A blog revealing the horrors of Islam,International Socialism,the misery these two evils are inflicting upon the free the world,and those it has already enslaved,along with various articles revealing the attacks from within upon the western Judeo Christian ethic by those we entrusted to preserve it. Videos and Pictures of many varied subjects from around the world, along with some jokes of mine and any funny ones you want to send me.

An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.
Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”
--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!
When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.
Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"
Showing posts with label Multicultural Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multicultural Australia. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Multicultural Australia,Harmony Days Gone Wild: Muslim Father of Muslim Terrorist Daughter says he prays every day "to the Lord" for Australian PM Tony Abbott to " lose one of his daughters in sickness or accident...."
Dead Muslim Australian based Jihadist Amira Karroum an "abusive" "threatening" "vandal" "you don't know who I know" according to neighbours in unit complex.
Amira Karroum,
Harmony Days,
Islam means Peace,
Islamic Sociopath's Inc.,
Labor Green Loon VOTE People,
Mohammed Karroum,
Multicultural Australia,
Pious Muslims,
Tony Abbott
Friday, June 20, 2014
Australian Government Senator Nails Labor's Celebrity Muslim VOTE Person / Schmoozer, Keysar Trad.
It took the Union GetUp funded Labor, Green Loon, Independent, "Co Party" EIGHT Months to decide, if Keysar Trad was suitable to represent them as a candidate.
Australian Senate
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Page: 97
Senator BERNARDI (South Australia) (22:45): A couple of weeks ago it came to my attention that a man by the name of Keysar Trad was entertaining the notion of becoming a federal MP. He said he had had discussions with a friend in the Liberal Party but nothing eventuated. I say thank goodness for that, and you will understand why by the end of this speech.
What concerns me more is that it was reported that the Labor Party allegedly spent eight months in discussions with Mr Trad about his becoming a Labor candidate. After eight months I hope that the Labor Party have actually closed the door for good on Mr Trad being a Labor candidate. I hope they have closed the door, bolted it, locked it and thrown away the key. Of course, it is entirely up to the Labor Party whom they preselect to be one of their representatives; but the fact that Mr Trad said that the Labor Party talked with him for eight months says something about the culture within the ALP. I wonder if the ALP managed in eight months to find out what I did in about eight minutes—namely, that Mr Keysar Trad is wholly unsuitable to be a member of parliament or to be recognised by any other organisation as a community leader of any sort.
I know that these are very strong comments, and I bear no personal ill will towards Mr Trad, but if he wants to try to become a representative of the Australian people then we are completely entitled, and it is completely fair, that we examine his track record, his opinions and his views and that we establish his character. I do not need to make any substantial assessment of this myself. I only need to report the findings of the New South Wales Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal.
In 2009, the New South Wales Supreme Court found that Mr Trad 'incites people to commit acts of violence', 'incites people to have racist attitudes' and is a 'dangerous and disgraceful individual'. This stemmed from a defamation case that Mr Trad brought against Harbour Radio. In 2011, the New South Wales Court of Appeal overturned this initial ruling after Mr Trad appealed. But, late last year, that same court overturned its 2011 ruling, dismissing Mr Trad's appeal and upholding the Supreme Court's ruling regarding the aforementioned circumstances. Mr Trad was also ordered to pay Harbour Radio's costs in the appeals court.
Let me take a moment of the Senate's time to detail the evidence that supported the courts' findings. The courts based their finding that Mr Trad incites people to commit acts of violence on the following evidence: Mr Trad's own website used to have a link to a website he touted as having 'very good articles concerning Islam and Muslims'. But the courts found that this website held 'significant anti-Semitic views'. The judge simply did not believe Mr Trad's claims that he did not know about the nature of this website. In terms of his saying that the site had 'very good articles', court documents reveal that Mr Trad 'agreed he had little choice but to concede that this was an endorsement of what was plainly a racist website.' When he was interviewed by a journalist, Mr Trad said words to the effect of, 'There are many Jews who question how many died in the Holocaust', which the judge saw as 'an attempt to diminish the significance of those events.' In the end, both courts deemed that this showed that Mr Keysar Trad incited violence against Jewish people.
Both courts also agreed that Mr Trad incited people to have racist attitudes, given their previous conclusion that he had incited people to commit acts of violence due to his support for sources that were anti-Semitic. Justice McClellan said in the 2009 findings that he was 'satisfied that the plaintiff does hold views which can properly be described as racist.' He continued, 'I am also satisfied that he encourages others to hold those views. In particular, he holds views derogatory of Jewish people.' I put it to you, Mr Deputy President: how could any party think that this was a person suited for a federal parliamentary career—someone with views like that, that could be discovered in eight minutes of Google searching? Yet this man was, by his own admission, courted by the ALP for eight months. Does Australia really want someone in parliament who has been found by two courts to incite violence and racism?
I only wish it stopped there, but that is not all. Mr Trad has also been found to be a 'disgraceful' individual by the New South Wales Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal. His comments on a number of issues led the court to state:
Any form of incitement to violence of a kind reasonably described as antisocial would satisfy such a standard. So would incitement to racist attitudes and the statements relating to homosexuals and homosexuality and the trivialisation of rape …
Then there is the finding that Mr Trad is a 'dangerous individual'—surely not a glowing reference for any prospective parliamentarian. This was based on the following opinion of Mr Trad: When talking about the gang rape of young women in Sydney by a group of Lebanese men, in one interview Mr Trad chose to tell a joke and described these types of perpetrators as 'stupid young boys'. The court said that his comments about the issue 'demeaned the victims of the crime', 'did not condemn the perpetrators' and 'trivialised the responsibility of rapists.' And if that was not enough, Mr Trad did not condemn Sheikh Hilali's disgraceful comments about women being 'uncovered meat' in a speech about rape. Instead Mr Trad chose to defend that speech and the sheikh's comments.
Mr Trad failed to condemn the Sheikh's reference to 'the blessings of the 11th of September' and the Sheik's condoning of the use of boys as martyrs in the cause of radical Islam. The court said that this 'involved putting forward ideas which risk an unbalanced or fanatical person being encouraged, or encouraging others, to participate in such activities'. The courts were right to be concerned about the reach of Mr Trad's opinions, given that many of his abhorrent views were in the public domain. The appeal court concluded that 'there is support for the conclusion that the appellant was properly described as a "dangerous" individual, in circumstances where the views he expressed were capable of influencing others, were intended to influence others and would have a receptive audience in some, if limited, quarters'. It said 'these factors, combined with the respects in which he incited others to violence and racist attitudes, being a person with a public presence and influence in some quarters, fully support the characterisation of the appellant as a dangerous individual'.
I put it to the Senate and to the Australian people: how could any reasonable person or any reasonable political party consider endorsing a person that holds these views to become a member of the Australian parliament? How could a party, like the Labor Party, be in discussions with this man for eight months, as was reported by the media? Did they fail to do any research into his character during that time? I have to ask: how many sections of the media and the community endorse this man as a national spokesman for the Islamic community? It is just beyond all reasonable comprehension. Beyond the findings of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal—although those findings are damning enough, one would think there are many other instances of Mr Trad's questionable views.
Mr Trad has openly advocated for polygamy in Australia through the Sydney Morning Herald asking: why should polygamy be a crime? He is not shy at all about seeking changes to our laws and customs. He says:
Monogamy is great, but it is clearly not for everybody. Islam openly acknowledges this fact of human nature and stipulates a regulatory framework for plural relations.
Although he draws the line at polyandry; he is not too keen to permit a wife to take more than one husband. It begs the question: where are all the equality advocates in the Labor Party when it comes to that?
And Mr Trad's challenge to Australian law does not stop there. He has also publicly spoken about sharia law in Australia, arguing the 'yes' case for separate Islamic courts to deal with divorce. He wrote that in the Daily Telegraph. He also said that there is support for parts of sharia law that deal with marriage and inheritance without the penal aspects. Such calls run counter to the views of most Australians including legal commentators, former judges, former Labor ministers and even our own Prime Minister, who advocate one law for all. Again, I ask: what was the Labor Party thinking, reportedly engaging someone who has views completely at odds to their own views on something as important as our legal system?
Some of Mr Trad's views on terrorism may not sit well with many Australians either. In 2005, he wrote an article published in the Daily Telegraph that said 'Australians should be more concerned with the United States than radical Islam.' He said, 'Radical Islam, while an anathema to Islam itself, is made up of no more than a bunch of rag-tag Dad's Army types, fighting for their own survival.'
Justice McClellan took a slightly different view. He said:
To downplay radical Islam and suggest that it is no more than rag-tag Dad's Army types, fighting for their own survival would not be acceptable to the Australian community. The plaintiff was effectively suggesting that the United States of America presented a greater threat than radical Islam to the Australian people.
It is just extraordinary. Justice McClellan was spot on when he said:
This stance would, in my view, be entirely repugnant to the overwhelming majority of people in the Australian community.
And a year after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US, Mr Trad was reported in the Weekend Australian as saying:
Osama bin Laden would have trouble teaching someone to drive a car ... how could a man living in a backward country mastermind the hijacking of several planes, with the whole operation going off like clockwork? ... I just don't want to believe Muslims were behind it.
