former member of GAPA — is in jail awaiting sentencing next week over indecently assaulting a different 11-year-old girl.
Sunday, September 06, 2015
Jarryd Hayne ... San Francisco 49 ers, Well done mate so proud of you.
God Bless you Jarryd so happy for you and yours.
Friday, August 07, 2015
Sunday, July 20, 2014
The Bolt Report July 20 2014 Flight MH17 More "Freedom Fighters" slaughtering innocents, Thanks Vladimir.
Flight MH17,
Malaysian Airlines,
Prime Minister Tony Abbott,
pro-Russian rebels,
Russian President Vladimir Putin,
Ukrainian spokeswoman Nataliya Bystro,
Friday, April 04, 2014
Aussie's Living and Dieing Down Under : Christine Armstrong, Tathra Shark attack.
Rob Armstrong spotted the shark that took the life of his wife Christine at Tathra Wharf
Geoff Chambers and Patrick Lion
The Daily Telegraph
April 4,2014
FOR the past 14 years, Christine and Rob Armstrong made the short trek down to the Tathra Surf Club for their daily swim.
As they swam past the breakers yesterday morning on the 600m journey to the Tathra Wharf, the pair took their last few strokes together before Mrs Armstrong made the fateful decision to return to shore alone.
At the 200m mark, the 63-year-old had told the group she was not feeling well.Mr Armstrong continued towards the wharf as part of his morning routine — he would never see his wife of 44 years again.
It was Mr Armstrong who spotted the shark — up to 4m long — lurking. As he made his way toward shore with the other swimmers they formed a huddle and kept a close watch for the shark.
Residents yesterday told The Daily Telegraph there was a resident great white shark that had been sighted near the wharf.
When Mr Armstrong could not locate his wife he started a frantic search — looking for her distinctive pink and orange cap.

At 8.40am police, ambulance and surf lifesavers were informed of a fatal shark attack — the second in NSW in less than five months.
An orange buoy was dropped on the spot where it was believed Mrs Armstrong had been attacked by the shark, likely to be either a great white or bronze whaler.
Late yesterday dye was dropped in the water to determine the currents as they continued searching for Mrs Armstrong’s body.
A witness has told police he saw Mrs Armstrong being attacked by the shark from nearby rocks but was too far away to help.
Inspector Jason Edmunds confirmed Mr Armstrong had seen a shark: “Rob was part of the group of five people. He did see a shape of a shark he described as three to four metres long and quite big.’’
As Mr Armstrong and other swimmers were treated for shock on the beach, the tight-knit town of Tathra, with a population of 1500, pulled together.
Mrs Armstrong, who helped run the surf club’s bronze medallion courses, was described as being “very loved by many people”.
“She has been swimming at Tathra Beach for 14 years and was an experienced and committed member of the surf club,” the club said.
“She was a senior surf club trainer for many years. Swimming brought her much joy and many friends.”
Her fellow clubbies from the Tathra, Narooma, Bermagui and Pambula surf clubs put aside their grief and jumped in five IRBs and two Jet Skis to search for the recently retired and popular member.
Far South Coast director of lifesaving Andrew Edmunds said club members were “extremely upset”.
He said Mrs Armstrong “was a capable, active lifesaver”.
“Our hearts go out to Christine’s family and friends and we are doing all we can to support club members at this time,” Mr Edmunds said.
Earlier this year Mrs Armstrong competed in the Wharf to Waves annual swimming competition and finished fourth in the 60 to 69 years age group.
Tathra Beach will remain closed today as the search resumes early this morning.
The Department of Primary Industries has appointed a shark biologist to assist investigators and attempt to identify what species of shark was responsible for the attack.
Mrs Armstrong is the 47th person to be killed by a shark in NSW waters in the past 100 years.
THE Tathra Wharf is one of the Sapphire Coast’s best-known landmarks — but recently, it has become known more for tragedy than its historical significance.
On November 18, 2008, Shane O’Neill leapt from the 5m-high jetty into the ocean after his four-year-old son Riley and 15-month-old son Travis fell from the wharf.
Mr O’Neill, 28, struggled to find his boys in the darkness and himself succumbed to the water.
He was declared dead at the scene and his sons were located and taken to Bega Hospital but sadly did not survive.
The tragedy shattered the small town but the wharf remains an important part of the community.
Every year, more than 400 people compete in the 1.2km Tathra Wharf to Waves ocean swim. Construction of the wharf dates back to 1860 and it serviced the local farming industry before being decommissioned as a coastal steamer wharf in the 1950s.
After that, a push to pull the wharf down was defeated by the Tathra Wharf Action Group and money was raised to restore part of it. In the 1990s, the wharf came to prominence after shocking photos of shark fishing appeared.
TATHRA lifeguards raised concerns about fishermen setting illegal baits and attracting big sharks close to the beach.
In 2012, Tathra Surf Life Saving Club surf boat captain Sharon Clarke expressed concern for a group of 20 swimmers — including Christine Armstrong — who swam 1.2km between the beach and the wharf every morning.
At the time, the surf club found a black balloon floating 150m off the beach, which was holding bait to lure in sharks.
“We all swim in the ocean knowing there are sharks, but you don’t like the idea that there are people luring and attracting sharks in so close,” Ms Clarke said at the time.
For decades, fishermen from across the country would come to Tathra wharf to catch great white sharks and bronze whalers hunting bait fish in the cool channels off the coast.
In 1996, after a push by locals, Bega Valley Shire Council banned shark fishing from the wharf and a sign was erected on the edge of the wharf. Off the wharf, fishermen would place a perimeter of bait settings between 600m to 1000m.
The Daily Telegraph has been told there is still some shark fishing but that it was smaller sharks being caught. A Department of Primary Industries spokeswoman said the fines for illegal shark fishing vary from $500 to $220,000 and possibly a two-year prison sentence if a threatened shark is caught.
Local oyster fisherman Brad Ellison said he did not think anyone fished for sharks from the wharf anymore after it was previously banned.
Geoff Chambers and Patrick Lion
The Daily Telegraph
April 4,2014
FOR the past 14 years, Christine and Rob Armstrong made the short trek down to the Tathra Surf Club for their daily swim.
As they swam past the breakers yesterday morning on the 600m journey to the Tathra Wharf, the pair took their last few strokes together before Mrs Armstrong made the fateful decision to return to shore alone.
