An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Anthropogenic Global Warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anthropogenic Global Warming. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Anthropogenic Global Warming Rats jumping ship.

Losing their religion as evidence cools off

The Australian
November 05, 2012 12:00AM 

ONCE upon a time when Christendom was at its peak, missionaries would be dispatched to the four corners of the globe in search of converts. They believed their mission would expand the influence of Rome and save heathens from eternal damnation.

It was a compelling message. Convert and enjoy everlasting life in the hereafter. The advantage the missionaries had was that the religion they taught had no hypotheses that could be tested. Death - "the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns" - meant that the afterlife could be neither proved nor disproved. Faith was the only thing needed.

Climate science is a bit like that - push the rewards and the catastrophes far enough into the future, and have faith that the prophecies will come true. However, unlike heaven, which we may reach at any time, climate prophecies need to be distant enough to make them hard to challenge yet sufficiently close to generate urgent action.

So when in 1969 Paul Ehrlich claimed because of global cooling it was an even-money bet whether England would survive until the year 2000, he could not immediately be proven wrong. After all, this was a cooling period.

Unfortunately for him, England is still inhabited and his predictions are still remembered. Ehrlich is now a warmist. Like a good stock analyst, when the company doesn't perform as you thought, better to change the recommendation from a sell to a buy, than admit you were wrong.

When Mother Nature decided in 1980 to change gears from cooler to warmer, a new global warming religion was born, replete with its own church (the UN), a papacy, (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and a global warming priesthood masquerading as climate scientists. Selfish humans in rich, polluting countries were blamed for the warming and had to pay for past trespasses by providing material compensation to poor nations as penance. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions became the new holy grail. With a warm wind at their backs, these fundamentalists collected hundreds of billions of dollars from naive governments that adopted their faith on behalf of billions of people. No crusader was ever so effective.

The message was stark. If the non-believers didn't convert immediately, our children and grandchildren would face a hell on earth. The priesthood excommunicated and humiliated sceptics and deniers. Alternative views were not tolerated and, where possible, were suppressed. Did someone mention the dark ages?

Because the new arrangements would distort capital allocations, disciples wrote economic texts showing how inefficient, productivity-sapping and costly green industries would actually boost economic activity and employment.

Unfortunately, the cost of saving the planet would fall disproportionately on the poor. This wealth transfer to the rich was unavoidable and, if the poor or the infirm died of cold or heat because they could not afford airconditioning, they would simply be martyrs to the cause. In any case, who could they appeal to? All political parties had signed up to the new religion.

But, self-deluded by the warming period and their confirmatory bias, the priesthood was overtaken by hubris and made increasingly extravagant claims. We were advised that Armageddon was now even closer at hand.

Regrettably for the global warming religion, its predictions have started to appear shaky, and the converts, many of whom have lost their jobs and much of their wealth, are losing faith. Worse, heretic scientists have been giving the lie to many of the prophecies described in the IPCC bible. They could not be silenced.

Of course, the IPCC texts can be interpreted in different ways and sceptics have obviously chosen the wrong interpretation.

When atmospheric temperatures on which we had relied failed to comply with the prophecies, the waverers were instructed to look at ocean temperatures and rising sea levels.

So far, so good. However, the British arm of the climate establishment silently released an encyclical that revealed no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures from the beginning of 1997 until August this year.

This communique was unearthed by the heretic newspaper, the Daily Mail, which pointed out that this period was of about the same duration as when temperatures rose between 1980 to 1996.

Of course, the religious high priests were quick to play down the significance of this pause. Phil Jones of the Climategate denomination claimed it was to be expected and, he insisted, 15 or 16 years is not a significant period.

Yet in 2009 he said that a "no upward trend has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried". But that was then and this is now and he is not about to lose his religion simply because the evidence doesn't support the text.

And, of course, there are always extenuating circumstances. El Nino and La Nina are there when you need them, to be forgotten when temperatures are warming or remembered if they are cooling. And, we've had a record Arctic melt. But better not mention the storm that NASA concedes broke the ice up and drove it south, or the record Antarctic ice gain.

Rather we must listen to Australia's Climate Change Commission novitiates who, against the evidence, have delivered a parable linking Superstorm Sandy to global warming.

At least the media disciples are keeping the faith by emphasising what supports the gospel and, where possible, omitting that which doesn't. New, corroborative revelations enjoy widespread publicity. If the same findings are later retracted for lack of scientific rigour, they are simply allowed to disappear without comment.