These views were, again, unacceptable to the NSW Supreme Court judge who branded this an 'extraordinary statement' and said that the Australian community would not accept these views: The judge said:
Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for September 11. A suggestion that the terrorist act was not perpetrated by adherents to Islam would not be accepted by Australians whatever their ethnic origin or religious views.
And if Mr Trad is so concerned about good relations between various groups within Australia, why then does he write about 'the criminal dregs of white society' and call Indian people 'cow worshippers'? This hardly sounds like the views of someone that would represent the opinions of mainstream Australians. According to Mr Trad, the Labor Party were in pre-selection discussions with him for eight months. Yet these are the views he holds and he has had no problem spouting them off to any journalist who approaches him. For years he has been the media's go-to man on any number of matters.
He is described as a 'Sydney Muslim community leader' even after he left the employ of Sheikh Hilali and the Lebanese Muslim Association. Given the court's findings about Mr Trad's opinions, should not that be just a little alarming? What does this say about some parts of our media considering that this is the man that journalists have been going to for years, as an authoritative voice of the Australian Muslim community? It simply beggars belief. I cannot believe that Australian Muslims would be happy with having him as their spokesman. He truly has done a disservice to the Muslim community when you consider the findings that I have detailed here tonight.
Hala Trad
There are Times you need to Fight
I want to be very clear here. You cannot be an advocate for free speech without conceding that there are going to be people who hold objectionable views and views different from your own. Having a difference of opinion should not preclude people from being part of the parliamentary process. It should be open to all Australians. I want to put on the record and I want to be very clear that I absolutely disagree with Mr Trad's views that I have outlined tonight; but they are his words and they are the words of the judgements that have been read against him.
But what I find most galling is that the once-proud Labor Party reportedly entertained for eight months the idea of having this man as a candidate for political office. And for years the media have lauded him as a national spokesman on Islamic matters. Tonight I have sought to lay bare the words and opinions of someone who seeks to become an elected representative of the Australian people—although, by all accounts, Mr Trad is completely unconcerned about what party would take him into parliament.
But I think it is completely reasonable that anyone seeking such a position should have their public opinions examined. And it is now up to the Australian people and it is up to the political parties in this country to determine for themselves whether they would like someone of Mr Trad's character representing them in the Australian parliament.
"It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love - "became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says. But his obsession passed. "He became more compassionate after it," Hanifeh says. "God meant for him to go through this experience and it made him a better person and more emotionally aware. It knocked him off his perch.""
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.
Australian Senate
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Page: 97
Senator BERNARDI (South Australia) (22:45): A couple of weeks ago it came to my attention that a man by the name of Keysar Trad was entertaining the notion of becoming a federal MP. He said he had had discussions with a friend in the Liberal Party but nothing eventuated. I say thank goodness for that, and you will understand why by the end of this speech.
What concerns me more is that it was reported that the Labor Party allegedly spent eight months in discussions with Mr Trad about his becoming a Labor candidate. After eight months I hope that the Labor Party have actually closed the door for good on Mr Trad being a Labor candidate. I hope they have closed the door, bolted it, locked it and thrown away the key. Of course, it is entirely up to the Labor Party whom they preselect to be one of their representatives; but the fact that Mr Trad said that the Labor Party talked with him for eight months says something about the culture within the ALP. I wonder if the ALP managed in eight months to find out what I did in about eight minutes—namely, that Mr Keysar Trad is wholly unsuitable to be a member of parliament or to be recognised by any other organisation as a community leader of any sort.
I know that these are very strong comments, and I bear no personal ill will towards Mr Trad, but if he wants to try to become a representative of the Australian people then we are completely entitled, and it is completely fair, that we examine his track record, his opinions and his views and that we establish his character. I do not need to make any substantial assessment of this myself. I only need to report the findings of the New South Wales Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal.
In 2009, the New South Wales Supreme Court found that Mr Trad 'incites people to commit acts of violence', 'incites people to have racist attitudes' and is a 'dangerous and disgraceful individual'. This stemmed from a defamation case that Mr Trad brought against Harbour Radio. In 2011, the New South Wales Court of Appeal overturned this initial ruling after Mr Trad appealed. But, late last year, that same court overturned its 2011 ruling, dismissing Mr Trad's appeal and upholding the Supreme Court's ruling regarding the aforementioned circumstances. Mr Trad was also ordered to pay Harbour Radio's costs in the appeals court.
Let me take a moment of the Senate's time to detail the evidence that supported the courts' findings. The courts based their finding that Mr Trad incites people to commit acts of violence on the following evidence: Mr Trad's own website used to have a link to a website he touted as having 'very good articles concerning Islam and Muslims'. But the courts found that this website held 'significant anti-Semitic views'. The judge simply did not believe Mr Trad's claims that he did not know about the nature of this website. In terms of his saying that the site had 'very good articles', court documents reveal that Mr Trad 'agreed he had little choice but to concede that this was an endorsement of what was plainly a racist website.' When he was interviewed by a journalist, Mr Trad said words to the effect of, 'There are many Jews who question how many died in the Holocaust', which the judge saw as 'an attempt to diminish the significance of those events.' In the end, both courts deemed that this showed that Mr Keysar Trad incited violence against Jewish people.
Both courts also agreed that Mr Trad incited people to have racist attitudes, given their previous conclusion that he had incited people to commit acts of violence due to his support for sources that were anti-Semitic. Justice McClellan said in the 2009 findings that he was 'satisfied that the plaintiff does hold views which can properly be described as racist.' He continued, 'I am also satisfied that he encourages others to hold those views. In particular, he holds views derogatory of Jewish people.' I put it to you, Mr Deputy President: how could any party think that this was a person suited for a federal parliamentary career—someone with views like that, that could be discovered in eight minutes of Google searching? Yet this man was, by his own admission, courted by the ALP for eight months. Does Australia really want someone in parliament who has been found by two courts to incite violence and racism?
I only wish it stopped there, but that is not all. Mr Trad has also been found to be a 'disgraceful' individual by the New South Wales Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal. His comments on a number of issues led the court to state:
Any form of incitement to violence of a kind reasonably described as antisocial would satisfy such a standard. So would incitement to racist attitudes and the statements relating to homosexuals and homosexuality and the trivialisation of rape …
Then there is the finding that Mr Trad is a 'dangerous individual'—surely not a glowing reference for any prospective parliamentarian. This was based on the following opinion of Mr Trad: When talking about the gang rape of young women in Sydney by a group of Lebanese men, in one interview Mr Trad chose to tell a joke and described these types of perpetrators as 'stupid young boys'. The court said that his comments about the issue 'demeaned the victims of the crime', 'did not condemn the perpetrators' and 'trivialised the responsibility of rapists.' And if that was not enough, Mr Trad did not condemn Sheikh Hilali's disgraceful comments about women being 'uncovered meat' in a speech about rape. Instead Mr Trad chose to defend that speech and the sheikh's comments.
Mr Trad failed to condemn the Sheikh's reference to 'the blessings of the 11th of September' and the Sheik's condoning of the use of boys as martyrs in the cause of radical Islam. The court said that this 'involved putting forward ideas which risk an unbalanced or fanatical person being encouraged, or encouraging others, to participate in such activities'. The courts were right to be concerned about the reach of Mr Trad's opinions, given that many of his abhorrent views were in the public domain. The appeal court concluded that 'there is support for the conclusion that the appellant was properly described as a "dangerous" individual, in circumstances where the views he expressed were capable of influencing others, were intended to influence others and would have a receptive audience in some, if limited, quarters'. It said 'these factors, combined with the respects in which he incited others to violence and racist attitudes, being a person with a public presence and influence in some quarters, fully support the characterisation of the appellant as a dangerous individual'.
I put it to the Senate and to the Australian people: how could any reasonable person or any reasonable political party consider endorsing a person that holds these views to become a member of the Australian parliament? How could a party, like the Labor Party, be in discussions with this man for eight months, as was reported by the media? Did they fail to do any research into his character during that time? I have to ask: how many sections of the media and the community endorse this man as a national spokesman for the Islamic community? It is just beyond all reasonable comprehension. Beyond the findings of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal—although those findings are damning enough, one would think there are many other instances of Mr Trad's questionable views.
Mr Trad has openly advocated for polygamy in Australia through the Sydney Morning Herald asking: why should polygamy be a crime? He is not shy at all about seeking changes to our laws and customs. He says:
Monogamy is great, but it is clearly not for everybody. Islam openly acknowledges this fact of human nature and stipulates a regulatory framework for plural relations.
Although he draws the line at polyandry; he is not too keen to permit a wife to take more than one husband. It begs the question: where are all the equality advocates in the Labor Party when it comes to that?
And Mr Trad's challenge to Australian law does not stop there. He has also publicly spoken about sharia law in Australia, arguing the 'yes' case for separate Islamic courts to deal with divorce. He wrote that in the Daily Telegraph. He also said that there is support for parts of sharia law that deal with marriage and inheritance without the penal aspects. Such calls run counter to the views of most Australians including legal commentators, former judges, former Labor ministers and even our own Prime Minister, who advocate one law for all. Again, I ask: what was the Labor Party thinking, reportedly engaging someone who has views completely at odds to their own views on something as important as our legal system?
Some of Mr Trad's views on terrorism may not sit well with many Australians either. In 2005, he wrote an article published in the Daily Telegraph that said 'Australians should be more concerned with the United States than radical Islam.' He said, 'Radical Islam, while an anathema to Islam itself, is made up of no more than a bunch of rag-tag Dad's Army types, fighting for their own survival.'
