An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Islamic Colonization of the West. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Colonization of the West. Show all posts

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam by Citizen Warrior.

Shamelessly Copied and Pasted from

Please pass it on

How To Disarm Good People 

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 04:47 PM PST

IN THE BOOK, The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout says something really interesting. Her book is about normal, everyday sociopaths (also known by the somewhat outdated term, "psychopath"). In other words, the book is not about serial killers, but about the neighbor who drives you crazy, the spouse who seems dedicated to making your life miserable, the cruel, unfeeling boss, etc.

A sociopath is someone who feels no empathy for other human beings. The consequences of this lack are enormous. These people are, in many ways, not recognizably human. And there is no cure for sociopathy. It is not caused by upbringing. Therapy only makes them worse.

About two percent of the population is sociopathic, and those who are in a relationship with a sociopath need to understand what makes sociopaths tick. The more you know, the less likely you are to be fooled, used, or destroyed by a sociopath.

But Martha Stout said something interesting for us here in our conversation about Islam. She wrote about the techniques sociopaths use to exploit people around them. Sociopaths use people. And there is one thing experienced sociopaths use more than anything else because it works so well with normal people. Their ultra-effective weapon is to evoke pity. Stout wrote:

The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearfulness. It is, perversely, an appeal to our sympathy.

I first learned this when I was still a graduate student in psychology and had the opportunity to interview a court-referred patient the system had already identified as a "psychopath." He was not violent, preferring instead to swindle people out of their money with elaborate investment scams. Intrigued by this individual and what could possibly motivate him...I asked, "What is important to you in your life? What do you want more than anything else?" I thought he might say "getting money," or "staying out of jail," which were the activities to which he devoted most of his time. Instead, without a moment's hesitation, he replied, "Oh, that's easy. What I like better than anything else is when people feel sorry for me. The thing I really want more than anything else out of life is people's pity."

I was astonished, and more than a little put off. I think I would have liked him better if he had said "staying out of jail," or even "getting money." Also, I was mystified. Why would this man — why would anyone — wish to be pitied, let alone wish to be pitied above all other ambitions? I could not imagine. But now, after twenty-five years of listening to victims, I realize there is an excellent reason for the sociopathic fondness for pity. As obvious as the nose on one's face, and just as difficult to see without the help of a mirror, the explanation is that good people will let pathetic individuals get by with murder, so to speak, and therefore any sociopath wishing to continue with his game, whatever it happens to be, should play repeatedly for none other than pity.

More than admiration — more even than fear — pity from good people is carte blanche. When we pity, we are, at least for the moment, defenseless, and like so many of the other positive human characteristics that bind us together in groups...our emotional vulnerability when we pity is used against us...
The reason I thought that was interesting and relevant is that pity is one of the most common techniques orthodox Muslims use, and it is the main reason they've been able to get away with as much as they have so far. They exploit the egalitarian, multiculturalist, good-hearted nature of non-Muslims. They evoke pity and then use our own kindness and our desire to "get along with others" against us.

I was just reading the book, Tripoli: The United States' First War on Terror. The ruler of Tripoli had been seizing U.S. merchant ships, adding the ship to his own fleet, keeping the contents of the ship, and selling the captured sailors into slavery. It was a very lucrative pirating business. The U.S. wanted Tripoli to stop it, of course. The ruler of Tripoli said, "Sure, we'll stop attacking your ships if you pay us tribute every year."

So for awhile the U.S. paid the tribute because they were a new country and had no navy to speak of, and they wanted to continue with their overseas trade. But the ruler of Tripoli decided the tribute they had agreed to wasn't enough, so he demanded more and when he didn't get it, he started seizing U.S. ships again.

Meanwhile, the U.S. was frantically building a navy, and by this time had enough warships to put up a fight, so they did. Suddenly Tripoli's ruler wanted to talk peace. But in the negotiations, the man negotiating on behalf of the ruler asked for a gift of money. The U.S. said no, absolutely not. The U.S. said basically, "You have not been fair in any way and have only acted as our enemy, and no, we will not pay you to stop the fighting."

Then Tripoli's negotiator tried to appeal to pity: "But Tripoli is very poor," he pleaded. "she cannot subsist without the generosity of her friends; give something then on the score of charity." In this case, Tripoli had already established a poor reputation with the Americans, so the pity plea did not work. But even after the U.S. negotiator said no, Tripoli's negotiator tried to make the U.S. negotiator feel guilty for not feeling pity. He asked, basically, "You say you want peace but you won't give this gift of charity to obtain the peace?"

Islam uses the pity plea anywhere it can. Mohammad used it, Muslims in Tripoli were using it, and Muslims today are still at it. In their dealings with powerful non-Muslims, the basic stance of Islam is: "We are an oppressed, persecuted people. We're a minority. We're under siege. We are wrongly accused. We're the victims of bigotry, hatred, and Islamophobia." And if they can't find anything to point to that proves their oppression, they literally create something (click here for an example).

It's like a game they are playing, except this is a game with very serious consequences. A single sociopath using the appeal to pity can completely ruin the lives of many people. And this is, of course, nothing compared with what orthodox Muslims have done. They've killed over 270 million people since they started. They've ruined even more lives, and they are affecting the lives and livelihoods of billions of us today.

I would like to spend my time working on productive, positive, life-affirming activities. Instead, I am spending many hours of my short time here on earth trying to stop the insidious Islamic encroachment, reading and writing about things I wish didn't exist. It's an upsetting topic. It's disturbing. But the consequences of ignoring it are even worse, so I devote a large portion of my life to it.

And, of course, I'm not alone. Each of us has been influenced in hundreds of ways we don't even know about by the third jihad (and the first two jihads).

It's important to understand how they are Islamizing the free world so successfully. One of the most effective techniques they use is the appeal to pity. The good news is that as soon as you see the appeal for what it is, the game is over, the magic disappears, the trance is lifted.

The above is an excerpt from the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam by Citizen Warrior.

Friday, December 07, 2012

"Muslims are now like Don Quixote tilting at windmills in a world they no longer understand."

Once were warriors:
Why Islam failed Muslims

By: Ohmyrus  (appx 2005)

I got the idea for the title of this article from a movie I watched – “Once were Warriors”. The movie highlights the social problems of the Maoris. Most of you probably have not seen the show because the movie was made in New Zealand.

Now lets turn our attention to something more serious. Islam was immensely successful in the first few centuries of its birth. It spread like wildfire from Spain to Pakistan. The success was due to the fact that Islam is a warrior religion - the last of its kind today. But the qualities and ethos that led to success are also some of the reasons for its current failure. Today Muslims are among the poorest and most backward people in the world.

Lets take a look at some Islamic beliefs that make no sense unless you realise that Islam was designed to support a war machine. Firstly there is the emphasis of heavenly rewards for its fallen warriors. Just as the ferocious Vikings believed that brave fallen warriors go to Valhalla, Muslims believe that those who are killed in a Holy War (Jihad) go to heaven where they will be rewarded with 72 virgins.

