An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Greens Junk Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greens Junk Science. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

Mike McLaren and Julia Patrick Green Dreaming of a Human-Free Environment

Green Dreaming of a Human-Free Environment

Julia Patrick

March 2013

In 2001, US cattle rancher Ken Freeman made an unnerving discovery: under the auspices of the UN, his ranch in Alabama showed up dark green on the Environment Protection Agency’s map. The code for dark green read: “Human-free habitat”.

Environmental treaties with the United Nations have never been formally ratified by the US Congress, so after a prolonged stoush, Ken and his newly formed Alliance for Citizens’ Rights successfully thwarted the UN’s intention to remove their livelihood and drive them off their land. Alabama then became the first state in the USA where “infringement on the property rights of citizens linked to any other international law ... is prohibited”. 

Australia’s situation is quite different. The 1999 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act and a plethora of legislation relying on our obligations as signatories to international conventions have made us subservient to the UN. It has us over a barrel.

The push to remake Australia as a socialist state, under the guise of concern for the environment, is mightily emboldened by these obligations, as we’re overwhelmed by a dizzying, increasing multitude of green projects and “initiatives” that are breathtaking in their breadth and brazen in their audacity. 

Quietly announced by Labor’s Minister for the Environment, Tony Burke, on November 4, and flying under the radar, is the National Wildlife Corridors Plan. The intention of this fancifully destructive scheme is to preserve land for the exclusive use of plant and animal wildlife as they fly, hop or crawl along their personalised routes that “will connect habitat patches within and across borders, along rainfall and altitudinal gradients and stretch across Australia”.

Connectivity is the buzzword; habitat patches, protected areas and national parks must be connected to “make the landscape habitable for communities of plants and animals, allowing their movement, adaptation and evolution”. Farming, grazing, an orchard or a bee farm must give way before the need of the Wallum sedge frog or the golden sun moth to multiply freely without intrusion by man.

The term “human-free habitat” is not used to describe the scheme, but in this theatre of the absurd the intention is the same. The word corridor implies something narrow, but Burke’s corridors will slice wide swathes through Australia, including large areas of private land, in wide, unbroken chains.

There are several existing corridor “foundation stones”. They include Habitat 141, trumpeting itself as “Ocean to Outback—a vision for conserving, restoring and reconnecting ecosystems” covering 18 million hectares and stretching across the borders of South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. The Great Eastern Ranges is a 3600-kilometre initiative “to protect and connect native ecosystems from central Victoria to far north Queensland”. Needing protection here are the spotted-tailed quoll and the dusky antechinus.  

“The intent” of the Trans-Australia Eco-Link “is to create a wide band of connectivity stretching 3500 km from Arnhem Land in the north to Port Augusta in the south”, while The Gondwana Link Ltd in Western Australia “could prove important for ecological adaptation to climate change”. Climate change is frequently called upon to give evidence in the Corridors Plan.

The Plan is rich with beguiling, feel-good senti­ments. Pictures show earnest-looking people huddling over maps or planting seedlings; a girl in a pond with a fish net represents employment opportunities. Strangely, there’s a picture of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, albeit with a tree trunk poking up in the foreground. Make of that what you will.  

As the Plan’s fifty pages rattle on with pretentious bureau-babble of “riparian vegetation”, “resilience thinking”, “spatial scales” and references ad nauseam to ecosystems, habitats and biodiversity, the core objective of putting productive land out of reach remains unchanged. But it is coyly vague on how all this will be managed; there may be “diverse governance arrangements”, “cross-jurisdictional collaboration” and “partnerships involving governments, conservation groups, NGOs, private landholders, industry, philanthropic organisations, businesses, indigenous and community groups” and similar blather. And who pays?

We, the public, are “invited” to put up nominations for new corridors—which could be along Aboriginal songlines—for assessment by that faceless entity, an “independent council”.

As for private land, Burke says, “Participation ... is voluntary”, adding “The Plan does not, of itself, lock up any land.” What does “of itself” mean?

Free of human endeavour, land cannot be farmed or grazed to create an income; then what choice does the landowner have except to leave—voluntarily? Private land is under siege simply by making it untenable to live on.

Fabian gradualism is the game plan; Jan Davis, CEO of the Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Association, sums it up precisely:

What you smell here is a farmland version of bracket creep. First it’s voluntary, then under pressure from ENGOs and Green coalition partners, it becomes an imposed regime, that imposed regime becomes intergenerational as covenants on freehold land become binding on the next generation of Tasmanian farmers.

The environmental push took off seriously in 1992 when a collection of power-hungry luminaries (among them Mikhail Gorbachev, Al Gore and Paul Keating) met in Rio and formed “a global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of the Earth’s ecosystem”. While stating that “Environmental education is not neutral but ideological. It is a political act”, the conference gave itself the appealingly benign name of “Earth Summit” to conceal its intention.