The Infamous & Ignoble Keysar Trad argues “….the deliberate peddling of grossly sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic filth is not dangerous and disgraceful and an incitement to violence and racist attitudes in Australia in 2010. The most extraordinary claim is that his extreme views are [a] 'Muslim view'…………..''
Justice McClellan took a slightly different view. He said:
To downplay radical Islam and suggest that it is no more than rag-tag Dad's Army types, fighting for their own survival would not be acceptable to the Australian community. The plaintiff was effectively suggesting that the United States of America presented a greater threat than radical Islam to the Australian people.
It is just extraordinary. Justice McClellan was spot on when he said:
This stance would, in my view, be entirely repugnant to the overwhelming majority of people in the Australian community.
And a year after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US, Mr Trad was reported in the Weekend Australian as saying:
Osama bin Laden would have trouble teaching someone to drive a car ... how could a man living in a backward country mastermind the hijacking of several planes, with the whole operation going off like clockwork? ... I just don't want to believe Muslims were behind it.
These views were, again, unacceptable to the NSW Supreme Court judge who branded this an 'extraordinary statement' and said that the Australian community would not accept these views: The judge said:
Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for September 11. A suggestion that the terrorist act was not perpetrated by adherents to Islam would not be accepted by Australians whatever their ethnic origin or religious views.
And if Mr Trad is so concerned about good relations between various groups within Australia, why then does he write about 'the criminal dregs of white society' and call Indian people 'cow worshippers'? This hardly sounds like the views of someone that would represent the opinions of mainstream Australians. According to Mr Trad, the Labor Party were in pre-selection discussions with him for eight months. Yet these are the views he holds and he has had no problem spouting them off to any journalist who approaches him. For years he has been the media's go-to man on any number of matters.
He is described as a 'Sydney Muslim community leader' even after he left the employ of Sheikh Hilali and the Lebanese Muslim Association. Given the court's findings about Mr Trad's opinions, should not that be just a little alarming? What does this say about some parts of our media considering that this is the man that journalists have been going to for years, as an authoritative voice of the Australian Muslim community? It simply beggars belief. I cannot believe that Australian Muslims would be happy with having him as their spokesman. He truly has done a disservice to the Muslim community when you consider the findings that I have detailed here tonight.
Hala Trad
There are Times you need to Fight
I want to be very clear here. You cannot be an advocate for free speech without conceding that there are going to be people who hold objectionable views and views different from your own. Having a difference of opinion should not preclude people from being part of the parliamentary process. It should be open to all Australians. I want to put on the record and I want to be very clear that I absolutely disagree with Mr Trad's views that I have outlined tonight; but they are his words and they are the words of the judgements that have been read against him.
But what I find most galling is that the once-proud Labor Party reportedly entertained for eight months the idea of having this man as a candidate for political office. And for years the media have lauded him as a national spokesman on Islamic matters. Tonight I have sought to lay bare the words and opinions of someone who seeks to become an elected representative of the Australian people—although, by all accounts, Mr Trad is completely unconcerned about what party would take him into parliament.
But I think it is completely reasonable that anyone seeking such a position should have their public opinions examined. And it is now up to the Australian people and it is up to the political parties in this country to determine for themselves whether they would like someone of Mr Trad's character representing them in the Australian parliament.
"It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love - "became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says. But his obsession passed. "He became more compassionate after it," Hanifeh says. "God meant for him to go through this experience and it made him a better person and more emotionally aware. It knocked him off his perch.""
Australian Labor's "celebrity Muslim" Keysar Trad has been found to be a racist by Supreme Court
Keysar Trad’s Neice, Suspect in $150m loan scam fronts court.
Lakemba Mosque caught out again.
Australia : Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Muslim Leaders admit Muslims are incompatible with civilized Societies.
Polygamy is illegal in Australia, but a Centrelink spokeswoman said it was not the welfare agency’s job to police polygamy law
Taquiah Festival this weekend at Lakemba Mosque.
Multicultural Australia: Islamic “moderate Islamic community leader” warns Australian’s SYDNEY Muslims are ''angry and frustrated'' following sentencing of Five Islamic Terrorists.
Follow up to: Rudd’s Australia,Telling the TRUTH in Australia now costs $10,000, it used to be free.
Rudd’s Australia,Telling the TRUTH in Australia now costs $10,000, it used to be free.
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Paedophilia again excused as “cultural differences”
Twisted view of life and justice
Miranda Devine
The Daily Telegraph
April 2 2014
HOW can “cultural differences” be an excuse for child sexual offences? Yet, as Patrick Lion reported in The Daily Telegraph yesterday, this is the excuse a Victorian magistrate has accepted as a “mitigating factor” in the case of an Afghan man charged with the attempted kidnap of a four-year-old girl.
Ali Jaffari, 35, had already been convicted last year of sexually molesting two boys, aged 12 and 13, at a Geelong beach. Despite the fact he showed no remorse and the prosecution wanted him jailed, Magistrate Ann McGarvie let him off with a two-year community corrections order, saying he had a low risk of re offending.
Jaffari was back in Geelong Magistrate’s Court after he allegedly snatched a four-year-old girl at a cricket oval in Geelong last year while her father and brother were distracted.
But in February Magistrate Ron Saines threw out the child stealing charge and cited “cultural differences”.
In what culture is their any different view to ours, that preying on children is unacceptable? Child sexual abuse in Afghanistan might be “endemic”, as a US State department report puts it.
But that doesn’t mean it is culturally acceptable, especially not to parents and children. There is no culture on Earth in which it is normal or innocent for a stranger to molest little boys or allegedly kidnap a little girl.
And, if there were, the last thing we should do is calibrate our justice system to accommodate such a despicable culture.
Jaffari arrived in Australia by boat in 2010 and spent 15 months in a detention centre before being released into the community and granted a permanent protection visa at a time when the Gillard government had lost control of the borders. Immigration Minister Scott Morrison is now trying to find a way to strengthen his power to cancel visas on character grounds.
But there is only so much he can do if courts are going to excuse child predators on cultural grounds.
Miranda Devine
The Daily Telegraph
April 2 2014
HOW can “cultural differences” be an excuse for child sexual offences? Yet, as Patrick Lion reported in The Daily Telegraph yesterday, this is the excuse a Victorian magistrate has accepted as a “mitigating factor” in the case of an Afghan man charged with the attempted kidnap of a four-year-old girl.
Ali Jaffari, 35, had already been convicted last year of sexually molesting two boys, aged 12 and 13, at a Geelong beach. Despite the fact he showed no remorse and the prosecution wanted him jailed, Magistrate Ann McGarvie let him off with a two-year community corrections order, saying he had a low risk of re offending.
Jaffari was back in Geelong Magistrate’s Court after he allegedly snatched a four-year-old girl at a cricket oval in Geelong last year while her father and brother were distracted.
But in February Magistrate Ron Saines threw out the child stealing charge and cited “cultural differences”.
In what culture is their any different view to ours, that preying on children is unacceptable? Child sexual abuse in Afghanistan might be “endemic”, as a US State department report puts it.
But that doesn’t mean it is culturally acceptable, especially not to parents and children. There is no culture on Earth in which it is normal or innocent for a stranger to molest little boys or allegedly kidnap a little girl.
And, if there were, the last thing we should do is calibrate our justice system to accommodate such a despicable culture.
Jaffari arrived in Australia by boat in 2010 and spent 15 months in a detention centre before being released into the community and granted a permanent protection visa at a time when the Gillard government had lost control of the borders. Immigration Minister Scott Morrison is now trying to find a way to strengthen his power to cancel visas on character grounds.
But there is only so much he can do if courts are going to excuse child predators on cultural grounds.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Saturday, November 16, 2013
How Their ABC reports on accused Muslim Murderer and accessory after the fact Sheik Man Haron Monis
Couple charged after Sydney woman Noleen Hayson Pal fatally stabbed and set alight at
Werrington in April
Updated 5 hours 57 minutes agohttp://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11-15/couple-charged-over-woman-fatally stabbed-and-set-alight/5095012?section=nsw
MAP: Werrington 2747
A self-styled (well so far no one in the ABC Muslim Multicultural Industry has come out and said he is NOT a Muslim Cleric, he has been Infamous for more than a few years now, or is Their ABC implying that this piece of Shit is a "Miss Understander" of the koran? a "Lone Wolf" well Their ABC has a plethora of Lone Wolf's, 20,000 plus since 911 in fact. ) Muslim cleric and his partner have faced court charged over the brutal murder of a woman in Sydney's west earlier this year.
The body of Noleen Hayson Pal was found in the stairwell of a unit block in the city's west at Werrington in April after emergency services were called to a fire.
The 30-year-old had been stabbed a number of times and set alight.
Police arrested Man Haron Monis, 49, and Amirah Droudis, 34, after stopping their car at Campsie early this morning.
Monis is sometimes also known as Sheikh Haron.
Droudis was then charged with murder, while Monis was charged with being an accessory before and after the fact to murder.
Police say the couple knew Ms Pal before her death.
Monis and Droudis faced Burwood Local Court this afternoon.
The couple did not apply for bail, which was formally refused.
They are expected to face court again later this month.