For the conquerors who survived the war, they will get booty and again girls. So either way they win. It is useful for a commander to have brave warriors who do not fear death. Besides this, Muslims are also discouraged from fraternizing with non-Muslims.
("You may (and must) curse...he Infidel ")
The Koran tells Muslims not to take Christians and Jews as friends and also says that Idolaters are filthy. Contempt for non-Muslims lead to hate. Hate is a useful emotion to cultivate in your warriors. Compassion and empathy for the “other” do not make willing warriors.

Another martial value that Islam promotes is discipline. It does this in many ways. Firstly, authority is centralized in one person - Mohammed and later his successors. There is no separation of church and state - or should I say mosque and state. This makes sure that there is no opposition. The Roman emperors too made sure that they were unchallenged by appointing themselves Pontifex Maximus (Chief Priest). This is in sharp contrast to medieval European kings whose ambitions were often opposed by the church.

Next, Islam is highly ritualistic and many rituals and practices appear to a modern person to be pointless. For example, out of the five pillars of Islam, four of them are ritualistic and in themselves do not do any material good. Praying five times a day, declaring Mohammed to be a prophet, going to Mecca to walk round and round the Black Stone and fasting during Ramadan do not by themselves make this a happier, kinder and more prosperous world. The only one of the five pillars that does some good to mankind is the giving of the zakat - alms for the poor. However, this alms giving must be only for Muslims or it does not count. Therefore it benefits only a fifth of mankind.

Would it not be better for the Grand Designer of Islam (whoever that might be) to declare the five pillars to contain prohibitions against murder, theft, adultery and encouragements to perform kindness and assistance to the unfortunate people of the world? Besides these five pillars, Islam has countless other rituals and practices. These include the growing of beards, which hand to use to wash your private parts, which shoe to put on first, what types of body hair you are allowed to remove and so on. Some of these practices and rituals appear meaningless to me but on further examination there is a purpose to them.

The trick is to stop thinking that Islam, like other religions, was designed primarily to uplift humanity from barbarism by making us kinder, more forgiving and so on. It was designed instead to support a war machine. Islamic rituals and practices are designed at least partly to induce discipline and to unite Islam’s early followers who were drawn from many tribes. Lets take a look at the requirement to pray five times a day, facing Mecca.

By praying five times a day, Muslims are reminded to submit to God 5 times a day. By facing Mecca, they are reminded of Arabia and to subtly get Muslims to identify themselves with Arabia. That is also why they insist that you cannot understand the Koran fully unless you know Arabic. Prayers are to be made in Arabic. That is why there are so many Arab wannabes among non-Arab Muslims. This is also why to this day, Muslims are a potential fifth column in western countries. Their loyalty is often to their Ummah and not to the state they live in. Loyalty to their nation state is weak.

Rituals are important as brainwashing tools to instill discipline and loyalty.
Islam's focus on rituals remind me of the rituals in the military. Every morning you have a flag raising ceremony. You salute the officers. You must all be clean shaven and wear the same clothes. You sing patriotic songs. Soldiers perform all manner of rituals designed to promote loyalty, bravery and obedience.

Performing Islam's seemingly meaningless rituals is an affirmation that they do not question the will of God. In practice this meant that they do not question Mohammed and his successors. This is really good military discipline and is something all military leaders want.

Now, lets turn our attention to the issue of apostasy for this is an important way in which Islam imposes discipline. As we all know, Islam is the only religion that insists that apostates be put to death. Muslims equate apostasy as treachery. For others, you are a true Christian, Buddhist or Hindu, only if you truly believe. Threatening people with death does not change what they believe in their hearts and is thus pointless.

This Muslim punishment only makes sense if you imagine yourself as a military commander of an army drawn from many tribes and religions (before conversion). An apostate is seen as someone who wants to defect to the enemy. Thus once again, Islamic teaching only make sense if you view Islam not so much as a religion like others but as a tool for Arab imperialism.

There is another thing that I should mention. According to the Koran and Hadiths, Muslims are allowed to have up to four wives and an unlimited number of slave girls. Having multiple wives actually gave a society constantly warring with its neighbours a military advantage over those that practice monogamy.

War widows can find new husbands and thereby produce children. Women were valued chiefly for their procreation abilities to produce more warriors. Of course in all ancient societies, women were lowly valued but more so in a warlike one where the survival of the society depended on male warriors. This accounts for the extra low status Islam gave women.

But what worked well for a medieval war machine is disastrous for Muslims in the modern world. For the early Muslims, they quickly gained wealth and power after they burst out of their poverty stricken Arabian Peninsula. The Arab war machine was supported by the blind obedience, brotherhood, courage, hatred and high birth rates inspired by Islam. But these same qualities have locked modern Muslims into poverty and often violence.

Without separation of mosque and state, it is difficult to make reforms. Islam is described by its followers as a complete way of life. This means that the ancient detailed instructions have been written down for Muslims to follow in all aspects of life for all time. This reminds me of the specialists and generalists of nature.

Some species like the Koala bear are specialists. They have adapted very well to a certain type of environment – the eucalyptus forests of Australia. But they are vulnerable if there is a change in environment. Generalists on the other hand do not evolve special advantages to thrive in any one environment.

Man is a generalist and can be found living in deserts as well as the frozen ice of the tundra. Had we specialized by growing blubber like the whales, we might thrive very well in the tundra but we can never live in deserts.

Islam is like the specialists. It prospered because its ethos makes it very successful as a medieval war machine when men fought with swords, bows and spears. But these same values make Muslims ill-equipped in an industrial and now post industrial world.

The emphasis on jihad where stained soldiers of Allah are rewarded with virgins in heaven may make great warriors but contribute to suicide bombers and intractable wars against unbelievers.

Conflicts with Muslims seem so hard to resolve as there is a never-ending stream of volunteers to fight in hopes of attaining their places in heaven. There can be no moderates when it comes to going to heaven. Inciting hatred for non-believers does not help the resolution of conflicts. Such thinking is bound to get a reaction from the non-believers they come into contact with.

The desire for war cannot be conducive for economic growth. This is doubly disastrous for Muslims because as I shall later explain, their religion retards economic progress in many ways. War coupled with economic weakness spells disaster. One of the driving force for economic growth is technology. While Islam can create disciplined soldiers, it cannot create good scientists.

As explained earlier, Islam’s ritualistic practices inculcate blind obedience among its followers and not questioning inquisitive minds. The way the Koran is taught in traditional Madrassahs is by memorization. This leaves no room for asking questions. The student is not encouraged to ask questions but only receives wisdom and learning from the teacher. Asking questions risks the student of being accused of blasphemy or unbelief.

The learning process is receptive and not interactive. Great scientists and philosophers do not come from such a passive environment. Human society progresses only if you have people willing to challenge orthodoxy. It should be noted that some of the greatest thinkers, scientists, philosophers, physicians and poets in Islam’s golden age were accused of blasphemy or apostasy. Bashshar Ibn Burd, Avicenna, Averroes, Al-Razi and Al-Ma’arri were most likely apostates.

Next we take a look at Islam’s subordination of women. This keeps them at home. Muslim women are not encouraged to work. It is a fact that women who stay at home tend to produce more children than those who go out to work. A high fertility rate may be a military advantage in an era when men fought with primitive weapons, but this is a handicap in the era of the internet.