The environmental movement is a vast global network of interlocking organisations and myriad fiefdoms with unelected representatives; it is simply a smokescreen for promoting the socialist agenda worldwide—exactly as the Earth Summit intended. So far, it’s been a thumping success. 

Julia Patrick writes on social and electoral issues.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Green Loon’s Parliamentary rant labeled “Claptrap”

Green MP Adam Bandt's carbon rant ridiculed

Alison Rehn
The Daily Telegraph

September 20, 2011

Copy of 20 9 2011 Green MP Adam Bandt's carbon rant ridiculed THE nation faces a doomsday scenario of "hurricanes, storms and floods" unless action is taken on climate change, Greens MP Adam Bandt warned yesterday.

During yesterday's carbon tax debate, Mr Bandt said every person was threatened by climate change and "we are running out of time to prevent a catastrophe". "Ice caps are melting and the seas are rising," he said. "The hit to the Australian economy if we are not able to prevent runaway climate change is going to be enormous.

Mr Bandt warned jobs were threatened by climate change, saying that in Queensland 67,000 workers directly dependent on tourism and the Great Barrier Reef could be "turfed out of a job" if the reef is irreversibly damaged.

Speaking immediately after Mr Bandt, NSW Nationals MHR Mark Coulton said he had "never heard so much emotional claptrap".

"It seems to me that there's a lot of houses, a lot of buildings in the middle of Melbourne made out of concrete and it seems to me that while the good folk of Melbourne might have a desire to improve the environment, they don't appear to be doing too much of it themselves," Mr Coulton said.


Thursday, August 04, 2011

Labor Loons Plibersek and Bradbury demand Australians pay their CO2 TAX or else!!!!!!

Climate change - Labor believes the end is nigh

Neil Keene

The Daily Telegraph
August 05, 2011

Copy of 5 8 2011 Climate change - Labor believes the end is nigh FIRST it was floods and famine, now it is disease that the ALP says will get us if we don't stop climate change.

Minister for Human Services Tanya Plibersek's prediction this week that global warming would wipe out the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu and much of Australia's food supply earned her the unofficial title of prophet of doom.

But she might have a worthy deputy in Western Sydney MP David Bradbury. In a recent statement, Mr Bradbury warned that climate change would result locally in an outbreak of serious disease.

"Without taking action, Australia is expected to experience higher rates of infectious and vector-borne diseases as well as food and waterborne diseases," he said.

Vector-borne diseases currently in Australia include dengue fever, malaria and Ross River fever.

Ironically, Mr Bradbury was speaking at the time to protest against what he described as the Coalition's "scaremongering" tactics.

Yesterday, Mr Bradbury said a range of scientific bodies had highlighted the impacts of climate change on human health, including the World Health Organisation and the Australian Medical Association.

Liberal senator for Western Sydney Marise Payne said Mr Bradbury should be more concerned about the immediate effects of a carbon tax on his local community.

"If what Mr Bradbury is saying is not scare tactics, I don't know what is," the Liberal Senator said.

The Coalition claims soaring electricity prices will cost Nepean Hospital $150,000-$300,000 more a year.

"The implications of the carbon tax cannot be blithely wiped aside," Ms Payne said.

"It means three nursing professionals or three other medical professionals on the ground and assisting patients at Nepean Hospital."

Australian Medical Association president Steve Hambleton said the extreme weather events caused by climate change could increase the risk of disease, particularly with flooding and waterborne illness.

Bradbury bites back
Written by Troy Dodds
Friday, 15 July 2011 16:09 
Copy of 4 8 2011 Bradbury bites back Federal Member for Lindsay, David Bradbury, today accused State Member for Penrith, Stuart Ayres, of using dodgy figures to exaggerate the effects of carbon pricing on the health care system.
“Stuart Ayres will not reveal the details of the modelling he relies upon because he is using dodgy figures to create fear about the impact of the carbon price.” Mr Bradbury said.
In a statement today, Mr Bradbury's office said Treasury modelling indicates that the impact of a carbon price on the cost of hospital and medical services will be minimal – around 0.3% based on a $23 carbon price.
“Failing to act on Climate Change will come at a greater cost to the health system overtime.” Mr Bradbury said.
“Without taking action, Australia is expected to experience higher rates of infectious and vector-borne diseases as well as food and water borne diseases.
“If Stuart Ayres is serious about delivering better health services, he should spend less time on opportunistic media stunts about Federal issues and more time explaining to the nurses and paramedics of Nepean Hospital why his Government is stripping away their pay and conditions."
100 public sector workers rallied in protest outside Mr Ayres’ office this week, representing the 12,000 public sector workers who live and work in Penrith and surrounding areas.
“Stuart Ayres should leave the media stunts on Federal issues to Tony Abbott and instead explain to our local public sector workers why his Government is taking away their rights," Mr Bradbury said.