Topics: murder-and-manslaughter, police, werrington-2747, campsie-2194
First posted 9 hours 16 minutes ago as at 1142 pm Friday Nov. 15 2013
Werrington in April
Updated 5 hours 57 minutes agohttp://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11-15/couple-charged-over-woman-fatally stabbed-and-set-alight/5095012?section=nsw
MAP: Werrington 2747
A self-styled (well so far no one in the ABC Muslim Multicultural Industry has come out and said he is NOT a Muslim Cleric, he has been Infamous for more than a few years now, or is Their ABC implying that this piece of Shit is a "Miss Understander" of the koran? a "Lone Wolf" well Their ABC has a plethora of Lone Wolf's, 20,000 plus since 911 in fact. ) Muslim cleric and his partner have faced court charged over the brutal murder of a woman in Sydney's west earlier this year.
The body of Noleen Hayson Pal was found in the stairwell of a unit block in the city's west at Werrington in April after emergency services were called to a fire.
The 30-year-old had been stabbed a number of times and set alight.
Police arrested Man Haron Monis, 49, and Amirah Droudis, 34, after stopping their car at Campsie early this morning.
Monis is sometimes also known as Sheikh Haron.
Droudis was then charged with murder, while Monis was charged with being an accessory before and after the fact to murder.
Police say the couple knew Ms Pal before her death.
Monis and Droudis faced Burwood Local Court this afternoon.
The couple did not apply for bail, which was formally refused.
They are expected to face court again later this month.
Topics: murder-and-manslaughter, police, werrington-2747, campsie-2194
First posted 9 hours 16 minutes ago as at 1142 pm Friday Nov. 15 2013
November 15 2013 Just another Harmony Day Down Under
Monday, October 14, 2013
Sydney's Occupied Territories:Muslim Insurgents Killing Spree man sought
Sydney's Occupied Territories where too many "Harmony Day's" are barely enough
Police frustrated by criminal silence around Greenacre following Khaled Kahwaji execution
Yoni Bashan
The Daily Telegraph
October 12,2013
THE gangland execution of drug-peddler and one-time murder suspect Khaled Kahwaji would have been solved much sooner if it had only happened somewhere else - anywhere else but Greenacre.
In this crime hive of south-western Sydney, witnesses curiously never speak up. It's the Greenacre code.
Kahwaji, 29, from Rhodes, was not a sophisticated or endearing criminal. Nor were his final moments, about 6.10pm on March 15, the stuff that romantic gangster stories are made of.
Greenacre shooting victim Khaled Kahwaj refused to name his killer
He was no match for the man who shot him, point blank, in his Mazda 3 at a house on Wilbur St.
His attackers knew he was coming because of his penchant for blaring loud music from his car speakers - they could hear him from blocks away.
A crucial person of interest, who police need to contact, was captured on a nearby CCTV camera a day earlier, shortly after Mr Kahwaji was involved in a fight on Wilbur St. His image is published here for the first time.
No one has been charged over the murder but enough people saw it, watching as two cars - a Toyota Corolla and a Hyundai hatchback - fled the scene.
Frustrated by witnesses refusing to co-operate, police have taken the unusual step of charging four people - including three women - who they believe are holding back crucial information.
They include Sabrine Chahine, 25, the registered owner of one car seen driving away after the murder. She was charged with refusing to say who was in the vehicle.
How public housing hid a cache of weapons
The second car was a rental, hired by her sister-in-law Sabayda Hawa, 30, who is now facing court on the same offence.
The others are Bilal Assoum, 36, and his former girlfriend, Lisa Salmon, 25. Detectives believe they saw everything, but they allegedly told investigators nothing, prompting both to be charged with concealing a serious offence.
While Sydney is all too familiar with premeditated, organised assassinations, Kahwaji's death was carried out with no effort by the killers to cover their tracks. They did not bother sourcing stolen getaway cars, obscuring the vehicles' license plates, covering their faces or using a silencer.
Kahwaji, a former rubbish collector, spent 10 months on remand over the 2010 murder of 26-year-old Saba Kairouz, a drug supplier shot dead as he played football at Greenacre's Roberts Park.
Dozens of people saw the murder but the case struggled in court. The witness box stayed empty.
Ironically, the Greenacre code that saved Kahwaji from prison now threatens to save his own killers from justice.
Eight months after his death, homicide detectives have mapped Kahwaji's final hours.
The day before he was killed he was seen carrying a gun around the time he was involved in a fight on Wilbur St. Police were called but he ran off when he saw the officers.
That night he slept at a brothel in Petersham, on Parramatta Rd, where he was a regular, arriving about 1am and getting evicted for abusing workers about 10 hours later.
Strung out on drugs and behaving erratically, he loitered at an associate's car workshop in Punchbowl, vandalising cars in the area before driving back to Wilbur St for reasons unknown.
After the murder, heavily armed tactical officers searched the homes of both the Hawa and Assoum families, usin loudspeakers to order the occupants to come outside. The Hawa's have since moved from the area.
Police say crime is so embedded in the Greenacre community psyche that criminals no longer care about possible witnesses - they know no one will speak.
"A murder such as this was carried out on the strong belief that the public would not be willing to assist the police and that is what has occurred," Detective Acting Superintendent Angelo Memmolo said, stressing the need for more people to come forward to help solve the murder.
"If people want to remain safe and don't want these shootings to continue, they need to come forward."
Police frustrated by criminal silence around Greenacre following Khaled Kahwaji execution
Yoni Bashan
The Daily Telegraph
October 12,2013
THE gangland execution of drug-peddler and one-time murder suspect Khaled Kahwaji would have been solved much sooner if it had only happened somewhere else - anywhere else but Greenacre.
In this crime hive of south-western Sydney, witnesses curiously never speak up. It's the Greenacre code.
Kahwaji, 29, from Rhodes, was not a sophisticated or endearing criminal. Nor were his final moments, about 6.10pm on March 15, the stuff that romantic gangster stories are made of.
Greenacre shooting victim Khaled Kahwaj refused to name his killer
He was no match for the man who shot him, point blank, in his Mazda 3 at a house on Wilbur St.
His attackers knew he was coming because of his penchant for blaring loud music from his car speakers - they could hear him from blocks away.
A crucial person of interest, who police need to contact, was captured on a nearby CCTV camera a day earlier, shortly after Mr Kahwaji was involved in a fight on Wilbur St. His image is published here for the first time.
No one has been charged over the murder but enough people saw it, watching as two cars - a Toyota Corolla and a Hyundai hatchback - fled the scene.
Frustrated by witnesses refusing to co-operate, police have taken the unusual step of charging four people - including three women - who they believe are holding back crucial information.
They include Sabrine Chahine, 25, the registered owner of one car seen driving away after the murder. She was charged with refusing to say who was in the vehicle.
How public housing hid a cache of weapons
The second car was a rental, hired by her sister-in-law Sabayda Hawa, 30, who is now facing court on the same offence.
The others are Bilal Assoum, 36, and his former girlfriend, Lisa Salmon, 25. Detectives believe they saw everything, but they allegedly told investigators nothing, prompting both to be charged with concealing a serious offence.
While Sydney is all too familiar with premeditated, organised assassinations, Kahwaji's death was carried out with no effort by the killers to cover their tracks. They did not bother sourcing stolen getaway cars, obscuring the vehicles' license plates, covering their faces or using a silencer.
Kahwaji, a former rubbish collector, spent 10 months on remand over the 2010 murder of 26-year-old Saba Kairouz, a drug supplier shot dead as he played football at Greenacre's Roberts Park.
Dozens of people saw the murder but the case struggled in court. The witness box stayed empty.
Ironically, the Greenacre code that saved Kahwaji from prison now threatens to save his own killers from justice.
Eight months after his death, homicide detectives have mapped Kahwaji's final hours.
The day before he was killed he was seen carrying a gun around the time he was involved in a fight on Wilbur St. Police were called but he ran off when he saw the officers.
That night he slept at a brothel in Petersham, on Parramatta Rd, where he was a regular, arriving about 1am and getting evicted for abusing workers about 10 hours later.
Strung out on drugs and behaving erratically, he loitered at an associate's car workshop in Punchbowl, vandalising cars in the area before driving back to Wilbur St for reasons unknown.
After the murder, heavily armed tactical officers searched the homes of both the Hawa and Assoum families, usin loudspeakers to order the occupants to come outside. The Hawa's have since moved from the area.
Police say crime is so embedded in the Greenacre community psyche that criminals no longer care about possible witnesses - they know no one will speak.
"A murder such as this was carried out on the strong belief that the public would not be willing to assist the police and that is what has occurred," Detective Acting Superintendent Angelo Memmolo said, stressing the need for more people to come forward to help solve the murder.
"If people want to remain safe and don't want these shootings to continue, they need to come forward."
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Multiculturalism Rules in Sydney's Occupied Territories :''We're taking all of you to war, in Sydney and overseas!''
Why would ANY Australian Government deliberately IMPORT into Australia these Islamic Sociopath's ?
The answer is simple,in exchange for a lifetime of Social Security,free housing,medical,pharmaceutical educational and any other demand made by these Muslim insurgents all they are required to do is VOTE for the Left, so as to keep the Union / GetUp funded Australian Labor Party and their Green Loon Marxist Co Party in power,Labor's Green Loon VOTE People.
