An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label ALP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALP. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Australian Federal Treasurer Wayne Swanstein slams GOP and Tea Party

In Wayne's World the GOP and the Tea Party are loony and a threat to world stability and economic there any one else he considers a good economic role model  and stabilizing force on the world stage along with Hussein Obama? why Hugo Chavez of course his party and its financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions has issued numerous invitations for Comrade Chavez to come to Australia, why?

"Dear President Chávez, 
We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country. We have watched developments in Venezuela with great interest. We have been impressed by the great effort that your government has taken to improve the living standards of the majority of Venezuelans. We have also noted with keen attention the moves that your government has begun to make to create a society based on popular participation in all spheres of society—from the workplace up to the national government. 
Although we are on the opposite side of the globe we feel that our shared ideals of social justice and democracy bring us close together. Every country has its own traditions and culture and has to find its own solutions, but what Venezuela has been able to achieve in so little time will be a source of inspiration and ideas for many in Australia."

More here Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

And Labor's policies are working so well just take their assault on the Mining Industry for example.

"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people." 

"Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey "

Labor Values?  Comrade Macken enunciates them in the video below

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots Aftermath: Spin Doctors and apologists still performing CPR on Multiculturalism.

Migrants must follow Australian values, says Frank Lowy

Phillip Hudson
Daily Telegraph
September 19, 20128:30PM

FRANK Lowy, the boat person who became a shopping centre billionaire, has called on migrants to honour the ''great unwritten deal'' to follow Australian values and leave behind ideologies of hate in return for a better life in their new country.

Mr Lowy, who as a 15-year-old fled the Nazis in Europe 65 years ago, said Australia's multiculturalism had been a triumph of tolerance but would always face challenges such as last weekend's riot in Sydney.

He warned the internet and social media were being manipulated by people ''who set out to provoke''.

Delivering the inaugural Australian Multicultural Council Lecture in Canberra, Mr Lowy who is now a businessman and philanthropist, also called for a ''more muscular approach'' to civics education to teach everyone Australia's values.

Mr Lowy said while it might be ''handy for a newcomer to know that Don Bradman was our greatest cricketer'' it would be far more useful to have a bedrock understanding of what it means to be a citizen.

''You are welcome; you are free to worship; you are free to honour your heritage; and, we will respect the differences between us,'' Mr Lowy said.

''And in return, you should agree to live by the standards and values of this society, the one you have chosen to be a part of.''

''And agree to conscientiously pass on these values to your children and ensure that they receive a broad and balanced education, untainted by the ideology of hate.''

He said multiculturalism had enriched Australia in sport, the arts, science, medicine and business and asked if anyone could imagine a modern Australia made up entirely of Anglo-Celtic stock. 

''We would be a warmer and somewhat larger version of the Falkland Islands - a kind of British colonial left-over not in the South Atlantic but in the South pacific,'' he said.

Mr Lowy said when he fled Europe he was on a boat built to hold 70 people that was carrying 700 and the conditions were unbelievably bad with not enough water, food or sanitation.

He said he did not want to stumble into the asylum seeker debate ''even though I was a boat person myself - in a different era and in a different place''.

He said government had a sacred duty to protect borders and honour humanitarian obligations and there were no easy ways to strike a balance to meet those twin obligations.

Speaking at the function, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said multiculturalism was ''the meeting place of rights and responsibilities''.

''The right to maintain one's customs, language and religion is a balanced by an equal responsibility to learn English, find work, respect our culture and heritage, and accept women as full equals,'' she said.

''Where there is non-negotiable respect for our foundational values of democracy and the rule of law, and any differences we hold are expressed peacefully. Where old hatreds are left behind, and we find shared identity on the common ground of mateship and the Aussie spirit of a fair go.''

The PM repeated her criticism of the weekend riot.

''What we saw in Sydney on the weekend wasn't multiculturalism but extremism.''
.... and this loon PM Gillard and her Government of misfits,Communists,Greens progressives,Australia Haters, jumped up union officials and loons, are importing into Australia, illegally and legally as many of these "extremists" as they can, day in, day out, in numbers never before seen in this country and at a cost of billions of dollars.

How dare this jumped up former communist party secretary,student activist and Union GetUp financed affirmative action appointee PM from Wales, lecture Australians on Australian values.
Multiculturalism is the Antithesis of a cohesive, prosperous, law abiding and peaceful society,the kind of society that Madame Gillard and her Comrades and like thinkers are hell bent on destroying at all and any cost.
Multiculturalism is their most effective weapon in destroying social cohesion within Australian society, Islam, Muslims are their favourite Mad Dog that they let off the leash every once in a while to inflict their special brand of urban terror upon those Australian's that Madame Gillard and her ALP Comrades and supporters hate and despise so much.