Tanya Plibersek on their ABC’s Q&A, Monday August 1 2011
Lord Christopher Monckton and Dr Richard Denniss National Press Club Canberra.
The Galileo Movement
Professor Richard Lindzen talks with Alan Jones about the Anthropogenic Global Warming CO2 TAX Hoax and the Galileo Movement.
Professor Richard Lindzen:Labor’s CO2 tax SCAM exposed… AGAIN

Australia: Labor’s CO2 TAX On EVERYTHING explained, CO2 Tax for Dummies

Australia: JuLIAR Gillards Green HOAX go to man Tim / Flim Flannery puts his foot in it again.
Australia: The Green Loon Eco Vandals and the Insanity of their Wind Turbines
What’s a Carbon Tax and what’s wrong with it?
Australia GREEN HOAX JUNK SCIENCE: No CO2 TAX,Angry Anderson
Australians tell Madame Gillard, Australia’s Socialist Liar for Hire PM just how popular she really is, whilst fellow Socialist Hussein Obama sings her praises

Lord Christopher Monckton and Dr Richard Denniss National Press Club Canberra.

July 19 2011 National Press Club Canberra Australia

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Sydney's CO2 TAX Protest Video’s 2 4 2011

More  HERE

Today 2 4 2011, Sydney was host to another ANTI CO2 TAX protest.
There was also a group of George Soro’s and Australian Council of Trade Union funded Get Up activists and Labor’s useful idiots protesting at another venue who were DEMANDING to be TAXED even more than they (hopefully) already are,assuming they do actually work for a living, by the Minority,Union Funded Socialist Labor / Green Loon / “Independent” Australian Federal Government,led by Labor’s Madame Gillard.
There are no reports of the PRO CO2 TAX supporters offering to voluntarily pay the TAX TODAY out of their Social Security benefits and (Adult School Children) University subsidies,so maybe they think that “paying to save the planet” can wait, as opposed to their posters that claim that immediate action is necessary to SAVE ALL life as we know it TODAY.
That claim been in stark contrast to Labor’s Minority Government talking head aka. PM Madame Gillard’s “Go To” Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmist in chief, Paleontologist,that's right a Dinosaur hunter not a Climatologist, or a Geologist  a Dinosaur Hunter,Tim Flannery,who a few days ago ADMITTED that if the entire world went back into the dark ages today,it would take a THOUSAND years before there would be ANY reduction in CO2 Levels. Australian Taxpayers WAGES are been garnisheed to pay Labor’s ARSE CLOWN’S $180,000 a year to study Chicken entrails and report back to  Bob Brown’s Bitch, Madame Gillard, with his “Scientifically” based predictions on the future of the world.
It is long past time that the Labor Party,their Comrades in Arms, the Green Loons and their “Independents”, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor,that make up Australia’s Minority Socialist Federal Government are taken into CARE.
Since they formed a “ Co Government” they have, in true Labor / Socialist Loon tradition stuffed everything they have touched,they are “Errol Flynn's” if you like.
Madame JuLIAR Gillard should concentrate on just FUCKING her Hairdresser Boyfriend,(or any of the other two married Labor Party members she has previously FUCKED oops sorry “slept with”) oops sorry “Partner Tim”
Tim Mathieson,Madame Gillard’s Hairdresser and “Partner” and Father of Staci Child ,below.
Madame Gillard’s Boyfriend’s Daughter aka. Madame Ju LIARS “Step Daughter” Staci Child.
rather than FUCKING AUSTRALIA back into the STONE AGE along with her “Co Government” partner Green Loon, Bob Brown FUCKING his “Pastoralists Partner” Paul Thomas.
Fuck yourselves into oblivion for all I care , just leave OUR Australia ALONE,ya Fucking NUT JOBS!!!!
Bob Brown & Paul Thomas 
Green Loon Leader Bob Brown (l) and “Partner” ‘Pastoralists” Paul Thomas (r) (at least Paul left his cloths on for the picture)

Labor's CO2 TAX HOAX Exposed again


Labors TAX on Australians very existence, a Union Funded, United Nations subservient,Socialist, Green Loon, Independent Minority Coalition Australian Government dedicated to driving Australia back into the stone age.

A Socialist Government that thinks that the right to affordable Gas,Electricity and fresh running water is a LUXUREY that only the socialist Green Loon elites are entitled to in their brave new United Nations Agenda 21 world.