The Progressives in Australia won't be happy until we have daily Bombings,Beheading and Cannibalism added to their existing Harmony Day activities of Kidnapping,Shootings, Stabbings and Muslim Rape Gangs.
Home front opens in a foreign war
Rachel Olding
June 30, 2013
It was not so much a death threat as a declaration of war.
''You wanna go to war, you f---in' Shia dogs?'' the phone message says. ''We're taking all of you to war, in Sydney and overseas!''
It was 8pm and Jamal Daoud, an aspiring politician from Auburn was having dinner with his wife and children. An outspoken critic of the Free Syrian Army, Daoud is accustomed to abuse but this call was more frightening than most.
''You wanna kill our brothers and sisters overseas, we're gonna kill you motherf---ers here,'' the caller says.
''We know where [you] live. We're coming past [your] house and shoot at [it], if there are people inside we don't give a f---. You wanna spill blood, we're gonna spill blood, you f---in' dogs!''
After two years and an estimated 100,000 deaths, the civil war in Syria has spilled on to the streets of Sydney. Auburn, Lakemba and Bankstown are the new battle lines.
The Syrian conflict, which pits the Sunni-dominated rebellion against the Alawite regime of President Bashar al-Assad, has split the Middle East in two; the Sunni regimes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and large Sunni population in Lebanon on one side, Iran, the Lebanese militia Hezbollah and the broader Shiite Muslim population, of which the Alawites are an offshoot, on the other.
In Sydney, it is splitting suburbs along the same sectarian lines.
''It's very frightening, what is happening,'' says Daoud, who was targeted after posting a disparaging message about the death of Mustapha al-Majzoub, a Sydney sheikh killed in Syria last year, while conducting humanitarian work his supporters say.
Daoud and others described him as a ''terrorist'' fighting on the frontline but local Sunnis insist he was a ''shaheed'', or martyr.
Majzoub was one of about 200 Australians to travel to the war zone in the past two years. The Australian Federal Police believe a significant proportion of these mostly Lebanese dual citizens are fighting with the Syrian resistance, about half of whom are in al-Qaeda aligned Al-Nusra Front, which was put on a Federal Police terrorist blacklist in March and censured again yesterday by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.
Several organisations at home — including the al-Risalah Islamic Bookstore in Bankstown, where Majzoub spoke regularly — have been fund-raising and loudly decrying the brutal acts being committed on their fellow Muslims.
''Our families in Syria are in desperate need,'' reads one message on the Facebook page of the ultra-conservative Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah Association, which runs several mosques including the controversial Bukhari House bookstore and prayer hall in Auburn. ''Just yesterday 45 men, women, children and babies, bruatly [sic] murder by the evil bashar death squads. WHAT ARE WE DOING???''
In a connected world, smartphone footage of Assad's forces slaughtering women and children or a rebel fighter eating the lung of a dead soldier travel around the world almost instantaneously and fill the Facebook pages of young Australian Muslims.
The satellite dishes that line the streets of Sydney's west hint at how much families remain in touch via the more graphic and politically engaged Arabic-language channels.
Older generations fear for those they have left behind. Their Australian-born children find it all too easy to take up the call-to-arms.
''We don't want to transfer the problems from Syria to Australia but I fear that is what's happening,'' Australian Syrian Association spokesman Mohammad al-Hamwi says. ''Day by day, it becomes worse. So far two years and five months and it's still going on. It affects us because we are so far and we feel we can do nothing to help. It is unbelievable what is happening to our people in Syria.''
Seventeen incidents of sectarian violence in Melbourne and Sydney have been reported in the media but Fairfax Media has uncovered details of many more.
The conflicts in Sydney have ranged from bitter verbal exchanges on a Lakemba street to the firebombing, bashing and extortion of the owner of a Bankstown juice bar.
According to court documents, a group of men from al-Risalah, led by owner Wisam Haddad, told Juicylicious owner Ali Issawi they would hunt down any supporters of Assad, ''crush them down with our feet'' and ''slaughter your necks, all of you''.
It's believed Issawi has entered police protection. One of his attackers, the accused Hyde Park rioter Ahmed Elomar, was sentenced to a year in prison.
Haddad did not respond to a list of questions he asked be emailed to him.
Another Shiite Muslim, 29-year-old Ali Ibrahim, who was attacked last year, has gone into hiding and withdrawn charges against the alleged shooter. Fairfax understands Ibrahim made comments in support of Assad on Facebook. Fifteen minutes later, he answered the front door of his Punchbowl home and was shot twice in the legs.
The fear of retribution and lack of faith in police action has meant few people will press charges, let alone speak publicly. Mr Ibrahim no longer opens his door, even for friends.
The streets of Sydney's south-west have long been known for their peaceable mix of Afghan supermarkets, Iraqi hairdressers and Turkish bakeries — where Muslims of all stripes live and work side by side with little or no fuss.
However, with tensions running high, certain areas have become no-go zones for Sunnis, Shiites or Alawites. Daoud, one of few people prepared to speak publicly about the sectarian violence, is wary of walking through Sunni-dominated parts of Lakemba, Auburn and Bankstown.
When he invited Today Tonight's cameras on to Auburn Road in May, it took minutes for a crowd to gather.
Daoud was allegedly spat on and punched on camera by Omar Ammouche, one of a group of men who emerged from Bukhari House.
According to locals, men from the bookshop regularly harass and intimidate Shiite shopkeepers.
''I have received death threats from them,'' says an Iraqi man, who did not want to be named. ''Men came into the shop and demanded I take down some posters of Jesus Christ and imam Ali [revered by Shiites as the successor of the prophet Muhammad].''
He says he reported this to police ''15 times at least'' but no action has been taken.
Shops have been firebombed and their owners coerced into selling cheaply since a list of 22 Shiite businesses to boycott circulated online last year. The message ended with the line: ''BOYCOTT ALL KAFIR [infidel] SHIA [Alawite] SHOPS!!!! BOYCOTT THEM ALL!!!''
As he walks up Auburn Road, Daoud points out dozens of shops — including Vatan restaurant, Hamka Halal Meat, Auburn Fruit Market, Safir carpet shop, Sofra Kebab House, Diljah Mixed Business — and describes how each has been threatened verbally or physically.
After his $200,000 Bankstown chicken shop was firebombed two days before it was due to open last year, Rockdale City councillor Michael Nagi simply gave up and quietly withdrew from the area.
No one has been arrested and Nagi, a Shiite, will not talk about the incident except to call for calm.
Assistant Commissioner Frank Mennilli says police are aware of several cases of both reported and unreported extortion and threats but the perceived tensions have been overstated. ''However, there is no excuse for criminal acts to be undertaken in Australia in the name of some overseas cause or to use overseas events to justify acts of violence here,'' he says.
In many instances, Shiites are fighting back. Zaky Mallah, a young Sunni Muslim who spent three weeks on the front line in Syria last year, says he was subjected to death threats on his return.
''It's very, very ugly,'' he says. ''The sectarian hatred is there, you can feel it in the air. It's sad that it has gotten to that stage but it just gives you a sense of how bad the Syrian crisis is.''
Mallah, who was acquitted of terrorism charges in 2005 and runs an Australian outpost of the Free Syrian Army from his garage, says he drives with tinted windows and stays away from Shiite-dominated areas such as Arncliffe, Rockdale and Belfield.
'If the police don't take this seriously, we are heading towards a civil unrest,'' Daoud says.
''Some people become very scared and they keep silent but others are taking matters into their own hands. When I was attacked, I was helped by people from the Shia community who said, 'If you need protection just tell us'. They say, 'If they have gangs, we have gangs. If they have somebody who can attack …' ''
Police dispute the fearful assessments of those within the community and insist there have been some ''minor issues'' but no widespread violence attributable to the violence in Syria.
However, counter-terrorism researcher Andrew Zammit from Monash University's global terrorism research centre says there is the added and dangerous dimension of Australians coming into contact with al-Qaeda by travelling to Syria.
This, he says, is the difference between previous proxy wars fought on Australian soil like the Balkan War-inspired violence between Serbs and Croatians in the 1990s.
Federal counter-terrorism agencies say some Australians have travelled overseas to engage in terrorist training or fighting, yet no one has been arrested. Four Australians have died in the conflict.
Like Majzoub, Mallah was photographed on the frontline in Syria with an AK-47 in his hand but he says this was for self-defence and denies claims that he was fighting.
Police have expressed grave concerns that some young Australians will bring back military training and extreme ideas.
''Extremist ideology plus capability can transform into serious intent which is ready to trigger if a catalyst and an opportunity materialise,'' Mr Mennilli says.
He assures the community that police have ''heavily invested'' in proactive engagement strategies in south-western Sydney and have ''ongoing community consultations'' with groups like al-Risalah and Bukhari House.
On the streets of Auburn one rainy afternoon, matters certainly appear calm on the surface. Shops are buzzing with customers. Men converse cheerily with Daoud as
he greets them with a ''salaam'' on the footpath.
But the young man who emerges on the step of a nearby bakery to watch Daoud's every move hints at something more sinister. He is there to keep watch, Daoud warns. It is a subtle form of intimidation.
''There is no way to calm everyone down,'' Hamwi warns.
''Everyone is waiting for the other side to initiate a problem and then it will explode. It does not end until the crisis in Syria ends.''
