An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Australia : The DEAD hand of Socialism grabs hold of ,of all things SURFING!!!!!!!!!!!!


World first surf centre for NSW

By Tony Bartlett
Daily Telegraph
July 31, 2010

THE world's first dedicated national training centre for elite surfers and coaches is to be built on the far north coast of NSW.

The multi-million dollar facility, to be built by Surfing Australia, was launched on Saturday at Casuarina by a host of past and present world surfing champions, and federal

Minister for Sport Kate Ellis.

Kate Ellis Stilletos

Labor’s “Style Queen” “Fashion Icon” and “Female body Image Expert” / custodian, Kate Ellis.

Surfing Australia boss Andrew Stark says the $2 million national surf training centre, which will support the development of more than 3000 elite surfers and coaches each year, will consolidate Australia's place as a world leader in the sport.

"It will provide something no other country's got, and that's a dedicated high-performance facility," he said.

"It's not just about the physical structure of the facility. It's also about the new levels of sport science and coaching that we're going to bring in, to enable all the up and coming juniors and the current superstars of our sport to really take advantage of the system.

"The world's best surfers will have the opportunity to come to a centre that's specifically designed for their training needs."

Surfing Australia will involve two-time world champion Mick Fanning and world number two Joel Parkinson in the design details of the building and consult them on specific requirements.

"We want to make sure that the likes of Mick and Joel have a training environment that suits the needs of the world's top-end surfers, who are going to have something tailor made for what they're trying to  achieve ... the long-term vision is to continue to produce world champions," Mr Stark said.

Parkinson believes the centre will not only give youngsters with exceptional talent everything they could dream of, but also hone the skills of elite surfers.

"It'll be somewhere we'll be able to fine-tune our abilities in and out of the ocean with training, the mechanics of surfing, and how you apply all that to the water," he said.

"When I injured my ankle last year I went to a rehab facility in France where I learned some of the most amazing advances in their sports, and to be able to apply some of those to surfing would be awesome.

"This centre will not only keep Australian surfing at the top, but international surfing as well - I think Australia is seen as the most successful surfing country in the world, and we want to keep it that way."

I cannot wait to read that the Australian Labor Party makes it compulsory that men and women must use a gender neutral surf board, aka. the 80’s fiasco of the Taxpayer funds, some $6,000 +  given to a female surf board manufacturer who was designing a surfboard for  Labor’s “Wimmin”

Male or Female you can either SURF or NOT , No amount of Socialized  politically correct interference will make any Australian man or “wimmin” a World Champion surf board rider.

Maybe Athletics and swimming will be next, where everyone / person will WIN regardless of their time.. the perfect world!!!!

Creeping Sharia , England Kneeling to the Lowest of the Low

English council bans staff from wearing mini-skirts

Daily Telegraph
July 31, 2010 1:54AM

A COUNCIL has warned female employees they could be sent home if their skirts are too short.

A memo sent by bosses at Southampton City Council, in southern England, has instructed the council's 400 staff to dress appropriately for work, The Daily Mail reports.

Social workers, youth workers and other employees in the council's children's services department were told to "carefully consider their work attire".

Women were advised to wear trousers or skirts of "reasonable length" - "not mini-skirts".

The leaked email said that council bosses would in the coming weeks "be speaking to staff about the clothes they wear to work.

It adds: "Please try to dress smartly and thoughtfully, in line with other professionals you come across in your day-to-day work, and in a way that shows respect to children and families."

Staff are said to be outraged by the email. The council's union secretary Mike Tucker told The Dail Mail: "I would have thought the council has got better things to do than impose a regimented approach to what people wear."

Yes I know there is no mention of Sharia or Islam in this story, no mention of who is offended by the chosen dress code of English women employed in the UK Public Service.
Now lets see, Is it the Irish, the Scottish , the UK Catholic's, the UK Protestants, perhaps its the Welsh who are offended by the wearing of mini skirts by Female Public / Social Security staff, yes I guess these formentioned groups have been simmering away now for 60years or so, resenting 24/7 the attire of the female staff that delivered into their social security account their FREE RIDE.

Ok Ok lets get real here, we all know who is responsible for this demand of a Dress Restriction to be imposed upon those who are employed to hand out various Tax Payer funded Christian CHARITY to those who choose not to work,

Dare I say it? MUSLIM PARASITES ..... There ya go I said IT  why wont YOU ?

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Hymenoplasty. Islam the Religion of Peace & Tolrance … the Lurrrrvvve of this Godless THING, Muslims call “allah” is boundless.

More women becoming virgins again with hymen replacement operations on the NHS

The half hour hymenoplasty procedure can cost up to £4,000 to be done privately
Increasing numbers of women are having taxpayer-funded ‘virginity repair’ operations before marriage.
There were 116 hymen replacement operations carried out on the NHS between 2005 and 2009. The total for 2009 was 30, up 25 per cent from 24 in 2005.

Why are Muslim Women availing themselves of this corrective surgery known as Hymenoplasty?

"I think that death is better than them finding out I am not a Virgin"
& Jodi Bieber obviously has never had her nose and ears cut off.