Yet despite all, believers in man-made global warming are declining. It will require an extraordinary crusade presaging even direr climate consequences for defying the warmist faith, before defectors even contemplate rejoining the religion. If that fails it may be time to burn sceptics at the stake. But then that would increase CO2 emissions. A dilemma, to be sure.

Maurice L. Newman is a former chairman of the ABC.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Alan Jones: Delingpole,Coal Seam Gas,Shut the Gate,Terry McCrann,

Australia's # 1 Talkback Radio Host, Alan Jones of Radio 2GB 873 Sydney

Terry McCrann

Carbon tax to make its mark on the economy, Alan Jones is joined by economics commentator Terry McCrann to discuss the carbon tax. 

Shut the Gate

The fight against CSG mining continues Alan Jones is joined by Brian Monk, Lawrence Springborg and Drew Hutton of the Lock The Gate Alliance. 

James Delingpole

Alan Jones speaks with British commentator James Delingpole on Prime Minister Gillard's recent visit to Rio. 

 Donna LaFramboise

Climate change: the debate continues Alan Jones speaks with visiting climate change sceptic and author Donna LaFramboise

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Australian Politics:Julia Gillard & The Australian Labor Party, Bob Brown & The Greens & the “Independents”

"The danger to Australia is not Julia Gillard,the Australian Labor Party,Bob Brown the Greens and the “Independents”, but a citizenry capable of electing politicians like them to the leadership of Australia.
It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of Gillard,the ALP,Brown,the Greens and the “Independents” than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such people as their leaders.
The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Gillard,the ALP, Brown the Greens,and the “Independents” who are  a mere symptom of what ails Australia. Blaming the Princess and Prince‘s of the fools, should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made them Princess and Prince’s.
The Commonwealth can survive Gillard and Brown, who are, after all, merely  fools. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made them their leaders."
*The above text has been adapted to suit Australia’s present political situation,sourced, with thanks,from a document sent to ANV by ANV subscriber,Terri,a resident of the USA.*
CO2 TAX_thumb[2]
The Madame Gillard (r) led Union / GetUp funded,Labor / Green Loon / “Independent” Minority Socialist Australian Government.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Labor Loons Plibersek and Bradbury demand Australians pay their CO2 TAX or else!!!!!!

Climate change - Labor believes the end is nigh

Neil Keene

The Daily Telegraph
August 05, 2011

Copy of 5 8 2011 Climate change - Labor believes the end is nigh FIRST it was floods and famine, now it is disease that the ALP says will get us if we don't stop climate change.

Minister for Human Services Tanya Plibersek's prediction this week that global warming would wipe out the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu and much of Australia's food supply earned her the unofficial title of prophet of doom.

But she might have a worthy deputy in Western Sydney MP David Bradbury. In a recent statement, Mr Bradbury warned that climate change would result locally in an outbreak of serious disease.

"Without taking action, Australia is expected to experience higher rates of infectious and vector-borne diseases as well as food and waterborne diseases," he said.

Vector-borne diseases currently in Australia include dengue fever, malaria and Ross River fever.

Ironically, Mr Bradbury was speaking at the time to protest against what he described as the Coalition's "scaremongering" tactics.

Yesterday, Mr Bradbury said a range of scientific bodies had highlighted the impacts of climate change on human health, including the World Health Organisation and the Australian Medical Association.

Liberal senator for Western Sydney Marise Payne said Mr Bradbury should be more concerned about the immediate effects of a carbon tax on his local community.

"If what Mr Bradbury is saying is not scare tactics, I don't know what is," the Liberal Senator said.

The Coalition claims soaring electricity prices will cost Nepean Hospital $150,000-$300,000 more a year.

"The implications of the carbon tax cannot be blithely wiped aside," Ms Payne said.

"It means three nursing professionals or three other medical professionals on the ground and assisting patients at Nepean Hospital."

Australian Medical Association president Steve Hambleton said the extreme weather events caused by climate change could increase the risk of disease, particularly with flooding and waterborne illness.