At the 200m mark, the 63-year-old had told the group she was not feeling well.Mr Armstrong continued towards the wharf as part of his morning routine — he would never see his wife of 44 years again.
It was Mr Armstrong who spotted the shark — up to 4m long — lurking. As he made his way toward shore with the other swimmers they formed a huddle and kept a close watch for the shark.
Residents yesterday told The Daily Telegraph there was a resident great white shark that had been sighted near the wharf.
When Mr Armstrong could not locate his wife he started a frantic search — looking for her distinctive pink and orange cap.

At 8.40am police, ambulance and surf lifesavers were informed of a fatal shark attack — the second in NSW in less than five months.
An orange buoy was dropped on the spot where it was believed Mrs Armstrong had been attacked by the shark, likely to be either a great white or bronze whaler.
Late yesterday dye was dropped in the water to determine the currents as they continued searching for Mrs Armstrong’s body.
A witness has told police he saw Mrs Armstrong being attacked by the shark from nearby rocks but was too far away to help.
Inspector Jason Edmunds confirmed Mr Armstrong had seen a shark: “Rob was part of the group of five people. He did see a shape of a shark he described as three to four metres long and quite big.’’
As Mr Armstrong and other swimmers were treated for shock on the beach, the tight-knit town of Tathra, with a population of 1500, pulled together.
Mrs Armstrong, who helped run the surf club’s bronze medallion courses, was described as being “very loved by many people”.
“She has been swimming at Tathra Beach for 14 years and was an experienced and committed member of the surf club,” the club said.
“She was a senior surf club trainer for many years. Swimming brought her much joy and many friends.”
Her fellow clubbies from the Tathra, Narooma, Bermagui and Pambula surf clubs put aside their grief and jumped in five IRBs and two Jet Skis to search for the recently retired and popular member.
Far South Coast director of lifesaving Andrew Edmunds said club members were “extremely upset”.
He said Mrs Armstrong “was a capable, active lifesaver”.
“Our hearts go out to Christine’s family and friends and we are doing all we can to support club members at this time,” Mr Edmunds said.
Earlier this year Mrs Armstrong competed in the Wharf to Waves annual swimming competition and finished fourth in the 60 to 69 years age group.
Tathra Beach will remain closed today as the search resumes early this morning.
The Department of Primary Industries has appointed a shark biologist to assist investigators and attempt to identify what species of shark was responsible for the attack.
Mrs Armstrong is the 47th person to be killed by a shark in NSW waters in the past 100 years.
THE Tathra Wharf is one of the Sapphire Coast’s best-known landmarks — but recently, it has become known more for tragedy than its historical significance.
On November 18, 2008, Shane O’Neill leapt from the 5m-high jetty into the ocean after his four-year-old son Riley and 15-month-old son Travis fell from the wharf.
Mr O’Neill, 28, struggled to find his boys in the darkness and himself succumbed to the water.
He was declared dead at the scene and his sons were located and taken to Bega Hospital but sadly did not survive.
The tragedy shattered the small town but the wharf remains an important part of the community.
Every year, more than 400 people compete in the 1.2km Tathra Wharf to Waves ocean swim. Construction of the wharf dates back to 1860 and it serviced the local farming industry before being decommissioned as a coastal steamer wharf in the 1950s.
After that, a push to pull the wharf down was defeated by the Tathra Wharf Action Group and money was raised to restore part of it. In the 1990s, the wharf came to prominence after shocking photos of shark fishing appeared.
TATHRA lifeguards raised concerns about fishermen setting illegal baits and attracting big sharks close to the beach.
In 2012, Tathra Surf Life Saving Club surf boat captain Sharon Clarke expressed concern for a group of 20 swimmers — including Christine Armstrong — who swam 1.2km between the beach and the wharf every morning.
At the time, the surf club found a black balloon floating 150m off the beach, which was holding bait to lure in sharks.
“We all swim in the ocean knowing there are sharks, but you don’t like the idea that there are people luring and attracting sharks in so close,” Ms Clarke said at the time.
For decades, fishermen from across the country would come to Tathra wharf to catch great white sharks and bronze whalers hunting bait fish in the cool channels off the coast.
In 1996, after a push by locals, Bega Valley Shire Council banned shark fishing from the wharf and a sign was erected on the edge of the wharf. Off the wharf, fishermen would place a perimeter of bait settings between 600m to 1000m.
The Daily Telegraph has been told there is still some shark fishing but that it was smaller sharks being caught. A Department of Primary Industries spokeswoman said the fines for illegal shark fishing vary from $500 to $220,000 and possibly a two-year prison sentence if a threatened shark is caught.
Local oyster fisherman Brad Ellison said he did not think anyone fished for sharks from the wharf anymore after it was previously banned.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
US Marines Land in Darwin
Ordinarily I would welcome this, but somehow I have to wonder,as I have said before,with that nut job Muslim Kenyan / Indonesian POTUS in charge of the US Military, who knows what orders he might give them, in who's interest are they here to advance ?
Friday, February 14, 2014
Sunday, February 02, 2014
Hollyweird Moon Bat Glenn Close and other Gaia Worshippers,Eco Nazi's and Barking Dog Mad Loons are given the keys to OUR Civilization and permitted to walk amongst us.
As with MOST Hollyweird "Stars" it's all about what they WANT as opposed to what is good.Not so long ago Loons like Close would have been driven / herded into the back paddock and contained long enough for Nature to run its course,in a kindly way of course.
Now with the new " Science", Hollyweird Science prophets, snake oil sales persons like her are promoted to the exalted state of Shaman, Y2K Sales persons,Temperature Control Taxation Spruikers,Witch Doctors, Soothsayers and Crystal Gazers, masters / keepers of the keys to the Idiot in search of a village "Scientist's".
Thanks to Sheik Yer Mami for the original post at WOJ
Hollywood star bats for flying foxes
Caitlin Drysdale
February 1,2014
A HOLLYWOOD heavyweight and a world-renowned scientist have thrown their support behind Cairns' infamous bat colony.
American actress Glenn Close has visited the Cairns region several times, most notably while filming movies Paradise Road and South Pacific.
She has written a letter addressing her concerns about the planned relocation of the Cairns CBD flying foxes.
"It deeply distresses me to learn that the Cairns Regional Council, led by its Mayor Bob Manning, is planning to disperse and remove the vulnerable creatures from what can only be described as a unique and ideal location in the town centre," she wrote in the two-page letter.