Firstly, if women are regarded as second class citizens, there is less incentive to educate them properly. Semi-educated or illiterate mothers will find difficulty in educating their own children. Half the population is women. Therefore half the potential labour force is also women. You are not making full use of your human resources. This is not a new problem.

By Averroes time (1126 – 1198), the problem had manifested itself. Five hundred years after Mohammed, Muslim society already needed reforms. The practices that turned warring Arab tribes into world conquerors were already becoming outdated. This is what he said:

“Women are kept like domestic animals or house plants for purposes of gratification, of a very questionable character besides, instead of being allowed to take part in the production of material and intellectual wealth, and in the preservation of the same.”

Furthermore, a high fertility rate means more mouths to feed. While population pressures could be motivation for impoverished tribes to participate in wars of conquest in the 7th century, this is not an option today. You need industrial might to support a war machine today where wars are complex and expensive.

Today, a high fertility rate leads to poverty in third world countries and poverty stricken countries are advised by development experts to curb their population growth. Related to this issue of high fertility is the early age of some Muslim marriages. All agricultural societies tend to have early marriages. But other societies can be more easily persuaded to change with the times.

Muslim society, on the other hand, is more resistance to change. Thus recently, an Indian Muslim group wants exemption from a law requiring marriage partners to be at least 18 years old. This well-meaning law is aimed at allowing time for people to get a proper education before marriage and child-care.

The problem arises for the Muslim community because of Mohammed’s marriage to 9 year old Aisha. To accept this law would in their eyes be an insult to their holy Prophet. How can a Muslim accept a law, which would have criminalized their Prophet? This case again highlights how Islam is stuck in the 7th century.

Islam is a warrior’s creed that served its early followers well. From impoverished desert tribes, they rose to forge an empire in a short time that stretched from Spain to India. The ethos it engendered – brotherhood for believers, contempt and hatred for non-believers, belief in heavenly rewards for fallen warriors, a high fertility rate (which requires the subordination of women), blind obedience – created formidable warriors.

But these same qualities are handicaps for Muslims in the age of the microchip. Today they lead to poverty, belligerency, war and defeat. Many Muslims look back with fondness to their days of glory and try to recover their former days by using the old methods. That is why there is today a rising tide of Islamic fundamentalism across the Muslim world. They are bewildered at their weakness and look for conspiracy theories. Muslims think their failure is due to some Jewish or American plot not realizing that failure comes from within themselves. They are out of touch with reality.

Once were warriors, Muslims are now like Don Quixote tilting at windmills in a world they no longer understand.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Neighbours' fury as council allows tiny house to be used as an 'illegal' mosque for 200 worshippers - Atlas Shrugs

"Neighbour Ron Frood, 62, said: 'This is supposed to be a residential area but we see people coming and going all day long.

People often arrive with plates of food and then the next day the bin bags are just thrown outside attracting rats and foxes.
'I have accepted that I don’t really think anything will change to be honest as they’ve been allowed to get away with it for so long.' "

Islam / Muslims can only exist as a DISRUPTIVE minority 
or as an OPPRESSIVE majority 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Australia: Satan’s Sword given another “get out of jail card”

Pulling pin on bomb terror plotters' trial

Keith Moor
The Daily Telegraph
September 21, 2011

POLICE secretly created and exploded a "Mother of Satan" bomb to prove that Abdul Benbrika and his extremist followers had the materials to make the feared terrorist device.

They were able to show that terrorist followers of the radical Muslim cleric ordered or bought chemicals and specialist laboratory equipment to make a bomb capable of killing and injuring hundreds of


The "Mother of Satan" bomb is the weapon of choice for terrorists around the world.

It was used in the 2005 London Tube and bus bombings which killed 52 people and injured more than 700, as well as many more terror attacks during the past decade.

But now officers from the joint taskforce that foiled the devastating plot - which had included a bomb attack at Sydney's nuclear reactor - must face the fact Benbrika and the other Melbourne cell members

will not face a jury.

The decision to permanently stay the charges in Victoria was made despite evidence in the trial of the NSW cell members that a terrorist attack of potentially mammoth proportions was imminent when

Benbrika and the Melbourne and Sydney cell members were arrested in co-ordinated swoops in 2005. NSW cell members Mohamed Elomar, 46, Abdul Rakib Hasan, 41, Khaled Cheikho, 38, Moustafa Cheikho,

33, and Mohammed Omar Jamal, 27, were subsequently convicted of conspiring to commit a terrorist act and jailed for 23 to 28 years.

In that trial, prosecutor Richard Maidment SC said the men sought large quantities of firearms, ammunition and chemicals that would have enabled them to build devices "capable of causing substantial

damage and loss of life".

"There are a number of utterances which suggest that the purpose of the organisation was to do something big, cause maximum damage, kill a thousand at the train station, football, whatever," he said.

The prosecution detailed the role of Benbrika and Aimen Joud in helping to order the lab equipment as evidence of a conspiracy to commit a terrorist act. It also provided an extensive chronology of the

many contacts between NSW and Melbourne terror cell members as more evidence of a joint conspiracy to commit a terrorist act.

Justice Terry Forrest's decision means Benbrika, Joud, Fadl Sayadi and Ahmed Raad will not face extra jail time on top of their sentences on the lesser terrorism charges they received in 2008.

Related Coverage


Monday, July 18, 2011

Islam (Muslims) have only ever existed as a DISRUPTIVE Minority or as an OPPRESSIVE Majority

From Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.  From a Post at Atlas Shrugs

Muslim rebels slaughter Buddhists in Thailand: “We will kill, burn, and destroy all Buddhists: you will never be able to live in peace here"

Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.
Here's how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:

  • United States -- Muslim 0.6%
  • Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
  • Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
  • China -- Muslim 1.8%
  • Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
  • Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:

  • Denmark -- Muslim 2%
  • Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
  • United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
  • Spain -- Muslim 4%
  • Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:

  • France -- Muslim 8%
  • Philippines -- 5% Sweden -- Muslim 5%
  • Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
  • The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
  • Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections in:

  • Guyana -- Muslim 10%
  • India -- Muslim 13.4%
  • Israel -- Muslim 16%
  • Kenya -- Muslim 10%
  • Russia -- Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:

  • Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:

  • Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
  • Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
  • Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non- believers of all other religions (including non- conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

  • Albania -- Muslim 70%
  • Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
  • Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
  • Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:

  • Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
  • Egypt -- Muslim 90%
  • Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
  • Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
  • Iran -- Muslim 98%
  • Iraq -- Muslim 97%
  • Jordan -- Muslim 92%
  • Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
  • Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
  • "Palestine" -- Muslim 99%
  • Syria -- Muslim 90%
  • Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
  • Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
  • United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-al-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrassas are the only schools, and the Koran is the only “Word”, such as in:

  • Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
  • Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
  • Somalia -- Muslim 100%
  • Yemen -- Muslim 100%

Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.

Islam (Muslims) have only ever existed as a DISRUPTIVE Minority or as an OPPRESSIVE Majority.