As for Frank Lowy,the owner of the Westfield shopping center empire,talking up the stinking dead carcas of Multiculturalism and the Australian Labor Party maybe he is Australia's George Soros.

More of Frank and Julia's Muslim Multicultural Utopia

Monday, September 17, 2012

Australia's Freedom FROM Information Minister calls for Video Ban

One of Australia's very own "Arse Clown Idiots in Search of a Village" ,Federal Minister for Freedom FROM Information and Propaganda, Senator Stephen CONroy calls for Banning Mohammed  Video... It's not known if he has ordered You Tube to remove any more material he deemed offensive to His and his Governments Muslim pals 

Conroy urges YouTube to pull video

September 16, 2012 - 6:13PM

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has called for YouTube to consider taking down a video that ridicules the Prophet Mohammed which sparked a violent protest in Sydney yesterday.

A spokesman for Senator Conroy said the video, Innocence of Muslims, by an American filmmaker who calls himself "Sam Bacile" was "clearly offensive and (YouTube's owner) Google should review its terms of service to see if they are being appropriately applied in this case."
"Australia has strong anti-vilification laws. If people believe this video is in breach of these laws they can make a complaint to Google or the Human Rights Commission," the spokesman said.
"What people shouldn't do is engage in violent protests on the streets. It is totally unacceptable behaviour and should be condemned."

A YouTube spokesman said the video was "clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube."
The spokesman said the company had restricted access to the video in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia, as well as in Libya and Egypt because of "the very sensitive situations in these two countries."
"We work hard to create a community everyone can enjoy and which also enables people to express different opinions. This can be a challenge because what's OK in one country can be offensive elsewhere," the spokesman said.

Australia: Labor’s SECRET Internet Censorship / Snoop LAWS on hold until after August 2010 Federal election “……disclosure of the document uncensored "could be misleading to the public and cause confusion and premature and unnecessary debate".

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ray Hadley Ben Fordham Mike Smith : Julia Gillard AWU Scandal deepens

Ray Hadley Sydney's # 1 Mid Morning talk back host on the Gillard / AWU saga and an interesting call from a Gillard defender.

Revealed: Julia Gillard lost her job after law firm's secret investigation

BY: HedleyThomas, 
The Australian 
August 18, 2012 

JULIA Gillard left her job as a partner with law firm Slater & Gordon as a direct result of a secret internal probe in 1995 into controversial work she had done for her then boyfriend, a union boss accused of corruption, The Weekend Australian can reveal.

Nick Styant-Browne, a former equity partner of the firm, broke a 17-year silence yesterday to reveal that the firm's probe included a confidential formal interview with the Prime Minister - then an industrial lawyer - on September 11, 1995, which was "recorded and transcribed".

In the interview, Ms Gillard stated that she could not categorically rule out that she had personally benefited from union funds in the renovation of her Melbourne house, according to Mr Styant-Browne.

She said in the interview that she believed she had paid for all the work and materials, and had receipts, which she later produced.

The firm's probe revolved around Ms Gillard's work since mid-1992 for the Australian Workers Union and her then boyfriend - the AWU's ambitious leader at the time, Bruce Wilson - as well as her direct role in establishing the AWU Workplace Reform Association for Mr Wilson.

The controversy that won't go away

Mr Styant-Browne's revelations today mark the first time that anyone among the former and present partners of her employer before she started her political career has spoken on the record about matters that have controversially dogged Ms Gillard since 1995.

Mr Styant-Browne, now a Seattle-based lawyer, said the partnership "took a very serious view" of these and other matters, "and accepted her resignation".

"The firm was scrupulous to ensure these matters were both properly investigated and Ms Gillard was given every opportunity to explain her involvement," Mr Styant-Browne said. "Ms Gillard conveyed to me that she thought she had been 'shabbily' treated after eight years of service."

In response to a series of detailed questions from The Weekend Australian, a spokesman for Ms Gillard said last night she had "made clear that she was not involved in any wrongdoing, and has dealt with these allegations previously". "The Prime Minister maintains good relations with Slater & Gordon," he said.

The legal entity that Ms Gillard began to establish for Mr Wilson from mid-1992 was used by Mr Wilson and his then friend, AWU bagman and West Australian branch head Ralph Blewitt, to allegedly corruptly receive hundreds of thousands of dollars from large companies.