Bradbury bites back
Written by Troy Dodds
Friday, 15 July 2011 16:09 
Copy of 4 8 2011 Bradbury bites back Federal Member for Lindsay, David Bradbury, today accused State Member for Penrith, Stuart Ayres, of using dodgy figures to exaggerate the effects of carbon pricing on the health care system.
“Stuart Ayres will not reveal the details of the modelling he relies upon because he is using dodgy figures to create fear about the impact of the carbon price.” Mr Bradbury said.
In a statement today, Mr Bradbury's office said Treasury modelling indicates that the impact of a carbon price on the cost of hospital and medical services will be minimal – around 0.3% based on a $23 carbon price.
“Failing to act on Climate Change will come at a greater cost to the health system overtime.” Mr Bradbury said.
“Without taking action, Australia is expected to experience higher rates of infectious and vector-borne diseases as well as food and water borne diseases.
“If Stuart Ayres is serious about delivering better health services, he should spend less time on opportunistic media stunts about Federal issues and more time explaining to the nurses and paramedics of Nepean Hospital why his Government is stripping away their pay and conditions."
100 public sector workers rallied in protest outside Mr Ayres’ office this week, representing the 12,000 public sector workers who live and work in Penrith and surrounding areas.
“Stuart Ayres should leave the media stunts on Federal issues to Tony Abbott and instead explain to our local public sector workers why his Government is taking away their rights," Mr Bradbury said.

Tanya Plibersek on their ABC’s Q&A, Monday August 1 2011
Lord Christopher Monckton and Dr Richard Denniss National Press Club Canberra.
The Galileo Movement
Professor Richard Lindzen talks with Alan Jones about the Anthropogenic Global Warming CO2 TAX Hoax and the Galileo Movement.
Professor Richard Lindzen:Labor’s CO2 tax SCAM exposed… AGAIN

Australia: Labor’s CO2 TAX On EVERYTHING explained, CO2 Tax for Dummies

Australia: JuLIAR Gillards Green HOAX go to man Tim / Flim Flannery puts his foot in it again.
Australia: The Green Loon Eco Vandals and the Insanity of their Wind Turbines
What’s a Carbon Tax and what’s wrong with it?
Australia GREEN HOAX JUNK SCIENCE: No CO2 TAX,Angry Anderson
Australians tell Madame Gillard, Australia’s Socialist Liar for Hire PM just how popular she really is, whilst fellow Socialist Hussein Obama sings her praises

Lord Christopher Monckton and Dr Richard Denniss National Press Club Canberra.

July 19 2011 National Press Club Canberra Australia

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wales Dodged a Bullet


Gillard Welsh Flag 1

In 1966 this woman’s parents immigrated to Australia from Wales, she became a “Student and Union Activist” in September 2010 she was appointed by the Greens Party and three “Independents” to the office of Prime Minister of Australia.


Julia Gillard and her Australian Labor Party are the true Casanova’s of Australian Politics, for they have well and truly FUCKED everything they have seen or touched.

She says she has never forgotten her roots, Wales, be Afraid, be very Afraid.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Labor's CO2 TAX HOAX Exposed again


Labors TAX on Australians very existence, a Union Funded, United Nations subservient,Socialist, Green Loon, Independent Minority Coalition Australian Government dedicated to driving Australia back into the stone age.

A Socialist Government that thinks that the right to affordable Gas,Electricity and fresh running water is a LUXUREY that only the socialist Green Loon elites are entitled to in their brave new United Nations Agenda 21 world.

The true cost of Julia Gillard's new carbon tax

Gemma Jones and Andrew Carswell

The Daily Telegraph

April 02, 2011

THE carbon tax Prime Minister Julia Gillard promised never to introduce will cost average families $860 a year, Federal Government modelling has revealed.

Based on a carbon price of $30 a tonne, families would pay up to $218 more for electricity, $114 for gas, $187 for petrol and $88 for food.

Treasury documents, released under FOI, revealed households would pay the fixed price for between three and five years (before moving to an emissions trading scheme), leaving families with a bill between $2589 and $4315 over that time.Heavily censored documents claim price rises would "drive household behaviour change, with households substituting to less carbon intensive goods over time".

But it was acknowledged in a Treasury executive minute last October that low-income families would suffer the most because they spend more on things like electricity and are least able to afford low emissions technology.Treasury also raised fears the tax would reduce people's wealth.

"A carbon price will also affect wealth as the change in prices flows through to the value of financial assets, including shares, and reduces the real value of savings," the minute states.

PM Gillard's carbon hit

It also shows the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme proposed in 2009 by former PM Kevin Rudd would have raised electricity prices by a maximum $120 a year and gas by $52 - half the cost of the Treasury estimates now.

"This just demonstrates that the Government has known all along that its carbon tax won't clean up the environment but it will clean out your wallet," Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said.

Treasurer Wayne Swan hit back yesterday, claiming the figures were preliminary numbers and he said he could not nominate how much assistance families would be given by way of compensation.