The sooner the “All cultures, Religions, Societies are Equal Loons” get it through their thick as a plank Multicultural Skulls,the sooner we can start cleaning up their Multicultural MESS.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Islamic Perversions, or a reason Muslims KILL and reasons they LIVE, Koranimals threatening Sila Sahin after Playboy spread.

Their Reason to Kill

Outrage over Muslim woman's Playboy cover

The West Australian

April 28, 2011,

Sila Sahin2 Threats have been made against a Muslim actress who has posed naked for German Playboy, according to reports.

Islamic fanatics had posted threatening internet messages after Sila Sahin appeared topless on the cover of the men's magazine, The Sun said.

The 25-year-old TV soap star, who was raised in Germany by conservative Turkish parents, had been labelled a "whore" and a "western slut".

"Her parents are said to have reacted with 'horror' at the 12-page coverage, and her mother has apparently cut off all contact," The Sun said.

Ms Sahin said the shoot was a reaction to the "slavery" of her youth.

"What I want to say with these photos is, 'Girls, we don't have to live according to the rules imposed upon us'," she said.

"For years I subordinated myself to various societal constraints. The Playboy photo shoot was a total act of liberation."

Islamic internet sites were being monitored by the German intelligence agency after threats were posted about her "shaming Muslim womanhood" and "prostituting herself for money", The Sun said.


 Oh! dear me ! shocking outrageous, please….. gimme a break. No cause for alarm,don’t worry Koranimals, the sun will still set in the muddy pond today and the mountains will still stop the deserts from been blown away by the winds.

Their Reason to Live

Sodomy now “a cultural difference" in Afghanistan   
Originally posted on Aussie News & Views on Thursday, February 05, 2009

World court inquiry sought in Afghan rapes ,World court inquiry sought in Afghan rapes
Rick Westhead
The Star
December 15, 2008
The International Criminal Court should probe allegations some Canadian officers serving in Afghanistan told subordinates to look the other way when Afghan soldiers and local interpreters sodomized young boys, says one of Canada's leading human-rights lawyers.
University of British Columbia international law and politics expert Michael Byers, who was among a group of academics who sought to have former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet detained as a war criminal, said he plans to ask the ICC to begin its own inquiry into the charges.
In a story published yesterday in the Star, former Canadian soldier Tyrel Braaten said that during his tour of duty in Afghanistan in 2006, he witnessed Afghan interpreters bringing young boys inside buildings at Forward Operating Base Wilson, a remote Canadian base outside Kandahar. The boys were then sodomized by the interpreters and Afghan soldiers, Braaten said.
Other Canadian soldiers have complained to chaplains and military medical personnel that officers told them not to get involved because the sodomy was tantamount to "cultural differences."
If the allegations are true, Byers said, they will reflect more poorly on the Canadian military than the scandal in the 1993 in Somalia when Canadian soldiers tortured and murdered a Somali teenager who snuck into a Canadian base.
"We're spending $18 billion on this mission in Afghanistan and it's engaged the hearts and minds of 33 million Canadians in different ways," Byers said in a phone interview from London. "The rape of children in a conflict zone is at least as serious as the torture of that young Somalian during the Canadian mission there."
Also yesterday, Afghanistan's ambassador to Canada said the Ministry of Defence in Kabul is aware of the allegations levelled by Braaten and others, but won't act until it receives more detailed information from Canada. "These allegations go back to 2006, not something that occurred just last week," said Ambassador Omar Samad. "We don't have names, dates and legal testimony."
The Canadian Forces' National Investigation Service is investigating the allegations and is expected to complete its probe in the spring. A military board of inquiry, meantime, is also investigating and is going to extraordinary lengths to find prospective witnesses. In some instances, the board's investigating officers are using Facebookto obtain soldiers' lists of friends and contacting them to ask about the alleged rapes, according to several soldiers contacted in this manner.
Still, Byers said he wants the ICC to investigate because he has "concerns about self-investigation and the demonstrated delays in the Canadian military's investigation of alleged detainee abuse."
Based in The Hague and established in 2002, the ICC can investigate, prosecute and punish serious violations of international law, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
The former U.S. ambassador at large for war crimes issues during the Clinton administration, David Scheffer, said in an interview it would be difficult to coax the ICC to pursue rape allegations "unless a real case could be made that Canada is unwilling or unable genuinely to investigate its own military conduct."
As lawyers yesterday debated murky legal questions, such as whether Canada has jurisdiction to charge Afghan citizens who work for Canada as interpreters, some military sources said they weren't surprised by Braaten's claims.
"It's common knowledge that young boys are used in this way in Afghanistan," said Brad Adams, executive director of the Asia division of Human Rights Watch. "It's the great dichotomy of Afghanistan. Homosexuality is treated as a cardinal sin, but it's still common for men to have sex with boys."
Moreover, Adams said he wasn't surprised that some Canadian soldiers say they were told to ignore cases of abuse."
"I think (Western soldiers) look the other way about a number of things, like opium production and warlordism. They are looking the other way on almost everything."
During 2006, FOB was regularly being attacked by Taliban armed with rocket-propelled grenades and mortars, a possible reason why abuse accusations haven't garnered more scrutiny until now.
"I think it's safe to say that they had other worries, like how they were staying alive," said retired Canadian major-general Lewis MacKenzie.
MacKenzie said while the interpreters would have travelled on and off the base freely, after they were screened by Canadian security, young boys would be another matter. "It would have been abnormal for them to have been allowed on the base."
Asked about protocol for allowing civilians on bases in Afghanistan, a CF spokesperson described it as a "rigorous and robust" program.
Chaplain says senior officer aware of rapes by Afghans

Soldier recalls cries from boy brought onto Canadian base
The Star

Dec 14, 2008

"The boy was no more than 12. He wore a wig, lipstick and perfume and was dressed in a flowing robe when an Afghan interpreter escorted him to the entrance of the Canadian base in remote Afghanistan.

It was June 2006 and it was one of Tyrel Braaten's first days at Forward Operating Base Wilson, about 30 kilometres outside Kandahar.

Braaten watched as the local interpreter, who worked for the Canadians, ushered the boy through the security checkpoint and led him inside a nearby building.

The bombardier was bewildered. He asked another interpreter standing next to him who the boy was. The interpreter shrugged that the boy was one of "the bitches."

"I said, `What do you mean?' and he made the motion with his hips, like you know," said Braaten, 24. "I remember saying, `Are we on Mars? Does this s--- go on all the time?'"