The companies were told their money would pay for safety and training of AWU members on major work sites. However, the funds were allegedly siphoned off for purposes including the personal use of Mr Wilson and Mr Blewitt. At the time, the AWU's then national leaders, Ian Cambridge and Bill Ludwig, were not made aware of the entity's existence. They were unaware that large sums of money had been going into accounts linked to the association, and that those funds were subsequently withdrawn by Mr Wilson and Mr Blewitt for purposes including the purchase of a $230,000 house in Kerr Street, Fitzroy. Mr Cambridge called on the federal Labor government to establish a royal commission into what he regarded as serious and criminal rorting by union officials.

Ms Gillard has repeatedly and strenuously denied that she had any knowledge of what the association that she had set up was going to be used for. She has also denied receiving any benefit from the funds. She has repeatedly rejected claims made in parliament that renovations to her own house in Melbourne in the early-to-mid 1990s were part-funded by money allegedly siphoned off by Mr Wilson.

Mr Styant-Browne revealed yesterday that Ms Gillard had said in her formal interview on September 11, 1995, that "she could not categorically deny AWU union or (AWU) Workplace Reform Association monies" had been used in the renovation of her own house in Melbourne. He said she had subsequently produced receipts for work done on the Abbotsford property.

In a two-page statement to The Weekend Australian, Mr Styant-Browne also revealed unusual circumstances surrounding what he described as Ms Gillard's "legal and related work to establish the AWU Workplace Reform Association in Western Australia".

He said that in her formal interview, Ms Gillard had confirmed that "she did not open a file at the firm" to establish the association, and that she could not at the time recall any reason why a file was not opened. He said that she had stated that no other lawyer at the firm worked on the matter, and "to her recollection, no other lawyer was consulted". She stated in the interview that she "was not involved in opening or operating any bank accounts for the association," Mr Styant-Browne said.

Referring to the recorded interview, Mr Styant-Browne said: "She understood the purpose of the association was to hold re-election funds for union officials contributed by individual union members and fundraisers. She stated it was referred to as a re-election or slush fund. She had been in a relationship with Mr Wilson for nearly four years commencing in late 1991.

"She and Mr Wilson attended the auction of 85 Kerr Street, Fitzroy in early 1993 where Mr Wilson made a successful bid for the house which was purchased in the name of Ralph Blewitt. Mr Blewitt did not attend the auction. She understood the house was a property investment made by Mr Blewitt, and that Mr Wilson would live there as a trusted tenant. She believed this arrangement suited them both.

"She had extensively renovated her own house in Abbotsford. Mr Wilson had assisted in the renovations. She believed she had paid for all the work and materials, and had receipts which she agreed to produce. She was aware someone had sought payment from the AWU for work and materials he had supplied for the house. He was mistaken or misinformed. But she could not categorically deny AWU union or Workplace Association monies had been used for any of the work. As at the time of the interview, her relationship with Mr Wilson had recently ended."

Mr Styant-Browne said the conduct of Slater & Gordon in waiving its conveyancing fee for the purchase of the Fitzroy house and lending $150,000 to complete the sale was not unusual.

"Like many law firms, Slater & Gordon regularly did discounted or free conveyances for clients who held office in its client corporations or organisations. Like any labour law firm, the fees for these conveyances for union officials were regularly waived, " he said.

"Slater & Gordon conducted a solicitors' contributory mortgage practice, which made loans secured by first mortgage over properties up to a percentage of a sworn valuation obtained for the specific purpose of the loan. A partner of the firm was designated as the trustee for the mortgage on behalf of the contributors, and signed the mortgage in that capacity. Legal fees or disbursements for the mortgage formed part of the loan, as was the case for the Kerr Street mortgage. The Kerr Street conveyance and mortgage were both unexceptionable transactions for the firm's conveyancing and mortgage practice.

"As for the florid allegations suggesting a cover-up by Slater & Gordon made in some radio interviews and online media, they are utterly absurd."

Explaining his reasons for speaking out after a long silence, Mr Styant-Browne, 54, who is not a member of any political party, said: "It has recently become clear to me that there is a genuine public interest in this story, which has prompted my statement now".

The Australian revealed earlier this month that Mr Wilson's former close friend, Mr Blewitt, wanted to expose the extent of his alleged scam with Mr Wilson, and that he would admit his own wrongdoing if he received an indemnity from prosecution. Mr Blewitt, 66, said: "My greatest fear is that I incriminate myself but this has to come out now".

The Australian has also reported that internal documents, newly released under Freedom of Information, from an exhaustive police probe at the time show detectives suspected Mr Wilson and Mr Blewitt, were "crooks" and wanted them criminally prosecuted over a $400,000-plus alleged fraud. The documents from the police file include letters showing leaders of the AWU, which remains the most influential industrial supporter of the federal Labor government, were deeply annoyed that the two men were not charged with criminal offences.