When Loons and Gaia Worshippers rule Society
I recall a conversation I had with one of these caring and sharing eco warriors out in the field mid 2013 regarding the above video,they assured me that it was a total fabrication, and the proof of that, was that it was a sixty minutes production, and there fore must have been a fabrication, and a distortion of facts. The supporters of the spreading of the lyssavirus infection are very much like the self aquired / volunteer AID's and STD sufferers,they see some natural honour in the spreading of the manifestations of Nature and their sexual perversion of choice,much like the mindset of the Loons in the movie The Omega Man.
Until recently Sydney's Royal Botanical Gardens some 200 meters from the Sydney Opera House was over run by these flying Rats, they destroyed numerous age old trees and turned the gardens into their own stinking foul private toilet.
I remember eating at the Australia Square restaurant one evening with family and friends and witnessed scenes reminiscent of Gotham City, the night skies full of Bats circling around the building, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the then AMP Tower, pissing and shitting on all and any below.
I see daily these Flying Rats, flying crapping and pissing some 100 meters from Pre Schoolers as they attend and or delivered picked up from Day Care, but my eco warrior friend assured me they were in no danger.
Whilst lieing on my back a few years ago in my back yard relaxing after mowing the lawn I was conscious of been watched after some minutes of careful observation of the palm trees above me, I saw three of these Bats hanging upside down as they do, due to the fact their legs are not strong enough to hold their weight upright,staring at me as one, sure it was fascinating and novel however I made sure I was not going to be their next target, and moved out of range.
"I sincerely hope that you not only leave the colony where it is, but also maximise accessibility while providing education about flying foxes and their value in a delicate ecosystem."
A letter has also been penned by Dame Jane Goodall, a British primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist renowned for her work with chimpanzees.
"Education by the State Government is extremely important," she wrote.
"The Queensland State and Federal Government handing over power to the councils to act is not in the interest of conservation consideration of the species."
The two letters have been presented to the Cairns Regional Council by environmental activist Noel Castley-Wright.
Mr Castley-Wright will also be approaching other notable Hollywood identities for support.
"Glenn Close is one of many we are aiming at getting, what's wonderful about Glenn is that she's been here so it's credible," he said.
"The people we are approaching have all been here and understand the eco-tourism side of things.
"Eco-tourism is a very special part of Cairns.
"We have something unique here."
But the council maintains it is acting in accordance with State and Federal Government approval.
"Cairns Regional Council has resolved to manage and reduce the impacts of the CBD Flying Foxes colony and then work towards their eventual dispersal from the CBD," a spokeswoman said.
"Council officers are working closely with experts from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, CSIRO and wildlife ecologists."
Health district warns against handling bats due to deadly lyssavirus threat
Amanda Partridge
Macarthur Chronical Campbelltown
Janruary 28,2014
BATS are popping up in southwest Sydney backyards, prompting a health warning about the deadly dangers of handling the animals.
With native food sources currently limited, bats are increasingly turning to suburban backyards to forage for food. But the South Western Sydney Local Health District Public Health Unit has warned residents to keep their hands off the animals, which can carry the deadly Australian lyssavirus.
The virus, which results in a rabies-like illness, is easily passed on from bites and scratches from bats. The virus is very serious and if untreated can be fatal.
"Lyssavirus is rare in Australia and only transmitted through bites and scratches from bats," Public Health Unit director Dr Leena Gupta said.
"People should assume that all bats and flying foxes are infectious, regardless of whether the animal looks sick or not."
Dr Gupta said people who have been bitten or scratched by any type of bat or flying fox should clean the wound for at least five minutes with soap and water as soon as possible.
They should then apply an antiseptic solution and seek urgent medical advice.
"If bitten of scratched you may require a series of injections to protect against Australian lyssavirus infection and the first two need to be given as soon as possible," Dr Gupta said.
"Your GP or local public health unit can provide advice on treatment."
Anyone who comes across an injured or distressed bat should avoid all contact and call WIRES on 1300 094 737.
For more details on the lyssavirus visit health.nsw.gov.au/factsheets/infectious/rabiesbatinfection.html.
Health district warns against handling bats due to deadly lyssavirus threat
Amanda Partridge
Macarthur Chronical Campbelltown
Janruary 28,2014
BATS are popping up in southwest Sydney backyards, prompting a health warning about the deadly dangers of handling the animals.
With native food sources currently limited, bats are increasingly turning to suburban backyards to forage for food. But the South Western Sydney Local Health District Public Health Unit has warned residents to keep their hands off the animals, which can carry the deadly Australian lyssavirus.
The virus, which results in a rabies-like illness, is easily passed on from bites and scratches from bats. The virus is very serious and if untreated can be fatal.
"Lyssavirus is rare in Australia and only transmitted through bites and scratches from bats," Public Health Unit director Dr Leena Gupta said.
"People should assume that all bats and flying foxes are infectious, regardless of whether the animal looks sick or not."
Dr Gupta said people who have been bitten or scratched by any type of bat or flying fox should clean the wound for at least five minutes with soap and water as soon as possible.
They should then apply an antiseptic solution and seek urgent medical advice.
"If bitten of scratched you may require a series of injections to protect against Australian lyssavirus infection and the first two need to be given as soon as possible," Dr Gupta said.
"Your GP or local public health unit can provide advice on treatment."
Anyone who comes across an injured or distressed bat should avoid all contact and call WIRES on 1300 094 737.
For more details on the lyssavirus visit health.nsw.gov.au/factsheets/infectious/rabiesbatinfection.html.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Islamic Sociopath's Inc.,It was the "gangster feel" of Muslim outreach organisation Ummah United that caught the eye of Tayyab Khan.
It's all ASIO'S fault !!!!
Islamic outreach group Ummah United says ASIO risks radicalising young Muslims in need of mentors
By the National Reporting Team's Mark Solomons
January 21,2014
It was the "gangster feel" of Muslim outreach organisation Ummah United that caught the eye of Tayyab Khan.
The young Logan man liked its ideals of brotherhood, sticking up for each other no matter what, and its image, the menacing black hoodies and T-shirts with their crossed-swords emblem.
Deliberately pitched to attract disaffected young men who might slip into the grip of street gangs, it was a high-risk strategy on the part of Ummah United.
"That attracted me," Mr Khan said.
"Yeah. That aggressive feeling."
Rather than reinforce what he calls his previous "bad habits", Mr Khan says Ummah United steered him away from the street gang lifestyle he once had.