The answer is simple,in exchange for a lifetime of Social Security,free housing,medical,pharmaceutical educational and any other demand made by these Muslim insurgents all they are required to do is VOTE for the Left, so as to keep the Union / GetUp funded Australian Labor Party and their Green Loon Marxist Co Party in power,Labor's Green Loon VOTE People.
Australian and US tax Dollars at work in Syria
The Progressives in Australia won't be happy until we have daily Bombings,Beheading and Cannibalism added to their existing Harmony Day activities of Kidnapping,Shootings, Stabbings and Muslim Rape Gangs.
Home front opens in a foreign war
Rachel Olding
June 30, 2013
It was not so much a death threat as a declaration of war.
''You wanna go to war, you f---in' Shia dogs?'' the phone message says. ''We're taking all of you to war, in Sydney and overseas!''
It was 8pm and Jamal Daoud, an aspiring politician from Auburn was having dinner with his wife and children. An outspoken critic of the Free Syrian Army, Daoud is accustomed to abuse but this call was more frightening than most.
''You wanna kill our brothers and sisters overseas, we're gonna kill you motherf---ers here,'' the caller says.
''We know where [you] live. We're coming past [your] house and shoot at [it], if there are people inside we don't give a f---. You wanna spill blood, we're gonna spill blood, you f---in' dogs!''
After two years and an estimated 100,000 deaths, the civil war in Syria has spilled on to the streets of Sydney. Auburn, Lakemba and Bankstown are the new battle lines.
The Syrian conflict, which pits the Sunni-dominated rebellion against the Alawite regime of President Bashar al-Assad, has split the Middle East in two; the Sunni regimes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and large Sunni population in Lebanon on one side, Iran, the Lebanese militia Hezbollah and the broader Shiite Muslim population, of which the Alawites are an offshoot, on the other.
In Sydney, it is splitting suburbs along the same sectarian lines.
''It's very frightening, what is happening,'' says Daoud, who was targeted after posting a disparaging message about the death of Mustapha al-Majzoub, a Sydney sheikh killed in Syria last year, while conducting humanitarian work his supporters say.
Daoud and others described him as a ''terrorist'' fighting on the frontline but local Sunnis insist he was a ''shaheed'', or martyr.
Majzoub was one of about 200 Australians to travel to the war zone in the past two years. The Australian Federal Police believe a significant proportion of these mostly Lebanese dual citizens are fighting with the Syrian resistance, about half of whom are in al-Qaeda aligned Al-Nusra Front, which was put on a Federal Police terrorist blacklist in March and censured again yesterday by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.
Several organisations at home — including the al-Risalah Islamic Bookstore in Bankstown, where Majzoub spoke regularly — have been fund-raising and loudly decrying the brutal acts being committed on their fellow Muslims.
''Our families in Syria are in desperate need,'' reads one message on the Facebook page of the ultra-conservative Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah Association, which runs several mosques including the controversial Bukhari House bookstore and prayer hall in Auburn. ''Just yesterday 45 men, women, children and babies, bruatly [sic] murder by the evil bashar death squads. WHAT ARE WE DOING???''
In a connected world, smartphone footage of Assad's forces slaughtering women and children or a rebel fighter eating the lung of a dead soldier travel around the world almost instantaneously and fill the Facebook pages of young Australian Muslims.
The satellite dishes that line the streets of Sydney's west hint at how much families remain in touch via the more graphic and politically engaged Arabic-language channels.
Older generations fear for those they have left behind. Their Australian-born children find it all too easy to take up the call-to-arms.
''We don't want to transfer the problems from Syria to Australia but I fear that is what's happening,'' Australian Syrian Association spokesman Mohammad al-Hamwi says. ''Day by day, it becomes worse. So far two years and five months and it's still going on. It affects us because we are so far and we feel we can do nothing to help. It is unbelievable what is happening to our people in Syria.''
Seventeen incidents of sectarian violence in Melbourne and Sydney have been reported in the media but Fairfax Media has uncovered details of many more.
The conflicts in Sydney have ranged from bitter verbal exchanges on a Lakemba street to the firebombing, bashing and extortion of the owner of a Bankstown juice bar.
According to court documents, a group of men from al-Risalah, led by owner Wisam Haddad, told Juicylicious owner Ali Issawi they would hunt down any supporters of Assad, ''crush them down with our feet'' and ''slaughter your necks, all of you''.
It's believed Issawi has entered police protection. One of his attackers, the accused Hyde Park rioter Ahmed Elomar, was sentenced to a year in prison.
Haddad did not respond to a list of questions he asked be emailed to him.
Another Shiite Muslim, 29-year-old Ali Ibrahim, who was attacked last year, has gone into hiding and withdrawn charges against the alleged shooter. Fairfax understands Ibrahim made comments in support of Assad on Facebook. Fifteen minutes later, he answered the front door of his Punchbowl home and was shot twice in the legs.
The fear of retribution and lack of faith in police action has meant few people will press charges, let alone speak publicly. Mr Ibrahim no longer opens his door, even for friends.
The streets of Sydney's south-west have long been known for their peaceable mix of Afghan supermarkets, Iraqi hairdressers and Turkish bakeries — where Muslims of all stripes live and work side by side with little or no fuss.
However, with tensions running high, certain areas have become no-go zones for Sunnis, Shiites or Alawites. Daoud, one of few people prepared to speak publicly about the sectarian violence, is wary of walking through Sunni-dominated parts of Lakemba, Auburn and Bankstown.
When he invited Today Tonight's cameras on to Auburn Road in May, it took minutes for a crowd to gather.
Daoud was allegedly spat on and punched on camera by Omar Ammouche, one of a group of men who emerged from Bukhari House.
According to locals, men from the bookshop regularly harass and intimidate Shiite shopkeepers.
''I have received death threats from them,'' says an Iraqi man, who did not want to be named. ''Men came into the shop and demanded I take down some posters of Jesus Christ and imam Ali [revered by Shiites as the successor of the prophet Muhammad].''
He says he reported this to police ''15 times at least'' but no action has been taken.
Shops have been firebombed and their owners coerced into selling cheaply since a list of 22 Shiite businesses to boycott circulated online last year. The message ended with the line: ''BOYCOTT ALL KAFIR [infidel] SHIA [Alawite] SHOPS!!!! BOYCOTT THEM ALL!!!''
As he walks up Auburn Road, Daoud points out dozens of shops — including Vatan restaurant, Hamka Halal Meat, Auburn Fruit Market, Safir carpet shop, Sofra Kebab House, Diljah Mixed Business — and describes how each has been threatened verbally or physically.
After his $200,000 Bankstown chicken shop was firebombed two days before it was due to open last year, Rockdale City councillor Michael Nagi simply gave up and quietly withdrew from the area.
No one has been arrested and Nagi, a Shiite, will not talk about the incident except to call for calm.
Assistant Commissioner Frank Mennilli says police are aware of several cases of both reported and unreported extortion and threats but the perceived tensions have been overstated. ''However, there is no excuse for criminal acts to be undertaken in Australia in the name of some overseas cause or to use overseas events to justify acts of violence here,'' he says.
In many instances, Shiites are fighting back. Zaky Mallah, a young Sunni Muslim who spent three weeks on the front line in Syria last year, says he was subjected to death threats on his return.
''It's very, very ugly,'' he says. ''The sectarian hatred is there, you can feel it in the air. It's sad that it has gotten to that stage but it just gives you a sense of how bad the Syrian crisis is.''
Mallah, who was acquitted of terrorism charges in 2005 and runs an Australian outpost of the Free Syrian Army from his garage, says he drives with tinted windows and stays away from Shiite-dominated areas such as Arncliffe, Rockdale and Belfield.
'If the police don't take this seriously, we are heading towards a civil unrest,'' Daoud says.
''Some people become very scared and they keep silent but others are taking matters into their own hands. When I was attacked, I was helped by people from the Shia community who said, 'If you need protection just tell us'. They say, 'If they have gangs, we have gangs. If they have somebody who can attack …' ''
Police dispute the fearful assessments of those within the community and insist there have been some ''minor issues'' but no widespread violence attributable to the violence in Syria.
However, counter-terrorism researcher Andrew Zammit from Monash University's global terrorism research centre says there is the added and dangerous dimension of Australians coming into contact with al-Qaeda by travelling to Syria.
This, he says, is the difference between previous proxy wars fought on Australian soil like the Balkan War-inspired violence between Serbs and Croatians in the 1990s.
Federal counter-terrorism agencies say some Australians have travelled overseas to engage in terrorist training or fighting, yet no one has been arrested. Four Australians have died in the conflict.
Like Majzoub, Mallah was photographed on the frontline in Syria with an AK-47 in his hand but he says this was for self-defence and denies claims that he was fighting.
Police have expressed grave concerns that some young Australians will bring back military training and extreme ideas.
''Extremist ideology plus capability can transform into serious intent which is ready to trigger if a catalyst and an opportunity materialise,'' Mr Mennilli says.
He assures the community that police have ''heavily invested'' in proactive engagement strategies in south-western Sydney and have ''ongoing community consultations'' with groups like al-Risalah and Bukhari House.
On the streets of Auburn one rainy afternoon, matters certainly appear calm on the surface. Shops are buzzing with customers. Men converse cheerily with Daoud as
he greets them with a ''salaam'' on the footpath.