"Until the final design and modelling have been settled, anyone who uses these figures to scare families about prices is engaging in a scare campaign," he said.

The Government is reportedly considering tax and welfare breaks of between $600 and $1500 a year.

It comes as an exclusive survey by The Daily Telegraph reveals why voters are so angry about the proposal. A quarter of the 2500 households surveyed said they were already struggling to make ends meet and almost 9 per cent said they didn't have enough money to pay bills.

"I think it might be an unnecessary tax, I could probably do better with the money in my pocket and make a concerted effort to reduce my carbon emissions, rather than be taxed," Greg Hudson, 32, from Neutral Bay, said yesterday.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Australia: JuLIAR Gillards Green HOAX go to man Tim / Flim Flannery puts his foot in it again.

Carbon tax is fatal political poison

Tim Blair
The Daily Telegraph
March 28, 2011
AN oldtimer filmed at a recent rally in favour of a carbon tax made the standard appeal to emotion. "I'm concerned," she said, "about the kind of world we're going to leave my grandchildren."
Another rally granny at the Melbourne event organised "spontaneously" by the offered a similar view: "I've got a new grandchild, two weeks old, and I think it's really important that the world is made safe for him."

Well, tough luck, ladies. Last week Tim Flannery, Australia's Chief Climate Commissioner, told The Daily Telegraph's Andrew Bolt in a radio interview: "If we cut emissions today, global temperatures are not likely to drop for about a thousand years."
A thousand years.

Andrew Bolt and JuLIAR’s CO2 Tax SCAM  go to man,Tim (Flim) Flannery

And Flannery wasn't just talking about Australia's minuscule proposed emissions cuts. He was referring to cuts made across the globe. If Flannery keeps coming up with lines like this, he's worth every cent of the $720,000 we're paying him over the next four years to tell us why we'll be better off with a carbon tax.

Forget saving your grandchildren, eco-biddies. According to Flannery, the world won't be safer until your grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren are on the scene.

Julia Gillard can't be happy with the value she's getting from palaeontologist Flannery. Perhaps she should take up one online suggestion and revise his pay schedule; say, down to $720 per year until 3011. That way there would at least be some connection between reward and results. As it stands, Professor Dinosaur Bones is cashing in on a temperature drop we won't see until the next NSW Labor government.
Maybe by then we'll have a Greens representative in the Lower House. Two of them were expected to easily win seats on Saturday, but both Marrickville and Balmain are now likely to be decided on postal votes. There's still a chance Fiona Byrne and Jamie Parker could claim victory, but the anticipated Greensweep never materialised.

Labor voters went to the Liberals instead, even in Balmain, of all places, where Liberal James Falk found himself unexpectedly leading on primaries as counting ended on Saturday night. "Will have to move away from Balmain electorate in disgust," fumed one angry Greens voter on Twitter. "And I was so proud of us too, it was a sure thing."
There's only one sure thing in Australian politics, besides Bob Brown's election night speeches about the brilliant Greens result, and it was revealed again on the weekend.
Climate change might not stabilise until 40 generations from now, but it's already a consistent political killer.
It wouldn't have helped Labor at state level that Gillard launched her uncosted, undetailed, un-anything carbon tax plan during the NSW election campaign. Nor would the Greens already handicapped by two awesomely charmless candidates have been assisted by incoming premier Barry O'Farrell's campaign focus on the planned tax.

Two federal leaders, Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull, were removed within six months of each other because of popularity plunges associated with climate advocacy. Gillard would have joined them after last year's election if she'd told the truth about her carbon tax scheme. Now we've even got Balmain voting for a state party that opposes carbon pricing. Liberal staffers claim the issue was a "flashpoint" in many Labor electorates.
The message will sink in one day. Outside of certain small political and journalistic cultures, climate change is worse than a non-issue. It's an issue disputed and rejected.
Australians are now broadly aware that we only contribute 1.4 per cent of the planet's alleged warming gases and they don't see why we should have to sacrifice our wages to make a difference when no difference can be made.

Sooner or later, somewhere in the world a mainstream political party possibly from the left is going to say: "Hey, we went along with all of that global warming stuff for a few years. We were scared we'd lose votes if we didn't. But now we realise no policies we devise can make any significant impact. From now on, environmental spending will be limited to the the environment people live in. Here are all your taxes back. Sorry."
On current trends, such a policy would probably do rather well. They could even quote Tim Flannery "if we cut emissions today, global temperatures are not likely to drop for about a thousand years" in support of it.
Meanwhile, we have to put up with Gillard's apocalyptic fear campaign. As The Australian reports, Gillard has sent out scripted lines Labor MPs can use to spook people into backing the carbon tax. "If we don't act," runs the script, "then we will see more extreme weather events like bushfires and droughts. We will have more days of extreme heat and we will see our coastline flooded as sea levels rise."