"It's the same as hanging out with my boys from back in the day, but it's clean, it's a clean environment," he said, surrounded by other men from the group who have met to share snacks and gossip at a Lebanese cafe.
Young muslim man at Logan's Ummah United centre
"We speak about religion, we speak about good things, different topics, the same as hanging out, like we're doing here.
"I would have done the same with my friends. But it would have led to something else that wouldn't have been good for us."
Robbie, who did not want to give his full name, is an older man with even more of a chequered past, darkened by substance abuse, relationship breakdowns and run-ins with the law.
He once had a good job working for Centrelink, but then got involved with drugs while working as a bouncer in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley nightclub precinct.
"Within six months, I'd racked up pages of charges," he says.
He credits Ummah United - and his conversion to Islam - with keeping him out of trouble.
"I was hanging out with other Aussies ... our culture is to go out and get pissed in the pub, you know; if you don't have a beer there's something wrong with you," he says.
"So for me to walk away from that lifestyle completely, I needed to surround myself in a clean environment. Islam is a clean environment.
"Ummah United has given me a more intimate family within Islam."
Sharing a sense of alienation
Mirways Sayed, who set up Ummah United in 2012, can relate to the young men who attend the centre, their frustrations and sense of alienation.
He came to Australia as an Afghan refugee in the late 1970s and used to drift around and get up to no good on Brisbane's Southbank, before it was redeveloped. He still sometimes struggles with his English.
Mr Sayed says his idea was for a community centre with its doors open to everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim, to "get them off drugs, street violence, jail, and encourage them to become a better person".
However, the organisation's idealistic open-door policy has come at a price.
David Toalei, who has been linked to the Bandidos, was an Ummah member.
He made the news in June when he was Tasered and batoned into submission by police on the Gold Coast after a rampage in which it is alleged he fired a shotgun inside a taxi and tried to hijack a milk float.
If that was not bad press enough, Ummah made the news again in September after it emerged that people who had attended Ummah meetings included the brothers of a Brisbane man suspected to have carried out a suicide bombing in Syria.
The ABC knows the man's full name but has chosen not to publish it.
It cannot be verified that the man, whose nom de guerre was Abu Asmaa, was involved in the attack on an airport in the east of Syria on September 11.
The only publicly available source material indicating Abu Asmaa was Australian are tweets in Arabic from Jihadi social media commentators including one called Abu Hasan, who claimed he had helped the man's bereaved family financially by buying his car.
The incident is a touchy subject for the close-knit community in Logan, many of whose members know the man simply as "Junior".
One Ummah United member who is close to the family interrupted 7.30's interview with Mr Sayed, saying the ABC was making too many assumptions about the man's involvement.
The group's potential links to radical Islam have excited the interest of the authorities, with Mr Sayed reporting multiple visits to the centre from the Australian Federal Police and ASIO officers.
The ABC asked Mr Sayed if officers had presented any evidence of wrongdoing. He said they had not.
ASIO visits give centre a bad rep
Some of the younger men privately complained to the ABC of frequent unannounced visits from ASIO at their homes.
The increasing attention has Mr Sayed worried that the pressure from the authorities has put the centre's future at risk.
"ASIO going to parents and going behind our backs and going to parents and asking questions ... people are a bit, you know, worried," Mr Sayed says.
"People are stopping their kids coming here and the place is getting emptier and emptier.
"Maybe if the authorities keep pressuring us like that, maybe this place will be closed."
According to Mr Sayed, if kids were not at the centre, "they'd probably be on the streets...in shopping centres, after the shopping centre's closed they're probably God knows where, in the city, outside, breaking and entering, stealing, all sorts of things".
A bridge back from radicalisation
Imam Uzair Akbar, from nearby Holland Park mosque, sees Ummah United not just as an alternative to the enticements of crime but, more importantly, as a fragile bridge between the mainstream and the radical fringe.
Appointed the group's spiritual adviser, the Imam aims his weekly religious talks at disaffected young men – and maybe even the women listening hidden in an upstairs gallery - who might be tempted to drift towards Jihad.
He acknowledges that he knows of young people "who are disturbed by what is happening in the Middle East".
The Imam is fighting a powerful force: radicalisation via the Internet. It was agreed early on that there should be no computers in the centre.
"If we do not occupy the youth, give them a purpose in life, then there is a possibility they may go to sites that incite hatred," he says.
"This centre will negate that. If people come to this centre on a regular basis, they will become part of the mainstream."
If the Imam is right, breaking Ummah United's link to the underground could be doubly counterproductive for the authorities, with the risk of shutting off a source of intelligence.
Says Imam Akbar: "If any person has any thoughts that can damage the fabric of this country, the beautiful fabric of this country, we will be the first to highlight that. We will not keep it behind closed doors."
Topics: islam, religion-and-beliefs, drugs-and-substance-abuse, police, security-intelligence, logan-central-4114, qld, sydney-2000
Islamic outreach group Ummah United says ASIO risks radicalising young Muslims in need of mentors
By the National Reporting Team's Mark Solomons
January 21,2014
It was the "gangster feel" of Muslim outreach organisation Ummah United that caught the eye of Tayyab Khan.
The young Logan man liked its ideals of brotherhood, sticking up for each other no matter what, and its image, the menacing black hoodies and T-shirts with their crossed-swords emblem.
Deliberately pitched to attract disaffected young men who might slip into the grip of street gangs, it was a high-risk strategy on the part of Ummah United.
"That attracted me," Mr Khan said.
"Yeah. That aggressive feeling."
Rather than reinforce what he calls his previous "bad habits", Mr Khan says Ummah United steered him away from the street gang lifestyle he once had.
"It's the same as hanging out with my boys from back in the day, but it's clean, it's a clean environment," he said, surrounded by other men from the group who have met to share snacks and gossip at a Lebanese cafe.
Young muslim man at Logan's Ummah United centre

"I would have done the same with my friends. But it would have led to something else that wouldn't have been good for us."
Robbie, who did not want to give his full name, is an older man with even more of a chequered past, darkened by substance abuse, relationship breakdowns and run-ins with the law.
He once had a good job working for Centrelink, but then got involved with drugs while working as a bouncer in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley nightclub precinct.
"Within six months, I'd racked up pages of charges," he says.
He credits Ummah United - and his conversion to Islam - with keeping him out of trouble.