But the young man who emerges on the step of a nearby bakery to watch Daoud's every move hints at something more sinister. He is there to keep watch, Daoud warns. It is a subtle form of intimidation.
''There is no way to calm everyone down,'' Hamwi warns.
''Everyone is waiting for the other side to initiate a problem and then it will explode. It does not end until the crisis in Syria ends.''
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Multicultural Australia we were warned two years ago
Mass immigration kills Aussie culture, says demographer Bob Birrell
By staff writers
Herald Sun
March 24, 2010 7:49AM
* 'Migration causes social problems'
* Population expected to hit 35 million by 2050
* Calls for enquiry into migration numbers
* Aussie asylum seeker numbers buck world trend
TRADITIONS based on heritage, sporting culture and common language are threatened by mass immigration, a leading demographer has warned.
Monash University population expert Dr Bob Birrell has said the huge influx of people with few or no English skills had created social problems in Melbourne suburbs such as Dandenong, Sunshine and Broadmeadows and most major cities were feeling the population strain, the Herald Sun reported.
"This is not a pretty picture," he said. "Social divisions are becoming more obvious and geographically concentrated and certain areas are being overlain by an ethnic identification."
Dr Birrell made the explosive comments in an article for Policy,a magazine published by the Centre for Independent Studies,a right-wing think tank.
In a plea to the Rudd Government to slash the current immigrant intake of 180,000 a year, Dr Birrell warned that the predicted population of 35 million by 2050 would be a disaster for urban living and the environment.
"One would have to wander deaf, dumb and blind through Australian capital cities to not notice how urban congestion has already reduced the quality of life," he said.
The intake dominated by people from non-English speaking backgrounds was transforming Australia, Dr Birrell said.
"We are losing core elements of what was once shared. Almost all could once aspire to a house and land ... and sharing a common language, sporting culture and heritage," he said.
But mass migration was creating ethnic enclaves in suburbs with cheap housing, and planning rules were forcing Australian-born "losers" and non-English speaking background migrants to live in congested neighbourhoods, "cheek by jowl".
Population target
Kevin Rudd has made it clear that he believes in a big Australia. In a recent speech he declared that migration was "good for our national security, good for our long-term prosperity, good in enhancing our role in the region and the world".
But the Federal Opposition and the Greens said questions needed to be asked about Australia's immigration plans.
Opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, told the ABC there should be an inquiry into how many people the nation can support.
"It's about what the carrying capacity is," he said. "We need to get that perspective from regional areas as well as metropolitan areas, where issues of congestion and housing affordability are major problems as well as public transport.
"What's more important, is the process for planning. For example, the states and territories have no input into questions of immigration and migration intakes but they're the ones at the end of the day that have to service the needs that are created by it."
Greens Leader Bob Brown said there should be an independent national inquiry into Australia's population target.
"So that politicians do have an idea of the carrying capacity of this country, its infrastructure, its ability to deal with those quite worrying projections of 35 million people by 2050," he said. "We've got to do better than just say well let it happen."
Other leading academics have also questioned the challenge that mass intake of migrants will pose.
In their book Australia's Immigration Revolution, Andrew Markus, James Jupp and Peter McDonald agrue that while immigration "offers ‘the most immediate and simplest short term measure to deal with labour and skills shortages" it also comes with serious questions about social cohesion.
Prior to the 1950s 80 per cent of immigrants came from the United Kingdom. Between the 50s and the 1960s migrants from continental Europe became the majority.
After the abolition of the White Australia policy in the early 1970s the mixture of migration changed again. Today, the largest proportion of immigrants come from Asia and Oceania. China and India rival New Zealand and Britian as the biggest source of immigrants.
Many of the catastrophic outcomes alluded to by Bob Birrell are already facts of life in Australia's “Occupied Territories”, Multicultural ghettos, no go zones for anyone who is, or identifies as Australian.
The South Western suburbs of Sydney are a good example of what Bob Birrell is trying to warn Australians and our Numb Nutted “leaders “of.These suburbs have been colonized predominantly by Middle Eastern “refugees” and escapees from Lebanon sent here by the Syrian Government during the 70’s and later in the 80’ and 90’s by targeted selection by Australian Labor (Socialist) Governments.
These Muslim Middle Eastern immigrants have at every opportunity made known their hatred of Australians,our Judeo Christian based legal and democratic governmental structures and everything that has manifested the Nation that RAN AWAY TOO NOT FROM and hold in such contempt with the exception of Australia’s FREE Hospital and Medical, subsidised Pharmacy,FREE Tax payer provided housing,Life long social security payments for them and their indigent off spring,FREE education,FREE Dental,FREE translation services for LIFE,Subsidised public transport fares for LIFE, Subsidised child minding fees,Subsidised Gas Electricity and Water charges,these are just a few of the parts (hand outs) these Muslim colonialists apparently LIKE about Australia.
The Government of New South Wales has even provided a specialist consanguineous / incest marriage unit at Auburn Hospital (a Public Hospital now part of the Occupied Territories) in order to deal with the tragic and grotesque manifestations of Middle Eastern Muslims sexual preferences.
The Government of NSW has also provided a dedicated Middle Eastern Crime task force within the NSW Police Force / Service to Police the Muslim Middle Eastern Drug importation / Distribution,Car re birthing / export,Protection rackets and Islamic Rape Gangs who target “Aussie Sluts and Pigs” of ANY age.
Ahh!!!! the joys of Multiculturalism. Australians have never known such divisive HATRED and lack of social cohesion since the official imposition of Multiculturalism during the Socialist Australian Labor Party Government of E.G Whitlam, sold to Australians by Australia's TV and Hollywood Idiot Wannabees, Social Justice Snake Oil Salesmen and various “Christian Religious Leaders” via the mindless slogan / jingle / bumper sticker of “It’s Time” over thirty years ago.
Australia has never recovered from culturally and socially from the relatively short time Whitlam and his subversives were in power.
The Muslim inbreeding problem comes to Australia
Within Sydney's Middle Eastern community inter family marriage seems to be on the rise and it is leading to a high incidence of children born with defects: Erin O' Dwyer explores the devastating cost of a tradition that many in the West regard as taboo.
A smile twists across Kaled Assoum's face. Lying in his cot, he gurgles happily as his mother, Randa, tickles his belly and kisses him on the face. The eight-year-old, pictured above with his grandmother, was born with severe intellectual and physical disabilities. He cannot walk or talk, and feeds through a tube in his stomach. He has the mental capacity of a one-year-old. "I still love him day after day" his father Mohammed says. "From the beginning I was a bit sad and she was a bit sad. She started crying but I said in the end we can't do anything. That’s how God created him. Even if we cry from now on until 100 years, you can't do anything."
It is almost two decades since doctors at Sydney's Auburn Hospital began to research a devastating pattern of birth defects among babies born to Lebanese families. Led by pioneering obstetrician Dr Caroline de Costa, the study showed significant increases in birth defects, stillbirths and miscarriages among women who were married to blood relatives, particularly first and second cousins from families who came largely but not exclusively, from the Middle East. The study found that one in three Lebanese women were married to a cousin and, across the hospital's maternity ward, one in 10 women had married a cousin. Even more alarming was the finding that babies born to these women were four times more likely to be stillborn and eight times more likely to suffer serious birth defects.
Ten years later, maternity ward staff reported these marriages were on the rise. De Costa followed up her landmark study, interviewing every pregnant women who booked into the hospital's maternity ward in one year. In 2001 she published her results,revealing that almost 20 per cent of women were consanguineously married. Of those,more than half were married to first cousins and almost 60 per cent were born in Australia.
Fifteen babies born to consanguineous couples - related by birth - at Auburn Hospital had severe defects, including heart, kidney and liver function problems. Among non-cousin couples there were five disabled babies - one with a cleft lip and two with club feet. Of those babies that died - six in total - all were born to consanguineous couples. "What was interesting," de Costa wrote at the time, "was that the proportion of pregnant women who were consanguineously married had risen from 11 per cent in the 1980s to 19.6 per cent in 1999. "In other words.. .consanguineous marriage is continuing to be commonly practised by the next generation. Accurate information about risks and non-judgemental genetic counselling need to be available."
When loving your family breeds tragic consequences.
For most in the West, consanguinity is abhorrent but across the world it is a respected cultural practice. Globally at least, 20 per cent of people live in places where cousin-to-cousin marriage is preferred, and nearly 10 per cent of people have consanguineous parents. It is accepted in South-East Asia, Japan, Brazil and Africa, and is particularly common in the Middle East among Muslims and Christians. In Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, about half of all marriages are consanguineous while in Lebanon it is about 25 per cent. At Westmead's Children's hospital, people from 14 Middle
Eastern and African nationalities attended genetic counselling. There are no figures on how widespread inter-family marriage is in Australia, but among immigrant communities in Britain and Canada the practice is even more common than in their country of origin.
Researchers say the trend is the same here. Families want to continue cultural traditions, and the small pool of potential spouses makes intermarriage more likely. Traditionally,the practice has been driven by economics. Dowries were reduced, and landholdings were preserved. Spouses had similar social status, and were thus considered more compatible. In modem times, family support has remained a key factor, as well as a practical way of bringing new family members into the country
So it was for second cousins Randa and Mohammed Assoum. But when Kaled, their fourth son, was born, his severe disabilities shocked them. His birth should have brought joy Instead there was sadness. And questions. "The doctors didn't say it was because we were related, but they did say stop... no more kids," Mohammed says. "We didn't feel angry we just accepted it. It's our faith that makes us accept it."