Al-Qaeda accused of using male rape to 'create' suicide bombers
By Staff Writer,
February 4, 2009 - 13:56
Islamic terrorists are raping young men in order to drive them into suicide bombings.
The Sun quotes Algerian militant Abu Baçir El Assimi:
"The sexual act on young recruits aged between 16 to 19 was a means to urge them to commit suicide operations."
The paper claims that "intense social stigma and fear of more gay sex attacks leaves Muslims prepared to die."
Rape and homosexual acts are punishable by death under Sharia law.
A suspected terrorist bomber killed in an attempted attack on a security installation in the Tizi Ouzou province of Algeria last month may have been raped, an autopsy revealed.
News source Ennahar Online said there was "a large tear in the anus of the terrorist, which confirms the sexual abuse. In addition, semen analysis is underway to determine the perpetrator.
"The young terrorist subject of sexual abuse, was aged 22, from Diar El Djemaâ, ElHarrach. He would have joined terrorist groups in March 2008.
"He was a candidate to execute a suicide operation in the region of Boumerdes."
The al-Qaeda terrorist movement is a loose association spread across nations from Algeria to Iraq.
Terrorists have been trained in camps in Sudan and Afghanistan.
Cells operating in the US and western Europe have claimed responsibility for a range of suicide attacks including the attacks on New York and Washington DC on September 11th 2001. Al-Qaeda has also been linked to an insurgency in Algeria.
Characteristic al-Qaeda techniques include suicide attacks and simultaneous bombings of different targets.

Afghan boy dancers sexually abused by former warlords   Video’s here :

Australia: “Insider” dumps a load, on Asylum seekers massive use of Condoms in MALE only Detention Centres


Sun Nov 18, 2007
PUL-E KHUMRI, Afghanistan (Reuters) - They are known as "bacha bereesh", boys without beards, teenage boys who dress up as girls and dance for male patrons at parties in northern Afghanistan.
It's an age old practice that has led to some of the boy dancers being turned into sex slaves by wealthy and powerful patrons, often former warlords, who dress the boys up as girls, shower them with gifts and keep them as "mistresses".
Afghan police are battling to crackdown on the practice which has angered Islamic clerics who say those involved should be stoned for sodomy, forbidden under Islamic law.In a society where the sexes are strictly segregated, it is common for men to dance for other men at weddings in Afghanistan.
But in northern Afghanistan, former warlords and mujahideen commanders have taken that a step further with competitions for their dancing boys. "Every boy tries to be the first. They are dressed in women's clothes, have bells on their feet and have artificial breasts," said Mohammad Yawar, a former mujahideen fighter against the Taliban and resident of the northern town of Pul-e Khumri.

The practice, called "bacha bazi" -- literally "boy play" -- has a long history in northern Afghanistan, but sometimes it does not stop with just dancing. "I very much enjoy hugging a boy. His smell and fragrance kills me," said Yawar.
The 38-year-old businessman said he recruited a 15-year-old boy three years ago to help him with his work. "I have had him for at least three years, since he was only 15. He was looking for a job and I gave him somewhere to stay," said Yawar, showing the boy's picture. "I don't have a wife. He is like my wife. I dress him in women's clothes and have him sleep beside me. I enjoy him and he is my everything," he said, kissing the photograph.
Having the best-looking boy and the best dancer is a mark of prestige. "Everyone tries to have the best, most handsome and good-looking boy," said a former mujahideencommander, who declined to be named. "Sometimes we gather and make our boys dance and whoever wins, his boy will be the best boy."
Former mujahideen commanders hold such parties in and around Pul-e Khumri about once a week. "Having a boy has become a custom for us. Whoever wants to show off, should have a boy," said Enayatullah, a 42-year-old landowner in Baghlan province. "I was married to a woman 20 years ago, she left me because of my boy," he said. "I was playing with my boy every night and was away from home, eventually my wife decided to leave me. I am happy with my decision, because I am used to sleeping and entertaining with my young boy." The men say they lavish money and gifts on their boys.
"I was only 14-years-old when a former Uzbek commander forced me to have sex with him," said Shir Mohammad in Sar-e Pol province. "Later, I quit my family and became his secretary. I have been with him for 10 years, I am now grown up, but he still loves me and I sleep with him." Ahmad Jawad, aged 17, has been with a wealthy landowner for the past two years. "I am used to it. I love my lord. I love to dance and act like a woman and play with my owner," he said. Asked what he would do when he got older, he said: "Once I grow up, I will be an owner and I will have my own boys."

But Shir Mohammad, at 24, was already getting too old to be a dancing boy. "I am grown up now and do not have the beauty of former years. So, I proposed to marry my lord's daughter and he has agreed to it."
Many local residents have called for a crackdown, but are skeptical it will work as many of the men are powerful and well-armed former commanders. Jahan Shah, who lives in Pul-e Khumri, said government and security officials should take tough action against unIslamic and immoral acts. "If they don't stop this, it will become a custom and hundreds of other boys will be involved in it," he said.
Police and security officials in northern Afghanistan say they have been doing their best to arrest the men involved. "It is sad to state that this practice that includes making boys dance, sexual abuse and sometimes even selling boys, has been going on for years," said General Asadollah Amarkhil, the security chief of Kunduz province. "We have taken steps to stop it to the extent that we are able," he said. Amarkhil said poverty, widespread in Afghanistan after nearly three decades of war, forced teenage boys into compliance. "We have taken very strict measures to save the lives of the boys and punish the men," he said. "We are monitoring to find out where these men and boys gather, then go there and arrest them."
Those found guilty of abuse would be jailed for at least 15 years, said Baghlan chief prosecutor Hafizullah Khaliqyar. "We have 25 cases of such immoral acts. They are being processed and we are trying our utmost to tackle the problem," he said. Islamic scholars recommended harsher punishment. "Those who do this are the devil," said Mawlawi Mohammad Sadiq Sadiqyar, a scholar and prayer leader in the main northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif.
"Under Islamic law, those who practice this should be stoned to death." But some of the men say they are not interested in women. "We know it is immoral and unIslamic, but how can we quit? We do not like women, we just want boys," said Chaman Gul, aged 35 of Takhar province.

Abuse of Afghan Boys
My Pet Jawa
July 11, 2008
In a world where political correctness dictates cultural equivalency, it's impossible for me to understand how the PC crowd can ignore reports like this one.
Afghanistan must do more to end an age-old practice of young boys being kept as sex slaves by wealthy and powerful patrons,
the U.N. special representative for children and armed conflict said on Monday.

Radhika Coomaraswamy said the practice, called "bacha bazi" -- literally "boy play" -- was a taboo subject, but she had heard reports of warlords and military commanders keeping young boys and "exploiting them in terrible ways."
"What I found was nobody talks about it; everyone says 'Well, you know, it's been there for 1,000 years so why do we want to raise this now?'" she told a news conference at U.N. headquarters, reporting on a visit to Afghanistan last week.
"That seems to be the general attitude among everyone, but somebody has to raise it and it has to be dealt with."
Known as "bacha bereesh," boys without beards, the victims of such abuse are teenage boys who dress up as girls and dance for male patrons at parties in northern Afghanistan.
Cultural equivalency? I don't think so. Even the UN is against it.
Who said Islamic "men" feel threatened by women ..........?