"I was hanging out with other Aussies ... our culture is to go out and get pissed in the pub, you know; if you don't have a beer there's something wrong with you," he says.
"So for me to walk away from that lifestyle completely, I needed to surround myself in a clean environment. Islam is a clean environment.
"Ummah United has given me a more intimate family within Islam."
Sharing a sense of alienation
Mirways Sayed, who set up Ummah United in 2012, can relate to the young men who attend the centre, their frustrations and sense of alienation.
He came to Australia as an Afghan refugee in the late 1970s and used to drift around and get up to no good on Brisbane's Southbank, before it was redeveloped. He still sometimes struggles with his English.
Mr Sayed says his idea was for a community centre with its doors open to everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim, to "get them off drugs, street violence, jail, and encourage them to become a better person".
However, the organisation's idealistic open-door policy has come at a price.
David Toalei, who has been linked to the Bandidos, was an Ummah member.
He made the news in June when he was Tasered and batoned into submission by police on the Gold Coast after a rampage in which it is alleged he fired a shotgun inside a taxi and tried to hijack a milk float.

The ABC knows the man's full name but has chosen not to publish it.
It cannot be verified that the man, whose nom de guerre was Abu Asmaa, was involved in the attack on an airport in the east of Syria on September 11.
The only publicly available source material indicating Abu Asmaa was Australian are tweets in Arabic from Jihadi social media commentators including one called Abu Hasan, who claimed he had helped the man's bereaved family financially by buying his car.
The incident is a touchy subject for the close-knit community in Logan, many of whose members know the man simply as "Junior".
One Ummah United member who is close to the family interrupted 7.30's interview with Mr Sayed, saying the ABC was making too many assumptions about the man's involvement.
The group's potential links to radical Islam have excited the interest of the authorities, with Mr Sayed reporting multiple visits to the centre from the Australian Federal Police and ASIO officers.
The ABC asked Mr Sayed if officers had presented any evidence of wrongdoing. He said they had not.
ASIO visits give centre a bad rep
Some of the younger men privately complained to the ABC of frequent unannounced visits from ASIO at their homes.
The increasing attention has Mr Sayed worried that the pressure from the authorities has put the centre's future at risk.
"ASIO going to parents and going behind our backs and going to parents and asking questions ... people are a bit, you know, worried," Mr Sayed says.
"People are stopping their kids coming here and the place is getting emptier and emptier.
"Maybe if the authorities keep pressuring us like that, maybe this place will be closed."
According to Mr Sayed, if kids were not at the centre, "they'd probably be on the streets...in shopping centres, after the shopping centre's closed they're probably God knows where, in the city, outside, breaking and entering, stealing, all sorts of things".
A bridge back from radicalisation
Imam Uzair Akbar, from nearby Holland Park mosque, sees Ummah United not just as an alternative to the enticements of crime but, more importantly, as a fragile bridge between the mainstream and the radical fringe.
Appointed the group's spiritual adviser, the Imam aims his weekly religious talks at disaffected young men – and maybe even the women listening hidden in an upstairs gallery - who might be tempted to drift towards Jihad.
He acknowledges that he knows of young people "who are disturbed by what is happening in the Middle East".
The Imam is fighting a powerful force: radicalisation via the Internet. It was agreed early on that there should be no computers in the centre.
"If we do not occupy the youth, give them a purpose in life, then there is a possibility they may go to sites that incite hatred," he says.
"This centre will negate that. If people come to this centre on a regular basis, they will become part of the mainstream."
If the Imam is right, breaking Ummah United's link to the underground could be doubly counterproductive for the authorities, with the risk of shutting off a source of intelligence.
Says Imam Akbar: "If any person has any thoughts that can damage the fabric of this country, the beautiful fabric of this country, we will be the first to highlight that. We will not keep it behind closed doors."
Topics: islam, religion-and-beliefs, drugs-and-substance-abuse, police, security-intelligence, logan-central-4114, qld, sydney-2000
Abu Asmaa,
David Toalei,
Imam Uzair Akbar,
Islamic Sociopath's Inc.,
Logan South Brisbane,
Mirways Sayed,
Tayyab Khan,
Ummah United
Friday, January 17, 2014
Found in Loungeroom
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Western Australian Man set on fire, WA Police hunt Five "Dark Skinned Men"
Police hunt gang who set WA man on fire
The Daily Telegraph
January 12,2014
POLICE in Perth are searching for a gang of men who set another man on fire during an argument, leaving him with burns to almost half his body and fighting for life in hospital.
The police station in Cannington, south-east of Perth, had to be closed on Sunday after the 20-year-old man from East Cannington collapsed there while seeking help.
WA police said he was shirtless when he arrived at the police station as he had taken it off as he put out the fire.
Investigators say they are searching for a gang of five men they believe are responsible for the man's injuries, which are mainly to his legs and stomach, with minor burns to his face.
The victim is in Royal Perth Hospital in a critical but stable condition.
Acting Detective Senior Sergeant Rob Jamieson told reporters authorities believed the incident happened near Mallard Road and Hamilton Street between 4am and 4.30am.
Acting Det Sen Sgt Jamieson said the victim was out walking when he was approached by five dark-skinned males.
"During an altercation some form of accelerant is believed to have been poured or sprayed onto the victim and he was set alight," he said.
At the time of the incident the victim was wearing black jeans or shorts, white sneakers and a black singlet.
One of the offenders is described as aged between 18 and 25, about 175 centimetres tall, of slim build, wearing black-and-red basketball shorts and no shirt.
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
The Daily Telegraph
January 12,2014
POLICE in Perth are searching for a gang of men who set another man on fire during an argument, leaving him with burns to almost half his body and fighting for life in hospital.
The police station in Cannington, south-east of Perth, had to be closed on Sunday after the 20-year-old man from East Cannington collapsed there while seeking help.
WA police said he was shirtless when he arrived at the police station as he had taken it off as he put out the fire.
Investigators say they are searching for a gang of five men they believe are responsible for the man's injuries, which are mainly to his legs and stomach, with minor burns to his face.
The victim is in Royal Perth Hospital in a critical but stable condition.
Acting Detective Senior Sergeant Rob Jamieson told reporters authorities believed the incident happened near Mallard Road and Hamilton Street between 4am and 4.30am.
Acting Det Sen Sgt Jamieson said the victim was out walking when he was approached by five dark-skinned males.
"During an altercation some form of accelerant is believed to have been poured or sprayed onto the victim and he was set alight," he said.