The document continues: "Sea levels could rise by up to a metre and possibly even more by the end of the century. Up to 250,000 existing homes are at risk of inundation." And if you're not already incinerated or starved or drowned, there's also problems with skiing: "Climate change will see the average snow season contract by between 85 per cent and 96 per cent by 2050."
Imagine Labor candidates trying these lines in hard-working electorates. Picture a fellow playing with his four-year-old daughter when the doorbell rings. It's an earnest Laborite come to warn about climate change. By the time he's halfway through his pitch ... talking about all the pets catching fire, or grandma getting tsunamied the little girl is almost in tears.
Her father hasn't spoken for some time. He's listening to the man frightening his daughter.
Eventually he quietly tells the girl to go and see her mother. Daddy wants to talk to the scary man in private.
Picture what happens next. Hint: he doesn't volunteer to hand out Labor how-to-vote cards. Not in a thousand years.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE .



Media Release

Menzies House, an independent grassroots website for centre right political activists, today announced the launch of 300_gillard-300x340, an online petition and information resource opposing the recent proposal to implement a carbon tax as a transition to an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

If enacted, it is estimated that this tax hike will cost the average Australian household a staggering extra $300 a year in electricity bills, as with further sharp increases in the costs of goods and services.

“This proposal is an economically damaging grab for cash by a desperate government and will lead to the very same ETS rejected by the Australian people.” said Timothy Andrews, Managing Editor of Menzies House.“It will hurt businesses, hurt families, and seriously harm the Australian economy – at a time Australian Families can least afford it. With recent increases in the cost of living already hitting Australian households, this is a tax hike Australia just can not afford.

The Editor-in-Chief of Menzies House, John Humphreys, has previously written about revenue-neutral carbon tax, but opposes the current proposal

“A moderate carbon tax, with offsetting tax cuts, would be the least harmful policy for combating climate change” said Mr. Humphreys. “However, the current policy fails because it does not provide the offsetting tax cuts, and so it will increase the size of government and hurt the economy. It is also worrying that the government seems intent on switching to an emissions trading system, which is an unnecessarily complicated and inefficient response to climate change."                                                 Madame Gillard

John Humphreys

Mobile: 0404 044 561
Timothy Andrews

Click Here to view as a PDF


Australian’s please register here to show your support for freedom. This is a TAX on everything.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Madame Gillard Australia’s Shameless Socialist LIAR

Carbon tax the cost of duplicity
Piers Akerman

Daily Telegraph Thursday, February 24, 2011

LED by her Greens and independent partners in Government, Prime Minister Julia Gillard has now taken a huge step towards crippling the Australian economy and slugging individual Australians with her new carbon tax.
This is the tax that she explicitly promised not to introduce during last year’s election campaign.
In her own words, just five days before the August 21 poll, she told Channel 10: “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.”
In case anyone was possibly in any doubt, she repeated the line - “I rule out a carbon tax” - in The Australian on the day before the election.
Should Australians have believed her? Well, in her own words, election promises are meant to be honoured.
“I think when you go to an election and you give a promise to the Australian people, you should do everything in your power to honour that promise,” she told ABC broadcaster Jon Faine on March 20, 2009.
That was then, though.

Also Alan Jones exposes Madame Gillard and her Marxist Governments Road to Serfdom for her subjects.