Their intense love has also seen them through the dark days. The couple remember being sweet on each other as children and when Mohammed emigrated from Lebanon to Australia as a teenager, he knew Randa would one day join him. In Sydney, he worked long hours on construction sites to win her hand in marriage. "Since we were little, our families said, 'She belongs to him and he belongs to her'," Mohammed says.
It was the same story for the couple's siblings. Randa's three brothers married Mohammed's three sisters, and their homes are clustered around the
Auburn area. They are successful, self-sufficient and extremely supportive. But Kaled's disabilities have forced them to reconsider their cultural practices. "What we're hearing from doctors and what happened to us, it's very hard now to let our daughters and sons marry from their family".
Mohammed says. "I wish my sons and daughters would not marry from their family" It is a viewpoint rippling across the Lebanese community
Nonetheless the subject is extremely sensitive, and families fear recrimination for a practice that has long been completely the nor in the East, yet taboo in the West.
The Assoum family was alone in agreeing to tell their story openly to The Sun-Herald but those who spoke on the condition of anonymity admitted they too did not want their children to marry within the family. Lebanese-born mother-of-nine Patima says it is a view supported by the Koran, which states that marriage outside the family helps create new friendships and bonds.
But cousin marriage was common in Fatima's family, and she felt that she and her cousin were well-suited. "But back then I wouldn't have thought about children," Fatima says. "I didn't think of him as a cousin. I was just thinking, is this a partner I can live with?" Fatima says that although her children are all healthy they are ashamed of their parents' marriage. Their grandparents would like the tradition to continue, but Fatima remains opposed. "My children are rejecting it," she says. "They feel ashamed about it so they hide it and they don't talk about it."
Australian-born mother-of-two Salima says she does not explain her family situation to anyone. "For us, it's a very normal situation," she says. "But it's a very difficult topic, because in this society it is unacceptable." Salima was still at university when she first met her older cousin - an engineer from Lebanon who moved to Australia to find work. The pair fell in love and later married. Their youngest son, now 14, is autistic."No one has ever said it is because you are married to your cousin," says Salima, who works in the finance industry "but I've thought about it myself over the years and
I've started to question it. I've learnt to live with the situation, but it's not something I would want my children to do."
It is the wind of change that the medical fraternity has been praying for. The risk of defect or death in babies born to cousin couples is double that of the general population - about 6 per cent compared to 3 percent. Butde Costa's year-long project showed significantly higher risks, perhaps due to the the smaller gene pool in Australian immigrant communities.
Auburn Hospital obstetrician Greg Jenkins who worked with de Costa on the study before she relocated to Queensland - says it is vital that families are educated about the risks, particularly those who face higher risks due to known genetic conditions or a history of intermarriage. In cases where women access high quality ultrasounds early in their pregnancy abnormalities can be identified and couples referred to genetic counselling. They can then decide to terminate - an option allowed in the Muslim faith in the first trimester - or proceed with the pregnancy under expert medical care. But
Jenkins says poor levels of awareness mean that many women book into antenatal clinics too late, and never see trained genetic counsellors or paediatric specialists.
Yet even women with the best medical care have stories that are heartbreaking. Jenkins tells of one woman who learnt at 19 weeks that her baby had a lethal brain abnormality She decided to carry the child. "From her perspective, it was the will of God," Jenkins says. "It broke her heart, but the way she approached it was that she would do the best she could because it was something over which she had no control. "It was a very painful experience.. .a very challenging and confronting situation. My staff kept wanting to send her away for more tests and I said, 'No, that's not -what she wants'." In the end, the woman's baby died an hour after birth. "[But] she got to meet her baby and she got to comfort it," Jenkins says. "She didn't have to make the decision to terminate the life of her child. Her next baby was fine and it brought great joy to everyone involved."
At the children’s hospital at Westmead geneticist Professor David Sillence believes consanguinity may have outlived its usefulness. "When you make the transition from Lebanon to Australia, the bank is on George Street in Parramatta - it's no longer money which the family holds in it own pocket,"
Sillence says. "Consanguinity doesn't necessarily preserve marriages anymore and it doesn't necessarily protect women from abuse within the family
It puts women in a relationship within their household where they not only have a husband but a father-in-law who is related to them because he is the uncle and there is increased pressure on them.
"There is a dysgenic [relating to or causing degeneration in the type of offspring produced] effect that's been shown in repeated studies." One of those is reproductive loss, Sillence says. He has devoted his career to untangling the complicated family tree of Sydney's Middle Eastern community
He tells the story of a Pakistani woman who had five pregnancies, all ending in miscarriage at 16 to 18 weeks. But he was surprised by the depth of grief in the community, particularly among men."I was not prepared for Mediterranean males who sit and cry for one hour about their sadness," he says. Dozens of men spoke to Sillence during a study at Westmead in the late 1990s. He hoped his research would lead to a funding grant to help establish a data bank of rare disorders, and improve screening and testing options.
But September 11 put paid to that. The research funding dried up and the community closed up. Politicians became uninterested in health. Sillence hopes his research will gain momentum again. In the meantime, he mops up the tears and discourages interfamily marriage, except in cases where love is Involved. This is because only love can overcome the vast grief. "You cannot know how much grief there is until you do a study like this," he says. "Your only research cost is Kleenex tissues. Grief can be like a well and that well is very deep for these families."It's grief heaped upon grief.. .the personal grief of a miscarriage, heaped upon the grief of a community, heaped upon grief in an international context."
For Randa and Mohammed Assoum, love has kept them together. And as they sit side by side in the lounge room of their Lidcombe home, their connection is obvious. They giggle, and smile at each other, recounting their courtship. "I loved him," Randa says shyly. "We're still in love and we'll never stop loving each other," Mohammed says. "Not everyone has that we're just lucky,thank God. And we love our children very much."
The risks are far greater when blood relatives marry
* Consanguinity describes the relationship between blood relatives.Most common is marriage between first cousins.
* Birth defects occur because blood relatives share a greater number of genes, so there is a greater chance of both parents sharing the same faulty gene.
* Children risk inheriting two copies of the same faulty gene, and so being born with a genetic disability.
* Parents who are not related face a 3 per cent risk of having a disabled child. For first cousins, the risk is twice as high.
But, says Dr Kristine Barlow-Stewart, from the centre for Genetics Education, this means the vast majority of children are born healthy. "People think they will automatically have a child with genetic problems and of course that's not so,"she says. "The risk of having a [disabled] child when the parents are first cousins is around 5-6 per cent. "The problem is that where there is a tradition for relatives to marry, you'll get the grandparents who are first cousins,the parents who are first cousins and the children who are first cousins. Then the chance of them sharing the same faulty gene is compounded and there risk is much greater than the 5to 6 per cent risk."
The above article appeared in the Sydney "Sun Herald" on 28 May, 2006, Pgs 77 & 80 under the heading: "The family ties that bind".
Whilst Millions of Dollars are been spent trying to rectify and dealing with the manifestations of Muslim cultural / perversions /bizarre marriage customs and sexual practices, Australian veterans and pensioners are told they cannot access a bed for a knee or hip replacement or even more urgent life saving surgery for up to two or more years, Australian women have given birth to their babies in Hospital Waiting room toilets and in cleaners cupboards because the FREE Medicare health system is unable to cope with the demand for routine medical services for the most needy.
The culture of Islamic inbreeding is so well established and accepted in Australia that a Queens Council appointed at tax payers expense,to defend a member of a Muslim Gang Rape gang,responsible for what Police believe were up to 100 gang rapes of Australian children, known as the Skaf Brothers, used Muslim inbreeding as a defence for his clients participation in the gang rapes of what Muslims described as “ Aussie Sluts and Pigs” citing his physical deformities due to him been one of eleven children born to a mother married to her cousin at the age of 14 as been the cause of his troubled mind and therefore his background should be taken into consideration when sentencing was considered.
To imply that Australia has been diminished and lessened only by the colonization / immigration of Muslims would be incorrect, there are many other separatist cultural groups that have been established in Australia via the myth / ideology of Multiculturalism.
Despite the Australian Labor Party and their Multiculturalism machines non stop insistence that Australians accept without question any and all behaviours illegal or otherwise of their Islamic and other Colonialist friends and indeed guaranteed Australian Labor Party VOTERS has not broken the Australian spirit, Australians will as long as they have breath in their lungs resist the Australian Labor Party sponsored Islamic Intifada and any other Multicultural group the ALP seeks to use to reduce Australia to a third world crap hole like that their new best friends RAN AWAY from.
Related Coverage
- 55,000 migrants arrive each year Herald Sun, 17 Feb 2010
- Populate and pollute Herald Sun, 19 Jan 2010
- Let states take tax to fund future The Australian, 27 Dec 2009
- 'Shut the door on Kiwis' Perth Now, 12 Nov 2009
- Shut the door on Kiwis Courier Mail, 11 Nov 2009
Technorati Tags: Bob Birrell,Australian Immigration Policy,Muslims,Multiculturalism
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