At the time of the incident the victim was wearing black jeans or shorts, white sneakers and a black singlet.
One of the offenders is described as aged between 18 and 25, about 175 centimetres tall, of slim build, wearing black-and-red basketball shorts and no shirt.
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Judge claims Psychologists' reports on criminals are too similar ........Gee Who Da Thunk It Possible?
I have had first hand experience with Psychiatrist's in the Supreme Court of NSW, in a case that lasted in excess of eight years.
These "experts" are,in far too many cases, self appointed activists,social change merchants / agents, who will write reports conducive to whatever outcome they deem suitable to the case and their progressive social agenda.
In my case the "social change progressive" was outed in the witness box under cross examination by my Barrister, who elicited admissions, among many others of
Barrister XXXXXX
Question :
'is it true that at the time of writing and completing this report relied upon by the defendant, sworn and written by you and submitted to the court as an affidavit you had yet to meet or interview XXXXX, the subject of this report contained in the affidavit' ? "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXX
Answer : Yes
There was much much more damning testimony under oath, however it is too difficult to write here without revealing identities of plaintiff deponents.
I have not and at this time will not seek a lifting of a 'Closed Court" order so as to enable public access to the NSW Supreme Court proceedings initiated by myself.
The defendants "Expert Psychiarist" shortly after this admission under oath of the Supreme Court of NSW, was the Camera Hogging Boastful Star Witness,informant,of an Australian National Current Affairs program, alleging all sorts of "wrongs" against the NSW Health Commission regarding the funding and other "goings on" of an XXXXXX program for youths and children. Viewers of the story were outraged, and rightly so, after listening to the expert allegations of the caring and sharing Dr XXXXXXXX .
Approximately a week later the subjects of the caring and sharing Dr XXXXXXX damning allegations were answered one by one by the NSW Health Commission on the same National Current Affairs program.
During the refutations of the "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX by the NSW Health Commissions representative, it was revealed that the "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX bank account was in fact the real victim of the due diligence of the NSW Health Commission and that the "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX "victims" were in fact better off, free of the input,caring and sharing of "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX "
The allegations of "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX "were refuted by the representative in their entirety, the National Current Affairs program accepted those refutations as been the truth.
At the time of my commencing proceedings as a plaintiff in my matter the "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" was well known in legal circles as "Liar for Hire" Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr XXXXX aka. Liar for Hire, was an inhabitant of what is known a "Red Square" a part of Sydney's XXXXXX Street Professional, Medical and Legal Hub.
During the course of my litigation (over 8 years in the Supreme Court of NSW) I was threatened / intimidated by the "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" repeated use of whoever the Supreme Court Judge listed to hear my matter was,first name been used over and over during the course of our discussions and suggestions that J.XXXXXX and that "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" and J.XXXXXX had by coincidence recently attended a BBQ at the home of another J. XXXXX who had heard interlocutory proceedings in my litigation.
This intimidation was not confined to "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" it was on one occasion used by the head of the XXXXXX mediation / counselling service.
I was told that my action had no merit in THEIR opinion regardless of my sworn testimony under oath and that same testimony surviving cross examination by NSW Government appointed and tax payer funded lawyers, and as such should not be considered by the Supreme Court of NSW, and that I should reconsider the errors of my ways.
The various Judges of the Supreme Court of NSW who heard from the first day of hearing my various motions accepted my evidence and that of the NSW Supreme Court appointed expert witness and others who gave testimony on my behalf, not only in the first instance in a Court of a different jurisdiction, but in the first and subsequent hearings of 18 or was it 21? appearances over 8 plus years in the NSW Supreme Court.
Despite my never having a Justice of the Supreme Court of NSW ruling against me,I was forced to appear in the Supreme Court of NSW Court no less than eighteen (maybe 21) times because of Progressive Activist Caring and Sharing Expert Psychiarist's and Social Justice Activists Experts and Hangers On like Dr XXXXX.
The Supreme Court of NSW is, in my opinion and based on my experience, an honest up front joint, no judge or staff member I had dealings with left me with anything to be desired.
The problems I had with Justice in NSW was with the self appointed hangers on,the "Social Justice" Bludgers (Pimps) and Parasites, the XXXXX Collective Co Operative, the 'We know what's best for you" Tax payer funded Bludgers, the "Clergy" NSW Legal Aid "Progressive" Gate Keepers, and their assorted tax dollar drip feeding hangers on, ever willing to fight the good fight on behalf of "the revolution" all funded by the NSW Tax Payer.
The Defendant in my case,was fully funded by the NSW State Government and its numerous tax payer funded, collective co operative, affirmative action, social justice, equality now, all cultures beliefs religions actions behaviours are equal,Blah Blah Blah Blah Departments.
I was blessed by been represented by a man who is no longer with us, he was a fighter he had been dealt the shit end of the stick at age 14 and despite this refused to give up on life he went on to become a successful Lawyer despite having too many clients like me who could more often than not pay him for his services.
He is no longer with us, he passed away, way to soon,as a consequence of the events that befell him at age 14.
He smoked he swore he had a beautiful wife and three children and at times was a total befuddlement to me, but mostly he was a source of inspiration, knowledge and wisdom, along with the four Barristers that he engaged on my behalf, two of whom went on to become Judges of the NSW Supreme Court and another an Australian Federal Court Judge.
Thankfully for me I am still with us, ok ok enough of your applause.
My advice (for what its worth) for anyone up against an "Expert Psychiarist" like the NSW Government Funded Dr XXXXXXX, ask yourself how important is the success of your case?
What is the worst outcome if you do not succeed ?
In Australia its best to NOT rely on Police or deal with the Legal System unless you have no alternative, Australia,despite its Justice public relations bull shit spin, for the average Anglo Saxon White Male / Female Heterosexual Employed Australian, I would never recommend engaging the Legal system, unless you are arrested stay away from it, it is NOT a Justice system it is a SOCIAL Justice system, a Progressive Left Ideological System and as such should be avoided at all costs unless compelled to do so.
In my case it was a life,that, like all lives could only be lived once, I was the ONLY one, who, if prepared to fight with everything available to me ,that,that life had the best opportunity available to LIVE as all AUSTRALIANS have a GOD GIVEN right to do so,in spite of the carers and sharers and social justice PIMPS demands.