The announcement of the carbon tax is just another broken promise and Gillard didn’t even get the chance to be the first to announce her own backflip. Greens leader Bob Brown put out a press release praising her stunning hypocrisy before she had had the opportunity to inform the people of her own mind-numbing duplicity.
Then, backed by Brown and his deputy Christine Milne and her own Climate Change minister Greg Combet, with support from the two independents principally responsible for putting Labor in office, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor, she sought to dismiss the stupendous hypocrisy of her position.
It was, even by the lowly standards we have come to expect from this Prime Minister, a farce. Bizarrely, she attempted to compare her betrayal of the Australian people with the spectacular career of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, saying Gates understood change and had ridden the information technology revolution to fortune.
“This is the time to be pricing carbon and dealing with the change to a clean energy future,” she said.
Even more fatuously, she then added: “This is the parliament the Australian people voted for - you are seeing it on display in front of you. And we have to get on with the job of pricing carbon.”
She went on to tell parliament that “the Australian people had voted for a carbon tax” at the 2010 election. This would be news to all.
As Opposition leader Tony Abbott made plain during Question Time, only one political leader went to the last election with a plan for a carbon tax and that was Brown.
Just one politician campaigned for the introduction of a carbon tax, Abbott said. Meanwhile, 149 members ruled out such a tax.
“When does one vote trump 149 votes?” Abbott, justifiably, asked.
If Gillard’s horizons extended beyond The Lodge to an examination of the global marketplace, she would understand that nations around the world are currently walking away from the restrictions of carbon taxes in an effort to resuscitate their economies.
Gillard’s arguments for introducing this massive impost on Australians are hollow.
She is wedded to the belief that climate change is induced by human activity - a view certainly held by some, but by no means all, scientists.
She believes scientific views should be determined by consensus - a view which would have isolated all those who have relied on scientific proofs to support their theories.
She believes that people must be bludgeoned by draconian taxes into changing their ways, but she cannot explain how highly taxed Australians will be able to compete with trading nations whose economies have not been hobbled by Green-Left politicians.
Gillard has introduced her new tax on the basis of policy developed by her climate change committee, the same Green-Left and independent MPs whose political careers depend upon Labor remaining in power.
The committee, which has held just four meetings since it was set up last September, replaced another brain bubble Gillard had in the lead-up to the last election: A Citizens Committee to decide climate policy.
But overlooked in this cynical effort to buy the votes of the Greens and independents is the reality that, without a global agreement on carbon taxes, whatever Australia does is absolutely meaningless.
Just being among the first nations to sabotage its own economy is not going to change the temperature of the Earth, as much as the Green-Left may wistfully cling to their hopey-changey culture.
Labor’s traditional voters should be aware that the bare minimum increase they will have in electricity prices alone in the first year of Gillard’s carbon tax is estimated to be between $300 and $500. That does not take into account the additional increases that will naturally be triggered when industry adds the cost of the tax to their inputs.
Gillard makes no apology for this, claiming there will be offsets and compensation payments. But why would anyone believe anything she says or, worse, promises, given her appalling record of saying one thing and doing another?
Whether it is Gillard or her predecessor Kevin Rudd, the current run of Labor governments has a disgraceful history when it comes to promises made on climate change.
Under Rudd, the “greatest moral challenge” of our time was dumped like a dead and stinking cat as soon as the Copenhagen Conference crumbled into insignificance.
It is apparent that Gillard learnt nothing from Rudd’s mistakes. Worse, she has permitted herself to become hostage to a handful of MPs whose views are not those of the majority of Australians, Labor or Liberal.
The Greens attract little more than a token vote and have just one MP on the floor of the House. The independents have, by betraying their conservative electorates, earned nothing but universal disdain, no matter what Oakeshott may feel about the “new paradigm”.
Gillard’s broken promises on a carbon tax are nothing short of grotesque but her intention to impose a new tax without consultation through an election, as John Howard did with the GST, is pure treachery.
Last week the Labor Party’s own review of the last election warned of the dangers of placing too much power in the hands of a few.
It showed yesterday that it has not heeded the advice of its own elders - to the detriment of all Australians.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is this Pelican still covered in Oil ? If so Why?


Just imagine the left’s reaction to this crisis if G W Bush was the President of the USA at the time. Vince Haley Nails it

Fifty seven days after an oil rig explosion triggered an uncontrolled deep water oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama addressed the nation last night about his administration's efforts to address the crisis.

After offering two short paragraphs to explain what is actually being done to stop the oil leak, President Obama devoted most of his speech to explaining why the oil leak means now is the time to dramatically and permanently raise the cost of gas, diesel, and electricity for every American.

Jay Leno gave voice to the widespread puzzlement people have with Obama's misplaced focus last night:  "President Obama said today he is going to use the Gulf disaster to immediately push a new energy bill through Congress. I got an idea ... How about first using the Gulf disaster to fix the Gulf disaster?"
Good question, but we think we know why President Obama is not focused on plugging the oil leak and is instead focused on plugging new energy taxes.

President Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, said at the start of the Obama presidency that "you never let a crisis go to waste," which we now know means that the Obama team never lets a crisis go without out more borrowing, more taxing, and more spending in support of their political allies.  We saw this with the $862 billion stimulus law that didn't create jobs, the ObamaCare law that won't bend the health cost curve down, and now with ObamaEnergy that won't lower energy costs and won't increase energy supplies.