The managing director of Slater & Gordon, Andrew Grech, has begun contacting its former clients including Mr Blewitt, Mr Wilson and the AWU, "asking that they agree to waive their right to legal privilege attaching to lawyer-client communication so that we can respond to the public allegations that have been made".

"We are not prepared to have our firm's reputation impugned by the allegations relating to these matters, which occurred almost two decades ago," Mr Grech told The Australian last week.

Slush fund claims raise fresh leadership tension for Prime Minister Julia Gillard

The Bolt Report August 19 2012

Madame Gillard "I was young and naive" but she says she didn't get the money and Unions and Comrades in your kids Classroom - Why Communism Loves Children.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Alan Jones Michael Smith on Julia Gillard and the ex AWU Official Boyfriend

Julia Gillard and the Australian Workers Union
Alan Jones is joined by Michael Smith to discuss the Prime Minister and the AWU.

Andrew Bolt previously spoke with Mike Smith on The Bolt Report 
May 20 2012

Thomson Resign

Background on the Thomson Affair and the Hospital Services Union

The war on free speech: Michael Smith again

Andrew Bolt 
Nov 30 2011Sure, Michael Smith has been cleared by ACMA, not least because he seems to know a bit more about the Koran than his critics:From the information provided and the ACMA’s independent research, there does not appear to be any conclusive or consistent evidence as to the exact age of Aisha when she married Muhammad and when the marriage was consummated.Notwithstanding that there is some dispute as to the age of Aisha when she was married, there can be no dispute that many authoritative sources state that she married Muhammad at a young age, whether that age was six, seven or nine.The ACMA is therefore of the view that Michael Smith’s statement that Aisha was married to Muhammad when she was nine and that the marriage was consummated when she was eleven is ‘reasonably supportable as being accurate’.But this attrition by lawfare, requiring expensive and time-consuming responses to the thought-police, with all the worry and reputational damage this involves, will guarantee that many other journalists simply refuse to take the risk of saying anything at all on controversial but important social issues.I’d also like to know why the complainant can stay anonymous while trying to silence or discredit the journalist who dares to express an opinion. This is star chamber stuff.(Thanks to reader bexleyborn. Warning: link to a Word doc.)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Australia: ELECTION 2013 IS COMING

A Nation of Sheep, Breeds (has bred in Australia already)a Government of Wolves !











As Australia’s business leaders take their money and their  jobs overseas the Union / GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Independent Socialist Minority “Co Party” Federal Government continues with its Open Borders policy for Muslim “refugees” 85% of who will still be on social security benefits, ie: free housing, medical , dental, education, pharmaceutical,subsidesed public transport,child minding, retraining,etc etc etc 5 years after their illegal entry into Australia, most will receive these benefits for life as will their children and grand children.








Saturday, August 13, 2011

British citizen Gladys Jefferson refused permanent Visa to remain in Australia

Australian Government makes it clear who they prefer as citizens “British man faces deportation over fare evasion conviction”



Lawyer helps 96yo facing immigration battle


Updated August 12, 2011

An immigration lawyer in Sydney has offered to provide pro bono services to a 96-year-old woman who is fighting to stay in the country.

British citizen Gladys Jefferson has been living with her only surviving family in Northern Tasmania on a tourist visa and was refused a permanent migrant visa last week.

Immigration lawyer Ray Turner says Mrs Jefferson should have been granted the visa, because the $52,000 in fees and surety it requires would ensure she would not be a burden on Australian taxpayers.

Mr Turner says he is appalled her application was rejected.

"I didn't think we were a country that would put up artificial hurdles in the way of a 96-year-old woman who simply wanted to spend her remaining time with her family."

The Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen, says there are no plans to deport Mrs Jefferson at present.

But her family will have to appeal the Immigration Department's decision to refuse Mrs Jefferson a visa if she is to remain in the country legally.


Australian Government makes it clear who they prefer as citizens “British man faces deportation over fare evasion conviction”

British man faces deportation over fare evasion conviction

Robyn Ironside
The Courier-Mail

August 13, 2011 12:00AM

IN THE old days, they sent convicts from Britain to Australia for petty offences such as stealing a cow or break and enter.

Now, we're set to send a hard-working engineer back to Britain over a $2.65 train fare.


Copy of 13 8 2011 British man faces deportation over fare evasion conviction 

Wrong Colour, Wrong Religion and clearly not violent enough for the Australian Labor Party to live in Australia.

Mark Littler, 30, faces deportation after being convicted for fare evasion when he claimed his faulty go card did not work on a trip from Morningside station to Fortitude Valley.