If you are revolted by the material in this post ask yourself why the Leftist apologists and facilitators for Islam in the west, demand that you be forbidden to express your revultion, publicly, why would those who demand you accept that "Islam is a Religion of Peace" under threat of death or mutilation object to this type of behavior and much much worse, been rejected by you and your children ?
Worse still why would they demand that you live along side of and respect the followers of this "Religion of Peace" under threat of criminal sanction via the Multicutural /Cultural Diversity /Anti Discrimination / Religious /Racial Intolerance legislation?
Islam, the United Nation's rabid Mad Dog, off the leash and running, what better way to destroy Judeo / Christian western society, than to allow the injection of savage,violent stone age cultures with their stone age Godless practice's, all promoted and facilitated under the International Socialist Cultural Diversity / Multiculturalism "all cultures are equal" philosophy.
I read a quote that went along the lines of "Great civilizations are not conqured they simply commit suicide",how fitting to describe the last 40 years of western society.
A slow creeping death of our values,standards and institutions.

Australian Soldiers draw arms on Jordanian "Peace Keepers"

By Mark Dodd
March 21, 2005

The Australian (No longer stored)

AUSTRALIAN soldiers drew arms to protect themselves from Jordanian peacekeepers after a Digger blew the whistle on other Jordanian soldiers' sexual abuse of East Timorese boys.

Corporal Andrew Wratten had to be evacuated and Australian commandos sent to protect Diggers in Oecussi, an East Timorese province in Indonesian West Timor, after he told the UN of the pedophilia that occurred in May 2001.
The Australians drew their Steyr assault rifles after being confronted by Jordanians armed with M-16s, in an escalation of verbal threats triggered by the betrayal of Corporal Wratten by a Jordanian officer in the Dili headquarters of the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor.

Corporal Wratten, who was working at a fuel dump in the enclave, was told by a group of children that Jordanian soldiers had offered food and money in exchange for oral sex and intercourse.
The allegations involved East Timorese minors, all boys, the youngest of them just 12 years old.

"Wratten informed PKF (peacekeeping force) that he had been receiving complaints from local children about Jorbatt (Jordan Battalion) abuse," said a senior UN official who was based in Oecussi at the time.
"A Jordanian officer in HQ informed Jorbatt that he had ratted on them. Wratten and his guys manning the helo (helicopter) refuelling pad in Oecussi town started getting threatened.
"There was one occasion where Aussie Steyrs were pointed at Jorbatt and Jorbatt M-16s pointed at Aussies."

A secret report into the abuse, obtained by The Australian, led to the expulsion of two Jordanian peacekeepers after an investigation ordered by then UNTAET chief, the late Sergio Vieira de Mello, in July 2001.
East Timorese human rights workers have confirmed the story. However, retired Australian major-general Roger Powell, the deputy UN force commander at the time, did not return The Australian's calls.
"As far as I understand, De Mello was very sensitive at the time to the harm such reports would have on the reputation of UNTAET, PKF - and by default himself," said one Western security analyst, based in East Timor in 2001.
Jordan's key role in Middle East peace negotiations added extra sensitivity.

In July 2001, a UN police specialist child interview team flew to Oecussi and spoke to 10 witnesses, including seven minors and three adults.
"The unacceptable sexual conduct alleged was that a minor had sperm around his mouth," the resulting report says.

The board of inquiry found in its report that Jordanian troops regularly offered food and money in exchange for sexual favours from women and boys, including the procuring of prostitutes from across the border in West Timor.

It found it was highly probable that widespread sexual misconduct had occurred after the Jordanians took over from the highly regarded Australian paratroop battalion in early 2000.

“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Australia: The Serpents Tongue spoken by 1 in 8 Multicultural “Australians”

Arabic commonly spoken among Aussie kids

The Telegraph

April 14,2011

ABOUT one in eight Australian children speaks Arabic at home, a study shows.

New data has been released by the federal Department of Education providing a snapshot into the early development of children.

It found Arabic to be the most commonly spoken language other than English at home, with 11.8 per cent of children conversing in this tongue with their parents.

Vietnamese was next on 8.4 per cent, followed by Greek (4.3 per cent).

Chinese languages are also widely spoken, with 3.7 per cent of Australian kids speaking Mandarin, slightly outnumbering Cantonese (3.6 per cent).

Hindi, a language common in India, was the tongue of 3.2 per cent of kids.

The Australian Early Development Index study surveyed the teachers of 47,000 children about the language their pupils spoke at home.

It found 12.8 per cent of children had English as a second language.


Thanks to the Australian Council of Trade Union’s funded Australian Labor Party for importing these BARBARIANS into OUR Country.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Australia: Hon. Robyn Mary McSweeney MLC Calls for end of Burka in Australia…"Islam's Man of a Million Comments”,Keysar Trad reacts.

Trad  and FAMILY
The Trad’s.
Islam's Man of a Million Comments
Just WHO IS Keysar Trad?
Why should polygamy be a crime?

“It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love -
"became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh
proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a
terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says.”


Racism, an Islamic Response

“India, the Asian country which is dominated by the lowest of the low amongst
racists, the class society which divides its own people into four classes and
places people of other faiths, and Muslims in particular as the lowest of the low.
The policies of these cow worshippers, and their extermination of Muslims in their
countries and inside Kashmir (to the silence of Western countries) is one more
example of how this feeling of elitism is not restricted to the colour of the
elitist, it is a lifestyle of those idiots who have intoxicated themselves with a
false feeling of power, and who actively exercise this power against others.”

Who IS shooting up the Auburn Hindu Temple ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,Must be those crazy Judeo Christian Country Women’s association members on the rampage again in Dodge City.
Muslims insurgents /colonialists claim fears of Racism reason for establishing the“Occupied Territories” on Australian soil

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Australia: Madame JuLIAR Gillard agrees to pay protection Money to Islamic Savages so they “wont hurt us”

Government extends $1.1 million in anti-terror grants

Matt Johnston
Herald Sun

April 02, 2011

HamasPeople BIG brother-style community programs and interfaith projects at schools could get up to $100,000 from the Government to help stop violent extremism in Australia.

A new round of anti-terror grants open today because of concerns about potential attacks in Australia, the Herald Sun reported.

The Government's community resilience program has already doled out $1.1 million for youth-specific projects, including where young Muslims are hand-picked to divert people "at-risk" of extremism.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland said terror was still a real concern in Australia, and "overwhelming interest" in the Government's youth mentor program meant the new round of funding was necessary. "Communities have told us that they are prepared to play a more active role in countering violent extremism," Mr McClelland said.

"The new program will focus on activities that support individuals away from intolerant and radical ideologies and encourage positive participation in the community."

Organisations could get grants of $5000 to $100,000 to run community-based projects in Australian cities.

Potential projects include:

LEADERSHIP training to improve social and economic opportunities.

BIG brother schemes to help people at risk.

COMMUNITY forums to promote inclusion.

INTERFAITH education programs in schools or universities.

Applications close at the end of April and new programs would start from July 1.


Thank you Madame  Ju LIAR for the $1.1Million,Remember we are a Religion of Peace.

Documents show there is still a real threat of terror attacks on Australian soil, and that action is needed to try to ward off extremism.

"A small number of Australians hold extreme beliefs ... and some of these individuals may be committed to supporting or engaging in acts of terrorism," the documents say. "It is therefore important that all Australians work together to reject ideologies that promote violence."

Mr McClelland said strong communities were integral to stopping extremism.

"Effective community engagement is a key component of the Government's approach to building a stronger and more resilient community that can resist violent extremism," he said.