Is this Pelican STILL covered in Oil ? If so Why ?

Pelican Oiled 2

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste…it’s an opportunity to do things you couldn’t do before” – Rahm Emanuel
April 12, 2009 ·

Using the present crisis as pretext, President Obama is now urging the Senate to pass cap and trade energy taxes. Even though this has nothing to do with plugging the hole, Obama and his liberal allies in Congress want the power to spend billions in new tax revenues through a massive redistribution of wealth from taxpayers to green energy company shareholders.

The Senate is reportedly going to take up a cap and trade energy tax bill shortly after it returns on July 12th. If it passes the Senate, the House will vote on and approve that new tax in a lame duck session after the November elections.

Our opportunity to stop this new energy tax is now, and the next two months will be absolutely critical.  These new energy taxes will hurt you and your family with higher gas and electricity costs. They will kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, prevent small business growth, and ship jobs overseas to China and India.

We cannot afford to pass a massive energy tax in this economic recession, but President Obama is more concerned with redistributing wealth than he is in growing new wealth, even if that means destroying jobs in the process.  Cutting up a shrinking pie is apparently not a problem if you're the one wielding the knife and giving away the pieces. It's the rest of us that have to worry about the consequences.

Meanwhile, the oil continues to gush under the Gulf waters.  Like Jay Leno, Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, summed up well this President's misplaced priorities:  "The climate bill isn't going to stop the oil leak...The first thing you have to do is stop the oil leak."
The President should listen to his friend Senator Feinstein and plug holes, not taxes.
Vince Haley
Vice President for Policy
American Solutions

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Al Gore $10 Trillion Climate Fraud


The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud

Al Gore is co-founder of an investment management firm that is now the fifth-largest shareholder in the Chicago Climate Exchange.


Al Gore,Liar for Hire

Cap-And-Trade: While senators froth over Goldman Sachs and derivatives, a climate trading scheme being run out of the Chicago Climate Exchange would make Bernie Madoff blush. Its trail leads to the White House.

Lost in the recent headlines was Al Gore's appearance Monday in Denver at the annual meeting of the Council of Foundations, an association of the nation's philanthropic leaders.

"Time's running out (on climate change)," Gore told them. "We have to get our act together. You have a unique role in getting our act together."

Gore was right that foundations will play a key role in keeping the climate scam alive as evidence of outright climate fraud grows, just as they were critical in the beginning when the Joyce Foundation in 2000 and 2001 provided the seed money to start the Chicago Climate Exchange. It started trading in 2003, and what it trades is, essentially, air. More specifically perhaps, hot air.

The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) advertises itself as "North America's only cap-and-trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide." Barack Obama served on the board of the Joyce Foundation from 1994 to 2002 when the CCX startup grants were issued. As president, pushing cap-and-trade is one of his highest priorities. Now isn't that special?

Few Americans have heard of either entity. The Joyce Foundation was originally the financial nest egg of a widow whose family had made millions in the now out-of-favor lumber industry.

After her death, the foundation was run by philanthropists who increasingly dedicated their giving to liberal causes, including gun control, environmentalism and school changes.

Currently, CCX members agree to a voluntary but legally binding agreement to regulate greenhouse gases.

The CCX provides the mechanism in trading the very pollution permits and carbon offsets the administration's cap-and-trade proposals would impose by government mandate.

Thanks to Fox News' Glenn Beck, we have learned a lot about CCX, not the least of which is that its founder, Richard Sandor, says he knew Obama well back in the day when the Joyce Foundation awarded money to the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, where Sandor was a research professor.

Sandor estimates that climate trading could be "a $10 trillion dollar market." It could very well be, if cap-and-trade measures like Waxman-Markey and Kerry-Boxer are signed into law, making energy prices skyrocket, and as companies buy and sell permits to emit those six "greenhouse" gases.
So lucrative does this market appear, it attracted the attention of London-based Generation Investment Management, which purchased a stake in CCX and is now the fifth-largest shareholder.

As we noted last year, Gore is co-founder of Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon offsets of dubious value that let rich polluters continue to pollute with a clear conscience.

Other founders include former Goldman Sachs partner David Blood, as well as Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris, also of Goldman Sachs. In 2006, CCX received a big boost when another investor bought a 10% stake on the prospect of making a great deal of money for itself. That investor was Goldman Sachs, now under the gun for selling financial instruments it knew were doomed to fail.

The actual mechanism for trading on the exchange was purchased and patented by none other than Franklin Raines, who was CEO of Fannie Mae at the time.