The true cost of Julia Gillard's new carbon tax

Gemma Jones and Andrew Carswell

The Daily Telegraph

April 02, 2011

THE carbon tax Prime Minister Julia Gillard promised never to introduce will cost average families $860 a year, Federal Government modelling has revealed.

Based on a carbon price of $30 a tonne, families would pay up to $218 more for electricity, $114 for gas, $187 for petrol and $88 for food.

Treasury documents, released under FOI, revealed households would pay the fixed price for between three and five years (before moving to an emissions trading scheme), leaving families with a bill between $2589 and $4315 over that time.Heavily censored documents claim price rises would "drive household behaviour change, with households substituting to less carbon intensive goods over time".

But it was acknowledged in a Treasury executive minute last October that low-income families would suffer the most because they spend more on things like electricity and are least able to afford low emissions technology.Treasury also raised fears the tax would reduce people's wealth.

"A carbon price will also affect wealth as the change in prices flows through to the value of financial assets, including shares, and reduces the real value of savings," the minute states.

PM Gillard's carbon hit

It also shows the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme proposed in 2009 by former PM Kevin Rudd would have raised electricity prices by a maximum $120 a year and gas by $52 - half the cost of the Treasury estimates now.

"This just demonstrates that the Government has known all along that its carbon tax won't clean up the environment but it will clean out your wallet," Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said.

Treasurer Wayne Swan hit back yesterday, claiming the figures were preliminary numbers and he said he could not nominate how much assistance families would be given by way of compensation.

"Until the final design and modelling have been settled, anyone who uses these figures to scare families about prices is engaging in a scare campaign," he said.

The Government is reportedly considering tax and welfare breaks of between $600 and $1500 a year.

It comes as an exclusive survey by The Daily Telegraph reveals why voters are so angry about the proposal. A quarter of the 2500 households surveyed said they were already struggling to make ends meet and almost 9 per cent said they didn't have enough money to pay bills.

"I think it might be an unnecessary tax, I could probably do better with the money in my pocket and make a concerted effort to reduce my carbon emissions, rather than be taxed," Greg Hudson, 32, from Neutral Bay, said yesterday.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Australia: JuLIAR Gillards Green HOAX go to man Tim / Flim Flannery puts his foot in it again.

Carbon tax is fatal political poison

Tim Blair
The Daily Telegraph
March 28, 2011
AN oldtimer filmed at a recent rally in favour of a carbon tax made the standard appeal to emotion. "I'm concerned," she said, "about the kind of world we're going to leave my grandchildren."
Another rally granny at the Melbourne event organised "spontaneously" by the offered a similar view: "I've got a new grandchild, two weeks old, and I think it's really important that the world is made safe for him."

Well, tough luck, ladies. Last week Tim Flannery, Australia's Chief Climate Commissioner, told The Daily Telegraph's Andrew Bolt in a radio interview: "If we cut emissions today, global temperatures are not likely to drop for about a thousand years."
A thousand years.

Andrew Bolt and JuLIAR’s CO2 Tax SCAM  go to man,Tim (Flim) Flannery

And Flannery wasn't just talking about Australia's minuscule proposed emissions cuts. He was referring to cuts made across the globe. If Flannery keeps coming up with lines like this, he's worth every cent of the $720,000 we're paying him over the next four years to tell us why we'll be better off with a carbon tax.

Forget saving your grandchildren, eco-biddies. According to Flannery, the world won't be safer until your grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren are on the scene.

Julia Gillard can't be happy with the value she's getting from palaeontologist Flannery. Perhaps she should take up one online suggestion and revise his pay schedule; say, down to $720 per year until 3011. That way there would at least be some connection between reward and results. As it stands, Professor Dinosaur Bones is cashing in on a temperature drop we won't see until the next NSW Labor government.
Maybe by then we'll have a Greens representative in the Lower House. Two of them were expected to easily win seats on Saturday, but both Marrickville and Balmain are now likely to be decided on postal votes. There's still a chance Fiona Byrne and Jamie Parker could claim victory, but the anticipated Greensweep never materialised.

Labor voters went to the Liberals instead, even in Balmain, of all places, where Liberal James Falk found himself unexpectedly leading on primaries as counting ended on Saturday night. "Will have to move away from Balmain electorate in disgust," fumed one angry Greens voter on Twitter. "And I was so proud of us too, it was a sure thing."
There's only one sure thing in Australian politics, besides Bob Brown's election night speeches about the brilliant Greens result, and it was revealed again on the weekend.
Climate change might not stabilise until 40 generations from now, but it's already a consistent political killer.
It wouldn't have helped Labor at state level that Gillard launched her uncosted, undetailed, un-anything carbon tax plan during the NSW election campaign. Nor would the Greens already handicapped by two awesomely charmless candidates have been assisted by incoming premier Barry O'Farrell's campaign focus on the planned tax.