Survivors of the recent Queensland Floods and Cyclone, are still sleeping under the stars, Victorians are still homeless following the floods in Victoria,yet this Socialist Bitch,Madame JuLIAR Gillard hands out Australian Tax Payers money to these Godless savages so as they wont start killing Australians on our home soil.

The Rudd Gillard Socialist Union Funded Labor Government has imported into Australia via their people smuggler connections, in excess of 10,500 illegal entrants into Australia since the Rudd Government took office in 2007, the majority of these illegal entrants are Muslims.

Once here these vermin demand money in exchange for not acting like Muslims ie not Killing Infidels aka.Australians.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Australia: Sydney’s Occupied Territories: Pious Muslim Thug,Ali Mobayad, threatens and assaults Female Paramedic at accident scene

Ali Mobayad accused of assaulting ambo as she treated car crash victim

The Daily Telegraph

April 01, 2011

Copy of 1 4 2011 Ali Mobayad accused of assaulting ambo as she treated car crash victim A PARAMEDIC was threatened and assaulted as she tried to treat a crash patient, a court heard yesterday.

Police allege Ali Mobayad, 30, was involved in a verbal altercation with paramedic Karen Matthews outside Berala Public School as she was treating a patient who was injured in a car accident.

Documents tendered to Burwood Local Court yesterday revealed that the Auburn man double parked in a school zone - the only charge he pleaded guilty to - before allegedly getting out of his car and pounding on the Rapid Response vehicle's driver-side window and "threatening" the 37-year-old paramedic.

It is alleged Mobayad then began yelling and swearing at the ambulance officer before assaulting her just after 3pm on March 7.

Court documents stated the alleged offences "caused a real fear of actual physical violence" and prevented Ms Matthews from "executing her duties as a paramedic".

The court heard the accused left the scene, but was arrested [on Yarram Road, Lidcombe] shortly after 4.30pm.

He was charged with negligent driving, menacing driving, common assault and hindering an ambulance officer by act of violence - all of which he has denied and pleaded not guilty to yesterday.

Outside court, Mobayad became irate after he spotted The Daily Telegraph waiting with cameras.

"You see this face - if you use that image (see left )you will never see the end of this," he said. "I don't care what happens to me, I'll kill you if you use that photo ... you f ... ing idiot."

The man will return to court on May 5.


Why was this piece of Godless Islamist Shit, not horsewhipped and tied in stocks for a week ? dispense with Judeo Christian Justice,flog him till he drops, and transport him back, to whatever Islamic shit hole, he or his Parents or Grand Parents ran away from, along with ALL his Australian based relatives and Multicultural supporters.










Monday, March 28, 2011

The Problem is ISLAM


It’s time again for me to lay down in writing a simple, obvious truth that everyone else is just too terrified to state. This is another one of

those essays that will serve to permanently disqualify me from any vocation except self-employment for the duration of my life. So hold on

to your pantyhose and put out the cat, because you know this is going to be a good read.

The issue is the muslim world. Libya. Was it right for Obama to FINALLY make a decision and move our military assets into the Libyan

theater? Should we be intervening in Yemen? Should we lend tangible support to the Iranian opposition? What should have been done

differently in Egypt? Was Mubarak better than a “democratically” installed Sharia theocracy? What are we supposed to be doing in all of this?

Who are we supposed to be rooting for? There has to be a “right answer”, and there has to be a correct course of action in all of this.

The reason why no one can come to anything that remotely approaches a definitive “right answer” to this problem is because no one has the

balls to acknowledge what the problem is. The problem is not a lack of democracy. As we are clearly seeing now, and as history repeatedly

confirms, the most evil political systems ever seen on earth have ascended to power with the support of more than 50% of the populace.

Therefore, democracy, or any form of representative government can not, in and of itself, be the “right answer”. The only way we are ever

going to arrive at the right answer is if we first ask and honestly answer the following question: What exactly is the problem?

The problem is islam.

ashura.2009.bigIslam means peaceburkas-1-2

Let me say that again so that there is absolutely no confusion. The problem is islam. So long as islam exists on earth, there will be no

peace, and there will be no freedom for those trapped inside of it. So long as islam exists, it will continue to stir up violence, aggression,

war, terrorism, instability, injustice, human slavery, hopelessness, suffering, despair and unnatural, needless death. Why? BECAUSE THAT

IS WHAT IT WAS DESIGNED TO DO. All of those qualities are intrinsic, constitutive qualities of islam. It is a satanic system that was

specifically created to be the Enemy’s response to Christ.

Mohammed did not hear a voice which he transcribed and called “the koran”. He simply sat down and wrote out a political manifesto –

claiming in fully calculated deceit that it was divine - that would enable him to raise an army. There was nothing miraculous about the origin

of islam in that sense. One of the obvious confirmations of this is the quality of the prose itself. If “allah” actually wrote the koran and

mohammed merely transcribed it, then allah is an idiot with exceptionally poor language and composition skills. The koran reads as if it

were written by a mentally deranged, barely literate Bedouin pedophile pirate con-artist . . . because it was. BUT, the system itself and the

spirit of inspiration behind it is completely satanic. Islam and the koran are completely satanic in the same sense that Marxism and “The

Communist Manifesto” are satanic, and in the same sense that Nazism and “Mein Kampf” are satanic. Oh, yes. The Serpent is subtle. Satan

does his best work when he is merely “whispering” subconscious inspiration to fallen men. Given that islam has persisted for 1400 years and

now enslaves a quarter of the human population, it is clearly satan’s masterpiece.

Given this reality, there are exactly two tactical options for the civilized world to choose from.

1. Completely isolate the muslim world. Let them have their caliphate but in a state of total quarantine.
This would involve establishing massive physical perimeter barriers on land and maintaining blockades at sea for all muslim territories.

Presumably this would stretch from Morocco to Indonesia, and would be massively expensive both to construct and secure. In addition to

this, all muslims would have to be expelled from all civilized nations and forcibly returned to muslim territory. In order for this to work, all

civilized nations on earth would have to unite in solidarity against islam and cooperate fully and completely in building, maintaining and

securing the borders.

Additionally, the quarantine would have to be TOTAL, meaning absolutely no interaction – including economic interaction. Therefore, before

this strategy could be undertaken, the civilized world would need to completely free itself of any dependence on oil pumped from muslim


Further, this strategy, while appearing to be the most “non-violent” option is actually the most violent, and would be a de facto death

sentence, both physically and spiritually, for every person trapped inside the caliphate. Assuming that the perimeter could be constructed

and then sealed, the muslim culture would necessarily begin to murder and consume itself. Remember, islam is violence, aggression, war,

terrorism, instability, injustice, human slavery, hopelessness, suffering, despair and unnatural, needless death. If muslims aren’t in a

position to kill “infidels”, they will simply turn on each other. This is already a proven fact, and has been for 1400 years. Sunni and Shia

muslims have been at each other’s throats all along, and still are today. Only in very rare instances, such as the wars of aggression begun by

muslims called “the Crusades”, wherein muslim unity was needed to fight the “infidels”, has there been any real muslim unity. Because

islam has no central authority or magesterium, unlike Christianity which was specifically established by Christ Himself with a divinely

protected structure of authority and infallible teaching charism, islam allows for every single self-ordained “imam” to be his own “pope”

who can then alter, decide and concoct “doctrine”, and to also issue “fatwas” against any competing cleric, or entire groups of people.