THAT LIFE WON ..........He / She is living a Life in spite of the PROVEN Wicked Vicious Deliberate Lies and Fabrications of the Progressive Social Justice, Collective Co Operative, All Cultures Beliefs are Equal Taxpayer Funded "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXX and His / Her / Its Social Justice Groupies down at Legal Aid.
FOUND AT http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/psychologists-reports-on-criminals-are-too-similar-judge-claims/story-fni0cx4q-1226783407314
Psychologists' reports on criminals are too similar Judge claims
Exclusive The Sunday Telegraph
December 15,2013
A JUDGE has criticised one of the state's prominent psychologists saying his reports on criminals are "virtually identical" with no explanation to back up his conclusions.
District Court Judge Peter Berman SC made the stinging assessment of Dr John Jacmon's "ability to assist the court" on multiple occasions when the psychologist submitted reports detailing the mental afflictions suffered by crooks being sentenced in his court.
Dr Jacmon told The Sunday Telegraph no other judges had a problem with his work and that many offenders he dealt with suffered from the same condition.
He said he wouldn't be changing his methods "just because one judge finds a problem".
The doctor has written reports for offenders sentenced by Judge Berman including a cocaine courier, two kidnappers and an appeal by Simon Munroe who killed a 15-year-old by injecting her with heroin.
Psychologists are often hired by lawyers to give evidence of subjective features, including mental conditions, to help explain a criminal's behaviour.
The report may impact the severity of the criminal's sentence or could see them recommended for medical treatment instead of jail.
According to Judge Berman, Dr Jacmon's reports are mostly identical in saying the offenders suffered from "impaired judgment" because they didn't consider the consequences of their actions.
On October 4, Judge Berman told a hearing: "Almost every report of his I have ever read suggests that 'the offender's actions ... indicated markedly diminished capacity for judgment because there appeared to be little thought given to the consequences'.
"The second problem with Dr Jacmon's report is that there is little or no explanation as to how he has drawn conclusions," the judge told the court.
Dr Jacmon told The Sunday Telegraph his reports averaged "30-40 pages" and his findings were all backed by evidence.
He said several conditions were common to many offenders.
"If a person has got the same disorder (as someone else) I can't say that in any other way - If they've got depression, they've got depression," he said. "It's probably because (Judge Berman) sees a lot of my reports - I'm very popular around town.
"I've had no other problems from other judges ... you can't please everyone," he said.
Prominent psychologist Tim Watson-Munro said it was likely the judge was matching the expectations of the community by setting a high bar for what mitigating factors should be accepted when sentencing criminals.
"We are in a time when the community is very cynical about sentencing," he said.
On December 10, 2010, Judge Berman opened the possibility of being disqualified from hearing a sentencing because he was critical of Dr Jacmon's reports.
He told the court: "every single" report by Dr Jacmon said the offenders' actions featured "impaired judgment" with "little thought given to the consequences".
"One wonders how Dr Jacmon would treat any offending behaviour by an individual ... where there is a risk of being detected," he told another hearing in November 2008.
"Dr Jacmon seems to be saying that anyone who commits a crime has impaired judgment because they might get caught," he told a September 2009 hearing for two kidnappers.
"I do not accept that opinion at all. Many offenders adopt a completely rational thought process."
In a 2008 case where Simon Munroe killed a teen girl with heroin, Dr Jacmon submitted Munroe took drugs to ease the stress from being sexually assaulted.
Judge Berman told the court the doctor's submission had no relevance given Munroe was being sentenced for killing a 15-year-old girl with heroin, not drug supply.
Judge Berman declined to comment.
These "experts" are,in far too many cases, self appointed activists,social change merchants / agents, who will write reports conducive to whatever outcome they deem suitable to the case and their progressive social agenda.
In my case the "social change progressive" was outed in the witness box under cross examination by my Barrister, who elicited admissions, among many others of
Barrister XXXXXX
Question :
'is it true that at the time of writing and completing this report relied upon by the defendant, sworn and written by you and submitted to the court as an affidavit you had yet to meet or interview XXXXX, the subject of this report contained in the affidavit' ? "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXX
Answer : Yes
There was much much more damning testimony under oath, however it is too difficult to write here without revealing identities of plaintiff deponents.
I have not and at this time will not seek a lifting of a 'Closed Court" order so as to enable public access to the NSW Supreme Court proceedings initiated by myself.
The defendants "Expert Psychiarist" shortly after this admission under oath of the Supreme Court of NSW, was the Camera Hogging Boastful Star Witness,informant,of an Australian National Current Affairs program, alleging all sorts of "wrongs" against the NSW Health Commission regarding the funding and other "goings on" of an XXXXXX program for youths and children. Viewers of the story were outraged, and rightly so, after listening to the expert allegations of the caring and sharing Dr XXXXXXXX .
Approximately a week later the subjects of the caring and sharing Dr XXXXXXX damning allegations were answered one by one by the NSW Health Commission on the same National Current Affairs program.
During the refutations of the "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX by the NSW Health Commissions representative, it was revealed that the "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX bank account was in fact the real victim of the due diligence of the NSW Health Commission and that the "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX "victims" were in fact better off, free of the input,caring and sharing of "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX "
The allegations of "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX "were refuted by the representative in their entirety, the National Current Affairs program accepted those refutations as been the truth.
At the time of my commencing proceedings as a plaintiff in my matter the "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" was well known in legal circles as "Liar for Hire" Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr XXXXX aka. Liar for Hire, was an inhabitant of what is known a "Red Square" a part of Sydney's XXXXXX Street Professional, Medical and Legal Hub.
During the course of my litigation (over 8 years in the Supreme Court of NSW) I was threatened / intimidated by the "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" repeated use of whoever the Supreme Court Judge listed to hear my matter was,first name been used over and over during the course of our discussions and suggestions that J.XXXXXX and that "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" and J.XXXXXX had by coincidence recently attended a BBQ at the home of another J. XXXXX who had heard interlocutory proceedings in my litigation.
This intimidation was not confined to "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" it was on one occasion used by the head of the XXXXXX mediation / counselling service.
I was told that my action had no merit in THEIR opinion regardless of my sworn testimony under oath and that same testimony surviving cross examination by NSW Government appointed and tax payer funded lawyers, and as such should not be considered by the Supreme Court of NSW, and that I should reconsider the errors of my ways.
The various Judges of the Supreme Court of NSW who heard from the first day of hearing my various motions accepted my evidence and that of the NSW Supreme Court appointed expert witness and others who gave testimony on my behalf, not only in the first instance in a Court of a different jurisdiction, but in the first and subsequent hearings of 18 or was it 21? appearances over 8 plus years in the NSW Supreme Court.