Two federal leaders, Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull, were removed within six months of each other because of popularity plunges associated with climate advocacy. Gillard would have joined them after last year's election if she'd told the truth about her carbon tax scheme. Now we've even got Balmain voting for a state party that opposes carbon pricing. Liberal staffers claim the issue was a "flashpoint" in many Labor electorates.
The message will sink in one day. Outside of certain small political and journalistic cultures, climate change is worse than a non-issue. It's an issue disputed and rejected.
Australians are now broadly aware that we only contribute 1.4 per cent of the planet's alleged warming gases and they don't see why we should have to sacrifice our wages to make a difference when no difference can be made.

Sooner or later, somewhere in the world a mainstream political party possibly from the left is going to say: "Hey, we went along with all of that global warming stuff for a few years. We were scared we'd lose votes if we didn't. But now we realise no policies we devise can make any significant impact. From now on, environmental spending will be limited to the the environment people live in. Here are all your taxes back. Sorry."
On current trends, such a policy would probably do rather well. They could even quote Tim Flannery "if we cut emissions today, global temperatures are not likely to drop for about a thousand years" in support of it.
Meanwhile, we have to put up with Gillard's apocalyptic fear campaign. As The Australian reports, Gillard has sent out scripted lines Labor MPs can use to spook people into backing the carbon tax. "If we don't act," runs the script, "then we will see more extreme weather events like bushfires and droughts. We will have more days of extreme heat and we will see our coastline flooded as sea levels rise."

The document continues: "Sea levels could rise by up to a metre and possibly even more by the end of the century. Up to 250,000 existing homes are at risk of inundation." And if you're not already incinerated or starved or drowned, there's also problems with skiing: "Climate change will see the average snow season contract by between 85 per cent and 96 per cent by 2050."
Imagine Labor candidates trying these lines in hard-working electorates. Picture a fellow playing with his four-year-old daughter when the doorbell rings. It's an earnest Laborite come to warn about climate change. By the time he's halfway through his pitch ... talking about all the pets catching fire, or grandma getting tsunamied the little girl is almost in tears.
Her father hasn't spoken for some time. He's listening to the man frightening his daughter.
Eventually he quietly tells the girl to go and see her mother. Daddy wants to talk to the scary man in private.
Picture what happens next. Hint: he doesn't volunteer to hand out Labor how-to-vote cards. Not in a thousand years.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Australia: The Green Loon Eco Vandals and the Insanity of their Wind Turbines

Miranda Devine

SMH Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 09:36am

IF YOU thought pink batts were a poorly implemented, badly designed, money-wasting, deadly green disaster, you ain’t seen nothing yet.


Try wind turbines.

The Gillard Government’s rush to make green energy provide 20 per cent of the nation’s power by 2020 is despoiling and dividing once peaceful rural communities, slashing the value of properties, driving people mad with their infrasound throbbing, while driving up electricity prices, and doing absolutely nothing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

And all of it is subsidised by you, the hapless taxpayer.

Wind turbines 150m high are springing up all over Victoria and NSW on prime agricultural land, with minimal consultation with farming communities, and reported detrimental health effects.

In bushfire-prone country, not only do they pose a fire hazard if they spontaneously combust (as one did five months ago in South Australia), but aerial fire suppression is impossible near the turbines.

From Collector, Boorowa, Rugby and Nimmitabel in southern NSW, to Ararat, Mortlake, Beaufort, Moorabool and Ballarat in Victoria, people have found themselves encircled by wind turbines, which give them headaches, stop them sleeping, emit a hum like a “huge jet engine rumbling”, and create a sun-flicker strobe effect as the blades turn.

Unsurprisingly, more than 1000 submissions have flooded into a Senate inquiry into wind farms, which will hold a public hearing this week.

Already, in Victoria, Premier Ted Baillieu is heeding community anger about the turbines, and last week released a wind farm policy requiring new turbines be at least 2km from any dwelling.

But in NSW the situation is far worse, thanks to planning law 3A that allows renewable energy projects to bypass local council planning controls so that the minister is the consent authority. Lip service is paid to the usual process of community consultation, notification and objections.

That is why farmer Sam McGuiness of “Willowmere”, east of Boorowa, only knew about the 90 turbines destined for his district when a pilot asked why there was a glistening 85m-high wind mast on his boundary.

The Indian wind power company Suzlon, which had signed up his neighbour, had planted the wind-testing device.

McGuiness faces the prospect of turbines encircling his farm, slashing its value by as much as 30 per cent and driving him off the land that has been in his family for three generations.