Raines profited handsomely to the tune of some $90 million by buying and bundling bad mortgages that led to the collapse of the American economy. His interest in climate trading is curious until one realizes cap-and-trade would make housing costlier as well.

Amazingly, none of these facts came up at Senate hearings on Goldman Sachs' activities, which may be nothing more than Ross Perot's famous "gorilla dust," meant to distract us from the real issues.

The climate trading scheme being stitched together here will do more damage than Goldman Sachs, AIG and Fannie Mae combined. But it will bring power and money to its architects.


Alan Jones comments on the scandal surrounding Goldman Sachs and says
former U.S vice president Al Gore is right in the thick of it.

Beijings most senior representative in Australia,Lu Kewen aka. Australian Labor PM Kevin 07 Rudd, vows to continue Labor’s WAR against Australia’s “working families”

Barbara Hollingsworth: Who's who on climate fraud
By: Barbara Hollingsworth
Local Opinion Editor
December 4, 2009


In 1912, a respected paleontologist at the British Museum confirmed that bones found in a Piltdown quarry came from the “missing link” between apes and humans. Forty years later, the so-called Piltdown Man was proved to be a hoax. Thanks to purloined e-mails from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU), global warming is turning out to be the 21st-century equivalent of Piltdown Man.

E-mails between a small group of highly influential climate scientists at the center of the worldwide panic over global warming exposed multiple discussions among them concerning their manipulation of data and using various evasive tactics to avoid releasing the facts behind their ginned-up numbers to the public via Freedom of Information Act requests.

Here’s a rogue’s gallery of five major perpetrators of what’s turning out to be the biggest scientific hoax in modern history:

Geoff Jenkins, chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s first scientific group and self-described “frontman explaining climate change.” Jenkins admitted in 1996 to a “cunning plan” to feed fake temperature information to Nick Nuttall, head of media for the United Nations Environment program. At the time, Jenkins predicted temperatures in London would hit 113 degrees Fahrenheit and the Thames River would rise three feet even though 1996 was, in fact, cooler than 1995.

Phil Jones, director of the CRU, controlled two key databases that are the primary sources underlying claims by the United Nations and others of a global scientific “consensus” that catastrophic consequences will result from man-made global warming unless trillions of dollars are spent now to prevent it.

Jones e-mailed instructions to colleagues to “hide the decline” in temperatures and to pressure editors of academic journals to blackball the work of “climate skeptics.”
After claiming that the original climate data had been destroyed in the 1980s, Jones was caught urging his CRU colleagues to “delete as appropriate” data requested under Britain’s freedom of information laws.

Michael Mann, director of Penn State University’s Earth System Science Center, is one of the lead authors of the U.N.’s Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change report. Mann was the originator of the “hockey stick” graph that supposedly proved that the Earth’s temperature was at the highest level in recorded history. However, it also appeared to eliminate both the Medieval Warm Period, in which surface temperatures were higher than they are today, and Europe’s “Little Ice Age.”

In 2003, Canadian statistician Steve McIntyre exposed the flawed methodology behind Mann’s hockey stick. The recent e-mail leak led another scientist to quip: “Dr. Mann is in transition from Penn State to State Pen. We can only hope he does a better job with license plates.”
Mann has been a committee chairman for the National Academy of Sciences and a member of multiple NAS panels and committees.

James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, whose records were also cited as evidence, second only to the CRU data, of incontrovertible man-made global warming. McIntyre also caught Hansen engaging in the same sort of statistical manipulation in which past temperatures were lowered and recent ones “adjusted” to convey the false impression that the nonexistent warming trend was accelerating. After trying to block McIntyre’s IP address, NASA was forced to back down from its claim that 1998 was the hottest year in U.S. history.

Al Gore, Former Vice President Al Gore is the author of “An Inconvenient Truth,” star of the 2006 Oscar-winning movie of the same name and winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his tireless efforts to limit economic development in industrialized countries with a cap-and-trade scheme. Many experts agree that such a system would increase food and energy prices, while wasting trillions of dollars on alternative energy sources (in which Gore is heavily invested). Gore’s case rests on the now-discredited theory that carbon dioxide emissions (which are increasing) are heating up the Earth’s atmosphere, even though actual global temperatures have been declining for at least a decade.

These five, though far from being the only ones, are among the top perpetrators of the Great Global Warming Hoax. They should never be taken seriously again.

Barbara F. Hollingsworth is The Examiner's local opinion editor.

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