Despite my never having a Justice of the Supreme Court of NSW ruling against me,I was forced to appear in the Supreme Court of NSW Court no less than eighteen (maybe 21) times because of Progressive Activist Caring and Sharing Expert Psychiarist's and Social Justice Activists Experts and Hangers On like Dr XXXXX.
The Supreme Court of NSW is, in my opinion and based on my experience, an honest up front joint, no judge or staff member I had dealings with left me with anything to be desired.
The problems I had with Justice in NSW was with the self appointed hangers on,the "Social Justice" Bludgers (Pimps) and Parasites, the XXXXX Collective Co Operative, the 'We know what's best for you" Tax payer funded Bludgers, the "Clergy" NSW Legal Aid "Progressive" Gate Keepers, and their assorted tax dollar drip feeding hangers on, ever willing to fight the good fight on behalf of "the revolution" all funded by the NSW Tax Payer.
The Defendant in my case,was fully funded by the NSW State Government and its numerous tax payer funded, collective co operative, affirmative action, social justice, equality now, all cultures beliefs religions actions behaviours are equal,Blah Blah Blah Blah Departments.
I was blessed by been represented by a man who is no longer with us, he was a fighter he had been dealt the shit end of the stick at age 14 and despite this refused to give up on life he went on to become a successful Lawyer despite having too many clients like me who could more often than not pay him for his services.
He is no longer with us, he passed away, way to soon,as a consequence of the events that befell him at age 14.
He smoked he swore he had a beautiful wife and three children and at times was a total befuddlement to me, but mostly he was a source of inspiration, knowledge and wisdom, along with the four Barristers that he engaged on my behalf, two of whom went on to become Judges of the NSW Supreme Court and another an Australian Federal Court Judge.
Thankfully for me I am still with us, ok ok enough of your applause.
My advice (for what its worth) for anyone up against an "Expert Psychiarist" like the NSW Government Funded Dr XXXXXXX, ask yourself how important is the success of your case?
What is the worst outcome if you do not succeed ?
In Australia its best to NOT rely on Police or deal with the Legal System unless you have no alternative, Australia,despite its Justice public relations bull shit spin, for the average Anglo Saxon White Male / Female Heterosexual Employed Australian, I would never recommend engaging the Legal system, unless you are arrested stay away from it, it is NOT a Justice system it is a SOCIAL Justice system, a Progressive Left Ideological System and as such should be avoided at all costs unless compelled to do so.
In my case it was a life,that, like all lives could only be lived once, I was the ONLY one, who, if prepared to fight with everything available to me ,that,that life had the best opportunity available to LIVE as all AUSTRALIANS have a GOD GIVEN right to do so,in spite of the carers and sharers and social justice PIMPS demands.
THAT LIFE WON ..........He / She is living a Life in spite of the PROVEN Wicked Vicious Deliberate Lies and Fabrications of the Progressive Social Justice, Collective Co Operative, All Cultures Beliefs are Equal Taxpayer Funded "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXX and His / Her / Its Social Justice Groupies down at Legal Aid.
FOUND AT http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/psychologists-reports-on-criminals-are-too-similar-judge-claims/story-fni0cx4q-1226783407314
Psychologists' reports on criminals are too similar Judge claims
Exclusive The Sunday Telegraph
December 15,2013
A JUDGE has criticised one of the state's prominent psychologists saying his reports on criminals are "virtually identical" with no explanation to back up his conclusions.
District Court Judge Peter Berman SC made the stinging assessment of Dr John Jacmon's "ability to assist the court" on multiple occasions when the psychologist submitted reports detailing the mental afflictions suffered by crooks being sentenced in his court.
Dr Jacmon told The Sunday Telegraph no other judges had a problem with his work and that many offenders he dealt with suffered from the same condition.
He said he wouldn't be changing his methods "just because one judge finds a problem".
The doctor has written reports for offenders sentenced by Judge Berman including a cocaine courier, two kidnappers and an appeal by Simon Munroe who killed a 15-year-old by injecting her with heroin.
Psychologists are often hired by lawyers to give evidence of subjective features, including mental conditions, to help explain a criminal's behaviour.
The report may impact the severity of the criminal's sentence or could see them recommended for medical treatment instead of jail.
According to Judge Berman, Dr Jacmon's reports are mostly identical in saying the offenders suffered from "impaired judgment" because they didn't consider the consequences of their actions.
On October 4, Judge Berman told a hearing: "Almost every report of his I have ever read suggests that 'the offender's actions ... indicated markedly diminished capacity for judgment because there appeared to be little thought given to the consequences'.
"The second problem with Dr Jacmon's report is that there is little or no explanation as to how he has drawn conclusions," the judge told the court.
Dr Jacmon told The Sunday Telegraph his reports averaged "30-40 pages" and his findings were all backed by evidence.
He said several conditions were common to many offenders.
"If a person has got the same disorder (as someone else) I can't say that in any other way - If they've got depression, they've got depression," he said. "It's probably because (Judge Berman) sees a lot of my reports - I'm very popular around town.
"I've had no other problems from other judges ... you can't please everyone," he said.
Prominent psychologist Tim Watson-Munro said it was likely the judge was matching the expectations of the community by setting a high bar for what mitigating factors should be accepted when sentencing criminals.
"We are in a time when the community is very cynical about sentencing," he said.
On December 10, 2010, Judge Berman opened the possibility of being disqualified from hearing a sentencing because he was critical of Dr Jacmon's reports.
He told the court: "every single" report by Dr Jacmon said the offenders' actions featured "impaired judgment" with "little thought given to the consequences".
"One wonders how Dr Jacmon would treat any offending behaviour by an individual ... where there is a risk of being detected," he told another hearing in November 2008.
"Dr Jacmon seems to be saying that anyone who commits a crime has impaired judgment because they might get caught," he told a September 2009 hearing for two kidnappers.
"I do not accept that opinion at all. Many offenders adopt a completely rational thought process."
In a 2008 case where Simon Munroe killed a teen girl with heroin, Dr Jacmon submitted Munroe took drugs to ease the stress from being sexually assaulted.
Judge Berman told the court the doctor's submission had no relevance given Munroe was being sentenced for killing a 15-year-old girl with heroin, not drug supply.
Judge Berman declined to comment.
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