“It’s just so hard to walk away from,” he said last week. “A lot of dreams would be gone.”

His elderly father, Joe, is distraught. “It’s his entire life’s work the whole lot sitting there.”

McGuiness grows fat lambs for Woolworths on the lush green rolling hills, and with lamb prices the best they have ever been he had hoped one day to pass the farm on to his three sons.

“We bought and paid for all this land and put in tens of thousands of hours of hard work for the future,” he says.

His neighbour, Charlie Arnott, 38, described as the “biggest greenie in the valley” who has planted 26,000 trees on his property for carbon sequestration and grows biodynamic beef, found out two weeks ago he will have 12 turbines looming over his house, between 1.3km and 2.5km away.

He is particularly concerned for the health of his 8-month-old daughter Lilla.

The wind farm company told him the turbines are allowed to be five decibels louder than background noise you get in a quiet countryside setting.

But Arnott says: “I live here BECAUSE of the background noise. I can hear the birds and the crickets and the frogs. We created a sanctuary here, that we can escape to and sit and just be. This is a real threat to that.”

The two men are not even against wind farms, in the right place, like a national park.

“It’s not a bad idea but it’s been so woefully implemented,” says McGuiness. “If you’re a superb parrot or a wedgetail eagle you have 10 times more rights than a human.”

The turbines will be as high as a 50-storey building, at 150m, almost as high as Australia Square’s tower, and the same height as Melbourne’s Crown Towers.

The funny thing is: “It’s not even that windy here. They’re not here to make electricity. They’re here to feel good for Kyoto.”

That’s the truth. Wind farms are regarded as the most expensive, inefficient way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Wind will never replace fossil fuels because it is not reliable enough to supply base-load electricity, so another form of power always has to be at the ready. On hot, still days when people want air conditioning the turbines don’t move.

Then there is the danger to pilots. Phil Hurst, CEO of the Aerial Agricultural Association, will tell the Senate inquiry on Friday that the most immediate dangers for pilots are the invisible wind monitoring masts. They are 85m high with guy wires out to 45m.

Astonishingly, he says there is no legal requirement that the masts be marked to make them visible or that pilots be notified of their existence.

“The difficulty is they’re put up at such short notice that the paddock we treated yesterday might have been safe but today it’s not,” Hurst says.

The planes fly at heights from 3m to 30m to fertilise paddocks or spray noxious weeds. Seven weeks ago an agricultural pilot in California was killed when he flew into a 60m high monitoring mast.

“There’s no duty of care from the wind farm development. It’s a commercial enterprise passed off as feel-good for the environment.”

Then there is the economic damage to the farmer. One turbine could have a footprint of several thousand hectares, he says, because the planes need space to turn safely. “So it means you can’t treat that paddock”.

Such are the unforeseen consequences of slap-dash feel-good policies. Which just goes to show the road to hell is paved with green intentions.

UPDATE: A new documentary, “Windfall” may put off those who see wind as a win-win power source.
Set in Meredith, New York state, it tells the story of:

“a once-thriving dairy-farming community of fewer than 2,000 tucked into a bucolic Catskills valley that is teetering between post-agricultural poverty and hip gentrification. When Irish energy company Airtricity offers leases to build windmills on some residents’ properties, the deals initially seem like a win-win. A little extra money in the pockets of struggling farmers, an environmentally sound technology, those graceful white wings languorously slicing the afternoon sky — what’s not to like?”

UPDATE 2: Reader Glenn has pointed out this Daily Mail article about a toxic lake in China, the result of manufacturing the magnets for overseas wind turbines.
“Merely one of a multitude of environmental sins committed in the name of our new green Jerusalem.”


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Australians tell Madame Gillard, Australia’s Socialist Liar for Hire PM just how popular she really is, whilst fellow Socialist Hussein Obama sings her praises.


8 3 2011 Laqbor its a mess

Every day it is becoming clearer just how much of a mess Labor is in.

Five days before the last election Julia Gillard promised: “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.” Now, with Ms Gillard caving in to the Greens and breaking her promise, Australians face a new tax and extra pressure on family budgets.

At a time when Australians are already doing it tough, Labor’s carbon tax will unnecessarily lift electricity, grocery and petrol prices and attack jobs in our key industries.

In a major address delivered in Adelaide last night, Tony Abbott warned of the cost of Labor’s carbon tax.

He said:

“Even at $26 a tonne, a carbon tax would add an average of $300 a year to electricity bills (and $500 in NSW). It would add 6.5 cents to the cost of a litre of petrol. At this rate, a carbon tax would raise about $10 billion a year without materially reducing emissions because consumers have previously absorbed price rises of this magnitude.

