Australia's " Muslim Refugee problem" is simply just another weapon in the armory of the Left.
A calculated Labor / Green Loon / ACTU policy, of flooding Australia, with as many Muslims as possible, via the back door, in order to destroy Australian Society, Muslims, are incompatible with ANY civilized society,and as evidenced by historical and present events, they are unable to co exist with any educated civilized Judeo Christian Western Democracies the world over.
Islam shows, that what the west regards as the most gross of perversions,and anti social norms, Islam regards as Koran allowable practices on earth, and cherished rewards in their Islamic “Heaven”
Islam is Satan’s gift to the UN,the Left and the United Nation's Rabid Mad Dog ,a Dog so Rabid that only Satan and the UN has a key to its leash, let loose and facilitated wherever possible by the UN whenever the UN wants to keep the “Serfs” YOU,on their toes.
Muslim immigration should be halted immediately to all Judeo Christian Western Democracies.
Muslims already resident in OUR lands should be encouraged, via withdrawal of social security benefits and citizenship, where held, to be repatriated to their, their parents or grand parents country of origin,those who fail to take advantage of this most generous offer, should be interned until such time as they opt to take advantage of the most generous offer, of repatriation.
There cannot be any objection by Muslims to this most generous offer, given the Cultural,Economic,Social and Religious norms and Customs they demand be implemented sorry, IMPOSED upon the Democratic Judeo/Christian West,are already in place in their historical homelands aka. what they,Muslims call “Home”
These are the same Cultural,Economic,Social and Religious norms and Customs that Islamic Colonialists demand be implemented in, Australia for instance,within less than twenty four hours these Western Judeo Christian Democracy Colonialist Muslim Terrorists/Dissident Islamic Fifth Columnists, could be wallowing in their Islamic Utopia,by simply accepting a most, generous offer indeed, of repatriation, to an Islamic Utopia of their choosing,free of all that ales them in their present state of “oppression” living in the lands of Western Democratic Judeo Christian Civilization.
When repatriated back to their homelands, their “Jihad”,their painful daily ”struggle”, will be over, and they will be able to enjoy to the max, the manifestations of their ideological homeland,their “Muslim Utopia”,free of the influences of the Infidel Judeo / Christians, and their vile social welfare benefits,they will be free to engage in assault, rape,drug distribution,Paedophilia, and kill each other at will, as is the “Pious Muslim”way, unencumbered by the evil Judeo/ Christian laws of the infidels that those resident in Australia for instance,tell Australians at every opportunity they are able to do so, via their ACTU funded Australian Labor Party’s Multiculturalism Star Chamber, are so repugnant to their Religious,Cultural and Social norms.
I urge all readers of the above to post where you can and indeed forward it to all Muslims you may know, encourage them to return to wherever their Islamic Religious or Ideological homeland is,it is in my opinion a win win, Muslims able to live amongst the manifestations of their Religion,free of Western Democratic Judeo Christian Civilization and the citizens of those same Western Democratic Judeo Christian Civilizations will be free of the parasitic, nihilistic ,Satanic influence of the manifestations of Islam living and breathing amongst us.
To have Americans, Australians, British & other coalition troops fighting and dIeing in Afghanistan whilst the MALE citizens of Afghanistan are invited by the Australian Labor /Green Loon / Independent Coalition Minority Government to illegally enter Australia ,after abandoning their “Loved Ones” in what ever Islamic shit hole they ran away from, via the ALP’s “people smugglers” and be granted residence, is akin to Australia inviting Nazi’s and Japanese soldiers to enter Australia during WW2 and set up a base camp on Australian soil with Australian passports as proof of our “Multicultural Credentials”.
Why is the Ju LIAR Gillard/ Bob Brown minority coalition Australian Government insisting on importing into Australia as many of these Godless Savages as it can?
See also