Mr Littler, who does not hold an Australian passport, could be returned to Britain if the Immigration Department reacts to the conviction.

This comes despite examples when more serious crimes have not attracted the same result.

In September 2009, Gold Coast sisters who bashed two tourists at Surfers Paradise received 18 months' probation and no conviction, while a series of crimes against animals, including dragging horses behind cars and killing family pets, have not attracted convictions.

Mr Littler fought the $200 fine for fare evasion because he believed he was acting in "good faith" when he reported his go card as faulty to a transit officer on board a train on December 12, 2009.

In May this year, Magistrate Brian Hine not only upheld the fine but recorded a conviction against Mr Littler, putting his hopes of gaining permanent residency in Australia in doubt.

His advice from Immigration was that a conviction for fare evasion would be regarded as a "minor fraud offence" and could affect his chances of remaining in Australia.

An Immigration spokesman said each application was considered on a "case-by-case" basis, but he conceded it was not helpful to have a criminal conviction.

In his ruling, Mr Hine said without proof, a conviction would "materially affect his application" but he saw no reason not to record one.

Mr Littler is now taking legal action in the Brisbane District Court against Transport and Main Roads in the hope of having the decision reversed.

In documents filed in court, Mr Littler said he brought his faulty go card to the attention of a transit officer at the earliest opportunity after boarding a train at the unstaffed Morningside station to travel to Fortitude Valley for his work Christmas party.

"She advised me that she would have to give me a warning," Mr Littler said.

"I was however in disagreement as my go card would not tag on. Therefore I was not evading the ($2) fare, I was acting in good faith."

But Magistrate Hine found that under the Transport Operations Act, Mr Littler had broken the law.

"I'm not satisfied that it is a reasonable excuse for a passenger to board a train knowing that they have not paid the fare, even if they are unable to use a faulty go card in their possession," ruled Mr Hine.

Queensland Law Society criminal law specialist Glen Cranny said under the Penalties and Sentencing Act, magistrates were supposed to take into account the impact of recording a conviction on a person's economic and social wellbeing.

"Often times though, these things are not properly explained to the magistrate," Mr Cranny said.

There are many more serious cases in which convictions have not been recorded. Two 17-year-olds escaped conviction in April for pelting a homeless woman with eggs and recording the act on their phone.

A month earlier, Andrew Christopher Cook, 33, and his 17-year-old son walked free after pleading guilty to dragging a pony behind a car.

No convictions were recorded.

Last year a gang who stole thousands of dollars from Brisbane parking meters had no convictions recorded, until prosecutors appealed.

And in September 2009, Gold Coast sisters who bashed two tourists at Surfers Paradise maintained a clean record when they were given 18 months' probation and no convictions.


Wrong Colour,Wrong Religion,and worse still he works for a living simple as that, what self respecting Labor /Green Loon / Independent, Union /GetUp funded
Minority Coalition Australian Government would want such an individual living in Australia, who knows what damage he could do. 

The Australian Labor Party and their fellow Leftist Multicultural Groupies have shown Australians who they want Living / Colonizing Australia.

Migrant thug avoids deportation

Mark Buttler
Herald Sun

August 13, 2011

A STUDENT who attacked two women in the street avoided deportation because he passed a character test.

One victim told a court she found herself on the ground with the attacker's fist raised above her.

The man, a Bangladeshi, 29, was carrying a knife when he was arrested less than a week after arriving on a student visa.

Federal authorities said he could not be deported because he did not fail the nation's character test.

He is living in Melbourne's western suburbs.

When he faced Sunshine Magistrates' Court last month he was placed on a 12-month community-based order on charges of robbery, possessing a controlled weapon without an excuse and theft.

He was also ordered to complete an anger management course. No conviction was recorded.

The victim was walking to Albion railway station at peak hour when the man approached from behind, grabbed her by the shoulder and punched her to the ground as he tried to snatch her handbag.

"When I was on the ground, he still tried to steal my bag, and he then raised his fist to try and punch me. Once he did this, I did not resist and he took my bag," the woman said.

"(It) was absolutely horrendous and frightening - as it happened in proximity of my street, and also happened in peak hour."

The victim said police told her they expected the man to be deported.

"But it does not surprise me that this has not occurred," she said.

"It appears that you need to commit murder in Australia before that is considered. I think it's pathetic that this man who has terrorised hard-working Australians is allowed to remain in this country, but again ... it's not surprising."

The other victim also lost her handbag to the thief near Albion railway station two days earlier.

Victoria Police confirmed it had moved to have the man's visa cancelled.