“A carbon tax of about $25 a tonne would close 16 coal mines and cost 10,000 jobs in coal mining (according to Access Economics). It would cost 24,000 jobs in mining generally (according to ACIL). It would cost 45,000 jobs in emissions-intensive industries (according to Frontier Economics). It’s “economic vandalism” according to the head of Bluescope Steel that will drive manufacturing jobs offshore.

“A carbon tax would add 25 per cent to the price of electricity and up to five per cent to the cost of groceries because power and transport costs are embedded in the price.”

For Labor and the Greens the only answer is tax, tax, tax.

The Coalition knows there is a better way. Our direct action plan on climate change is economically responsible and won’t cost Australian jobs.

Labor’s CO2 Tax,Labor’s TAX on everything, Global Warming SCAM,Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM,United Nations, Al Gore,Carbon Tax,CO2 TAX,Tax for living, Labor’s Road to Serfdom,Green Loons,Bob Brown, Christine Milne, Rob Oakeshott, Tony Windsor,Flim Flannery,Carpet Baggers,Snake Oil Salesmen,

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Daniel Greenfield article: The Economic Counterrevolution of the Environmentalists


 Australia’s Green LOONS aka. the  Labor / Green Loon/ Independent/ Union Financed Minority Federal Government on Parade.

Australia: Labor’s CO2 TAX On EVERYTHING explained, CO2 Tax for Dummies

“But it isn't really about the environment or the myth of manmade global warming. If it was, then global warming conferences would be teleconferences, not giant binges of jet travel, hotel stays and open bars. It's about what all counter-revolutions are about, the recovery of lost power by an elite. As the Bolshevik takeover of Russia was a counterrevolution against the authentic revolution that had toppled the imported German monarchy of the Czars, the left has been conducting its own counterrevolution against the republican political and economic revolutions that put an end to the monarchies of the West. Their goal is to dismantle the republics and replace them with global entities under the control of the truly enlightened. The anti-elitist elite.

Environmentalism is a convenient tool of the economic counterrevolution, which undermines popular rule, national sovereignty, individualism, economic prosperity and cultural identity, in order to reassemble a bureaucratic empire that will oversee everyone's lives, with no say in it from them. Spreading poverty, cultural division, fragmenting families and national unity, are all key elements in the campaign. Creating chaos and misery, and then stepping in to fix it, is a time honored trick of tyrants. The trick is being played on us all over again. Almost all of their cards are on the table now. And they are dealing from the bottom of the deck.”

Full article at  Sultan Knish  READ IT!!!!


Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE
Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”
Australia PM, Madame Gillard her minority Green Loon “Independent” coalition government in turmoil.
Agenda 21, Nancy Levant.
Madame Gillard Australia’s Shameless Socialist LIAR
Alan Jones exposes Madame Gillard and her Marxist Governments Road to Serfdom for her subjects.

Australia: Labor’s CO2 TAX On EVERYTHING explained, CO2 Tax for Dummies

CO2 Tax for Dummies

Let's put this into a bit of perspective for laymen!  Graphic Here

ETS is another tax. It is equal to putting up the GST to 12.5% which would be unacceptable and produce an outcry.

Read the following analogy and you will realize the insignificance of carbon dioxide as a weather controller.

Pass on to all in your address book including politicians and may be they will listen to their constituents, rather than vested interests which stand to gain by the ETS.

Here's a practical way to understand Julia Gillard Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

Imagine 1 kilometer of atmosphere and we want to get rid of the carbon pollution in it created by human activity.  Let's go for a walk along it.

The first 770 meters are Nitrogen.

The next 210 meters are Oxygen.

That's 980 meters of the 1 kilometer.  20 meters to go.

The next 10 meters are water vapour.  10 meters left.

9 meters are argon.   Just 1 more meter.

A few gases make up the first bit of that last meter.

The last 38 centimeters of the kilometer - that's carbon dioxide.  A bit over one foot.

97% of that is produced by Mother Nature.  It’s natural.

Out of our journey of one kilometer, there are just 12 millimeters left.  Just over a centimeter - about half an inch.

That’s the amount of carbon dioxide that global human activity puts into the atmosphere.

And of those 12 millimeters Australia puts in .18 of a millimeter.

Less than the thickness of a hair.  Out of a kilometer!

As a hair is to a kilometer - so is Australia 's contribution to what Julia Gillard calls Carbon Pollution.

Imagine Brisbane 's new Gateway Bridge , ready to be opened by Julia Gillard. It's been polished, painted and scrubbed by an army of workers till its 1 kilometer length is surgically clean. Except that Julia Gillard says we have a huge problem, the bridge is polluted - there's a human hair on the roadway. We'd laugh ourselves silly.

There are plenty of real pollution problems to worry about.