Islam has been specifically designed to discourage unity, thus always fomenting and encouraging conflicts and wars within the caliphate


Next, islam is incapable of supporting a vibrant economy. Islam teaches that all human endeavors and productivity are contrary to the will of

allah. Any person who spends any time or effort doing anything except studying the koran and praying to allah is an infidel. Additionally,

islam teaches that the only way that a person can be GUARANTEED of “salvation” or “paradise” is to die in jihad. Therefore, muslims will

ALWAYS be in a state of war against someone, including other muslims, because if there were total peace, there would be no means to

achieve “salvation” according to muslim teaching.

Finally, the quarantine option would be a failure in charity on the part of Christendom. By quarantining these people, we would be giving up

on them, which is the opposite of charity, or love. Quarantined muslims would have absolutely no chance or hope of hearing the Gospel, and

would have no hope of ever escaping the cult of islam. While this option might serve to help keep our hands physically clean, we would have

the spiritual stain of our failure in charity to answer for upon our judgement

Murni Amris, an Acehnese woman, is caned as part of her sentence in the courtyard of a mosque in Aceh Besar district, Indonesia's Aceh province October 1, 2010islam_taleban_beat_women 

abused_mulsim_women_3 abused_mulsim_women_029 abused_mulsim_women_2



This brings us to option #2, which is actually the more viable and certainly the more loving and charitable option.
2. Fight a Final Crusade and exterminate islam from the face of the earth once and for all.

Yep. I said it, and I mean it. This option isn’t really an “option” at all, because this is where we are heading whether we like it or not. There

is going to be a massive, final war between islam and the civilized world at some point. The only real question is, how long are we going to

stall it off? A week? A month? A year? A decade? A century? Some would argue that the Final Crusade actually began on 9/11, and that we

have been fighting minor skirmishes ever since. Perhaps. If that is the case, the civilized world clearly does not understand that it is in a

fight for its very survival. There isn’t room enough in this world for both human civilization AND islam. One side is going to be destroyed by

the other. If islam wins, then humanity will be dead as well, because it will be just a matter of time before islam consumes itself, as

outlined above. If civilization wins, humanity will continue, knowledge and technology will increase, there will be joy and laughter and

goodness, and human beings will be free to seek and find God. In this way, islam is exactly like cancer. Either a person destroys the cancer

within them and survives, or the cancer wins and both the person AND the cancer die. Given that the civilized world still doesn’t understand

what is going on, I don’t think it is fair to say that the Final Crusade has begun. It will begin when we comprehend that it is us or them – kill

or be killed. Let’s do a quick exercise in linguistics which will prove that extermination of the islamic political system is the only real,

practical and charitable option that we have.

Consider the following statement:

The Nazi Party, its philosophy and goal set was evil and had to be stopped. There is no room for the Nazi philosophy in a civilized world, and

thus the only acceptable outcome of World War II was the total extermination of the Nazi Party. While the main objective of fighting World

War II was to repel and then exterminate the Nazi scourge from overrun nations, the secondary objective was also to liberate the German

people themselves from the bonds of the totalitarian Nazi regime.

Now, let’s look at the same statement, but replace “Nazi” with “muslim”:
Islam, its philosophy and goal set is evil and has to be stopped. There is no room for the muslim philosophy in a civilized world, and thus the

only acceptable outcome of the Final Crusade is the total extermination of islam. While the main objective of fighting the Final Crusade is

to repel and then exterminate the muslim scourge from overrun nations, the secondary objective is also to liberate the currently-muslim

people themselves from the bonds of the totalitarian muslim caliphate.

al-Husayni-Bosnian-SS  palestiniannazisalute01 hitler 


The two statements are pluperfect analogues because Nazism and islam are pluperfect analogues. Both are TOTALITARIAN POLITICAL

SYSTEMS. The only tactical difference is that mohammed used the beard of religion and claimed divine inspiration right out of the gate.

This has allowed islam to use civilization’s own freedom of religious conscience principle against it. Hitler was indeed trying to slowly create

a new pagan religion, with the German/Aryan nation cast as “the father”, Hitler himself cast as “the son” and the “messiah”, and the Nazi

Party as “the holy spirit”, but was never far enough along in that process to be able to wield the accusation of “intolerance”. To illustrate

this point, let’s reverse our linguistic example:

Islam is a religion and thus is equal to all other religions. Islam is protected under the First Amendment, and all civilized people must fight

to defend a person’s right to practice islam completely unencumbered. Islam seeks only peace through the voluntary application of Sharia

law. Just because some muslims have used violence as a way of advancing their cause does not mean that all muslims are violent. Violence

is a perversion of true Islamic philosophy. Most muslims are peace-loving, and we should support and embrace them into our culture.
Now, the same statement, but replacing “muslim” with “Nazi”.

Nazism is a religion and thus is equal to all other religions. Nazism is protected under the First Amendment, and all civilized people must

fight to defend a person’s right to practice Nazism completely unencumbered. Nazism seeks only peace through the voluntary application of

the laws of the Third Reich. Just because some Nazis have used violence as a way of advancing their cause does not mean that all Nazis are

violent. Violence is a perversion of true Nazi philosophy. Most Nazis are peace-loving, and we should support and embrace them in our


Have I made my point?
(Aside: How long do you think it will take some leftist to pull that last paragraph, put my name over it as the author, and then claim that

they have proof that I am a Nazi? That’s how these sad, pathetic people roll. It WILL happen. It’s just a matter of how long it takes them to

do it. C’est la vie.)

We don’t flinch at the reality of Nazism, nor at the necessity to exterminate it from the face of the earth, because we accurately call it what

it is: a totalitarian political system. But because we have been brainwashed and conditioned by the left to self-loathe our own

Judeo-Christian culture, reject critical thinking, and embrace islam as a constitutionally-protected religion, we refuse to acknowledge the

plain, simple fact there will be no peace unless and until islam is exterminated from the face of the earth. We keep telling ourselves that

“democracy” is the answer and that if we just facilitate voting in muslim countries, everything will be fine, and the entire world will be

enveloped in peace, rainbows, gumdrops and unicorn farts. Because all “religions” are good and equal, and anyone who says different is a

bigot and an intolerant hater.

There is going to be a war. A big one. Probably the biggest ever. But it has to be fought, because the stakes are no less than the fate of the

entire human race. The problem is islam. There is no such thing as a "healthy muslim society" because islam is a cancer upon human

civilization. The solution is nothing less than the complete extermination of the muslim political system in order to save the people inside of

it. If you have a cancerous tumor, you cut it out - you don't try to fix the person while simultaneously protecting the tumor. We have done

this before. We did this just seventy short years ago. We CAN do it again. All we need is the courage to face the truth, and the fortitude to

do what we know we must.

Thanks to Teri for the above

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