"As part of the investigation and court proceedings, Sunshine CIU detectives applied to the Department of Immigration for the offender to be deported," a police spokeswoman said

An Immigration spokesman said that among reasons for failing the character test were having a substantial criminal record, such as being sentenced to a year's jail or more.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 aka. Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd scares the shit out of Madame Gillard,with threats of a new something or other.


Madame Gillard unleashes Green “Goebbels” Loons loose on Australian Free Press

Greens want inquiry to consider Government power to force break-up of newspaper groups
By Malcolm Farr
National Political Editor
Daily Telegraph
July 21, 2011 3:58PM
THE Greens want Government powers to force the break-up of newspaper groups as well as the licensing of newspapers to be considered at a federal inquiry into the media.
Greens deputy leader Christine Milne today said the media convulsions in Britain around unacceptable privacy breaches meant it was "opportune" for an inquiry here.
"The important thing here is that out of the scandal in the UK there is an opportunity now for Australia to look at a number of issues,"  Senator Milne said.
"One is concentration of the media ownership for the print media in Australia.
Julia Christine & Bob
Australian PM.Madame Gillard, Greens Senator Comrade Christine “Goebbels” Milne & Greens Leader Comrade Bob (The Godless Loon) Brown.
Not satisfied with taxpayer funded ABC, SBS (Multicultural),TV Radio, all commercial TV and Radio networks bar one (2GB) along with all newspaper’s, bar the Murdoch Press, the ACTU,Union, Get Up Funded, Labor /Green Loon/ “Independent” Minority Coalition Socialist Australian Government  moves on the ONLY Free Press in the Nation, as it tries to divert attention from its collective 26% approval rating and TAX on life aka.CO2 Tax, attack the messenger those who don’t lie for them MUST be destroyed.
The stuff up in the UK is too good an opportunity for them, to not use, as a reason for Government control of the media, aka.Nationalization of the Media.
"Another is the privacy issues. Others relate to licensing and fit-and-proper person tests. All of those things should come out in an inquiry."
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is considering the Greens demands for a full inquiry, but far that might be limited to discussion of privacy recommendations made by the Law Reform Commission in 2008.
Senator Milne confirmed the Greens policy is for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to be given the power to order the divestment of media groups "where those mergers fail a media-specific public interest test".
"Let's see what an inquiry has to say about what the broader community think about the divesting of assets and the breaking up of some of these companies and controls of separate parts of the media," she said.
"I think the time is opportune for a broad ranging inquiry and I for one don't have preconceived ideas about what that might look like.
"But I do think the Australian community is asking questions as a result  of this scandal in the UK and they have a right to now think about what that media environment might look like into the future."
The Greens have already said an inquiry should look at why there is "no licensing or independent oversight of major newspapers" - a bid for newspaper licensing by the Government.
The Prime Minister today was asked by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to "put up or shut up" after she yesterday said News Ltd Australia had "hard questions" to answer.
News Ltd, the publisher of, is related to News International, which is at the centre of the British upheaval.
"There is no evidence whatsoever to any of the practices, the reprehensible practices, that we saw at one newspaper in England have any currency here in Australia," Mr Abbott said today.
"The Prime Minister must specify exactly what those questions are and if she can't specify exactly what those questions are, what she's doing is just smearing a perfectly good organisation.
"Frankly, it demeans our polity for this kind of thing to go on. I call on the Prime Minister to put up or shut up when it comes to those sorts of issues."
Today the Prime Minister said the questions were "very simple" following the British events.
"And consequently it's common sense that having seen the kind of  reports we've seen from the United Kingdom Australians would be asking themselves, 'Could that happen here? What does this mean for us in Australia?'
"Very simple questions like that."

Monday, June 20, 2011

Lieing Muslim Hag in a Bag’s supporters aka.Muslim Savages, charge Media and pedestrians whilst invoking the Head Hunters Chant of "allah ackbar" following the appeal of Carnita Matthews been upheld in Sydney Court.

Now we know one reason why these “Cultural Enrichers” wear the Burka.
20 6 2011 Muslim Savages Carnita Matthews
Muslim Savages seen here, in various forms of undress,salivating and  invoking their Paedophile Prophets and Head Hunter’s Death Chant of “allah ackbar”, rampage out of Sydney Court building onto street,following the appeal of Lieing Carnita Matthews been upheld.
Expressing their happiness in a way “that’s culturally appropriate for them” claims Muslim Savage’s, lawyer, Stephen Hopper.
Clearly by the words of their own legal council these people are unable to exist in a civilized society, it’s like trying to train Pigs to use a Toilet expecting these Muslim swine to behave like human beings.
Identification + Internment + Repatriation to whatever Islamic shit hole they their parents grand parents ran away from will return Australia to the once civilized, unified Nation it was, prior to these Union Financed Australian Labor Party sponsored Islamic Colonialists arrival in Australia, under the cloak of Multiculturalism.
Muslims have rejected civilization in their own lands and have shown a manic obsession to reject it in any Judeo Christian Nation they have colonized, quickly “uncivilizing” their host nation by their insistence of carrying out their Religious obligation of implementing TERROR in all the lands of the “Infidel”
Lieing Muslim, HAG in a BAG, Carnita Matthews Sentenced to six months in Jail, for Lies and Deception,by Sydney, Campbelltown Magistrate.