It's hard to imagine that Australia 's contribution to carbon dioxide in the world's atmosphere is one of the more pressing ones.  And I can't believe that a new tax on everything is the only way to blow that pesky hair away.

Pass this on quickly while the ETS is being debated in Federal Parliament.


Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE
Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”
Australia PM, Madame Gillard her minority Green Loon “Independent” coalition government in turmoil.
Agenda 21, Nancy Levant.
Madame Gillard Australia’s Shameless Socialist LIAR
Alan Jones exposes Madame Gillard and her Marxist Governments Road to Serfdom for her subjects.


Thursday, March 03, 2011

Australia PM, Madame Gillard her minority Green Loon “Independent” coalition government in turmoil.


Alan Jones & Tim Blair discuss the rabble that is the “Gillard Government”


Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”
Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE .
Agenda 21, Nancy Levant.
Madame Gillard Australia’s Shameless Socialist LIAR
Alan Jones exposes Madame Gillard and her Marxist Governments Road to Serfdom for her subjects.

Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”

These three Labor heavies tell Gillard to put brake on Greens
Simon Benson and Steve Lewis
The Daily Telegraph
March 03, 2011 12:00AM

Led by the so-called "Godfather" of the NSW Labor right, Senator Don Farrell, the trio gave voice to backbench fears over the Greens' hold on the Gillard Government.
The right-wing delegation of Senator Farrell, and senior senators Steve Hutchins and John Hogg met the PM at 11.30am yesterday after the Greens claimed to have Government backing for a Bill to pave the way for gay marriage and legal euthanasia.
It is believed the PM said she had no knowledge of it and gave a commitment she would not back legal euthanasia.They had also confronted Treasurer Wayne Swan, who also claimed to be in the dark.
Senate Labor leader Chris Evans was later forced to apologise to a caucus of Labor senators at a 3pm meeting over what they claimed was a return to the Rudd-style lack of consultation and failure of government process.
The Greens had ambushed the Government by quietly introducing amendments to its own private member's Bill late on Tuesday night.
The amendment made the Bill far more radical and turned a "machinery" Bill into one that would pave the way for the territories to allow legal euthanasia and gay marriage by limiting the Commonwealth's ability to overturn territory legislation.
Anger was directed at former Labor leader Simon Crean, who briefed the ALP Caucus on the territories Bill on Tuesday. "There is a view around that, at best, Crean didn't explain the Bill and we've been misled," one Labor MP said. "Either that or it was a giant stuff up."
Mr Crean, however, defended his position, saying: "The position that I took to Caucus was the same position as supported by the party in 2006."
Ms Gillard now faces a possible breakout of factional war with right-wing MPs accusing Labor left MPs - who support gay marriage and euthanasia - of conspiring with the Greens to deceive the Government. The issue was later resolved when the PM intervened to ensure Labor would vote with the Coalition in the Senate to delay the Bill by referring it to a committee.
MPs are also angry that the PM's decision to introduce a carbon tax was not taken to the caucus.
Others told The Daily Telegraph they were receiving "virulent" emails complaining of a Labor "sell out" to the Greens, who combined with Ms Gillard to unveil the climate change pact.

And Last week Deputy Prime Minister Bob Brown announced the CO 2 TAX, the Labor Green TAX on EVERYTHING.


Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE .



Media Release

Menzies House, an independent grassroots website for centre right political activists, today announced the launch of 300_gillard-300x340, an online petition and information resource opposing the recent proposal to implement a carbon tax as a transition to an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

If enacted, it is estimated that this tax hike will cost the average Australian household a staggering extra $300 a year in electricity bills, as with further sharp increases in the costs of goods and services.

“This proposal is an economically damaging grab for cash by a desperate government and will lead to the very same ETS rejected by the Australian people.” said Timothy Andrews, Managing Editor of Menzies House.“It will hurt businesses, hurt families, and seriously harm the Australian economy – at a time Australian Families can least afford it. With recent increases in the cost of living already hitting Australian households, this is a tax hike Australia just can not afford.

The Editor-in-Chief of Menzies House, John Humphreys, has previously written about revenue-neutral carbon tax, but opposes the current proposal

“A moderate carbon tax, with offsetting tax cuts, would be the least harmful policy for combating climate change” said Mr. Humphreys. “However, the current policy fails because it does not provide the offsetting tax cuts, and so it will increase the size of government and hurt the economy. It is also worrying that the government seems intent on switching to an emissions trading system, which is an unnecessarily complicated and inefficient response to climate change."                                                 Madame Gillard

John Humphreys

Mobile: 0404 044 561
Timothy Andrews

Click Here to view as a PDF


Australian’s please register here to show your support for freedom. This is a TAX on everything.

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