The health service figures, which do not include data on the religion or marital status of the individuals, seem to echo a trend reported by private clinics, which are seeing a huge surge in demand for the procedure from Muslim women paying up to £4,000.
One Harley Street clinic said that demand for its half-hour procedure had tripled in recent months.
Doctors say patients are under pressure from future husbands or relatives who insist that they should be virgins on their wedding night.
Critics, including moderate Muslim groups, have condemned the trend as a sign of the spread of Islamic fundamentalism in the West.
During the hymenoplasty procedure – viewed by some as invasive and degrading – the hymen is stitched or reconstructed so that it will tear again and bleed on the woman’s wedding night.
In some cases, the vaginal lining can be used to create a false hymen. A blood capsule can then be inserted into the lining to ensure realistic blood flow when the membrane is broken.
Consultant gynaecologist Dr Magdy Hend performs hymenoplasty under local anaesthetic at his Regency Clinic on Harley Street. He charges £1,850 for the half-hour procedure and says that most of his clients are Muslim women.
He said: ‘In the past, we would do one or two hymen reconstruction operations a week. Sometimes now, we get two or three women a day. Demand has tripled.
‘Our Muslim clients worry about having had sex, and their fiance and family knowing that they have been touched before.
‘It is more cultural rather than religious. If the bride is not a virgin and does not bleed on the wedding night, it is a big shame on the family. There have been honour killings in extreme cases.
‘It is simple surgery that takes only half an hour. They can have it done at lunchtime and do not have to give their real names and addresses.’
Imam Dr Taj Hargey, chairman of the Muslim Educational Centre in Oxford, called on the Muslim community to try to reverse the trend.
He said: ‘The situation is very common in the Middle East where there is a huge scandal that can lead to divorce or even honour killings if there are not bloodstained bed sheets after the wedding night.
‘It is very disappointing that Muslim women in this country feel they need to lead a double life, resorting to subterfuge surgery.
‘That is not conducive to either their psychological or spiritual health and it is hypocrisy and double standards because Muslim men are doing as they please with women.’
There have been calls for a ban on NHS surgeons carrying out the operations for women wanting to marry as virgins.
But a Department of Health spokesman insisted that hymen repair operations take place on the NHS only to ensure a patient’s physical or psychological health.
She said: ‘The NHS does not fund hymen repair operations for cultural reasons. All operations on the NHS are on the basis of clinical need.
‘Operations to repair the hymen are only carried out exceptionally to secure physical or psychological health.’
Read more:

Australia:Ignoble Islam… another example of why this nightmare, is incompatible with civilization.


Couple kept sham marriage to stop violent reprisals

July 31, 2010

Centrelink unwittingly revealed a clash between Islamic laws and Western life, writes Bellinda Kontominas.

TO THE people in their ethnic community, the man and his wife showed all the hallmarks of a happy and loving marriage.

But it was all a lie. The sad reality of being caught between Eastern culture and Western values, they told a court.

The man, a professional in his home country, had converted to Islam in order for the couple's marriage to be legally recognised. But when they separated after moving to Australia, they maintained the outward appearance of a married couple to avoid physical harm, or even death, at the hands of Islamic extremists back home, they claimed.

The pair told of their clandestine double life at a District Court trial in which the husband was charged with lying to Centrelink by claiming he was single in order to obtain a Newstart allowance.

The two cannot be named after the District Court Judge Stephen Norrish made a non-publication order preventing their identification to avoid harm to them and their family overseas.

''It is feared that if there be publicity in relation to this matter and it gets back to [their home country], then people will die,'' he said.

For this reason, the Herald has omitted details about the couple to maintain their anonymity.

The Crown alleged the couple had never separated and were still mostly living together during the more than five years the husband had fraudulently obtained benefits. But the jury saw differently, acquitting the man of seven charges against him.

The jury was not told he had pleaded guilty to another charge of dishonestly obtaining about $12,000 in unemployment benefits while he was working.

During the trial a former colleague told the court he believed the man was single as there were no shoes kept at the front door.

Another former colleague said he had been untidy and unkempt, which gave the outward appearance he was unmarried. She had felt sorry for him and felt he needed a woman's touch, so she attempted to set him up with a friend during a dinner at her home. A blind date was organised but did not eventuate.

Under Islamic law, marriage between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man is not legally recognised and would be considered an adulterous relationship.

Such a union is usually considered proper and legal if a religious conversion takes place.

An Islamic law expert who gave evidence in the trial told the Herald that separation or divorce, particularly by those who have married in controversial circumstances would result in questions about the legitimacy of the initial conversation. The academic, whom the Herald has chosen not to name, said this could bring shame to the couple's family and result in violence towards them by members of the community.

Often when couples marry under controversial circumstances, such as a religious conversion or without family blessing, the end of that relationship can reignite bad feelings about the match, leading to violence, the academic said.

''[The separation] could have been perceived as proof that these sort of relationships don't work or it could be perceived as additional harm to the family name, reopening old wounds.''

Dr Shakira Hussein, who also gave evidence in the trial, told the Herald there could be ramifications for the couple and their family if he was seen to have abandoned the religion.

An expert in Islamic studies at the University of Melbourne, Dr Hussein said religious minorities in Islamic countries were particularly vulnerable to accusations of blasphemy by neighbours or family members holding grudges.

For this reason, many mixed-marriage couples maintain a happy front. ''In Australia, too, it is considered not good conduct to be too open about marriage break-ups,'' Dr Hussein said.



NYC honor

New Yorkers are taking positive action to protect Muslims from Islam



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