Beating the law by virtue of a burqa

Paul Kent From
The Daily Telegraph

June 21, 2011 12:00AM


THE Muslim woman accused of lying about police trying to tear her burqa off has avoided jail - because her identity could not be proven.

Carnita Matthews, 47, from Woodbine, in Sydney's southwest, had been sentenced to six months in jail for making a deliberately false statement that a policeman tried to forcibly remove her burqa because he was a racist.

But judge Clive Jeffreys said yesterday he was not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that it was Mrs Matthews who made the racism accusation because the person who complained to police was wearing a burqa at the time.

The absurdity of the law is that, to reach the level of proof of identity to make the case, Mrs Matthews would have been required to identify herself by lifting her burqa at the police station - what started the uproar in the first place.

More than a dozen Muslim supporters linked arms and began chanting "Allah Akbar" as they stormed out of Downing Centre Court with Mrs Matthews concealed behind them.

Tempers rose and they began jostling with police after several members of the group attacked cameramen.

It marked a stark difference from their behaviour minutes earlier, when they had quietly assembled outside the lifts for prayer shortly after the judge's decision.

Mrs Matthew's lawyer Stephen Hopper defended their actions saying: "They are obviously happy with the result and are expressing it in a way that is culturally appropriate to them."

Judge Jeffreys said yesterday that even if Mrs Matthews had made the complaint, he could not be sure she knew it was a "false" statement.

"I am not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that she made the complaint," he said.

"Even if I was satisfied that she made the complaint, I am not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that it was knowingly false."

Mrs Matthews made the claim in her court appearance last year, saying police could not prove it was her behind the burqa when the complaint was handed in to police. The local magistrate rejected it.

The case had lit up the religious debate when a magistrate found Mrs Matthews had deliberately made false complaints that Sergeant Paul Kearney was racist and had attempted to tear her burqa off her face when she declined to remove it on request.

She was pulled over for a random breath test last June, and accused Sgt Kearney of racism only after he booked her for failing to properly display her P-plates.

The incident was captured on a patrol car video camera and helped clear Sgt Kearney, prompting calls for all police cars to carry in-built cameras to avoid false claims.

"I've got my P-plates on my car ... there was nothing wrong with how they were displayed," Mrs Matthews says on the video.

"You look at me and see me wearing this and you couldn't handle it. All cops are racist."

She then threatens, "100 per cent", that she will take the matter to court and fight the charge.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Westmead Children’s Hospital BEGS for money to exist via a Telethon, whilst ALP , Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd, hands over $200 Million to foreign “Charity” for medical purposes.


Whilst the Union/ Get Up funded, Australian Labor Party / Green Loon / “Independent”, Minority Socialist Coalition / “Co Party”  Australian Governments resident Idiot in search of a village at large, and Australian Foreign Minister,former Australian Prime Minister and Beijing’s Highest ranking official in Australia,Lu Kewen, aka. Kevin 07 aka.Kevin Rudd, hands out $200 million of Australians hard earned taxes to a foreign organization in London, Sydney residents this long week end,BEG each other, via, the Channel 9 Telethon for money to continue to  finance the Westmead Children’s Hospital, for basic Medical services, you see Socialized Medicine,aka. FREE Medicine, Medicare,MEDI DONT CARE, has run out of money for AUSTRALIANS, but there is plenty of money for this BRAINLESS MORON to fly all over the world writing cheques for his new “best Socialists United Nations Security Council voting friends” you see Lu Kewen is chasing a seat on his fellow Despots UN Security Council, so there has been no shortage of Australian Taxpayer Funds for any Despot or Organization he and the Australian Labor Party thinks will buy this useless sack of Multi Millionaire Socialist Shits arse, a seat at the UN Security Councils “Star Wars Bar”

13 6 2011 Rudd GAVI

Australia’s resident Idiot in Search of a Village and Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia Lu Kewen, aka, Kevin 07,aka. Kevin Rudd.

GAVI Alliance

Tonight on  Nine News Sydney,viewers were treated to Peter Harvey and Carl Stevanovich arm in arm, emotional,announcing the fact that via their station’s (Channel 9 Sydney) Telethon they raised One Million Dollars for the Westmead Children’s Hospital………whilst Lu Kewen,aka.Kevin 07, Kevin Rudd,Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia former Australian Prime Minister and now Australia’s Foreign Minister and Idiot in Search of a Village at Large, promised /gave $200 Million Australian TAX PAYER provided DOLLARS for some foreign Medical “Charity”

Australians pay tax, beg and borrow for the medical welfare of Australian Children and these USELESS Australian Council of Trade Union, Get Up, Green Financed Communist C**ts that Manifest as the Australian Labor Party,the LEFT, the PROGRESSIVES, the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, STEAL money from the Hospital Beds of Australia’s Sick and Dyeing Children to buy favor of their UN Masters.

Australia’s Idiot in search of a Village Foreign Minister Lu Kewen, Kevin 07, Kevin Rudd is one of two, of the most wealthy members of the Australian Parliament if he wants to donate $200 Million dollars to a foreign “Charity” he is free to do so, however when was he and his Union/ Get Up funded, Australian Labor Party / Green Loon / “Independent”, Minority Socialist Coalition / “Co Party” given permission by Australians to STEAL their taxes to do so?



Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Australia: Pious Muslim student “upset by the way Australian women dressed and behaved” Jailed for sex attacks of Seven Australian Women & Children,but it is ok, the judge understood his pain “no Mosque and no support nearby”

Foreign student upset by the way women dressed jailed for sex attacks
Elissa Hunt
Herald Sun
May 31, 2011

So this piece of Paedophilic Muslim Shit,oops sorry, “Harmony Day Activist”, “Diversity Ambassador”,”Cultural Enricher” did not know” “Australian Laws prevented women from been molested” so in Libya there are no Laws preventing Libyan Women from been molested? If there are such laws, then why would he come to Australia and believe that Australian Law ALLOWED the sexual assault of Australian / women / children ? What part of the Australian Labor Party’s Open Borders, Come one, come all,All Cultures / Religions are equal policy that has manifested in Australia been overrun by the Australian Labor Party’s “Savages of Choice” coming here and behaving the same way they do in the Islamic Shit Holes they RAN AWAY FROM?
Identification + Internment + Repatriation to whatever Islamic SHIT HOLE it was They or their Parents / Grand Parents / Uncle’s /Aunties,Sponsors RAN AWAY FROM is the ONLY solution for the Islamic Menace / Insurgency in the West.

A FOREIGN student who sexually assaulted seven victims claimed he was upset at the way Australian women dressed and behaved, a court has heard.
Libyan masters student Almahde Ahmad Atagore, 28, was this morning jailed for at least three years over the assaults in August and September last year.
He had been in the country only a month, on a sponsorship funded by his government.
31 5 2011 Almahde Ahmad Atagore
But County Court Judge Margaret Rizkalla said Atagore wasn’t prepared for the cultural differences and felt isolated and depressed.
He indecently assaulted two teenagers leaving the Mentone Hotel, laughing at them afterwards.
Atagore returned another night to attack two more outside the same pub.
Two more victims, including a 13-year-old girl, were assaulted as they used escalators at Flinders St station.
Another, 17, was attacked outside Mentone train station.
Atagore was identified in footage from Flinders St and cameras outside the hotel, but when confronted by police denied he had molested the victims.
Judge Rizkalla said he struggled to adapt to Australian life, without a mosque nearby and with little support.
Atagore told a psychiatrist he was upset at the way local women dressed and behaved, leaving him feeling both angry and aroused.
But he now felt shame and regret for his crimes, the judge said.
She said Atagore was suffering from an adjustment disorder, which contributed to his offending, and would face a hard time in prison with his poor grasp of English.
But the attacks happened in public places and had left the victims fearful of public transport, robbing them of security and independence.
Several of the victims were in court and welcomed the maximum sentence of five years and three months, with at least three years to serve before being eligible for parole.
Atagore pleaded guilty to five counts of indecent assault, one of assault with intent to rape and one of committing an indecent act with a child.
Police were unable to check his criminal past due to unrest in Libya.
But Sen-Det Dion Achtypis said outside court that Atagore’s nationality was not a factor in his crimes.
“There are many, many overseas students in this country who are law-abiding citizens,” he said.

No this story is NOT a joke it is true check the link it works. How dare the Australian Labor Party bring these Sociopaths into Australia without first providing them with a Mosque on every street corner and “Support” so as they are able to control their Sociopathic urges and maintain some semblance of been civilized or at least house trained.


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